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All questions from the latest exams Airplane Helicopter License

010 - Air Law

021 - Airframe and system

022 - Instrumentation

031 - Mass and Balance

032 - Performance A

033 - Flight Planning

040 - Human Performance

050 - Meteorology

061 - General Navigation

062 - Radionavigation

070 - Operational Procedures

081 - Principles of Flight

090 - Communications


Air escape

0/100Success 0/100Advancement 0/100Mock Exam 0/100Time 00h00 0% Mastery. After a few minutes of work, your first progression tips will appear here.
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 51 International law: Conventions, Agreements and Organisations
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 19 Airworthiness of aircraft
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 44 Personnel licencing
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 47 Rules of the air
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 61 Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS OPS)
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 159 Air traffic services and air traffic management
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 30 Aeronautical Information Service
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 74 Aerodromes
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 14 Facilitation
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 18 Search and Rescue
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 13 Security
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 17 Aircraft accident and incident investigation
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 Custom QCM by WORDS
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 81 Questions seen recently at the exam
0.2,20.2,40.2,60.2,80.2,100.2 33 Mock Exam

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