Free > topography : The wind direction and velocity °/kt at 60°n 015°w is . 1525 ?
Question 95-1 : 290°/155 kt 320°/155 kt 110°/155 kt 290°/185 kt

If your destination airport has no 'icao' indicator in the appropriate box of ?
Question 95-2 : Zzzz aaaa xxxx ////

When completing an atc flight plan for a european destination clock times are ?
Question 95-3 : Utc local mean time local standard time central european time

In the atc flight plan item 10 equipment the letter to indicate the carriage ?
Question 95-4 : C b a p

Which of the following statements is are correct with regard to computer flight ?
Question 95-5 : Statement 2 only both statements statement 1 only neither statement

In the ats flight plan item 7 for a radio equipped aircraft the identifier must ?
Question 95-6 : Be the rtf callsign to be used include the aircraft registration marking include the operating agency designator include an indication of the aircraft type

It is possible in flight to .1 file an atc flight plan .2 modify an active ?
Question 95-7 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 4

On an atc flight plan the letter 'y' is used to indicate that the flight is ?
Question 95-8 : Ifr followed by vfr vfr followed by ifr ifr vfr

The navigation plan reads .trip fuel 136 kg.flight time 2h45min .calculated ?
Question 95-9 : 3h34min 2h45min 2h49min 3h38min

When completing item 9 of the ats flight plan if there is no appropriate ?
Question 95-10 : 'zzzz' followed by an entry in item 18 'xxxx' followed by an entry in item 18 the most descriptive abbreviation 'none'

When completing an atc flight plan for a flight commencing under ifr but ?
Question 95-11 : Y x g n/s

In the atc flight plan item 19 if the number of passengers to be carried is not ?
Question 95-12 : Tbn to be notified may be entered in the relevant box the plan should be filed with the relevant box blank an estimate may be entered but that number may not subsequently be exceeded the plan may not be filed until the information is available

An aircraft has a maximum certificated take off mass of 137000 kg but is ?
Question 95-13 : Heavy 'h' heavy/medium 'h/m' medium 'm' medium plus 'm+'
In the appropriate box of an atc flight plan form corresponding to the ?
Question 95-14 : Go off blocks take off start up pass the departure beacon

The planned departure time from the parking area is 1815 utc .the estimated ?
Question 95-15 : 1715 utc 1725 utc 1745 utc 1755 utc

In the ats flight plan item 15 for a flight along a designated route where the ?
Question 95-16 : The letters 'dct' should be entered followed by the point of joining the ats route it is not necessary to indicate the point of joining that route as it will be obvious to the ats unit it is necessary only to give the first reporting point on that route the words 'as cleared' should be entered

An aircraft plans to depart london at 1000 utc and arrive at munich eddm at ?
Question 95-17 : Eddm0215 eddm1415 eddm at 0215 eddm2h35

On an atc flight plan you are required to indicate in the box marked 'speed' ?
Question 95-18 : The true airspeed the equivalent airspeed the indicated airspeed the estimated ground speed

The wind direction and velocity °/kt at 50°n 040°e. err a 033 417 ?
Question 95-19 : Is 020/70 is 350/70 is 200/70 is 020/80

In the appropriate box of an atc flight plan for endurance one must indicate ?
Question 95-20 : The total usable fuel on board the required fuel for the flight the required fuel for the flight plus the alternate and 45 minutes the total usable fuel on board minus reserve fuel

Item 9 of the ats flight plan includes 'number and type of aircraft' in this ?
Question 95-21 : The number of aircraft flying in a group the registration number of the aircraft the number of aircraft which will separately be using a repetitive flight plan rpl the icao type designator number as set out in icao doc 8643

On a atc flight plan to indicate that you will overfly the waypoint romeo at ?
Question 95-22 : Romeo/n0120f085 romeo/k0120fl085 romeo/fl085n0120 romeo/f085n0120

In the ats flight plan item 19 emergency and survival equipment carried on the ?
Question 95-23 : Crossing out the box relevant to any equipment not carried placing a tick in the relevant box circling the relevant box listing the items carried on the 'remarks' line

In the atc flight plan item 15 when entering a route for which standard ?
Question 95-24 : Both should be entered in the atc plan where appropriate sids should be entered but not stars stars should be entered but not sids neither sid nor star should be entered

Which describes the maximum intensity of icing if any at fl180 in the vicinity ?
Question 95-25 : Severe moderate light nil

During an ifr flight tas and time appear to deviate from the data in the atc ?
Question 95-26 : Tas 5% and time 3 minutes tas 3% and time 3 minutes tas 5 kt and time 5 minutes tas 10 kt and time 2 minutes

In the atc flight plan item 15 cruising speed when not expressed as a mach ?
Question 95-27 : Tas ias cas groundspeed

In an atc flight plan item 15 route a cruising pressure altitude of 32000 feet ?
Question 95-28 : F320 fl320 s3200 32000f

On an atc flight plan to indicate that you will overfly the waypoint tango at ?
Question 95-29 : Tango/n0350f280 tango/k0350fl280 tango/fl280n0350 tango/ t350f280

In the atc flight plan item 15 it is necessary to enter any point at which a ?
Question 95-30 : 5% tas or 0 01 mach or more 10 % tas or 0 05 mach or more 20 km per hour or 0 1 mach or more 20 knots or 0 05 mach or more

Which of the following statements regarding filing a atc flight plan is correct ?
Question 95-31 : In case of atfm air traffic flow management the flight plan should be filed at least three hours in advance of the eobt any flight plan should be filed at least 10 minutes before departure a flight plan should be filed when a national fir boundary will be crossed a flying college can file repetitive flight plan for vfr flights

For the purposes of item 9 wake turbulence category of the atc flight plan an ?
Question 95-32 : Medium 'm' heavy 'h' light 'l' unclassified 'u'

The navigation plan reads .trip fuel 100 kg.flight time fuel 3 ?
Question 95-33 : 2h 49min 1h 35min 2h 04min 2h 52min

You have a flight plan ifr from amsterdam to london in the flight plan it is ?
Question 95-34 : The route according to the flight plan is accepted it is not allowed to file such a flight plan you will get a separate clearance for the deviation the filed deviation is not accepted

In the atc flight plan item 13 in a flight plan submitted before departure the ?
Question 95-35 : Estimated off block time estimated time over the first point en route estimated take off time allocated slot time

Given .planned and actual data as shown in the flight log excerpt .arriving ?
Question 95-36 : 1272 kg 2338 kg 1250 kg 582 kg

A turbojet aeroplane flies using the following data .flight level fl 330.flight ?
Question 95-37 : 539 nm 518 nm 471 nm 493 nm

Given .true course tc 017°.w/v 340°/30 kt.true air speed tas 420 kt.find ?
Question 95-38 : Wca 2° gs 396 kt wca +2° gs 396 kt wca 2° gs 426 kt wca +2° gs 416 kt

The true course is 042° .the variation in the area is 6° w and the wind is ?
Question 95-39 : 052° 044° 040° 058°

At reference or see flight planning manual mrjt 1 figure 4 3 5 .given a trip ?
Question 95-40 : By 7% by 3% by 4% by 10%

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