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A climb gradient required is 3 3% For an aircraft maintaining 100 kt true airspeed no wind this climb gradient corresponds to a rate of climb of ?

Quiz > topography

exemple reponse 185
climb gradient = rate of climb / true airspeed rate of climb = 100 x 3 3 = 330 ft/min.

An aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions 25° and 35° If a pilot chooses 25° instead of 35° the aircraft will have ?

exemple reponse 186
An aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions 25° and 35° if a pilot chooses 25° instead of 35° aircraft will have An increased landing distance better go around performance. climb gradient = rate of climb / true airspeed rate of climb = 100 x 3 3 = 330 ft/min.

The take off distance of an aircraft is 800m in standard atmosphere no wind at 0 ft pressure altitude Using the following corrections ± 20 m / 1 000 ft field elevation 5 m / kt headwind+ 10 m / kt ?

exemple reponse 187
The take off distance of an aircraft 800m in standard atmosphere no wind at 0 ft pressure altitude using following corrections ± 20 m / 1 000 ft field elevation 5 m / kt headwind+ 10 m / kt tail wind± 15 m / % runway slope± 5 m / °c deviation from standard temperaturethe take off distance from an airport at 2 000 ft elevation temperature 21°c qnh 1013 25 hpa 2% up slope 5 kt tail wind An increased landing distance better go around performance. Take off distance 800 m + airport at 2 000 ft elevation = (2x20m) = +40 m 2% runway up slope = (2x15m) = +30 m at 2000ft temperature isa+10° = (10x5m) = +50 m 5 kt tail wind = (5x10m) = +50 m total = 970 m.

  • exemple reponse 191
    Is there any difference between vertical speed versus forward speed curves two identical aeroplanes having different masses assume zero thrust and wind Yes difference that a given angle of attack both vertical forward speeds of heavier aeroplane will be larger. Take off distance 800 m + airport at 2 000 ft elevation = (2x20m) = +40 m 2% runway up slope = (2x15m) = +30 m at 2000ft temperature isa+10° = (10x5m) = +50 m 5 kt tail wind = (5x10m) = +50 m total = 970 m.

  • exemple reponse 192
    Which statement regarding relationship between traffic load and range correct The traffic load can be limited the desired range. on long distance flight you need lots of fuel fuel does not count as part of traffic load thus traffic load normally limited the maximum take off mass if you need more fuel to perform flight you will normally need to reduce traffic load because maximum take off mass will be reached.

  • exemple reponse 193
    Which statement regarding v1 correct Vr may not be lower than v. v1 critical engine failure speed or decision speed engine failure below this speed should result in an aborted takeoff above this speed takeoff run should be continued vr speed at which rotation of airplane initiated to takeoff attitude this speed cannot be less than v1 or less than 1 05 x vmca (minimum control speed in air) vmcg the minimum control speed in ground.

  • exemple reponse 194
    An increase in atmospheric pressure has among other things following consequences on landing performance A reduced landing distance improved go around performance. an increase in atmospheric pressure = higher density = lower altitude lift = cl x 1/2rho x v² x s (rho = density) more lift = lower approach speed = landing distance reduced more lift = go around performance improves.

  • Question 77-8

    A decrease in atmospheric pressure has among other things following consequences on take off performance An increased take off distance degraded initial climb performance. a decrease in atmospheric pressure = similar to a higher altitude = less density lift = cl x 1/2rho x v² x s (rho = density) less lift = higher take off speed = take off distance increased less density = less thrust = degraded initial climb performance less lift = degraded initial climb performance.

  • Question 77-9

    An increase in atmospheric pressure has among other things following consequences on take off performance A reduced take off distance improved initial climb performance. an increase in atmospheric pressure = a decrease in altitude at low altitude air density higher take off distance shorter climb performance improved any decrease in altitude means an increase in aircraft's optimum performance.

  • Question 77-10

    The take off distance of an aircraft 600m in standard atmosphere no wind at 0 ft pressure altitude using following corrections ± 20 m / 1 000 ft field elevation 5 m / kt headwind + 10 m / kt tail wind ± 15 m / % runway slope ± 5 m / °c deviation from standard temperature the take off distance from an airport at 1 000 ft elevation temperature 17°c qnh 1013 25 hpa 1% up slope 10 kt tail wind A reduced take off distance improved initial climb performance. take off distance 600 m + airport at 1 000 ft elevation = (1x20m) = +20 m 1% runway up slope = (1x15m) = +15 m at 1000ft temperature isa+4° = (4x5m) = +20 m 10 kt tail wind = (10x10m) = +100 m total = 755 m.

