A hostile sea area is defined as being ? Validation > Marking A platform is a heliport situated ? A platform a heliport situated At least 3 m above surrounding surface. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. A Safe forced landing is a landing ? A safe forced landing a landing Unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable expectancy of no injuries to persons in aircraft or on surface. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. Aeo means All engines operating. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. An elevated heliport or helideck defined as one which above surrounding level All engines operating. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. An increase in ambient temperature Generally reduces performance in performance class especially take off weight. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. An increase in density altitude Generally reduces performance in performance class decreases especially take off weight. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. Question General 98 Answer 8 An increase in pressure altitude Generally reduces performance in class especially take off weight. Air operations def 'elevated final approach take off area (elevated fato)' means a fato that at least 3 m above surrounding surface. Question General 98 Answer 9 Assuming an engine failure has occurred during take off a performance class 1 helicopter which plans a turn in climb of more than 15° must be capable of clearing vertical obstructions an extra There no additional margin to apply. Cat pol h 205 take off b) the take off mass shall be such that 1) it possible to reject take off land on fato in case of critical engine failure being recognised at or before take off decision point (tdp) 2) rejected take off distance required (rtodrh) does not exceed rejected take off distance available (rtodah) and 3) todrh does not exceed take off distance available (todah) 4) notwithstanding (b)(3) todrh may exceed todah if helicopter with critical engine failure recognised at tdp can when continuing take off clear all obstacles to end of todrh a vertical margin of not less than 10 7 m (35 ft) cat pol h 210 take off flight path a) from end of todrh with critical engine failure recognised at tdp 1) the take off mass shall be such that take off flight path provides a vertical clearance above all obstacles located in climb path of not less than 10 7 m (35 ft) operations under vfr 10 7 m (35 ft) + 0 01 x distance dr operations under ifr only obstacles as specified in cat pol h 110 have to be considered 2) where a change of direction of more than 15° made adequate allowance shall be made the effect of bank angle on ability to comply with obstacle clearance requirements this turn not to be initiated before reaching a height of 61 m (200 ft) above take off surface unless it part of an approved procedure in afm. Question General 98 Answer 10 Assuming one engine inoperative in a helicopter with performance class 1 during an approach to land following minimum rate of climb must be achievable There no additional margin to apply. Cs 29 67 climb one engine inoperative (oei) (a) for category a rotorcraft in critical take off configuration existing along take off path following apply (1) the steady rate of climb without ground effect 61 m (200 ft) above take off surface must be at least 30 m (100 ft) per minute each weight altitude temperature which take off data are to be scheduled with. Question General 98 Answer 11 Assuming that an engine fails at some point during take off a helicopter of performance class 1 must be able to clear all obstacles vertically 7 m + dr in ifr. Cat pol h 210 take off flight path a) from end of todrh with critical engine failure recognised at tdp 1) the take off mass shall be such that take off flight path provides a vertical clearance above all obstacles located in climb path of not less than 10 7 m (35 ft) operations under vfr 10 7 m (35 ft) + 0 01 x distance dr operations under ifr only obstacles as specified in cat pol h 110 have to be considered 2) where a change of direction of more than 15° made adequate allowance shall be made the effect of bank angle on ability to comply with obstacle clearance requirements this turn not to be initiated before reaching a height of 61 m (200 ft) above take off surface unless it part of an approved procedure in afm. Question General 98 Answer 12 The 'climb gradient' defined as ratio of The increase of altitude to horizontal air distance expressed as a percentage. The 'climb gradient' defined as ratio expressed as a percentage of change in geometric height divided the horizontal distance traveled gradient = (change in height/horizontal distance) x 100% for small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed but this not exact definition of 'climb gradient'. Question General 98 Answer 13 Define term 'performance class 3' Performance class 3 operations are those operations such that in event of a power unit failure at any time during flight a forced landing may be required in a multi engine helicopter but will be required in a single engine helicopter. The 'climb gradient' defined as ratio expressed as a percentage of change in geometric height divided the horizontal distance traveled gradient = (change in height/horizontal distance) x 100% for small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed but this not exact definition of 'climb gradient'. Question General 98 Answer 14 Density altitude Pressure altitude corrected 'non standar temperature. The 'climb gradient' defined as ratio expressed as a percentage of change in geometric height divided the horizontal distance traveled gradient = (change in height/horizontal distance) x 100% for small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed but this not exact definition of 'climb gradient'. Question General 98 Answer 15 Flying in a straight line at constant airspeed a head wind Increases climb gradient. The 'climb gradient' defined as ratio expressed as a percentage of change in