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Study > Manual : Which of the following statements concerning tires is the major consideration ?

Question 78-1 : Rotation rate of the tyre and temperature tyre pressure and brake temperature rotation rate of the tyre and vmbe tyre pressure and temperature

Ecqb04 october 2017...vmax tyre the maximum ground speed of the tyres .the highest speed that the tires can handle without becoming damaged it is possible to drive so fast that the tread actually flies of the tires if you drive fast enough the centrifugal forces become so great that the tire falls apart that must be avoided and therefore there is a maximum rolling speed for a tyre that speed is printed on the side of the tyre near the size usually a number in miles per hour.vmbe maximum brake energy speed is the speed from which the aeroplane may be brought to a stop without exceeding the maximum energy absorption capability of the brakes exemple 178 rotation rate of the tyre and temperature.rotation rate of the tyre and temperature.

What will increase the 'landing field length limited landing mass' when ?

Question 78-2 : A headwind a downslope a contaminated runway an increase in pressure altitude

Ecqb04 october 2017...if you have a weight limitation at landing due to the length of the runway a headwind will help you to have a reduced approach and landing speed therefore you may land at a higher mass .other statements will are wrong since theay lead to an increase in the required landing distance and therefore a decrease in the 'landing field length limited landing mass'

When calculating approach speeds the minimum approach speed in the initial ?

Question 78-3 : 1 4 to 1 5 times vs1 2 times vs1 1 15 times vs0 1 05 times vat

exemple 186 1.4 to 1.5 times vs1.1.4 to 1.5 times vs1.

You are approaching a wet runway in gusty conditions you should ?

Question 78-4 : Increase approach speed adopt a steeper approach path decrease approach speed increase landing speed

Ecqb04 october 2017...you should in order to avoid windshear increase slightly your approach speed but you must land at your calculated landing speed not less not more

Compared with a level runway the use of a runway with a 2% downslope will ?

Question 78-5 : Reduce vmbe increase vmbe and v1 not affect the value of v1 increase vmbe and decreased v1

Ecqb04 october 2017...vmbe maximum brake energy speed is the speed from which the aeroplane may be brought to a stop without exceeding the maximum energy absorption capability of the brakes for a downhill slope you will reach vmbe at a lower speed compared to a level runway more kinetic energy needs to be absorb due to the down hill component of the runway .also a downhill slope means that you need a longer distance to stop in case of failure before v1 and you will reach v1 at an earlier point in the take off run than on a 'flat' runway v1 has to be reduced .vmbe and v1 will be reduced exemple 194 reduce vmbe.reduce vmbe.

If the anti skid system is inoperative may auto brake system can be used ?

Question 78-6 : No never without any limitation if selected to minimum only if full reverse thrust is used

.anti skid system protection is provided during auto brake operation therefore if anti skid is inoperative you can not use the auto brake system exemple 198 no, never.no, never.

You climb with a climb speed schedule 300/ 78 what do you expect in the ?

Question 78-7 : The rate of climb increases since the constant ias climb is replaced by the constant mach climb during the acceleration to the mach number 0 78 the rate of climb is approximately zero the rate of climb decreases since climb performance at a constant mach number is grossly reduced as compared to constant ias no noticeable effect since the true airspeed at 300 kts ias and 0 78 mach are the same at isa temperature tas = 460 kt

exemple 202 the rate of climb increases since the constant ias-climb is replaced by the constant mach-climb.the rate of climb increases since the constant ias-climb is replaced by the constant mach-climb.

The effect of an aft cg on take off performance are ?

Question 78-8 : Take off distance decreases climb gradient increases take off distance decreases climb gradient remains constant take off distance and climb gradient increase take off distance and climb gradient decrease

Ecqb04 october 2017 exemple 206 take-off distance decreases, climb gradient increases.take-off distance decreases, climb gradient increases.

At maximum landing mass the structure of the aircraft is designed for a rate of ?

Question 78-9 : 600 ft/min 200 ft/min 250 ft/min 220 ft/min

exemple 210 600 ft/min.600 ft/min.

The approach climb requirement is normally met by ?

Question 78-10 : Reducing flap setting for approach with one engine inoperative selecting a runway with no obstacles in the go around area a threshold speed of 2 times stall speed reducing final approach speed

exemple 214 reducing flap setting for approach with one engine inoperative.reducing flap setting for approach with one engine inoperative.

