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Attainment > AIM : For this question use trm athinai hellinikon approach chart 29 1 .what is the ?

Question 88-1 : 19 nm 19 km 14 nm 16 nm

Use route manual chart e lo 1 .an appropriate flight level for flight on airway ?

Question 88-2 : Fl90 fl80 fl100 fl50

. /com en/com033 492 jpg...magnetic heading from talla vor to dean cross vor is 185° and normally we have an odd level according to semi circular rule but '< e' indicates an even level in the dean cross to talla direction it means that we must use an odd level in the opposite direction.we also notice fl80 mea minimum enroute altitude so fl50 is exclude exemple 192 fl90fl90

Use route manual chart e hi 1..the direct distance from tiree 117 7 tir ?

Question 88-3 : 112 nm 204 nm 192 nm 360 km

. /com en/com033 508 jpg..direct distance from tiree to inverness is a little be shorter than distance tiree to perth along airway un 572 exemple 196 112 nm.112 nm.

Route manual chart e lo 5..the vor and tacan on airway g9 at osnabruck 52°12'n ?

Question 88-4 : Not frequency paired and have different identifiers frequency paired and have the same identifier not frequency paired and have the same identifier frequency paired and have different identifiers

. /com en/com033 511 jpg..tacan identifier is osb frequency 108 35 mhz .vor identifier is osn frequency 114 3 mhz exemple 200 not frequency paired, and have different identifiers.not frequency paired, and have different identifiers.

Use route manual chart e lo 1 .the magnetic course / distance from dean cross ?

Question 88-5 : 149° / 73 nm 143° / 53 nm 155° / 73 nm 329° / 53 nm

exemple 204 149° / 73 nm149° / 73 nm

Route manual chart london heathrow ils dme rwy 09r 11 1.the minimum descent ?

Question 88-6 : 480 ft 405 ft 275 ft 200 ft

. /com en/com033 519 jpg. exemple 208 480 ft.480 ft.

Route manual sid chart 20 3 for paris charles de gaulle. planning an ifr flight ?

Question 88-7 : 74 5 nm 72 5 nm 56 nm 83 nm

.2 + 7 + 0 5 + 9 + 56 = 74 5 nm. /com en/com033 523 jpg. exemple 212 74.5 nm.74.5 nm.

Use route manual chart e hi 1 .the initial magnetic course from tiree 117 7 tir ?

Question 88-8 : 064° 056° 048° 236°

.over a vor you always have a small arrow pointing towards magnetic north center your protractor over tiree and read the answer. /com en/com033 524 jpg..in reality on this annex we have a small scan distortion and we will find 062° .for those using the jeppesen student pilot route manual you will be able to find the exact initial magnetic course of 064° exemple 216 064°.064°.

Use route manual chart e lo 1..what is the minimum enroute altitude mea on ?

Question 88-9 : Fl50 fl150 4700 ft 4200 ft

Take care this question looks like question 373 what is the maximum authorised altitude maa on airway w911d which the answer is fl150.minimum enroute altitude mea on airway w911d is fl50. /com en/com033 1266 jpg. exemple 220 fl50.fl50.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition.of the following the preferred airways ?

Question 88-10 : Ub29 lam ur1 ortac ur14 ub29 lam ur1 mid ua34 lilan ur9 ur12 mid ur8 sam ub11 barlu uw115 ur12 mid ua47 dpe ua475 sokmu uh311

. /com en/com033 555 jpg. exemple 224 ub29 lam ur1 ortac ur14ub29 lam ur1 ortac ur14

Route manual sid chart 20 3 for paris charles de gaulle.planning an ifr flight ?

Question 88-11 : 24 5 nm 31 nm 36 5 nm 33 nm

.departure for runway 27 is 'abb 8' a or d depending on the landings direction at paris orly. /com en/com033 558 jpg.from departure to abb distance is 2 + 7 + 0 5 + 9 + 56 = 74 5 nm..74 5 nm 50 nm to reach toc = 24 5 nm from abb exemple 228 24.5 nm24.5 nm

Route manual chart e hi 5 caa edition..the minimum enroute altitude available ?