  • Question 77-11

    An aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions 25° and 35° if a pilot chooses 35° instead of 25° aircraft will have A reduced landing distance degraded go around performance. take off distance 600 m + airport at 1 000 ft elevation = (1x20m) = +20 m 1% runway up slope = (1x15m) = +15 m at 1000ft temperature isa+4° = (4x5m) = +20 m 10 kt tail wind = (10x10m) = +100 m total = 755 m.

  • Question 77-12

    A runway contaminated a 0 5 cm layer of wet snow the take off distance in relation to a dry runway will be A reduced landing distance degraded go around performance. take off distance 600 m + airport at 1 000 ft elevation = (1x20m) = +20 m 1% runway up slope = (1x15m) = +15 m at 1000ft temperature isa+4° = (4x5m) = +20 m 10 kt tail wind = (10x10m) = +100 m total = 755 m.

  • Question 77-13

    With an true airspeed of 194 kt and a vertical speed of 1000 ft/min climb gradient about A reduced landing distance degraded go around performance. convert tas to ft/min = (194 nm x 6080 ft) / 60 minutes = 19658 ft/min climb gradient = rate of climb / tas (ft/min) climb gradient = (1000 / 19658) x 100 = 5 086% (6080 ft = 1 nm) babar350 or more simply 1000 / 194 = 5 15% exact small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed.

  • Question 77-14

    If airworthiness documents do not specify a correction landing on a wet runwaythe landing distance must be increased A reduced landing distance degraded go around performance. convert tas to ft/min = (194 nm x 6080 ft) / 60 minutes = 19658 ft/min climb gradient = rate of climb / tas (ft/min) climb gradient = (1000 / 19658) x 100 = 5 086% (6080 ft = 1 nm) babar350 or more simply 1000 / 194 = 5 15% exact small angles of climb you can use rate of climb / true airspeed.

  • Question 77-15

    What percentages of head wind and tail wind component are taken into account when calculating take off field length required 5 % head wind 5 % tail wind. an operator shall ensure that take off mass does not exceed maximum take off mass specified in aeroplane flight manual the pressure altitude the ambient temperature at aerodrome at which take off to be made not more that 50% of reported head wind component or not less than 150% of the reported tail wind component .

  • Question 77-16

    If all other parameters remain constant what the influence of mass on maximum rate of climb roc speed The roc speed increases with increasing mass. maximum rate of climb reached at maximum rate of climb speed vy the speed vy changes with pressure altitude mass on power required curve (drag x tas) maximum rate of climb occurs at point of power required curve where a line draw from origin tangential to curve if aircraft mass increases power required curve will move up right taking vy with it.

  • Question 77-17

    What the equation the climb gradient expressed in percentage during unaccelerated flight applicable to small angles only Climb gradient = ((thrust drag)/weight) x . maximum rate of climb reached at maximum rate of climb speed vy the speed vy changes with pressure altitude mass on power required curve (drag x tas) maximum rate of climb occurs at point of power required curve where a line draw from origin tangential to curve if aircraft mass increases power required curve will move up right taking vy with it.

  • Question 77-18

    The take off runway performance requirements transport category aeroplanes are based upon Failure of critical engine or all engines operating whichever requirement gives greater distance. for a standard take off we are usually considering a derated (or flex) take off (then take off run will be longer than a normal take off) if a failure occurs just after v1 you may apply full thrust on remaining engine(s) in certain conditions your take off distance can be lower than with all engines operating at reduced thrust.

  • Question 77-19

    Which combination of answers of following parameters give an increase or decrease of take off ground r 1 decreasing take off mass 2 increasing take off mass 3 increasing density 4 decreasing density 5 increasing flap setting 6 decreasing flap setting 7 increasing pressure altitude 8 decreasing pressure altitude Failure of critical engine or all engines operating whichever requirement gives greater distance. this question exists at exam with without statement which parameters will decrease take off ground run? as you can see you find a correct combination a decreasing take off run 1 decreasing take off mass vr will be lower take off run will be reduced 3 increasing density density has direct effect on lift drag engine performance when air density increases aircraft performance increases take off run will be reduced 5 increasing flap setting higher flap selection will increase lift permits an earlier take off 8 decreasing pressure altitude it means a lower altitude if altitude low density increases thus take off run will be reduced boicko question states 'increase or decrease in take off run' should be 'decrease in take off run'only as explained before you can not find an answer with parameters corresponding to an increase of take off ground run.