geometric height divided the horizontal distance traveled gradient = (change in height/horizontal distance) x 100% for small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed but this not exact definition of 'climb gradient'. Question General 98 Answer 16 For a helicopter distance dr The horizontal distance travelled from end of available runway length. Distance dr dr the horizontal distance that helicopter has travelled from end of take off distance available . Question General 98 Answer 17 For a performance class 2 helicopter with one engine inoperative on take off rate of climb at 1000 ft above heliport must be at least The horizontal distance travelled from end of available runway length. Distance dr dr the horizontal distance that helicopter has travelled from end of take off distance available . Question General 98 Answer 18 For take off with a tail wind component in class 1 performance an operator must take account of at least 5 % of reported tail wind component. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 19 For calculation of mtow a performance class 1 helicopter following factoring of reported tail wind used 5 % of reported tail wind component. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 20 Helicopters operated in performance class 2 are certified in 5 % of reported tail wind component. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 21 How do best angle of climb speed and best rate of climb speed vary with increasing altitude 5 % of reported tail wind component. The higher you go less power you will have you can increase angle of climb only if you have an excess of thrust or a rate of climb excess power eventually helicopter will not be able to climb if helicopter has reached its absolute ceiling. Question General 98 Answer 22 If a helicopter flying horizontally at its service ceiling Its speed has to be maintained in a small range (vmin close to vmax). The higher you go less power you will have you can increase angle of climb only if you have an excess of thrust or a rate of climb excess power eventually helicopter will not be able to climb if helicopter has reached its absolute ceiling. Question General 98 Answer 23 If during descent in a performance class 1 helicopter which has one engine inoperative fuel to be jettisoned fuel contents should be kept to a figure which enables aircraft to carry out A safe drift down procedure. Performance class 1 cat pol h 215 en route critical engine inoperative a the mass of helicopter flight path at all points along route with critical engine inoperative the meteorological conditions expected the flight shall permit compliance with (1) (2) or (3) 1) when it intended that flight will be conducted at any time out of sight of surface mass of helicopter permits a rate of climb of at least 50 ft/minute with critical engine inoperative at an altitude of at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain above all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track 2) when it intended that flight will be conducted without surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 the flight path clears vertically at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track drift down techniques may be used 3) when it intended that flight will be conducted in vmc with surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 without flying at any time below appropriate minimum flight altitude obstacles within 900 m on either side of route need to be considered b when showing compliance with (a)(2) or (a)(3) 1) critical engine assumed to fail at most critical point along route 2) account taken of effects of winds on flight path 3) fuel jettisoning planned to take place only to an extent consistent with reaching aerodrome or operating site with required fuel reserves using a safe procedure and 4) fuel jettisoning not planned below 1000 ft above terrain c the width margins of (a)(1) (a)(2) shall be increased to 18 5 km (10 nm) if navigational accuracy cannot be met 95% of total flight time. Question General 98 Answer 24 In a descent with one engine inoperative a helicopter with performance class 1 must follow a flight path which clears all obstacles vertically A safe drift down procedure. Performance class 1 cat pol h 215 en route critical engine inoperative a the mass of helicopter flight path at all points along route with critical engine inoperative the meteorological conditions expected the flight shall permit compliance with (1) (2) or (3) 1) when it intended that flight will be conducted at any time out of sight of surface mass of helicopter permits a rate of climb of at least 50 ft/minute with critical engine inoperative at an altitude of at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain above all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track 2) when it intended that flight will be conducted without surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 the flight path clears vertically at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track drift down techniques may be used 3) when it intended that flight will be conducted in vmc with surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 without flying at any time below appropriate minimum flight altitude obstacles within 900 m on either side of route need to be considered b when showing compliance with (a)(2) or (a)(3) 1) critical engine assumed to fail at most critical point along route 2) account taken of effects of winds on flight path 3) fuel jettisoning planned to take place only to an extent consistent with reaching aerodrome or operating site with required fuel reserves using a safe procedure and 4) fuel jettisoning not planned below 1000 ft above terrain c the width margins of (a)(1) (a)(2) shall be increased to 18 5 km (10 nm) if navigational accuracy cannot be met 95% of total flight time. Question General 98 Answer 25 In a given configuration mass and fuel on board endurance of a helicopter Depends on altitude true air speed. Performance class 1 cat pol h 215 en route critical