Question 88-12 : Fl250 fl200 fl210 fl260

. /com en/com033 559 jpg..the minimum enroute altitude from nice to bastia is fl250 exemple 232 fl250.fl250.

Route manual chart paris charles de gaulle ils rwy 27 21 2 .the crossing ?

Question 88-13 : Cross at fl60 descend to 4000 ft cross at fl70 descend to 4000 ft cross at fl80 descend to fl70 cross at fl60 and maintain

. /com en/com033 566 jpg. exemple 236 cross at fl60 descend to 4000 ft.cross at fl60 descend to 4000 ft.

Route manual chart munich ndb dme rwy 26l approach 16 3 .the frequency and ?

Question 88-14 : 400 msw 338 mnw 108 6 dms 112 3 mun

.key informations are displayed in big bold text . 400 msw is the main beacon to be use on the munich ndb dme rwy 26l approach procedure exemple 240 400 msw400 msw

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. the radio navigation aid serving ?

Question 88-15 : Vor/tacan frequency 115 6 mhz dme only channel 115 6 tacan only frequency 115 6 mhz vor only frequency 115 6 mhz

.the distance measurement component of tacan operates with the same specifications as civil dmes .therefore to reduce the number of required stations tacan stations are frequently co located with vor facilities these co located stations are known as vortacs this is a station composed of a vor for civil bearing information and a tacan for military bearing information and military/civil distance measuring information.the ' d ' indicates a distance measuring equipment dme since we do not have the answer 'vor/ dme frequency 115 6 mhz' we can only choose 'vor/ tacan frequency 115 6 mhz' exemple 244 vor/tacan, frequency 115.6 mhzvor/tacan, frequency 115.6 mhz

Use route manual chart e lo 1 .what are the applicable grid moras for a flight ?

Question 88-16 : 45 and 40 42 and 39 42 and 40 45 and 39

. /com en/com033 574 jpg. exemple 248 45 and 40.45 and 40.

Use route manual chart e lo 1..what are the magnetic curse and distance when ?

Question 88-17 : 343°/52 nm 343°/114 nm 163°/39 nm 163°/52 nm

. /com en/com033 584 jpg.the question asks for the magnetic course from shapp to eskdo so 163°+180° = 343° exemple 252 343°/52 nm.343°/52 nm.

Use route manual chart e hi 2..an aircraft has to fly from alma n55°25' ?

Question 88-18 : Fl 430 fl 410 fl 420 fl 440

.on the airway ug55 from point alma to point peter you have a e> indicates that an even flight level must be used .excluding rvsm the lowest flight level above fl400 that can be flown won't be fl420 but fl 430 it's crazy isn't it .you have to refer to icao semicircular cruising level diagram. 710..at or above fl290 only odd levels are used in order to allow a minimum separation of 2000 ft between aircrafts exemple 256 fl 430fl 430

Use route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition..an aircraft has to fly from salzburg ?

Question 88-19 : Vor/dme ident sbg frequency 113 8 mhz can be used salzburg ils/dme frequency 113 8 mhz can not be used for navigation only the dme ident sbg can be used on frequency 113 8 mhz vor is not avalaible vor/dme sbg will be dismantled soon it can not be used for navigation

exemple 260 vor/dme, ident sbg, frequency 113.8 mhz, can be used.vor/dme, ident sbg, frequency 113.8 mhz, can be used.

Use route manual chart e lo 1.the radio navigation aid at st abbs 55°55'n ?

Question 88-20 : A vordme frequency 112 5 mhz an ndb frequency 112 5 mhz a tacan channel 112 5 a vor only frequency 112 5 mhz

exemple 264 a vordme, frequency 112.5 mhz.a vordme, frequency 112.5 mhz.

For this question use route manual chart e hi 2.the radio navigation aid s at ?

Question 88-21 : Ndb frequency 374 khz ndb frequency 374 khz for temporary use tu vor frequency 374 mhz vordme frequency 374 khz

9996angel .como he de saber si es de uso temporal o no..an asterisk indicates navaid operation or service not continuous .example . /com en/com033 597 jpg..here 'tu' means 'tango uniform' this is the navaid name exemple 268 ndb, frequency 374 khz.ndb, frequency 374 khz.

