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Study > Manual : Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition..an aeroplane has to fly from abbeville ?

Question 87-1 : 100 nm 62 nm 64 nm 38 nm

. /com fr/com033 30 jpg. exemple 187 100 nm.100 nm.

Route manual chart e lo 5. the magnetic course/distance from elbe lbe 115 1 ?

Question 87-2 : 352°/72 nm 352°/96 nm 339°/80 nm 339°/125 nm

exemple 191 352°/72 nm352°/72 nm

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. the first lowest available flight level ?

Question 87-3 : Fl300 fl310 fl290 fl320

Use rvsm rules. /com en/com033 1228 jpg..magnetic track 284° we need an even flight level the first one availbale is fl300.note at the exam you must assume rvsm rules unless the question says otherwise those questions always refer to upper level charts over europe .only 3 questions in the database states 'excluding rvsm' exemple 195 fl300.fl300.

Unless otherwise shown on charts for standard instrument departure the routes ?

Question 87-4 : Magnetic course magnetic headings true course true headings

exemple 199 magnetic coursemagnetic course

Route manual chart e lo 1.the magnetic course/distance from wallasey wal 114 1 ?

Question 87-5 : 279°/85 nm 311°/85 nm 279°/114 nm 311°/114 nm

. /com en/com033 306 jpg..114 nm positioned along b1 airway centerline is the total mileage between navaids exemple 203 279°/85 nm.279°/85 nm.

At reference or use trm athinai hellinikon approach chart 29 1 .what is the ?

Question 87-6 : 3°e 3°w 5°e 5°w

. /com en/com033 307 jpg. exemple 207 3°e.3°e.

Route manual chart e hi 5 caa edition. of the following the preferred airways ?

Question 87-7 : Ua34 ub19 poi ub195 uh40 fouco uh40 peric ua34 ub19 cgc ua25

.ub19 is a 'one way' airways valid from agen to amboise .uh40 is available by uacc upper air control center only exemple 211 ua34ua34

Route manual chart e lo 5..the airway intersection at ronneby 56°18'n ?

Question 87-8 : An ndb callisign n a tacan callsign ron a fan marker callsign lp an ndb callsign lf

. /com en/com033 316 jpg.ndb n frequency 340 khz .you can notice a dme tacan ron frequency 109 2 mhz but not at the airway intersection .off airway navaids are unboxed such as ndbs lp and lf . /com en/com061 453 jpg. exemple 215 an ndb callisign n.an ndb callisign n.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. the magnetic course/distance from trent ?

Question 87-9 : 297°/57 nm 117°/71 nm 297°/70 nm 117°/57 nm

exemple 219 297°/57 nm297°/57 nm

According to the chart the minimum obstruction clearance altitude moca is 8500 ?

Question 87-10 : 8800 ft 8500 ft 12800 ft 8200 ft

.minimum obstacle clearance altitude or moca is the lowest published altitude in effect between fixes on vor airways off airway routes or route segments that meets obstacle like a building or a tower clearance requirements for the entire route segment. jomargra .the question is aking about pressure altitude not density altitude or true altitude so we don't have to consider temperature correction only pressure correction from standard.diference between isa qnh3013 and real qnh3003 is 10 hpa 10hpa x 30ft/hpa = 300ft.a rule to remember if we have to add or to subtract is .danger with low temperatures and low pressures for the true height we are lower than indicated if flying fls exemple 223 8800 ft.8800 ft.

Use route manual chart e hi 2..an aircraft has to fly from odin 55°35'n ?

Question 87-11 : 024° 204° 052° 156°

. /com en/com033 323 jpg.the magnetic course on this route is 024° exemple 227 024°.024°.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition..the radio navigation aid at st dizier ?

Question 87-12 : Tacan channel 87 frequency 114 0 mhz tacan channel 114 0 tacan channel 87 and ndb frequency 114 0 khz vor frequency 114 0 mhz and tacan channel 87

. /com en/com033 342 jpg exemple 231 tacan, channel 87, frequency 114.0 mhztacan, channel 87, frequency 114.0 mhz

Route manual chart e hi 4..an appropriate flight level for flight on airway ur1 ?

Question 87-13 : Fl250 fl220 fl260 fl240

. /com en/com033 344 jpg..'o>' indicates an odd level in the ortac to midhurst direction. jbriol .indication 1 is giving the cruising levels on ur1 between midhurst and ortac intl northbound fl 250 fl 270 fl 290 fl 310 fl 350 fl 390 on route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition exemple 235 fl250fl250

Use route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition.an aircraft has to fly from salzburg ?

Question 87-14 : The figure 13 4 means that the minimum grid safe altitude in this sector is 13400 ft above msl the figure 13 4 means that the minimum enroute altitude mea is 13400 ft the figure 13 4 means that the minimum sector altitude msa is 13400 ft the figure 108 means that the minimum obstacle clearance altitude moca on this route is 10800 ft above msl

. /com en/com033 367a jpg.. /com en/com033 367b jpg..notice if you take this entire route from salzburg to klagenfurt the minimum grid safe altitude is 148 14800 ft above msl but the question statement is for 'figure 13 4' only exemple 239 the figure 13.4 means that the minimum grid safe altitude in this sector is 13400 ft above msl.the figure 13.4 means that the minimum grid safe altitude in this sector is 13400 ft above msl.

