Question > security : A commercial flight is planned with a turbojet aeroplane to an aerodrome with a ?
Question 81-1 : 1 440 m 1 250 m 1 090 m 1 655 m
At the destination aerodrome the landing distance available is 3000m .the ?
Question 81-2 : 1565 m 2070 m 1800 m 2609 m

With zero wind the angle of attack for maximum range for an aeroplane with ?
Question 81-3 : Lower than the angle of attack corresponding to maximum endurance equal to the angle of attack corresponding to maximum endurance equal to the angle of attack corresponding to zero induced drag equal to the angle of attack corresponding to maximum lift to drag ratio
Two identical turbojet aeroplane whose specific fuel consumptions are ?
Question 81-4 : 3804 kg/h 3578 kg/h 3365 kg/h 4044 kg/h

A jet aeroplane equipped with old engines has a specific fuel consumption of 0 ?
Question 81-5 : 8 17 kg/nm 11 7 kg/nm 10 7 kg/nm 14 kg/nm

The determination of the maximum mass on brake release of a certified turbojet ?
Question 81-6 : 67700 kg / 15° 69000 kg / 15° 72200 kg / 5° 69700 kg / 25°

During certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane the actual measured ?
Question 81-7 : 2009 m 1950 m 2096 m 2243 m

For a twin engine turbojet aeroplane two take off flap settings 5° and 15° ?
Question 81-8 : 56 000 kg 53 000 kg 52 000 kg 70 000 kg

The lowest take off safety speed v2 min is ?
Question 81-9 : 1 13 vsr for two and three engine turbo propeller and turbojet aeroplanes 1 20 vsr for all aeroplanes 1 15 vsr for all turbojet and turbo propeller aeroplanes 1 20 vsr for all turbo propeller aeroplanes

Which of the following three speeds of a jet aeroplane are basically identical ?
Question 81-10 : Holding maximum climb angle and minimum glide angle maximum drag maximum endurance and maximum climb angle maximum range minimum drag and minimum glide angle maximum climb angle minimum glide angle and maximum range

The lift coefficient decreases during a glide with constant mach number mainly ?
Question 81-11 : Ias increases aircraft mass decreases tas decreases glide angle increases

During a descent at constant mach number the margin to low speed buffet will ?
Question 81-12 : Increase because the lift coefficient decreases remain constant because the mach number remains constant increase because the lift coefficient increases decrease because the lift coefficient decreases

A jet aeroplane is climbing at a constant ias and maximum climb thrust how will ?
Question 81-13 : Reduce / decrease reduce / remain constant remain constant / decrease remain constant / become larger

A jet aeroplane is flying long range cruise how does the specific range / fuel ?
Question 81-14 : Increase / decrease increase / increase decrease / increase decrease / decrease

During a glide at constant mach number the pitch angle of the aeroplane will ?
Question 81-15 : Decrease increase increase at first and decrease later on remain constant

During a cruise flight of a jet aeroplane at constant flight level and at the ?
Question 81-16 : Decrease / decrease increase / decrease increase / increase decrease / increase
An aeroplane descends from fl 410 to fl 270 at its cruise mach number and from ?
Question 81-17 : I increases ii remains constant i increases ii decreases i remains constant ii decreases i decreases ii increases

With a jet aeroplane the maximum climb angle can be flown at approximately ?
Question 81-18 : The maximum cl/cd ratio 1 1 vs the maximum cl/cd² ratio 1 2 vs
What happens to the drag of a jet aeroplane if during the initial climb after ?
Question 81-19 : The drag remains almost constant the drag increases considerably the drag decreases the drag increases initially and decreases thereafter

Which of the following sequences of speed for a jet aeroplane is correct . from ?
Question 81-20 : Vs maximum angle climb speed maximum range speed vs maximum range speed maximum angle climb speed maximum endurance speed maximum range speed maximum angle of climb speed maximum endurance speed long range speed maximum range speed

If a flight is performed with a higher 'cost index' at a given mass which of ?
Question 81-21 : A higher cruise mach number a lower cruise mach number an increased maximum range an increased long range performance

For a jet transport aeroplane which of the following is the reason for the use ?
Question 81-22 : Minimum specific fuel consumption minimum fuel flow longest flight duration minimum drag

