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Result > topography : Use route manual chart e hi 1.the initial true course from tiree 117 7 tir ?

Question 86-1 : 054° 062° 048° 236°

. /com en/com033 115 jpg..we are looking here for the initial true course exemple 186 054°.054°.

Route manual chart e lo 5. an appropriate flight level for flight on airway g9 ?

Question 86-2 : Fl70 fl80 fl60 fl50

.we are looking for a flight level .the semicircular rule defines an east/west track split.eastbound magnetic track 000° to 179° odd thousands fl 150 170 etc.westbound magnetic track 180° to 359° even thousands fl 160 180 etc..from subi to czempin this is an eastbound track we need an odd level the first one available is fl70 as indicated on airway g9 . /com en/com033 121 jpg..this is also the minimum enroute altitude . /com en/com033 1266 jpg.

Route manual chart madrid barajas ils dme rwy 33 11 1 .the minimum glide slope ?

Question 86-3 : 4000 ft 3500 ft 2067 ft 1567 ft

. /com en/com033 135 jpg..all altitudes in the profile view are 'minimum' altitudes unless specifically labeled otherwise altitude are above mean sea level in feet.to intercept the glide slope for a full ils the minimum altitude is 4000 feet exemple 194 4000 ft.4000 ft.

Use route manual chart e lo 1..the distance on airway b4 from pole hill 112 1 ?

Question 86-4 : 49 nm 31 nm 51 nm 30 nm

1495 exemple 198 49 nm.49 nm.

Route manual chart e lo 6.the magnetic course/distance from grostenquin gtq 111 ?

Question 86-5 : 337°/46 nm 337°/58 nm 337°/31 nm 157°/58 nm

. /com en/com033 149 jpg.58 nm is the total mileage between facilities exemple 202 337°/46 nm.337°/46 nm.

Use route manual chart e hi 2. what is the meaning of the chart information for ?

Question 86-6 : Vordme with identification lav available on frequency 114 6 mhz dme only with identification lav available on frequency 114 6 mhz doppler vor only with identification lav available on frequency 114 6 mhz vordme and ndb with identification lav available on frequency 114 6 mhz

exemple 206 vordme with identification lav available on frequency 114.6 mhz.vordme with identification lav available on frequency 114.6 mhz.

For this question use route manual chart e hi 2..the radio navigation aid at ?

Question 86-7 : Ndb frequency 355 khz ndb frequency 355 mhz vor frequency 355 khz vor frequency 355 mhz

. /com en/com033 156 jpg.ndbs operate in the frequency range from 190 khz to 1750 khz exemple 210 ndb, frequency 355 khz.ndb, frequency 355 khz.

Use route manual chart e hi 1 .the initial true course from inverness 109 2 ins ?

Question 86-8 : 237° 244° 218° 230°

. /com en/com033 158 jpg..we are looking the initial true course this course refer to the true north.also notice the difference between true north and magnetic north clearly shown by the vor and the dashed line 7°w added to the initial true course gives the initial magnetic course 244° exemple 214 237°.237°.

Route manual sid chart for munich 10 3c 10 3d . which is the correct departure ?

Question 86-9 : Kempten five sierra kempten three echo kempten three quebec kempten three november

exemple 218 kempten five sierrakempten five sierra

Route manual chart 5 at hi .on airway pts p from vigra 62°33'4n 006°02'e the ?

Question 86-10 : Is 344° is 350° is 353° is 347°

.the large blue lines on a polar stereographic chart are lined up with the greenwich meridian our grid is aligned with the 000° meridian. /com en/com033 175 jpg..with your protractor centered on vigra you will find 344° grid.by calculation .grid = true + west longitude or east longitude .pts p is 353° magnetic variation at vigra 3°w so 350° true .vigra 62°33'4n 006°02'e grid = 350 east longitude = 350 6e = 344° exemple 222 is 344°.is 344°.

Route manual chart e lo 5..the ndb at denko 52°49'n 015°50'e can be ?

Question 86-11 : Frequency 440 khz bfo on channel 440 bfo off frequency 440 khz bfo off channel 440 bfo on

.underline shown below navaid identifier indicates beat frequency oscilliator bfo required to hear morse code identifier exemple 226 frequency 440 khz, bfo onfrequency 440 khz, bfo on

Route manual chart amsterdam jaa minimums 10 9x .the radio altimeter minimum ?

Question 86-12 : 100 ft 88 ft 300 ft 188 ft

.. /com en/com033 181 jpg..first figure in bold 88' is the da decision altitude followed by dh decision height in brackets amsterdam schiphol is below msl it's the reason why decision altitude is lesser than decision height .the ra100' minimum is determined by the radio altimeter .the 300m is the rvr column letters a b c and d are for aircraft category exemple 230 100 ft.100 ft.