Use route manual chart e hi 1..an aircraft is flying towards gow 55°52'n ?

Question 88-22 : 126 60 mhz 133 67 mhz 115 4 mhz 133 67 mhz

.133 67 mhz and 133 67 mh are the frequencies for scottish control .115 4 mhz is the frequency of gow vor .126 60 mhz is the london north weather wx frequency exemple 272 126.60 mhz.126.60 mhz.

For this question use route manual chart e hi 2.the radio navigation aid s at ?

Question 88-23 : Vordme frequency 112 8 mhz vordme frequency 128 15 mhz vordme frequency 128 75 mhz ndb frequency 112 8 khz

exemple 276 vordme, frequency 112.8 mhz.vordme, frequency 112.8 mhz.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition.the preferred airways routing from ?

Question 88-24 : Ur10 ntm ub6 bub ats ug108 spi ug1 ug1 ub69 dinki ub6 bub ats

. /com en/com033 601 jpg.ub69 is not available on wednesday you can read in blue 'available only friday 1800 to monday 0800 lt' exemple 280 ur10 ntm ub6 bub atsur10 ntm ub6 bub ats

Use route manual chart e hi 1..what navigation aid s is/are available to civil ?

Question 88-25 : The range element only of tacan on dme frequency 109 8 mhz tacan range and bearing on channel 35 the bearing element only of tacan on vor frequency 109 8 mhz vor and dme on frequency 109 8 mhz

. /com en/com061 453 jpg.for civil aircrafts only the range element of a tacan is available exemple 284 the range element only of tacan on dme frequency 109.8 mhz.the range element only of tacan on dme frequency 109.8 mhz.

On ur14 airway an aircraft overflying gibso must be at or above . 1496 ?

Question 88-26 : Fl 250 fl 200 fl 140 fl 160

exemple 288 fl 250fl 250

The correct track and corresponding iaf for a western arrival via ridar for ?

Question 88-27 : Ridar 2m iaf miq buram 1m iaf miq ridar 2m iaf rokil buram 2m iaf rokil

exemple 292 ridar 2m, iaf miqridar 2m, iaf miq

Refer to jeppesen manual chart e hi 4 or figure hi 08 .the magnetic course and ?

Question 88-28 : 061° / 37 nm 048° / 46 nm 041° / 78 nm 061° / 28 nm

exemple 296 061° / 37 nm061° / 37 nm

Refer to jeppesen student manual london area chart .you are required to hold ?

Question 88-29 : Enter the bovva alternate hold which starts at 32 dme biggin on 141° qdm enter the bovva alternate hold which is on the 141° radial at 37 dme biggin enter the bovva alternate hold which starts at 37 dme biggin on 141° qdm ask atc for radar vectors instead

exemple 300 enter the bovva alternate hold which starts at 32 dme biggin on 141° qdm.enter the bovva alternate hold which starts at 32 dme biggin on 141° qdm.

Refer to jeppesen manual chart e hi 4 . .your aircraft registered in the uk is ?

Question 88-30 : Oceanic entry clearance on 127 65 mhz airways clearance from london on 133 60 mhz oceanic entry clearance on 133 80 mhz oceanic entry clearance on123 95 mhz

exemple 304 oceanic entry clearance on 127,65 mhz.oceanic entry clearance on 127,65 mhz.

Refer to jeppesen manual chart e hi 5.flying eastbound between bologna 44°32 2 ?

Question 88-31 : Fl 310 fl 250 fl 260 fl 330

exemple 308 fl 310fl 310

Refer to jeppesen student manual trm sabadell area chart 19 1 or figure vfr ?

Question 88-32 : 118 65 mhz 120 80 mhz 124 70 mhz 119 10 mhz

exemple 312 118.65 mhz.118.65 mhz.

Planning an ifr flight from paris charles de gaulle to london .sid is abb 8a ?

