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Experience > landing : The approximate mean wind component kt at mach 0 78 along true course 270° at ?

Question 94-1 : 40 kt headwind component 55 kt headwind component 35 kt tailwind component 25 kt tailwind component

. /com en/com033 541 jpg.. 55 kt + 55 kt + 30 kt / 3 = 46 kt .mean wind is 240°/46kt.headwind component = wind speed x cos angle between the wind and the course .headwind component = 46 kt x cos 30° = 40 kt exemple 194 40 kt headwind component.40 kt headwind component.

Given .distance from departure to destination 340 nm.gs out 150 kt.gs home 120 ?

Question 94-2 : 151 nm 189 nm 170 nm 272 nm

.ground speed out gso = 150 kt.ground speed home gsh = 120 kt..distance to pet = distance x gsh / gso + gsh .distance to pet = 340 x 120 / 150 + 120 .distance to pet = 40800 / 270 = 151 nm exemple 198 151 nm.151 nm.

Given .distance from departure to destination 470 nm.true track 237°.wind ?

Question 94-3 : 256 nm 214 nm 235 nm 205 nm

...under index set true track 237° centre dot on tas 125 kt with the rotative scale set wind 300°/25 kt you find a left drift of 11° .now drift is always measured from heading to track .turn to set true heading 248° 237° + 11° left drift under index you now read your ground speed out of 111 kt..proceed in the same way to find the ground speed home of 135 kt . right drift of 9° true heading of 048°.ground speed out gso = 111 kt.ground speed home gsh = 135 kt..distance to pet = distance x gsh / gso + gsh .distance to pet = 470 x 135 / 111 + 135 .distance to pet = 63450 / 246 = 258 nm closest answer is 256 nm exemple 202 256 nm256 nm

From which of the following would you expect to find details of the search and ?

Question 94-4 : Aip atcc broadcasts notam sigmet

exemple 206 aipaip

Given .distance from departure to destination 2380 nm.gs out 420 kt.gs home 520 ?

Question 94-5 : 188 minutes 123 minutes 152 minutes 19 minutes

.ground speed out = 420 kt.ground speed home = 520 kt..pet = distance x gsh / gso + gsh .pet = 2380 x 520 / 420 + 520 .pet = 1237600 / 940 = 1316 6 nm.time of the pet from the departure point .1316 6 / 420 = 3 13 h.3 13 x 60 = 188 minutes exemple 210 188 minutes.188 minutes.

Given .distance from departure to destination 338 nm .true track 045°.wind ?

Question 94-6 : Distance 120 nm time 46 min distance 218 nm time 85 min distance 169 nm time 85 min distance 185 nm time 72 min

.pet point of equal time...distance to pet = d x h /o + h....d = total track distance..h = groundspeed home..o = groundspeed out....d = 338 nm..h = 120 35 kt headwind = 85 kt..o = 120 + 35 kt tailwind = 155 kt....pet distance = 338 x 85 / 155 + 85.distance = 119 7 nm = 120 nm..time = 120 / 155 ground speed out x 60 = 46 minutes exemple 214 distance: 120 nm time: 46 mindistance: 120 nm time: 46 min

Given .distance from departure to destination 1500 nm .safe endurance 4 5 h ?

Question 94-7 : 124 min 101 min 66 min 63 min

.point of safe return psr = endurance x homeward gs / outbound gs + homeward gs.ground speed out = 480 kt.ground speed home = 460 kt..point of safe return psr = 4 5 x 410 / 480 + 410 .point of safe return psr = 1845 / 890.point of safe return psr = 2 07 h..2 07 x 60 = 124 minutes exemple 218 124 min.124 min.

Over london 51°n 000°e/w the lowest fl listed which is unaffected by cat is. ?

Question 94-8 : Fl230 fl270 fl310 fl360

.london is located in the cat area n°1 .this cat area extends from fl240 to fl350 thus two levels are out of this layer fl230 and fl360 the question asks for the lowest one exemple 222 fl230.fl230.

What lowest cloud conditions oktas/ft are forecast for 1900 utc at hamburg eddh ?

Question 94-9 : 5 to 7 at 500 ft 3 to 4 at 500 ft 5 to 7 at 1200 ft 5 to 7 at 2000 ft

exemple 226 5 to 7 at 500 ft.5 to 7 at 500 ft.

Given .distance from departure to destination 5000 nm .safe endurance 10 h .tas ?

Question 94-10 : 2222 nm 2500 nm 1111 nm 2778 nm

.point of safe return psr = endurance x homeward gs / outbound gs + homeward gs.ground speed out = 500 kt.ground speed home = 400 kt..point of safe return psr = 10 x 400 / 500 + 400 .point of safe return psr = 4000 / 900.point of safe return psr = 4 44 h..distance of the psr from the departure point at a speed of 500 kt .4 44 h x 500 = 2222 nm exemple 230 2222 nm.2222 nm.

What is the earliest time utc if any that thunderstorms are forecast for doha ?

Question 94-11 : 1000 nil forecast 0800 0600

exemple 234 10001000

Given.maximum landing mass 51300 kg..maximum allowable take off mass 56300 ?