Route manual chart sid paris charles de gaulle 20 3.planning a ifr flight from ?

Question 87-15 : 387 ft 268 ft 217 ft 2 ft

. /com en/com033 370 jpg

Use route manual chart e lo 1 .what is the maximum authorised altitude maa on ?

Question 87-16 : Fl150 fl50 4700 ft 4200 ft

.we are looking for maa maximum authorised altitude. /com en/com033 373 jpg.. take care this question looks like question 535 what is the minimum enroute altitude mea on airway w911d which the answer is fl50 exemple 247 fl150fl150

Route manual chart london heathrow ils dme rwy 09l 11 2 . the decision altitude ?

Question 87-17 : 280 ft 200 ft 400 ft 480 ft

exemple 251 280 ft280 ft

An airway is marked 3500t 2100 a this indicates that ?

Question 87-18 : The minimum obstruction clearance altitude moca is 3500 ft the minimum enroute altitude mea is 3500 ft the airway base is 3500 ft msl the airway is a low level link route 2100 ft 3500 ft msl

. /com en/com033 1266 jpg..minimum obstacle clearance altitude or moca is the lowest published altitude in effect between fixes on vor airways off airway routes or route segments that meets obstacle like a building or a tower clearance requirements for the entire route segment exemple 255 the minimum obstruction clearance altitude (moca) is 3500 ft.the minimum obstruction clearance altitude (moca) is 3500 ft.

Route manual star chart for london heathrow 10 2d.the minimum holding altitude ?

Question 87-19 : 7000 ft and 220 kt 9000 ft and 220 kt 7000 ft and 250 kt 9000 ft and 250 kt

. /com en/com033 381 png.minimum holding altitude mha at ockham 7000 ft .maximum holding speed ias at mha at ockham 220 kt exemple 259 7000 ft and 220 kt.7000 ft and 220 kt.

Route manual sid charts for zurich 10 3.which is the correct albix departure ?

Question 87-20 : Albix 7s albix 7a albix 6h albix 6e

. /com en/com033 385 jpg..for a albix departure in direction of aarau from runway 16 you must follow the published track albix 7s exemple 263 albix 7salbix 7s

Route manual chart e hi 5 caa edition.the first lowest available flight level ?

Question 87-21 : Fl290 fl310 fl300 fl280

.on ug5 you have an indication stating that an odd level is required from men to gai. /com en/com033 399 jpg..we are looking for the lowest one so fl290 exemple 267 fl290.fl290.

For this question use route manual chart e hi 1.what is the average magnetic ?

Question 87-22 : 260° 253° 247° 267°

. /com en/com033 400 jpg. exemple 271 260°.260°.

Route manual star 10 2 and instrument approach chart 11 4 ils dme rwy 27r for ?

Question 87-23 : Big 115 1 mhz big 115 1 khz ock 115 3 mhz epm 316 khz

. /com en/com033 401 jpg..via big 2a arrival route your initial approach fix iaf is vor dme big frequency 115 1 mhz exemple 275 big 115.1 mhz.big 115.1 mhz.

Use route manual chart e hi 2..an aircraft has to fly on airways from sveda ?

Question 87-24 : Svd uh40 paper ua9 bak ub44 ska svd ub45 lav ur156 ska ur1 hil uv30 btd uh42 ska svd uh40 paper ua9 bak ur156 ska

. /com en/com033 409 jpg. exemple 279 svd uh40 paper ua9 bak ub44 skasvd uh40 paper ua9 bak ub44 ska

An airway is marked fl 80 1500 a this indicates that ?

Question 87-25 : The minimum enroute altitude mea is fl 80 the airway base is 1500 ft msl the airways extends from 1500 ft msl to fl 80 1500 ft msl is the minimum radio reception altitude mra

/com en/com033 1266 jpg..minimum enroute altitude mea is fl 80 and the mora is 1500 route moras provided an obstacle clearance within 10 nm 19 km on both sides of the airways and within a 10 nm 19 km radius around the ends of the airways exemple 283 the minimum enroute altitude (mea) is fl 80.the minimum enroute altitude (mea) is fl 80.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition.the radio navigation aid on airway ug4 at ?

Question 87-26 : Vor only identifier lul vor/dme only identifier lul vor/dme and ndb identifier lxi vor identifier lul frequency paired with tacan identifier lxi

.there is no ' d ' in front of the frequency this is not a vor/dme this is a vor only the frequency is not paired with a tacan exemple 287 vor only, identifier lul.vor only, identifier lul.

Route manual chart e lo 1. the radio navigation aid at shannon 52°43'n ?

Question 87-27 : A vor/dme frequency 113 3 mhz a tacan frequency 113 3 khz a vor only frequency 113 3 mhz an ndb frequency 352 khz

exemple 291 a vor/dme, frequency 113.3 mhza vor/dme, frequency 113.3 mhz

Use route manual chart e hi 2..an aircraft has to fly from the beacon tno ?