On an instrument approach chart a minimum sector altitude 'msa' is defined in ?

Question 86-13 : 25 nm 20 nm 15 nm 10 nm

exemple 234 25 nm25 nm

Route manual chart e lo 2. an appropriate flight level for flight on airway b3 ?

Question 86-14 : Fl170 fl50 fl80 fl60

. /com en/com033 199 jpg..on airway b3 from chatillon to cambrai we must have an odd level in the opposite direction 'e>' indicates and even level from cambrai to chatillon.we also have a minimum enroute altitude mea of fl60 so fl50 is exclude exemple 238 fl170fl170

For this question use route manual chart e hi 2..the radio navigation aid s at ?

Question 86-15 : Vor frequency 116 9 mhz vordme frequency 116 9 mhz vor frequency 116 2 mhz vordme frequency 116 2 mhz

.56°08'9'n 013°13'9'e vor vedby frequency 116 9 mhz call sign vey

An airway is marked 5000 2900a the notation 5000 is the ?

Question 86-16 : Minimum enroute altitude mea maximum authorised altitude maa minimum holding altitude mha base of the airway agl

exemple 246 minimum enroute altitude (mea)minimum enroute altitude (mea)

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. the radio navigation aid at chioggia ?

Question 86-17 : Vor/dme frequency 114 1 mhz and ndb frequency 408 khz vor/dme only frequency 114 1 mhz vor frequency 114 1 mhz and tacan channel 408 vor frequency 114 1 mhz and tacan frequency 408 mhz

exemple 250 vor/dme, frequency 114.1 mhz, and ndb frequency 408 khzvor/dme, frequency 114.1 mhz, and ndb frequency 408 khz

Route manual chart e lo 6..an appropriate flight level for flight on airway w37 ?

Question 86-18 : Fl80 fl40 fl50 fl70

.on airway w37 there is an e> indicating that an even level in the cheb to roding direction is mandatory .fl50 and fl70 are out.minimum enroute altitude mea is 6000 ft so fl40 is out exemple 254 fl80.fl80.

Use route manual chart e hi 2 .an aircraft has to fly on airways from skara ?

Question 86-19 : Ska uh42 btd uv30 hil ur1 svd ska ub44 bak ua9 paper uh40 svd ska ur156 lav ub45 svd ska dct svd

. /com en/com033 210 jpg. exemple 258 ska uh42 btd uv30 hil ur1 svdska uh42 btd uv30 hil ur1 svd

Use route manual chart e lo 1..the radio navigation aid at leeds bradford ?

Question 86-20 : An ndb frequency 402 5 khz not continuous operation a tacan channel 402 5 a fan marker frequency 402 5 khz an ndb frequency 402 5 khz continuous operation

.leeds bradford ndb lba lima bravo alfa frequency 402 5 khz .asterisk * indicates part time operation exemple 262 an ndb, frequency 402.5 khz, not continuous operation.an ndb, frequency 402.5 khz, not continuous operation.

Use route manual chart e lo 1.the magnetic course from dean cross 115 2 dcs ?

Question 86-21 : 077° 083° 257° 263°

. /com en/com033 219 jpg. exemple 266 077°.077°.

Route manual sid chart for london heathrow 10 3.which of the following is a ?

Question 86-22 : West sector 2100 ft within 25 nm west sector 2300 ft within 25 nm east sector 2100 ft within 50 nm east sector 2300 ft within 50 nm

.the airport is at the center of the msa circle . /com en/com033 221 jpg.the msa is given for 25 nm around the airport the minimum safe altitude in the west sector is 2100 ft and 2300 ft in the east sector exemple 270 west sector 2100 ft within 25 nm.west sector 2100 ft within 25 nm.

Route manual chart star london heathrow 10 2.planning a ifr flight from paris ?

Question 86-23 : 80 ft 77 ft 177 ft 100 ft

. /com en/com033 224 jpg. exemple 274 80 ft.80 ft.

Use route manual chart e hi 1..an aircraft has to fly from beacon ben 57°29'n ?

Question 86-24 : 093° 101° 281° 109°

. /com en/com033 226 jpg.the meridians show the true north direction.magnetic course between ben and adn is 101° .the dashed lines show 7°w and 8°w variation .101° 7°w = 094° .101° 8°w = 093°.average true course for this route is 93 5° exemple 278 093°.093°.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. the radio navigation aid stad 51°45'n ?

Question 86-25 : An ndb frequency 386 khz a tacan on channel 386 a vor frequency 386 mhz a vor/dme on channel 386

exemple 282 an ndb, frequency 386 khzan ndb, frequency 386 khz

Route manual sid chart for amsterdam schiphol 10 3b .the route distance from ?