Question 88-33 : Mc 349° gs 414 kts wca 5° mc 349° gs 450 kts wca +5° mc 169° gs 414 kts wca +5° mc 169° gs 450 kts wca +4°

exemple 316 mc 349°, gs 414 kts, wca -5°.mc 349°, gs 414 kts, wca -5°.

Refer to jeppesen student route manual chart e lo 1 .the minimum en route ?

Question 88-34 : Fl200 fl100 3900 ft 3100 ft

1505 exemple 320 fl200.fl200.

The quantity of fuel which is calculated to be necessary for a jet aeroplane to ?

Question 88-35 : 13000 kg 14500 kg 13370 kg 13220 kg

.warning this question indicates contingency should be 5% of trip fuel.normal rules for contingency the greater of 5% of trip or 5 min holding at 1500 ft .we must assume the operator has an exemption .minimum quantity of fuel at take off = trip fuel + alternate + contingency 5% of trip fuel + 30 min final reserve jet aircraft.trip fuel = 5350 kg.alternate = 4380 kg.contingency = 5% of trip fuel .5% x 5350 = 267 kg..30 min final reserve = 6000 /2 = 3000 kg.minimum quantity of fuel at take off = 5350 + 4380 + 267 + 3000 = 12997 kg exemple 324 13000 kg.13000 kg.

Using the power setting table for the single engine aeroplane determine the ?

Question 88-36 : 22 4 in hg and 69 3 lbs/hr 23 0 in hg and 69 0 lbs/hr 22 4 in hg and 71 1 lbs/hr 22 4 in hg and 73 8 lbs/hr

.first search isa temperature .at 8000 ft oat is +13°c..in standard atmosphere temperature at 8000 ft is 15°c 2°c x 8 = 1°c..we are in isa +14°c..we need now to interpolate between isa and isa +20°c on the table . 1139.isa fuel flow 71 1 pph and man press 22 4 .isa +20°c fuel flow 68 5 pph and man press 22 4. 71 1 68 5 x 14 / 20 = 1 82. fuel flow = 71 1 1 82 = 69 3 lbs/hr exemple 328 22.4 in.hg and 69.3 lbs/hr.22.4 in.hg and 69.3 lbs/hr.

Given the following .head wind component 50 kt.temperature isa +10°c.brake ?

Question 88-37 : 2740 nm 3100 nm 3480 nm 2540 nm

. 1156 exemple 332 2740 nm.2740 nm.

The fuel burn off is 200 kg/h with a relative fuel density of 0 8 .if the ?

Question 88-38 : 200 kg/h 213 kg/h 188 kg/h 267 kg/h

.volume changes mass consumption will not change.if they ask for 'litre/hour' instead of 'kg/h' then fuel burn will be 235 l/h exemple 336 200 kg/h.200 kg/h.

The trip fuel for a jet aeroplane to fly from the departure aerodrome to the ?

Question 88-39 : 13 230 kg 13 000 kg 14 730 kg 11 730 kg

.minimum quantity of fuel at take off = trip fuel + alternate + contingency + 30 min final reserve jet aircraft.trip fuel = 5350 kg.alternate = 4380 kg.contingency = the greater of 5% of trip or 5 min holding at 1500 ft .5% of trip = 5% x 5350 = 267 kg.5 min holding at 1500 ft = 6000 x 5/60 = 500 kg.30 min final reserve = 6000 /2 = 3000 kg.minimum quantity of fuel at take off = 5350 + 4380 + 500 + 3000 = 13230 kg exemple 340 13 230 kg.13 230 kg.

Given .fl 75 oat +10°c lean mixture 2300 rpm .find .fuel flow in gallons per ?

Question 88-40 : 11 6 gph tas 160 kt 11 6 gph tas 143 kt 71 1 gph tas 143 kt 68 5 gph tas 160 kt

.at fl75 in standard atmosphere isa is 15°c 2°c x 7 5 = 0°c .oat is +10°c thus we are at isa +10°c.no need for long interpolations fuel flow is around 11 4 to 12 gph and tas between 158 to 160 kt . 1162 exemple 344 11.6 gph, tas: 160 kt.11.6 gph, tas: 160 kt.


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