Question 87-28 : 018°/131 nm 029°/69 nm 013°/117 nm 007°/131 nm

. /com en/com033 426 jpg.. iguano .how would you calculate this problem with math i tried but all the time im getting round 40 nm as answer ..difference of latitude between tno and har is 55°46'n to 57°50'n = 2°04'.difference of longitude between tno and har is 011°26'e to 012°42'e = 1°16'..1° of latitude = 60 nm thus 2° = 120 nm the distance will be more than 120 nm.but if you really want to go for calculation you have to apply this formula .cos p = sin la sin lb + cos la cos lb cos g...la lb and g are expressed in degrees and hundredth of degrees.la is latitude of tno.lb is latitude of har.g is the difference of longitude between tno and har exemple 295 018°/131 nm.018°/131 nm.

Use route manual chart e hi 1.an aircraft has to fly from the airport at ?

Question 87-29 : 54 min 47 min 28 min 16 min

. /com en/com033 427 jpg..the distance of the cruise leg is around 100 nm .100/210 x 60 = 28 min.from aberdeen to benbecula total journey time is 15 + 28 +11 = 54 minutes exemple 299 54 min.54 min.

For this question use route manual chart e hi 2 .the identifier of the radio ?

Question 87-30 : Aor svd svd03 astor

. /com en/com033 429 jpg..the identifier is aor .the radio navigation aid is astor exemple 303 aor.aor.

Route manual chart e lo 1.the radio navigation aid at belfast city 54°37'n ?

Question 87-31 : An ndb frequency 420 khz not continuous operation an ndb frequency 420 khz continuous operation a tacan channel 420 a fan marker frequency 420 khz

.belfast city ndb hb hotel bravo frequency 420 khz .asterisk * indicates part time operation exemple 307 an ndb, frequency 420 khz, not continuous operation.an ndb, frequency 420 khz, not continuous operation.

Route manual chart e lo 2. the minimum enroute altitude mea that can be ?

Question 87-32 : Fl140 1000 ft msl fl60 2800 ft msl

exemple 311 fl140fl140

Route manual chart amsterdam schiphol ils dme rwy 22 11 6.the missed approach ?

Question 87-33 : I 2000 ft ii 160° i 200 ft ii 223° i 3000 ft ii 160° i 3000 ft ii 223°

. /com en/com033 440 jpg. exemple 315 (i) 2000 ft (ii) 160°.(i) 2000 ft (ii) 160°.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition.the magnetic course/distance from ?

Question 87-34 : 050°/47 nm 230°/97 nm 133°/85 nm 052°/97 nm

.the magnetic course between erlangen and dinkelsbuhl is 230° opposite is 050° .distance 47 nm is indicated above the 'ur11' tag.note '97' on the airway is total mileage between erlangen and an another navaid exemple 319 050°/47 nm.050°/47 nm.

Route manual chart e lo 6. an appropriate flight level for flight on airway r10 ?

Question 87-35 : Fl60 fl40 fl70 fl50

exemple 323 fl60fl60

Route manual chart e lo 1.the radio navigation aid at topcliffe 54°12'n ?

Question 87-36 : Tacan only channel 84 frequency 113 7 mhz tacan channel 84 and a vor frequency 113 7 mhz only tacan channel 84 and an ndb frequency 92 khz only vortac frequency 113 7 mhz and an ndb frequency 92 khz

.tacan identifier is top for civil aircrafts only the range element of a tacan is available on frequency 113 7 mhz you can obtain dme information .topcliffe ab is a military airfield altitude 92 ft exemple 327 tacan only, channel 84, (frequency 113.7 mhz)tacan only, channel 84, (frequency 113.7 mhz)

Route manual chart e lo 1..the minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained ?

Question 87-37 : Fl110 2900 ft msl fl80 4100 ft msl

Amassa .it says continuously in the leg from stu to amman minimum level is fl110. mehdi2111 .same opinion as amassa can we have explanations about your answer.. but we all have the same opinion of amassa and this is the reason why the answer is fl110 .we are looking for the minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuously . /com en/com033 1266 jpg.from strumble to brecon the minimum enroute altitude is fl110 exemple 331 fl110.fl110.

On an ifr navigation chart in a 1° quadrant of longitude and latitude appears ?

Question 87-38 : The minimum safe altitude is 8000 ft the minimum flight level is fl 80 the altitude of the highest obstacle is 8000 ft the floor of the airway is at 8000 ft

. /com en/com033 367a jpg..note 'minimum grid safe altitude' = 'minimum safe altitude' exemple 335 the minimum safe altitude is 8000 ft.the minimum safe altitude is 8000 ft.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. planning a ifr flight from paris charles ?

Question 87-39 : 322° 330° 343° 142°

. /com en/com033 468 jpg. exemple 339 322°.322°.

Route manual star charts for munich 10 2b.the correct arrival route and initial ?

Question 87-40 : Aalen 1t iaf rokil aalen 1t iaf mbg ndg 1t iaf rokil dkb 1t iaf rokil

. /com en/com033 479 jpg. exemple 343 aalen 1t, iaf rokilaalen 1t, iaf rokil


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