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Diploma > registration : Large rotorcraft are those of maximum weight of ?

Question 99-1 : 9072 kg 20000 lbs or more 9072 lbs 20000 kg or more 9072 lbs or more 9071 kg or more

Large rotorcraft are classified in .accordance of cs 29 exemple 199 9072 kg (20000 lbs or more).9072 kg (20000 lbs or more).

Ldrh is the horizontal distance required to land ?

Question 99-2 : And stop completely from a point 50 ft above the landing surface and stop completely from a point 15 ft above the landing surface and stop completely from a point 35 ft above the landing surface land from a point 50 ft above the landing surface

Annex 6 operation of aircraft helicopter part 3 .landing distance required ldrh the horizontal distance required to land and come to a full stop from a point 15 m 50 ft above the landing surface exemple 203 and stop completely from a point 50 ft above the landing surface.and stop completely from a point 50 ft above the landing surface.

Maximum endurance ?

Question 99-3 : Will be achieved by flying with minimum fuel flow kg/h is the same as maximum specific range with wind correction will be achieved flying with minimum fuel consumption kg/nm is the same as maximum specific range

exemple 207 will be achieved by flying with minimum fuel flow (kg/h).will be achieved by flying with minimum fuel flow (kg/h).

Maximum range for a helicopter ?

Question 99-4 : Will be obtained at the optimum altitude will be obtained at sea level will be obtained at the absolute ceiling is independent of altitude

exemple 211 will be obtained at the optimum altitude.will be obtained at the optimum altitude.

Minimum weather limits are applied to helicopter class 3 operations these are ?

Question 99-5 : Cloud ceiling is less than 600 ft above local surface cloud ceiling is 600 ft above local surface visibility is 800 m visibility is less than 600 m

Cat pol h 400 general. .d operations shall not be conducted.1 out of sight of the surface .2 at night .3 when the ceiling is less than 600 ft or.4 when the visibility is less than 800 m exemple 215 cloud ceiling is less than 600 ft above local surface.cloud ceiling is less than 600 ft above local surface.

On the take off of a performance class 2 helicopter from an elevated heliport ?

Question 99-6 : The helicopter may continue its flight a safe rejected landing may be made the helicopter can come to the hover there is sufficient power to accelerate to vno

Dpato defined point after take off exemple 219 the helicopter may continue its flight.the helicopter may continue its flight.

Performance class 3 helicopters are certified in ?

Question 99-7 : Category a or b category b category a category c

exemple 223 category a or b.category a or b.

Performance class 3 may be defined for a single engined helicopter such that if ?

Question 99-8 : A forced landing will result a forced landing may result the aircraft is in category a and b a forced landing is at the commander's discretion

exemple 227 a forced landing will result.a forced landing will result.

Performance class 3 operations to or from helidecks are ?

Question 99-9 : Never made made in daylight only made as a matter of routine not carried out by some operators

exemple 231 never made.never made.

Performance planning is required to ensure that ?

Question 99-10 : The space required for a manoeuvre is less than the space available the aircraft and crew are capable of making the flight the fuel is sufficient for the flight the helicopter is landed correctly

Performance planning refers to weight calculation in order to safely manoeuvring the helicopter if the space required for a manoeuvre the clearance path for take off or landing is equal or greater than the space available you will not be able to perform the manoeuvre exemple 235 the space required for a manoeuvre is less than the space available.the space required for a manoeuvre is less than the space available.

Performance such that in the event of failure of a critical power unit enables ?

Question 99-11 : Performance class 1 performance class 2 performance class 3 performance class 4

exemple 239 performance class 1.performance class 1.

R means ?

Question 99-12 : Rotor radius rotor diameter rotor area rotor speed

Cat pol h 110

Small rotorcraft are those of maximum weight of ?

Question 99-13 : 3175 kg or 7000 lbs 2750 kg 10000 lbs 2570 lbs

exemple 247 3175 kg (or 7000 lbs).3175 kg (or 7000 lbs).

The rate of climb will be negative affected by ?

