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Frequently Asked Questions

Which ATPL base is offered on FAT?

The ATPL base of Furious-ATPL is from the ECQB 2022 syllabi. This is the base used in most of the European countries. It is a base that has evolved since 1999 and the arrival of the first European base.By 'evolved', I mean that all the MCQs have been rewritten to become more understandable, to avoid confusion'errors and to really remain with only one exact and indisputable proposition!

How is the ATPL exam organized?

You have to pass 13 examinations (correction per exam) with a passing threshold of 75% of the points awarded per paper.

To be successful, the criteria are:

- 4 attempts per test maximum.
- Registration for a maximum of 6 sessions.
- Delay of 18 months maximum after the first attempt to pass all the tests.

Can you help me if I don't understand an answer?

Yes with pleasure. Directly under the question, you have a button to request an explanation, I will answer you in the 'log' of your account. An indicator will let you know that the response has arrived when you log into your account.
You can also reach me by clicking in the 'log' section of your account and send me one or more questions that I will answer with as much information as possible to help you pass your ATPL exam in the best conditions.

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