engine inoperative a the mass of helicopter flight path at all points along route with critical engine inoperative the meteorological conditions expected the flight shall permit compliance with (1) (2) or (3) 1) when it intended that flight will be conducted at any time out of sight of surface mass of helicopter permits a rate of climb of at least 50 ft/minute with critical engine inoperative at an altitude of at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain above all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track 2) when it intended that flight will be conducted without surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 the flight path clears vertically at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track drift down techniques may be used 3) when it intended that flight will be conducted in vmc with surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 without flying at any time below appropriate minimum flight altitude obstacles within 900 m on either side of route need to be considered b when showing compliance with (a)(2) or (a)(3) 1) critical engine assumed to fail at most critical point along route 2) account taken of effects of winds on flight path 3) fuel jettisoning planned to take place only to an extent consistent with reaching aerodrome or operating site with required fuel reserves using a safe procedure and 4) fuel jettisoning not planned below 1000 ft above terrain c the width margins of (a)(1) (a)(2) shall be increased to 18 5 km (10 nm) if navigational accuracy cannot be met 95% of total flight time. Question General 98 Answer 26 In a power off autorotation in still air to obtain maximum glide range helicopter should be flown At a speed close to best range speed with minimum rotor speed without exceeding vne power off. Performance class 1 cat pol h 215 en route critical engine inoperative a the mass of helicopter flight path at all points along route with critical engine inoperative the meteorological conditions expected the flight shall permit compliance with (1) (2) or (3) 1) when it intended that flight will be conducted at any time out of sight of surface mass of helicopter permits a rate of climb of at least 50 ft/minute with critical engine inoperative at an altitude of at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain above all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track 2) when it intended that flight will be conducted without surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 the flight path clears vertically at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track drift down techniques may be used 3) when it intended that flight will be conducted in vmc with surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 without flying at any time below appropriate minimum flight altitude obstacles within 900 m on either side of route need to be considered b when showing compliance with (a)(2) or (a)(3) 1) critical engine assumed to fail at most critical point along route 2) account taken of effects of winds on flight path 3) fuel jettisoning planned to take place only to an extent consistent with reaching aerodrome or operating site with required fuel reserves using a safe procedure and 4) fuel jettisoning not planned below 1000 ft above terrain c the width margins of (a)(1) (a)(2) shall be increased to 18 5 km (10 nm) if navigational accuracy cannot be met 95% of total flight time. Question General 98 Answer 27 In a power off autorotation in still air to obtain minimum rate of descent helicopter should be flown At a speed close to vy with minimum rotor speed. Performance class 1 cat pol h 215 en route critical engine inoperative a the mass of helicopter flight path at all points along route with critical engine inoperative the meteorological conditions expected the flight shall permit compliance with (1) (2) or (3) 1) when it intended that flight will be conducted at any time out of sight of surface mass of helicopter permits a rate of climb of at least 50 ft/minute with critical engine inoperative at an altitude of at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain above all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track 2) when it intended that flight will be conducted without surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 the flight path clears vertically at least 300 m (1000 ft) or 600 m (2000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track drift down techniques may be used 3) when it intended that flight will be conducted in vmc with surface in sight flight path permits helicopter to continue flight from cruising altitude to a height of 300 m (1000 ft) above a landing site where a landing can be made in accordance with cat pol h 220 without flying at any time below appropriate minimum flight altitude obstacles within 900 m on either side of route need to be considered b when showing compliance with (a)(2) or (a)(3) 1) critical engine assumed to fail at most critical point along route 2) account taken of effects of winds on flight path 3) fuel jettisoning planned to take place only to an extent consistent with reaching aerodrome or operating site with required fuel reserves using a safe procedure and 4) fuel jettisoning not planned below 1000 ft above terrain c the width margins of (a)(1) (a)(2) shall be increased to 18 5 km (10 nm) if navigational accuracy cannot be met 95% of total flight time. Question General 98 Answer 28 In flight level in class 2 performance with one engine failed and others operating at 1000 ft above any obstacle along his road weight of helicopter must allow it to climb At a speed close to vy with minimum rotor speed. Cat pol h 320 en route critical engine inoperative the mass of helicopter flight path at all points along route with critical engine inoperative the meteorological conditions expected the flight shall permit compliance with (1) (2) or (3) 1) when it intended that flight will be conducted at any time out of sight of surface mass of helicopter permits a rate of climb of at least 50 ft/minute