Question 99-14 : High temperature high pressure altitude contaminated rotor blades high gross mass of helicopter low temperature high humidity high pressure altitude turning flight low temperature low pressure altitude high mass high temperature

exemple 251 high temperature, high pressure altitude, contaminated rotor blades.high temperature, high pressure altitude, contaminated rotor blades.

A helicopter with performance class 3 shall be able to maintain the minimum ?

Question 99-15 : Above the minimum prescribed altitude at maximum continuous power above the minimum prescribed altitude at maximum take off power at 200 ft above surface at 1000 ft amsl

Cat pol h 410 en route..a the helicopter shall be able with all engines operating within the maximum continuous power conditions to continue along its intended route or to a planned diversion without flying at any point below the appropriate minimum flight altitude.b except as provided in cat pol h 420 in the event of an engine failure the helicopter shall be able to perform a safe forced landing exemple 255 above the minimum prescribed altitude at maximum continuous power.above the minimum prescribed altitude at maximum continuous power.

The 'density altitude' is ?

Question 99-16 : The altitude in the standard atmosphere at which the prevailing density occurs the height in the standard atmosphere at which the prevailing density occurs the altitude obtained by setting the subscale of an altimeter to qnh the height obtained by setting the subscale of an altimeter to qne

exemple 259 the altitude in the standard atmosphere at which the prevailing density occurs.the altitude in the standard atmosphere at which the prevailing density occurs.

The 'maximum operating altitudes' of a certain helicopter are laid down in ?

Question 99-17 : The helicopter flight manual the operators manual the aip the icao annex 2

exemple 263 the helicopter flight manual.the helicopter flight manual.

The abbreviation vle means ?

Question 99-18 : Maximum landing gear extended speed maximum speed to operate the landing gear maximum speed to retract the landing gear maximum speed to extend the landing gear

exemple 267 maximum landing gear extended speed.maximum landing gear extended speed.

The abbreviation vlo means ?

Question 99-19 : Maximum landing gear operating speed maximum speed with landing gear extended maximum operating limit speed maximum lift off speed

exemple 271 maximum landing gear operating speed.maximum landing gear operating speed.

The abbreviation vne means ?

Question 99-20 : Never exceed speed normal speed with landing gear extended maximum speed in level flight maximum operating limit speed

exemple 275 never exceed speed.never exceed speed.

The abbreviation vtoss means ?

Question 99-21 : Take off safety speed for a category a rotorcraft steady flight speed stall speed threshold operating safety speed

exemple 279 take-off safety speed for a category a rotorcraft.take-off safety speed for a category a rotorcraft.

The abbreviation vy means ?

Question 99-22 : Speed for best rate of climb speed for best angle of climb steady initial climb speed take off safety speed

exemple 283 speed for best rate of climb.speed for best rate of climb.

The absolute ceiling of a helicopter as specified in its performance data is ?

Question 99-23 : No longer able to climb at all still able to climb at a rate of 0 5 m/sec still able to climb at a rate of 500 ft/min just able to climb

exemple 287 no longer able to climb at all.no longer able to climb at all.

The altitude calculated by 'pressure altitude +/ 118 8 x temperature deviation ?

Question 99-24 : Density altitude standard altitude equivalent altitude elevation

The density altitude is used to determine a helicopters performance exemple 291 density altitude.density altitude.

The density altitude ?

Question 99-25 : Is used to determine a helicopters performance is always equal to the pressure altitude is used to establish a minimum clearance of 2000 feet over mountains is used to calculate the transition level

exemple 295 is used to determine a helicopters performance.is used to determine a helicopters performance.

The distance necessary for a landing is the horizontal distance required to land ?

Question 99-26 : And come to a full stop from a point 50 ft above the landing surface and come to a full stop from a point 35 ft above the landing surface and come to a full stop from a point 15 ft above the landing surface land from a point 50 ft above the landing surface

Annex 6 operation of aircraft helicopter part 3 .landing distance required ldrh the horizontal distance required to land and come to a full stop from a point 15 m 50 ft above the landing surface exemple 299 and come to a full stop from a point 50 ft above the landing surface.and come to a full stop from a point 50 ft above the landing surface.

The distance required for an aborted take off is the horizontal distance ?