What happens when an aeroplane climbs at a constant mach number ?
Question 81-23 : The lift coefficient increases the '1 3g' altitude is exceeded so mach buffet will start immediately the tas continues to increase which may lead to structural problems ias stays constant so there will be no problems

Which of the following is a reason to operate an aeroplane at 'long range speed' ?
Question 81-24 : It is efficient to fly slightly faster than with maximum range speed in order to achieve speed stability the aircraft can be operated close to the buffet onset speed in order to prevent loss of speed stability and tuck under

If the value of the balanced v1 is found to be lower than vmcg which of the ?
Question 81-25 : V1 must be increased to at least the value of vmcg the one engine out take off distance will become greater than the asdr the vmcg will be lowered to v1 the asdr will become greater than the one engine out take off distance

Reduced take off thrust should normally not be used when ?
Question 81-26 : Windshear is reported on the take off path it is dark the runway is dry the runway is wet

Reduced take off thrust should normally not be used when ?
Question 81-27 : The runway is contaminated it is dark the runway is wet obstacles are present close to the end of the runway

The use of reduced take off thrust is permitted only if ?
Question 81-28 : The actual take off mass tom is lower than the field length limited tom the take off distance available is lower than the take off distance required one engine out at v1 the actual take off mass tom including a margin is greater than the performance limited tom the actual take off mass tom is greater than the climb limited tom

Which combination of circumstances or conditions would most likely lead to a ?
Question 81-29 : A high runway elevation and tail wind a low runway elevation and a cross wind a high runway elevation and a head wind a low runway elevation and a head wind

The drift down requirements are based on ?
Question 81-30 : The obstacle clearance during a descent to the new cruising altitude if an engine has failed the actual engine thrust output at the altitude of engine failure the maximum flight path gradient during the descent the landing mass limit at the alternate

Which of the following statements concerning the obstacle limited take off mass ?
Question 81-31 : It should be determined on the basis of a 35 ft obstacle clearance with the respect to the 'net take off flight path' it should not be corrected for 30° bank turns in the take off path it should be calculated in such a way that there is a margin of 50 ft with respect to the 'net take off flight path' it cannot be lower than the corresponding climb limited take off mass

The 'maximum tyre speed' limits ?
Question 81-32 : Vlof in terms of ground speed v1 in kt tas vr or vmu if this is lower than vr v1 in kt ground speed

Which of the following factors determines the maximum flight altitude in the ?
Question 81-33 : Aerodynamics theoretical ceiling service ceiling economy

Which data can be extracted from the buffet onset boundary chart ?
Question 81-34 : The values of the mach number at which low speed and mach buffet occur at various masses and altitudes the value of maximum operating mach number mmo at various masses and power settings the value of the critical mach number at various masses and altitudes the value of the mach number at which low speed and shockstall occur at various masses and altitudes

Why should the temperature of the wheel brakes be checked prior to take off ?
Question 81-35 : Because overheated brakes will not perform adequately in the event of a rejected take off to ensure that the brake wear is not excessive to ensure that the wheels have warmed up evenly to ensure that the thermal blow out plugs are not melted

A jet aeroplane is climbing with constant ias which operational speed limit is ?
Question 81-36 : The maximum operating mach number the stalling speed the minimum control speed air the mach limit for the mach trim system

A jet aeroplane descends with constant mach number which speed limit will be ?
Question 81-37 : Maximum operating speed never exceed speed high speed buffet limit maximum operating mach number

Which of the following statements regarding the reduced thrust take off ?
Question 81-38 : Reduced thrust can be used when the actual take off mass is less than the performance limited take off mass the reduced thrust take off technique does not preserve engine life reduced thrust is used in order to save fuel the maximum reduction of thrust permitted for the mrjt using a reduced thrust take off is 20%

Which statement in relation to the climb limited take off mass of a jet ?
Question 81-39 : The climb limited take off mass decreases with increasing oat the climb limited take off mass is determined at the speed for best rate of climb 50% of a head wind is taken into account when determining the climb limited take off mass on high elevation airports equipped with long runways the aeroplane will always be climb limited

What is the advantage of a balanced field length condition ?
Question 81-40 : A balanced field length gives the minimum required field length in the event of an engine failure a balanced take off provides the lowest elevator input force requirement for rotation for a balanced field length the required take off runway length always equals the available runway length a balanced field length provides the greatest margin between 'net' and 'gross' take off flight paths

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