A change of runway in use from a runway slope of 1% downhill to a runway slope ?

Question 78-11 : Increase take off run increase take off distance increase take off run decrease take off distance decrease take off run decrease take off distance decrease take off run increase take off distance

exemple 218 increase take-off run, increase take-off distance.increase take-off run, increase take-off distance.

An uphill slope runway will ?

Question 78-12 : Increase asdr decrease asdr increase asdr only if the tom increases decrease asdr only if the tom decreases

Ecqb04 october 2017...a uphill slope increases the accelerate stop distance required asdr taking off on a uphill slope does decrease the braking distance in the case of a rejected take off but it increases the distance taken to accelerate to v1 due to the addition of the uphill component of the weight of the aircraft decreasing the rate of acceleration exemple 222 increase asdr.increase asdr.

Runway 30 is in use and the threshold elevation is 2139 feet threshold ?

Question 78-13 : 2 65% uphill 1 49% uphill 2 53% per minute 1 86% downhill

.2289 ft 2139 ft = 150 ft.150 ft x 0 3048 = 45 72m.runway lenght is 1720m slope in % is . 45 72m /1720m x 100 = 2 65% exemple 226 2.65% uphill.2.65% uphill.

In the event of an engine failure during cruise it is necessary to reduce speed ?

Question 78-14 : For maximum lift/drag ratio and if necessary start fuel jettisoning close to stall speed and if necessary starting fuel jettisoning for best rate of climb with full flaps for minimum drag speed vmd with full flaps

Ecqb04 october 2017 exemple 230 for maximum lift/drag ratio and, if necessary, start fuel jettisoning.for maximum lift/drag ratio and, if necessary, start fuel jettisoning.

On a long distance flight the optimum cruise altitude is continuously increased ?

Question 78-15 : As a consequence of the fuel consumption to take in account the passenger movements all along the flight due do the decreasing outside air temperature because of the movements of the centre of gravity

Ecqb04 october 2017 exemple 234 as a consequence of the fuel consumption.as a consequence of the fuel consumption.

The take off and landing distances on a grass runway are in relation to that ?

Question 78-16 : Take off distance and landing distance increase take off distance and landing distance decrease take off distance decreases and landing distance increases take off distance increases and landing distance decreases

Ecqb04 october 2017...take off distance on a dry short grass runway compared to a paved dry runway distance increases by 20% .landing distance on a dry short grass runway compared to a paved dry runway distance increases by 15% exemple 238 take-off distance and landing distance increase.take-off distance and landing distance increase.

Which take off condition is most likely resulting in the poorest climb ?

Question 78-17 : 5000 ft field elevation isa +20° take off flaps 30° sea level field elevation isa 20° take off flaps 10° sea level field elevation isa +5° take off flaps 10° 5000 ft field elevation isa 5° take off flaps 10°

During take off the time between critical engine failure and v1 recognition ?

Question 78-18 : 2 seconds 5 seconds 6 seconds 0 seconds

.following an engine failure at v1 and allowing for a reaction time of 2 seconds a correctly loaded aircraft must be capable of decelerating to a halt within the accelerate stop distance available exemple 246 2 seconds.2 seconds.

The lift off speed vlof and take off safety speed v2 when flap position is ?

Question 78-19 : Increase / increase decrease / increase increase / decrease decrease / decrease

exemple 250 increase / increase.increase / increase.

An aircraft has this following flap position up 5° 10° 20° if the flap ?

Question 78-20 : Increase take off distance decrease landing distance decrease ground roll distance decrease take off distance

Ecqb04 october 2017 exemple 254 increase take-off distance.increase take-off distance.

Changing flaps selection from 10° to flaps 0° while establish in climb after ?

Question 78-21 : Climb gradient and vy increase climb gradient and vy decrease climb gradient remains unchanged and vy decreases climb gradient increases and vy decreases

Ecqb04 october 2017...vy is the indicated airspeed for best rate of climb climbing at vy allows pilots to maximize the altitude gain per unit time.climb gradient is defined as the ratio of the increase of altitude to horizontal air distance expressed as a percentage.you will generate less drag with a less flaps selection the gap between the thrust available and thrust required increases exemple 258 climb gradient and vy increase.climb gradient and vy increase.

During a descent a headwind will have the following effects ?