  • Question 77-20

    In certain conditions v2 can be limited vmca Low take off mass large flap extension low field elevation. v2 can be limited 1 1 vmca or 1 13 vsr (or 1 08 vsr turbo propeller powered aeroplanes with more than three engines) at low field elevation there will be a high vmca because of high asymetric thrust v2 min based on vmca 1 1 vmca at low take off mass with a large flap selection 1 13 vsr or 1 08vsr will be less restrictive than 1 1 vmca (vsr reference stall speed).

  • Question 77-21

    For turbo prop aeroplanes required runway length at a destination airport The same as that required at an alternate airport. v2 can be limited 1 1 vmca or 1 13 vsr (or 1 08 vsr turbo propeller powered aeroplanes with more than three engines) at low field elevation there will be a high vmca because of high asymetric thrust v2 min based on vmca 1 1 vmca at low take off mass with a large flap selection 1 13 vsr or 1 08vsr will be less restrictive than 1 1 vmca (vsr reference stall speed).

  • Question 77-22

    If actual landing mass higher than planned The landing distance will be longer. v2 can be limited 1 1 vmca or 1 13 vsr (or 1 08 vsr turbo propeller powered aeroplanes with more than three engines) at low field elevation there will be a high vmca because of high asymetric thrust v2 min based on vmca 1 1 vmca at low take off mass with a large flap selection 1 13 vsr or 1 08vsr will be less restrictive than 1 1 vmca (vsr reference stall speed).

  • Question 77-23

    Considering vr which statement correct Vr the speed at which rotation should be initiated. v1 critical engine failure speed or decision speed engine failure below this speed should result in an aborted takeoff above this speed takeoff run should be continued vr speed at which rotation of airplane initiated to takeoff attitude this speed cannot be less than v1 or less than 1 05 x vmca (minimum control speed in air) vlof the speed at which airplane first becomes airborne this an engineering term used when airplane certificated must meet certain requirements if it not listed in airplane flight manual it within requirements does not have to be taken into consideration the pilot vmcg the minimum control speed in ground note vmca (minimum control speed in air) located between v1 vr.

  • Question 77-24

    Which statement regarding v1 correct V must not exceed vr. v1 critical engine failure speed or decision speed engine failure below this speed should result in an aborted takeoff above this speed takeoff run should be continued vr speed at which rotation of airplane initiated to takeoff attitude this speed cannot be less than v1 or less than 1 05 x vmca (minimum control speed in air) vlof the speed at which airplane first becomes airborne this an engineering term used when airplane certificated must meet certain requirements if it not listed in airplane flight manual it within requirements does not have to be taken into consideration the pilot vmcg the minimum control speed in ground note vmca (minimum control speed in air) located between v1 vr.

  • Question 77-25

    Which statement correct The climb limited take off mass depends on pressure altitude outer air temperature. pressure altitude the height above standard datum plane (usually mean sea level) the effect of pressure altitude ambient temperature to define density altitude its effect on takeoff performance while subsequent corrections are appropriate the effect of temperature on certain items of powerplant performance density altitude defines specific effects on takeoff performance an increase in density altitude can produce a twofold effect on takeoff performance 1 greater takeoff speed 2 decreased thrust reduced net accelerating force if an aircraft of given weight configuration operated at greater heights above standard sea level aircraft requires same dynamic pressure to become airborne at takeoff lift coefficient thus aircraft at altitude will take off at same indicated airspeed (ias) as at sea level but because of reduced air density tas will be greater proper accounting of pressure altitude temperature mandatory accurate prediction of takeoff roll distance the most critical conditions of takeoff performance are result of some combination of high gross weight altitude temperature unfavorable wind (tailwind).

  • Question 77-26

    Which statement correct a descent without engine thrust at maximum lift to drag ratio speed A tailwind component increases ground distance. .

  • Question 77-27

    Which one of following statements true concerning effect of changes of ambient temperature on an aeroplane's performance assuming all other performance parameters remain constant A decrease will cause an increase of climb gradient. the 'climb gradient' defined as ratio expressed as a percentage of change in geometric height divided the horizontal distance traveled gradient = (change in height/horizontal distance) x 100% a decreased outside air temperature will improve both engine performance lift the climb gradient will increased.