Question 94-12 : 7735 kg 5756 kg 7535 kg 9735 kg

Ecqb03 october 2016.....   29100..+ 11700..+  3000..+   215..+  1250..+  1300.. .46565 kg today's take off mass...maximum possible take off mass = maximum landing mass + trip fuel..maximum possible take off mass = 51300 + 3000 = 54300 kg.....extra fuel = 54300 46565 = 7735 kg exemple 238 7735 kg.7735 kg.

Which best describes the weather if any forecast for johannesburg/jan smuts at ?

Question 94-13 : Patches of fog rain associated with thunderstorms cavok mist and/or fog

Prob30 0305 3000 bcfg .bc bancs patches .fg br llard fog

What minimum visibility is forecast taf for damascus osdi . 1517 ?

Question 94-14 : 200 m 3000 m 700 m 10000 m

Becmg 0203 200 fg exemple 246 200 m.200 m.

Metar egly 301220 24015kt 200v280 8000 ra sct010 bkn025 ovc080 18/15 q0983 ?

Question 94-15 : Mean surface wind 240° true 15 kt varying between 200° and 280° mean surface wind 240° magnetic 15 kt varying between 200° and 280° mean surface visibility varying between 200 m and 280 m temporarily light rain to be expected

Egly issued at 1220z on 30th .surface wind mean 240 deg true 15 kt varying between 200 and 280 deg .prevailing vis 8 km .weather light rain cloud 1 2 .oktas base 1000 ft 5 7 oktas 2500 ft .temperature +18 °c dew point +15°c .qnh 983 mb .trend temporarily 3000 m in moderate rain with 5 7 oktas 800 ft exemple 250 mean surface wind 240° (true) 15 kt varying between 200° and 280°.mean surface wind 240° (true) 15 kt varying between 200° and 280°.

For a long distance flight at fl370 long range regime divided into four flight ?

Question 94-16 : 4800 nm 4820 nm 4580 nm 4940 nm

exemple 254 4800 nm4800 nm

Which best describes the maximum intensity of turbulence at fl 290 above london ?

Question 94-17 : Moderate light nil severe

exemple 258 moderate.moderate.

What minimum visibility is forecast for paris/charles de gaulle at 2100 utc . ?

Question 94-18 : 6000 m 10 km 2000 m 8000 m

exemple 262 6000 m.6000 m.

A 'current flight plan' is a ?

Question 94-19 : Filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included filed flight plan flight plan with the correct time of departure flight plan in the course of which radio communication should be practised between aeroplane and atc

exemple 266 filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included.filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included.

The maximum permissible take off mass of an aircraft for the l wake turbulence ?

Question 94-20 : 7 000 kg 2 700 kg 5 700 kg 10 000 kg

Light aeroplane 7000 kg or less .medium aeroplane less than 136000 kg but more than 7000 kg .heavy aeroplane 136000 kg or greater.for information helicopters produce vortices when in flight and there is some evidence that per kilogram of gross mass their vortices are more intense than those of fixed wing aircraft exemple 270 7 000 kg.7 000 kg.

How many hours in advance of eobt estimated off block time should a atc flight ?

Question 94-21 : 3 00 h 1 00 h 0 30 h 2 h

Atfm air traffic flow management is defined as 'a function established with the objective of contributing to a safe orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic by ensuring that atc capacity is utilised to the maximum extent possible and that the traffic volume is compatible with the capacities declared by the appropriate air traffic service providers' .in case of atfm air traffic flow management the flight plan should be filed at least three hours in advance of the eobt exemple 274 3:00 h.3:00 h.

Which of the following statements is are correct with regard to the advantages ?

Question 94-22 : Statement 1 only statement 2 only both statements neither statement

Flight planning computers can generate both atc flight plan and operational flight plan by taking in account forecast wind take off mass traffic load temperature etc but since it is based on forecast data while in flight weather info available to the pilot will always be more accurate than anything stored in a computer exemple 278 statement 1 only.statement 1 only.

In the ats flight plan item 10 'standard equipment' is considered to be. err a ?

Question 94-23 : Vhf rtf adf vor and ils vhf rtf adf vor and transponder vhf rtf vor ils and transponder vhf rtf vor ins and transponder

. /com en/com033 112 png.icao doc 4444 exemple 282 vhf rtf, adf, vor and ils.vhf rtf, adf, vor and ils.

In an atc flight plan item 15 in order to define a position as a bearing and ?

Question 94-24 : Vor ident magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles vor ident true bearing and distance in kilometres vor ident magnetic bearing and distance in kilometres full name of vor true bearing and distance in kilometres

Icao doc4444 pans atm . 1193 exemple 286 vor ident, magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles.vor ident, magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles.

When an atc flight plan has been submitted for a controlled flight the flight ?

Question 94-25 : 30 minutes or more 45 minutes or more 60 minutes or more 90 minutes or more

exemple 290 30 minutes or more30 minutes or more

When completing an atc flight plan an elapsed time item 16 of 1 hour 55 minutes ?

