Experience > landing : The approximate mean wind component kt at mach 0 78 along true course 270° at ?
Question 94-1 : 40 kt headwind component 55 kt headwind component 35 kt tailwind component 25 kt tailwind component

Given .distance from departure to destination 340 nm.gs out 150 kt.gs home 120 ?
Question 94-2 : 151 nm 189 nm 170 nm 272 nm

Given .distance from departure to destination 470 nm.true track 237°.wind ?
Question 94-3 : 256 nm 214 nm 235 nm 205 nm

From which of the following would you expect to find details of the search and ?
Question 94-4 : Aip atcc broadcasts notam sigmet

Given .distance from departure to destination 2380 nm.gs out 420 kt.gs home 520 ?
Question 94-5 : 188 minutes 123 minutes 152 minutes 19 minutes

Given .distance from departure to destination 338 nm .true track 045°.wind ?
Question 94-6 : Distance 120 nm time 46 min distance 218 nm time 85 min distance 169 nm time 85 min distance 185 nm time 72 min

Given .distance from departure to destination 1500 nm .safe endurance 4 5 h ?
Question 94-7 : 124 min 101 min 66 min 63 min

Over london 51°n 000°e/w the lowest fl listed which is unaffected by cat is. ?
Question 94-8 : Fl230 fl270 fl310 fl360

What lowest cloud conditions oktas/ft are forecast for 1900 utc at hamburg eddh ?
Question 94-9 : 5 to 7 at 500 ft 3 to 4 at 500 ft 5 to 7 at 1200 ft 5 to 7 at 2000 ft

Given .distance from departure to destination 5000 nm .safe endurance 10 h .tas ?
Question 94-10 : 2222 nm 2500 nm 1111 nm 2778 nm

What is the earliest time utc if any that thunderstorms are forecast for doha ?
Question 94-11 : 1000 nil forecast 0800 0600

Given.maximum landing mass 51300 kg..maximum allowable take off mass 56300 ?
Question 94-12 : 7735 kg 5756 kg 7535 kg 9735 kg

Which best describes the weather if any forecast for johannesburg/jan smuts at ?
Question 94-13 : Patches of fog rain associated with thunderstorms cavok mist and/or fog
What minimum visibility is forecast taf for damascus osdi . 1517 ?
Question 94-14 : 200 m 3000 m 700 m 10000 m

Metar egly 301220 24015kt 200v280 8000 ra sct010 bkn025 ovc080 18/15 q0983 ?
Question 94-15 : Mean surface wind 240° true 15 kt varying between 200° and 280° mean surface wind 240° magnetic 15 kt varying between 200° and 280° mean surface visibility varying between 200 m and 280 m temporarily light rain to be expected

For a long distance flight at fl370 long range regime divided into four flight ?
Question 94-16 : 4800 nm 4820 nm 4580 nm 4940 nm

Which best describes the maximum intensity of turbulence at fl 290 above london ?
Question 94-17 : Moderate light nil severe

What minimum visibility is forecast for paris/charles de gaulle at 2100 utc . ?
Question 94-18 : 6000 m 10 km 2000 m 8000 m

A 'current flight plan' is a ?
Question 94-19 : Filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included filed flight plan flight plan with the correct time of departure flight plan in the course of which radio communication should be practised between aeroplane and atc

The maximum permissible take off mass of an aircraft for the l wake turbulence ?
Question 94-20 : 7 000 kg 2 700 kg 5 700 kg 10 000 kg

How many hours in advance of eobt estimated off block time should a atc flight ?
Question 94-21 : 3 00 h 1 00 h 0 30 h 2 h

Which of the following statements is are correct with regard to the advantages ?
Question 94-22 : Statement 1 only statement 2 only both statements neither statement

In the ats flight plan item 10 'standard equipment' is considered to be. err a ?
Question 94-23 : Vhf rtf adf vor and ils vhf rtf adf vor and transponder vhf rtf vor ils and transponder vhf rtf vor ins and transponder

In an atc flight plan item 15 in order to define a position as a bearing and ?
Question 94-24 : Vor ident magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles vor ident true bearing and distance in kilometres vor ident magnetic bearing and distance in kilometres full name of vor true bearing and distance in kilometres

When an atc flight plan has been submitted for a controlled flight the flight ?
Question 94-25 : 30 minutes or more 45 minutes or more 60 minutes or more 90 minutes or more

When completing an atc flight plan an elapsed time item 16 of 1 hour 55 minutes ?
Question 94-26 : As 0155 as 1h55 as 115m as 0115

When a pilot fills in an atc flight plan he must indicate the wake turbulence ?
Question 94-27 : Maximum certified take off mass estimated take off mass maximum certified landing mass actual take off mass

Which of the following statements is are correct with regard to the operation ?
Question 94-28 : Statement 1 only statement 2 only both statements neither statement

From the options given below select those flights which require flight plan ?
Question 94-29 : 2 and 4 3 4 and 5 1 and 5 1 2 and 3

In the ats flight plan for a non scheduled flight which of the following ?
Question 94-30 : N n/s g x

In the atc flight plan item 15 a cruising speed of 470 knots will be entered as ?
Question 94-31 : N0470 kn470 0470k n470

In the event that selcal is prescribed by an appropriate authority in which ?
Question 94-32 : Other information equipment route aircraft identification

When an atc flight plan is submitted for a flight outside designated ats routes ?
Question 94-33 : 30 minutes flying time or 370 km 20 minutes flying time or 150 km 15 minutes flying time or 100 km 1 hour flying time or 500 km

On an atc flight plan an aircraft indicated as 'h' for 'heavy' ?
Question 94-34 : Is of the highest wake turbulence category has a certified landing mass greater than or equal to 136 000 kg has a certified take off mass greater than or equal to 140 000 kg requires a runway length of at least 2 000m at maximum certified take off mass

If a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified ?
Question 94-35 : 30 min 45 min 10 min 15 min

Which best describes the significant cloud forecast for the area east of tunis ?
Question 94-36 : 5 to 7 oktas cu and ac base below fl100 tops fl180 3 to 4 oktas cu and ac base below fl100 tops fl180 5 to 7 oktas cu and ac base fl100 tops fl180 3 to 4 oktas cu and ac base fl100 tops fl160

Prior to an ifr flight when filling in the icao flight plan the time ?
Question 94-37 : Take off until reaching the iaf initial approach fix of the destination aerodrome taxi out prior to take off until taxiing completion after landing take off until landing taxiing until the iaf initial approach fix of the destination aerodrome

On a vfr atc flight plan the total estimated time is ?
Question 94-38 : The estimated time required from take off to arrive over the destination airport the estimated time from take off to overhead the destination airport plus 15 minutes the estimated time from take off to landing at the alternate airport the estimated time from engine start to landing at the destination airport

For a repetitive atc flight plan rpl to be used flights must take place on a ?
Question 94-39 : 10 occasions 20 occasions 30 occasions 50 occasions

In an atc flight plan item 15 route in terms of latitude and longitude a ?
Question 94-40 : 4135n00415e 41°35' n 04° 15'e n04135e0415 n4135 e00415

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