Question 78-22 : Descent angle remains constant flight path angle increases descent angle decreases flight path angle increases descent angle and flight path angle increases descent angle remains constant flight path angle decreases

Ecqb04 october 2017...during a descent a headwind will increases the flight path angle . /com en/com080 642 jpg.the descent distance over ground is decreased the rate of descent and the angle of descent remain unchanged .angle of descent descent angle is the angle you maintain on your attitude indicator artificial horizon / pfd.note for theoretical knowledge examination purposes 'flight path angle' is assumed to be ground related.the flight path angle is the actual vector flown in relation to the ground it will increase during descent with a headwind exemple 262 descent angle remains constant, flight path angle increases.descent angle remains constant, flight path angle increases.

During a descent a tailwind will have the following effects ?

Question 78-23 : Descent angle remains constant flight path angle decreases descent angle remains constant flight path angle increases descent angle and flight path angle increases descent angle increases flight path angle decreases

Ecqb04 october 2017...during a descent a tailwind will decreases the flight path angle . /com en/com032 351 jpg.the descent distance over ground is increased the rate of descent and the angle of descent remain unchanged .angle of descent descent angle is the angle you maintain on your attitude indicator artificial horizon / pfd.note for theoretical knowledge examination purposes 'flight path angle' is assumed to be ground related.the flight path angle is the actual vector flown in relation to the ground it will decrease during descent with a tailwind exemple 266 descent angle remains constant, flight path angle decreases.descent angle remains constant, flight path angle decreases.

The 'flight path angle' is the angle ?

Question 78-24 : Between the horizontal plane and the flight path between the relative airflow and the horizontal plane between the longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane displayed on the attitude indicator artificial horizon

Ecqb04 october 2017... 682..note for theoretical knowledge examination purposes 'flight path angle' is assumed to be ground related.the flight path angle is the actual vector flown in relation to the ground it will decrease during descent with a tailwind.angle of descent descent angle is the angle you maintain on your attitude indicator artificial horizon / pfd exemple 270 between the horizontal plane and the flight path.between the horizontal plane and the flight path.

The vertical 'flight path angle' is assumed to be ?

Question 78-25 : Ground related the same as pitch angle relative to the longitudinal axis the angle of attack

Ecqb04 october 2017... 682..note for theoretical knowledge examination purposes 'flight path angle' is assumed to be ground related.the flight path angle is the actual vector flown in relation to the ground it will decrease during descent with a tailwind and will increase with a headwind.angle of descent descent angle is the angle you maintain on your attitude indicator artificial horizon / pfd exemple 274 ground related.ground related.

Specific fuel consumption sfc is ?

Question 78-26 : Mass of fuel required to produce unit power for unit time designed fuel consumption for a given rpm quantity of fuel required to run the engine for one minute at maximum operating conditions maximum fuel consumption of the aircraft

Ecqb04 october 2017...specific fuel consumption is the amount of fuel burnt per unit of thrust for jets it reduces with altitude up to the tropopause exemple 278 mass of fuel required to produce unit power for unit time.mass of fuel required to produce unit power for unit time.

The specific range sr is ?

Question 78-27 : The air distance that the aircraft would fly per kilogram of fuel the ground distance that the aircraft would fly per kilogram of fuel the ground distance divided by air distance the air distance that the aircraft would fly per unit of thrust

.specific range sr is the enroute tas divided by the current fuel flow .sr = true airspeed/total fuel flow.the units of sr are nautical miles per gallon or nautical miles per pound of fuel exemple 282 the air distance that the aircraft would fly per kilogram of fuel.the air distance that the aircraft would fly per kilogram of fuel.

How does the asdr accelerate stop distance required will be affected by the ?

Question 78-28 : Remains the same increases decreases decreases only for a downhill stopway

Ecqb04 november 2017...a stopway is a defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of the take off run available prepared as a suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take off.asdr accelerate stop distance required is calculated with the actual values of the flight mass wind up or down slope oat pressure altitude etc it's a fixed value for the projected take off.the declared distances 'asda' acceleration stop distance available is the length of the take off run available plus the length of stopway with a stopway provided the 'runway strip' is increase exemple 286 remains the same.remains the same.

What is the effect of using engine bleed air on the take off distance ?