Question 94-26 : As 0155 as 1h55 as 115m as 0115

exemple 294 as 0155as 0155

When a pilot fills in an atc flight plan he must indicate the wake turbulence ?

Question 94-27 : Maximum certified take off mass estimated take off mass maximum certified landing mass actual take off mass

exemple 298 maximum certified take-off massmaximum certified take-off mass

Which of the following statements is are correct with regard to the operation ?

Question 94-28 : Statement 1 only statement 2 only both statements neither statement

.flight planning computers can generate both atc flight plan and operational flight plan by taking in account forecast wind take off mass traffic load temperature etc but since it is based on forecast data while in flight weather info available to the pilot will always be more accurate than anything stored in a computer the computer can not produce a new 'valid' flight plan exemple 302 statement 1 only.statement 1 only.

From the options given below select those flights which require flight plan ?

Question 94-29 : 2 and 4 3 4 and 5 1 and 5 1 2 and 3

.a flight plan is required if you are expecting to use atc services and if you are going to cross borders exemple 306 2 and 4.2 and 4.

In the ats flight plan for a non scheduled flight which of the following ?

Question 94-30 : N n/s g x

Icao doc4444 pans atm . 1201 exemple 310 nn

In the atc flight plan item 15 a cruising speed of 470 knots will be entered as ?

Question 94-31 : N0470 kn470 0470k n470

Icao doc4444 pans atm . 1327 exemple 314 n0470n0470

In the event that selcal is prescribed by an appropriate authority in which ?

Question 94-32 : Other information equipment route aircraft identification

exemple 318 other informationother information

When an atc flight plan is submitted for a flight outside designated ats routes ?

Question 94-33 : 30 minutes flying time or 370 km 20 minutes flying time or 150 km 15 minutes flying time or 100 km 1 hour flying time or 500 km

Icao doc4444 pans atm . 1209 exemple 322 30 minutes flying time or 370 km.30 minutes flying time or 370 km.

On an atc flight plan an aircraft indicated as 'h' for 'heavy' ?

Question 94-34 : Is of the highest wake turbulence category has a certified landing mass greater than or equal to 136 000 kg has a certified take off mass greater than or equal to 140 000 kg requires a runway length of at least 2 000m at maximum certified take off mass

.icao mandates separation minima based upon wake vortex categories that are in turn based upon the maximum take off weight mtow of the aircraft these minima are categorised are as follows.light mtow of 7000 kilograms or less.medium mtow of greater than 7000 kilograms but less than 136000 kilograms.heavy mtow of 136000 kilograms or greater..atpl examination is icao based there is no 'super' wake turbulence category for airbus a380 but a recommandation inviting the pilots to use expression 'super' immediately after their call sign in the initial radiotelephony contact between ats units .the wake turbulence category 'j' for airbus a380 is only a guidance pending exemple 326 is of the highest wake turbulence category.is of the highest wake turbulence category.

If a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified ?

Question 94-35 : 30 min 45 min 10 min 15 min

exemple 330 30 min30 min

Which best describes the significant cloud forecast for the area east of tunis ?

Question 94-36 : 5 to 7 oktas cu and ac base below fl100 tops fl180 3 to 4 oktas cu and ac base below fl100 tops fl180 5 to 7 oktas cu and ac base fl100 tops fl180 3 to 4 oktas cu and ac base fl100 tops fl160

1214.bkn means broken 5 to 7 oktas .cu cumulus .ac alto cumulus .xxx means base of layer is below the lower boundary of the chart exemple 334 5 to 7 oktas cu and ac base below fl100 tops fl180.5 to 7 oktas cu and ac base below fl100 tops fl180.

Prior to an ifr flight when filling in the icao flight plan the time ?

Question 94-37 : Take off until reaching the iaf initial approach fix of the destination aerodrome taxi out prior to take off until taxiing completion after landing take off until landing taxiing until the iaf initial approach fix of the destination aerodrome

exemple 338 take-off until reaching the iaf (initial approach fix) of the destination aerodrome.take-off until reaching the iaf (initial approach fix) of the destination aerodrome.

On a vfr atc flight plan the total estimated time is ?

Question 94-38 : The estimated time required from take off to arrive over the destination airport the estimated time from take off to overhead the destination airport plus 15 minutes the estimated time from take off to landing at the alternate airport the estimated time from engine start to landing at the destination airport

exemple 342 the estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination airportthe estimated time required from take-off to arrive over the destination airport

For a repetitive atc flight plan rpl to be used flights must take place on a ?

Question 94-39 : 10 occasions 20 occasions 30 occasions 50 occasions

exemple 346 10 occasions10 occasions

In an atc flight plan item 15 route in terms of latitude and longitude a ?

Question 94-40 : 4135n00415e 41°35' n 04° 15'e n04135e0415 n4135 e00415

.extrait doc 4444 .item 15 route significant point.degrees and minutes 11 characters 4 figures describing latitude in degrees and tens and units of minutes followed by 'n' north or 's' south followed by 5 figures describing longitude in degrees and tens and units of minutes followed by 'e' east or 'w' west .make up the correct number of figures where necessary by insertion of zeros e g 4620n07805w exemple 350 4135n00415e.4135n00415e.


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