  • Question 77-28

    Which of following statements correct The climb limited take off mass independent of wind component. the wind component does not affect climb limited take off mass climb limit maximum takeoff weight limited climb capability this limit the ability of the aircraft to climb from liftoff to 1500 feet above airport elevation to meet takeoff flight path limiting climb gradients under existing conditions of temperature pressure altitude it is often referred to as wat limit weight altitude temperature it important to remember that pressure altitude used not airport elevation non standard altimeter settings can have a significant effect on climb capability of course combination of temperature pressure altitude references airport density altitude as density altitude affects the ability of engine to produce thrust of wing to produce lift importance of using the correct number cannot be over emphasized this limit has nothing to do with obstacle clearance must be met all takeoffs.

  • Question 77-29

    Which of alternatives represents correct relationship Vmcg v should not exceed vr. the wind component does not affect climb limited take off mass climb limit maximum takeoff weight limited climb capability this limit the ability of the aircraft to climb from liftoff to 1500 feet above airport elevation to meet takeoff flight path limiting climb gradients under existing conditions of temperature pressure altitude it is often referred to as wat limit weight altitude temperature it important to remember that pressure altitude used not airport elevation non standard altimeter settings can have a significant effect on climb capability of course combination of temperature pressure altitude references airport density altitude as density altitude affects the ability of engine to produce thrust of wing to produce lift importance of using the correct number cannot be over emphasized this limit has nothing to do with obstacle clearance must be met all takeoffs.

  • Question 77-30

    With all engines out a pilot wants to fly maximum time therefore he has to fly speed corresponding to The minimum power required. with all engines out you have two possibilities flying maximum range or flying maximum time minimum power required speed (vmp) permits maximum airborne time with engines but also permits lowest rate of descent when you are a glider if pilot wants to fly maximum range he has to fly at speed corresponding to best lift/drag ratio (l/d max).

  • Question 77-31

    Considering take off decision speed v1 which of following correct If an engine failure recognized before reaching v take off must be aborted. with all engines out you have two possibilities flying maximum range or flying maximum time minimum power required speed (vmp) permits maximum airborne time with engines but also permits lowest rate of descent when you are a glider if pilot wants to fly maximum range he has to fly at speed corresponding to best lift/drag ratio (l/d max).

  • Question 77-32

    The effect of a higher take off flap setting up to maximum certified take off flap setting An increase of field length limited take off mass but a decrease of climb limited take off mass. a larger flap selection will permit to take off earlier but will decrease path climb angle if you have a weight limitation at take off due to length of runway choosing a larger flap setting you will permit to reduce your take off run thus you can carry more weight.

  • Question 77-33

    Which of following statements correct A stopway an area beyond end of tora able to support aeroplane mass during an abandoned take off. official easa definition stopway means an area beyond take off runway no less wide than runway centred upon extended centreline of runway able to support aeroplane during an abortive take off without causing structural damage to aeroplane designated the airport authorities use in decelerating aeroplane during an abortive take off tora take off run available.

  • Question 77-34

    Besides lift forces that determine gradient of climb of an aeroplane are A stopway an area beyond end of tora able to support aeroplane mass during an abandoned take off. official easa definition stopway means an area beyond take off runway no less wide than runway centred upon extended centreline of runway able to support aeroplane during an abortive take off without causing structural damage to aeroplane designated the airport authorities use in decelerating aeroplane during an abortive take off tora take off run available.

  • Question 77-35

    What happens when flying at 'backside of power curve' A stopway an area beyond end of tora able to support aeroplane mass during an abandoned take off. .

  • Question 77-36

    The effect that an increased outside air temperature has on climb performance of an aeroplane that it Reduces both climb gradient the rate of climb. .

  • Question 77-37

    A headwind component increasing with altitude as compared to zero wind condition assuming ias constant Has no effect on rate of climb. wind has no effect on rate of climb (or rate of descent) but a head wind will decrease distance covered over ground to climb a given distance (the slope increases).

  • Question 77-38

    During a descent a headwind will Increases angle of descent flight path. during a descent a headwind will increases angle of descent flight path the descent distance over ground decreased rate of descent the angle of descent remain unchanged.

  • Question 77-39

    With an true airspeed of 194 kt and a vertical speed of 1000 ft/min climb angle about Increases angle of descent flight path. climb angle (°) = gradient (%) x tas (kt) 1000 = gradient x 194 gradient = 1000 / 194 = 5% climb angle (°) = climb angle (%) x 0 6 thus climb angle (°) = 5 x 0 6 = 3°.

  • Question 77-40

    With regard to a jet aeroplane specific range the Tas divided fuel flow. climb angle (°) = gradient (%) x tas (kt) 1000 = gradient x 194 gradient = 1000 / 194 = 5% climb angle (°) = climb angle (%) x 0 6 thus climb angle (°) = 5 x 0 6 = 3°.

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