Question 78-29 : Reduces available thrust and increases the take off distance reduces available thrust and take off distance bleed air has no effect on take off distance increases available thrust and take off distance

exemple 290 reduces available thrust and increases the take-off distance.reduces available thrust and increases the take-off distance.

Which of the following will decrease landing distance ?

Question 78-30 : The spoilers a wet runway a tailwind a high altitude airfield

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 294 the spoilers.the spoilers.

If cabin altitude cannot be controlled eg rapid decompression while in cruise ?

Question 78-31 : Target speed mmo speedbrake deployed no flaps target speed vmo speedbrake deployed no flaps target speed mmo speedbrake up flaps 10° target speed mmo speedbrake deployed full flaps

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 298 target speed mmo, speedbrake deployed, no flaps.target speed mmo, speedbrake deployed, no flaps.

The climb gradient is ?

Question 78-32 : Always larger than the angle of climb always smaller than the angle of climb the same as the angle of climb represents the angle of variation

Ecqb04 november 2017..the 'climb gradient' is defined as the ratio expressed as a percentage of the change in geometric height divided by the horizontal distance travelled .climb gradient = change in height / distance travelled..the value of the climb gradient is given as percent the value of the angle of climb is given in degree .for example 5% = 3°.we can say that the climb gradient is always larger than the angle of climb exemple 302 always larger than the angle of climb.always larger than the angle of climb.

Induced drag is caused by ?

Question 78-33 : Movement of the aerofoil through the air boundary layer effects the shape of aerofoil increased zero lift drag

Ecqb04 feedback november 2017 exemple 306 movement of the aerofoil through the air.movement of the aerofoil through the air.

How does an increase in aircraft mass affect the gliding range ?

Question 78-34 : Has no effect on gliding range increases gliding range decreases gliding range none of the above

exemple 310 has no effect on gliding range.has no effect on gliding range.

Under what condition does pressure altitude has the same value as density ?

Question 78-35 : At standard temperature at sea level when temperature is 0°c when altimeter setting is 1013 25 hpa when altimeter has no position error

Ecqb04 revised november 2017 exemple 314 at standard temperature.at standard temperature.

What is true about a clearway ?

Question 78-36 : A clearway can be water or land and must be under the control of the aerodrome authority a clearway has a virtual gradient of 1 5% a clearway can be used to bring the aircraft to a full stop after an engine failure a clearway has a minimum width of 90m

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 318 a clearway can be water or land and must be under the control of the aerodrome authority.a clearway can be water or land and must be under the control of the aerodrome authority.

The effect an increase of weight has on the value of stalling speed las is that ?

Question 78-37 : Increases decreases remains constant increases or decreases depending on the amount of weight increase

.stall speed of an aircraft changes in proportion to the square root of the change in mass.for example if an aeroplane has a stall speed of 78 kt at its mass of 5000 kg the stall speed when the mass is 6850 kg will be .change in mass ratio = new mass / old mass = 6850/5000 = 1 37..square root of 1 37 = 1 17.original stall speed = 78 kt.stall speed for a weight of 6850 kg ==> 78 x 1 17 = 91 kt.vs increases for an increase of weight stall will occur earlier exemple 322 increases.increases.

An aircraft has a stall speed of 83 kt on short final its speed will be ?

Question 78-38 : 108 kt 90 kt 120 kt 100 kt

.on short final you are supposed to be at 1 3 x vs exemple 326 108 kt.108 kt.

The parameters taken into account for take off performance calculations are ?

Question 78-39 : Outside temperature pressure altitude wind mass standard temperature pressure altitude wind mass standard temperature standard pressure wind mass outside temperature standard pressure wind mass

exemple 330 outside temperature, pressure altitude, wind, mass.outside temperature, pressure altitude, wind, mass.

For a piston engine aeroplane the speed for maximum range is ?

Question 78-40 : That which gives the maximum lift to drag ratio that which gives the minimum value of induced drag that which gives the maximum value of lift 1 4 times the stall speed in clean configuration

.if you want to stay in flight the longest time possible maximum endurance you need to fly at the minimum power required speed vmp velocity for minimum power .if you want to travel the maximum distance possible maximum range you need to fly at the speed that wich gives maximum lift to drag ratio vmd velocity for minimum drag . 1066 exemple 334 that which gives the maximum lift to drag ratio.that which gives the maximum lift to drag ratio.


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