with critical engine inoperative at an altitude of at least 300 m (1 000 ft) or 600 m (2 000 ft) in areas of mountainous terrain above all terrain obstacles along route within 9 3 km (5 nm) on either side of intended track. Question General 98 Answer 29 In performance class 1 when there a head wind component an operator when calculating take off performance may take into account More than 5 % of headwind component if a precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i)pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b)where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 30 In performance class 1 having cleared elevated heliport or heliplatform's edge in case of an engine failure after take off decision point helicopter can clear any obstacle until end of take off required distance with a margin of At least 35 ft vertically. Cat pol h 210 take off flight path a) from end of todrh with critical engine failure recognised at tdp 1) the take off mass shall be such that take off flight path provides a vertical clearance above all obstacles located in climb path of not less than 10 7 m (35 ft) operations under vfr 10 7 m (35 ft) + 0 01 x distance dr operations under ifr only obstacles as specified in cat pol h 110 have to be considered be aware that question specifically states ' having cleared elevated heliport or heliplatform's edge '. Question General 98 Answer 31 In performance class 1 with one engine failed and others operating normally helicopter's weight at estimated time of landing must be such that a rate of climb of at least 100ft/mn at 200 ft above altitude of The destination or alternate/diversion heliport. Cat pol h 210 take off flight path a) from end of todrh with critical engine failure recognised at tdp 1) the take off mass shall be such that take off flight path provides a vertical clearance above all obstacles located in climb path of not less than 10 7 m (35 ft) operations under vfr 10 7 m (35 ft) + 0 01 x distance dr operations under ifr only obstacles as specified in cat pol h 110 have to be considered be aware that question specifically states ' having cleared elevated heliport or heliplatform's edge '. Question General 98 Answer 32 In performance class 1 with one engine failed and others operating normally helicopter's weight at estimated time of landing must be such that a rate of climb of at least 150ft/mn at 1000 ft above altitude of The destination or alternate/diversion heliport. Cat pol h 210 take off flight path a) from end of todrh with critical engine failure recognised at tdp 1) the take off mass shall be such that take off flight path provides a vertical clearance above all obstacles located in climb path of not less than 10 7 m (35 ft) operations under vfr 10 7 m (35 ft) + 0 01 x distance dr operations under ifr only obstacles as specified in cat pol h 110 have to be considered be aware that question specifically states ' having cleared elevated heliport or heliplatform's edge '. Question General 98 Answer 33 In performance class 2 when there a head wind component an operator when calculating take off performance may take into account More than 5 % of headwind component if a precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 34 In performance class 1 when wind measuring equipment has not received official approval and there a headwind component to determine landing performance an operator may take account of at Most 5 % of reported headwind component. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 35 In performance class 2 when wind measuring equipment has not received official approval and there a headwind component to determine landing performance an operator may take account of at Most 5 % of reported headwind component. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 36 In straight and level flight at constant indicated airspeed a reduction in pressure altitude Reduces power required. cat pol h 105 general c) when showing compliance with requirements of this section account shall be taken of following parameters 1) mass of helicopter 2) helicopter configuration 3) environmental conditions in particular i) pressure altitude temperature ii) wind a) except as provided in (c) take off take off flight path landing requirements accountability wind shall be no more than 50% of any reported steady headwind component of 5 kt or more b) where take off landing with a tailwind component permitted in afm in all cases the take off flight path not less than 150% of any reported tailwind component shall be taken into account and c) where precise wind measuring equipment enables accurate measurement of wind velocity over point of take off landing wind components in excess of 50% may be established the operator provided that operator demonstrates to competent authority that proximity to fato accuracy enhancements of wind measuring equipment provide an equivalent level of safety 4) operating techniques and 5) operation of any systems that have an adverse effect on performance. Question General 98 Answer 37 In context of performance planning dr means The horizontal distance travelled from end of take off distance available. Distance dr dr the horizontal distance that helicopter has travelled from end of take off distance available . Question General 98 Answer 38 In cruise a helicopter with performance class 3 must be able to fly at The minimum flight altitude. Distance dr dr the horizontal distance that helicopter has travelled from end of take off distance available . Question General 98 Answer 39 In which document an official 'power required chart' to be found In 'helicopter flight manua. Distance dr dr the horizontal distance that helicopter has travelled from end of take off distance available . Question General 98 Answer 40 Landing distance required means The distance from a specified point on approach until helicopter comes to rest. Distance dr dr the horizontal distance that helicopter has travelled from end of take off distance available . 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