Question 99-27 : The critical engine and the interruption of the take off at the take off decision point the critical engine and the interruption of the take off at the moment the failure accured the critical engine and the interruption of the take off one second after the failure an engine and the interruption of the take off at the moment the failure accured

exemple 303 the critical engine and the interruption of the take off at the take off decision point.the critical engine and the interruption of the take off at the take off decision point.

The effect of wind on angle of climb path will be ?

Question 99-28 : Headwind will increase the angle of climb path head and tailwind will decrease the angle of climb path the wind effect on angle of climb path is unpredictable nil

exemple 307 headwind will increase the angle of climb path.headwind will increase the angle of climb path.

The effect of wind on rate of climb roc will be ?

Question 99-29 : Nil headwind will increase the roc tailwind will increase the roc the wind effect on roc is unpredictable

exemple 311 nilnil

The main end product of performance planning is ?

Question 99-30 : The maximum mass of the aircraft at different phases of flight a range of speeds and heights a flight plan fuel an eta for the destination

exemple 315 the maximum mass of the aircraft at different phases of flight.the maximum mass of the aircraft at different phases of flight.

The maritime zone located north of latitude 50 n is considered hostile ?

Question 99-31 : Even if a safe emergency landing can be carried out only if a safe emergency landing cannot be carried out at the pilot's initiative the notion of 'hostile' not being explicitly defined only if the helicopter occupants cannot be adequately protected

exemple 319 even if a safe emergency landing can be carried out.even if a safe emergency landing can be carried out.

The mass of a helicopter with performance class 3 must be such that the ?

Question 99-32 : A hover ige a hover a vertical climb of more than 200 ft/min a hover oge

exemple 323 a hover ige.a hover ige.

The maximum indicated air speed of a helicopter in level flight is reached ?

Question 99-33 : At the lowest possible altitude at the optimum cruise altitude at the service ceiling at the practical ceiling

exemple 327 at the lowest possible altitude.at the lowest possible altitude.

The minimum rate of descent in autoration will occur ?

Question 99-34 : At vy and rotor speed within limits at vtoss and maximum rotor speed at vne power off and minimum rotor speed at best range speed and minimum rotor speed

exemple 331 at vy and rotor speed within limits.at vy and rotor speed within limits.

The never exceed speed vne of a helicopter as specified in the flight manual ?

Question 99-35 : May not be exceeded under any circumstances only applies at maximum certificated mass is not attainable during a dive without engine power is attainable with full engine power in level flight

exemple 335 may not be exceeded under any circumstances.may not be exceeded under any circumstances.

The part of the take off path during which in a helicopter of performance class ?

Question 99-36 : Conditions of weather and light in which a safe landing is possible vmc imc a headwind

exemple 339 conditions of weather and light in which a safe landing is possible.conditions of weather and light in which a safe landing is possible.

The ratio in the same units and expressed as a percentage of 'change in height' ?

Question 99-37 : Climb gradient rate of climb ratio of climb or descend climb ratio

The 'climb gradient' is defined as the ratio expressed as a percentage of the change in geometric height divided by the horizontal distance traveled.gradient = change in height/horizontal distance x 100%..for small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed but this is not the exact definition of the 'climb gradient' exemple 343 climb gradient.climb gradient.

The responsibility for ensuring that the performance claimed for a helicopter ?

Question 99-38 : The operator the commander the manufacturer the despatcher

exemple 347 the operator.the operator.

The speed for maximum endurance ?

Question 99-39 : Is always lower than the speed for maximum specific range is in any case identical with the speed for maximum specific range can either be higher or lower than the speed for maximum specific range is always higher than the speed for maximum specific range

exemple 351 is always lower than the speed for maximum specific range.is always lower than the speed for maximum specific range.

The speed for maximum rate of climb ?

Question 99-40 : Will be higher than the speed for best angle of climb will be the same as the speed for best angle of climb under any circumstances may be higher or lower than the speed for best angle of climb depending on helicopter type lower than the speed for the best angle of climb

exemple 355 will be higher than the speed for best angle of climb.will be higher than the speed for best angle of climb.


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