Question 86-26 : 67 nm 35 nm 59 nm 52 nm

. /com en/com033 231 jpg. exemple 286 67 nm.67 nm.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition..the radio navigation aid at zurich ?

Question 86-27 : A vor only frequency 115 0 mhz a vor/dme frequency 115 0 mhz an ndb only frequency 115 0 khz a tacan frequency 115 0 mhz

. /com en/com033 234 jpg.there is no ' d ' in front of the frequency this is not a vor/dme exemple 290 a vor only, frequency 115.0 mhz.a vor only, frequency 115.0 mhz.

Use route manual chart e hi 1..the initial true course from tiree 117 7 tir ?

Question 86-28 : 011° 192° 019° 003°

. /com en/com033 235 jpg..we are looking the initial true course this course refer to the true north indicated by the direction of the meridians exemple 294 011°.011°.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition..the magnetic course/distance from ?

Question 86-29 : 346°/45 nm 166°/64 nm 346°/43 nm 346°/64 nm

. /com en/com033 238 jpg.33 + 2 + 10 = 45 nm exemple 298 346°/45 nm.346°/45 nm.

Route manual chart paris charles de gaulle ils rwy 10 21 8 . the ils localizer ?

Question 86-30 : 088° 100° 118° 268°

exemple 302 088°088°

Route manual chart 5 at hi .the initial great circle true course from keflavik ?

Question 86-31 : 106° 096° 066° 080°

. /com en/com033 242 jpg..the large blue line on a high altitude atlantic chart is lined up with the greenwich meridian our grid is aligned with the 000° meridian draw a line between keflavik and vigra and measure with your protractor the initial great circle true course to vigra. daniel .keflavik variation 22º w + 084º = 106º exemple 306 106°.106°.

Use route manual chart e hi 1..the initial magnetic course from tiree 117 7 tir ?

Question 86-32 : 019° 192° 011° 003°

.over a vor you always have a small arrow pointing towards magnetic north . /com en/com033 243 jpg.center your protractor over tiree and read the answer 019° exemple 310 019°.019°.

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition. an aeroplane has to fly from salzburg ?

Question 86-33 : The airway ub5 can be used for flights to/from klagenfurt and salzburg the airway ub5 is closed in this direction except during the weekends the airway ub5 cannot be used there is one way traffic to the north the airway ub5 is closed for southbound traffic above fl 200

Ub5 arrow indicates that this is a one way route but as specifies below the arrow you are allowed to use the airway for flight to or from klagenfurt and salzburg exemple 314 the airway ub5 can be used for flights to/from klagenfurt and salzburg.the airway ub5 can be used for flights to/from klagenfurt and salzburg.

Route manual chart e hi 5 caa edition..of the following the preferred airways ?

Question 86-34 : Ub282 dgn ub46 ua6 lsa ug52 ub284 vilar ub28 ub28

. /com en/com033 249 jpg exemple 318 ub282 dgn ub46ub282 dgn ub46

Use route manual chart e lo 1.the magnetic course/distance from talla 113 8 tla ?

Question 86-35 : 185° / 47 nm 185° / 18 nm 005° / 47 nm 005° / 18 nm

exemple 322 185° / 47 nm.185° / 47 nm.

Route manual chart e hi 5 caa edition. the magnetic course/distance from ?

Question 86-36 : 094°/ 90 nm 046°/ 70 nm 067°/ 122 nm 113°/ 142 nm

exemple 326 094°/ 90 nm094°/ 90 nm

Route manual chart e hi 4 caa edition.the minimum enroute altitude that can be ?

Question 86-37 : Fl290 fl250 fl330 fl245

. /com en/com033 1266 jpg..the minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuously on airway ua34 is fl 290. /com en/com033 257 jpg. exemple 330 fl290.fl290.

Route manual chart e lo 5..the minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained ?

Question 86-38 : Fl100 fl60 1000ft 2500 ft

. /com en/com033 1266 jpg..we are looking for the minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuously .from doxon to ronne the minimum enroute altitude is fl100 exemple 334 fl100.fl100.

For this question use trm athinai hellinikon approach chart 29 1 .what is the ?

Question 86-39 : 114 40 ath 357 kvr 275 hk 294 hn

. /com en/com033 261 jpg.'hk' and 'hn' are locator 'kvr' is an ndb exemple 338 114.40 ath114.40 ath

Route manual chart e lo 2..the magnetic course/distance from cambrai cmb 112 6 ?

Question 86-40 : 169°/42 nm 349°/42 nm 349°/26 nm 169°/68 nm

. /com en/com033 263 jpg.from cambrai to talun 14 + 28 = 42 nm .magnetic course 169° exemple 342 169°/42 nm.169°/42 nm.


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