Mandatory > landing : Can the length of a stopway be added to the runway length to determine the take ?
Question 76-1 : No no unless its centreline is on the extended centreline of the runway but the stopway must be able to carry the weight of the aeroplane but the stopway must have the same width as the runway

May anti skid be considered to determine the take off and landing data ?
Question 76-2 : No only for take off only for landing
In case of an engine failure recognized below v1 ?
Question 76-3 : The take off must be rejected the take off may be continued if a clearway is available the take off should only be rejected if a stopway is available the take off is to be continued unless v1 is less than the balanced v1

In case of an engine failure which is recognized at or above v1 ?
Question 76-4 : The take off must be continued the take off must be rejected if the speed is still below vlof a height of 50 ft must be reached within the take off distance the take off should be rejected if the speed is still below vr
The take off distance available is ?
Question 76-5 : The length of the take off run available plus the length of the clearway available the runway length minus stopway the runway length plus half of the clearway the total runway length without clearway even if this one exists

The result of a higher flap setting up to the optimum at take off is ?
Question 76-6 : A shorter ground roll an increased acceleration a higher v1 a longer take off run

How is wind considered in the take off performance data of the aeroplane ?
Question 76-7 : Not more than 50% of a headwind and not less than 150% of the tailwind unfactored headwind and tailwind components are used not more than 80% headwind and not less than 125% tailwind since take offs with tailwind are not permitted only headwinds are considered

A higher pressure altitude at isa temperature ?
Question 76-8 : Decreases the field length limited take off mass decreases the take off distance increases the climb limited take off mass has no influence on the allowed take off mass

A higher outside air temperature oat ?
Question 76-9 : Decreases the brake energy limited take off mass increases the field length limited take off mass increases the climb limited take off mass decreases the take off distance

The take off distance required increases ?
Question 76-10 : Due to slush on the runway due to downhill slope because of the smaller angle of attack due to head wind because of the drag augmentation due to lower gross mass at take off

Due to standing water on the runway the field length limited take off mass will ?
Question 76-11 : Lower higher unaffected only higher for three and four engine aeroplanes

On a dry runway the accelerate stop distance is increased ?
Question 76-12 : By uphill slope by headwind by low outside air temperature by a lower take off mass because the aeroplane accelerates faster to v1

Uphill slope ?
Question 76-13 : Increases the take off distance more than the accelerate stop distance decreases the accelerate stop distance only decreases the take off distance only increases the allowed take off mass

V2 has to be equal to or higher than ?
Question 76-14 : 1 1 vmca 1 15 vmcg 1 1 vso 1 15 vr

V1 has to be ?
Question 76-15 : Equal to or higher than vmcg equal to or higher than vmca higher than vr equal to or higher than v2

Under which condition should you fly considerably lower 4 000 ft or more than ?
Question 76-16 : If at the lower altitude either considerably less headwind or considerably more tailwind can be expected if the maximum altitude is below the optimum altitude if at the lower altitude there is a greater headwind if at the lower altitude there is less tailwind

Which statement is correct for a descent without engine thrust at maximum lift ?
Question 76-17 : The higher the gross mass the greater is the speed for descent the higher the gross mass the lower is the speed for descent the higher the average temperature oat the lower is the speed for descent the mass of an aeroplane does not have any effect on the speed for descent

The maximum mass for landing could be limited by ?
Question 76-18 : The climb requirements with one engine inoperative in the approach configuration the climb requirements with one engine inoperative in the landing configuration the climb requirements with all engines in the approach configuration the climb requirements with all engines in the landing configuration but with gear up

On a long distance flight the gross mass decreases continuously as a ?
Question 76-19 : The specific range and the optimum altitude increases the speed must be increased to compensate the lower mass the specific range increases and the optimum altitude decreases the specific range decreases and the optimum altitude increases

With one or two engines inoperative the best specific range at high altitudes ?
Question 76-20 : Reduced improved not affected first improved and later reduced

In unaccelerated climb ?
Question 76-21 : Thrust equals drag plus the downhill component of the gross weight in the flight path direction lift is greater than the gross weight lift equals weight plus the vertical component of the drag thrust equals drag plus the uphill component of the gross weight in the flight path direction

The rate of climb is approximately equal to ?
Question 76-22 : The still air gradient multiplied by the tas the still air gradient divided by the tas the angle of climb multiplied by the tas the angle of climb divided by the tas

If the thrust available exceeds the thrust required for level flight ?
Question 76-23 : The aeroplane accelerates if the altitude is maintained the aeroplane descends if the airspeed is maintained the aeroplane decelerates if it is in the region of reversed command the aeroplane decelerates if the altitude is maintained

Any acceleration in climb with a constant power setting ?
Question 76-24 : Decreases the rate of climb and the angle of climb improves the climb gradient if the airspeed is below vx improves the rate of climb if the airspeed is below vy decreases rate of climb and increases angle of climb

As long as an aeroplane is in a steady climb ?
Question 76-25 : Vx is always less than vy vx may be greater or less than vy depending on altitude vx is always greater than vy vy is always greater than vmo

The best rate of climb at a constant gross mass ?
Question 76-26 : Decreases with increasing altitude since the thrust available decreases due to the lower air density increases with increasing altitude since the drag decreases due to the lower air density increases with increasing altitude due to the higher true airspeed is independent of altitude

The 'climb gradient' is defined as the ratio of ?
Question 76-27 : The increase of altitude to horizontal air distance expressed as a percentage the increase of altitude to distance over ground expressed as a percentage true airspeed to rate of climb rate of climb to true airspeed

Higher gross mass at the same altitude decreases the gradient and the rate of ?
Question 76-28 : Vy and vx are increased vx is increased and vy is decreased vy and vx are not affected by a higher gross mass vy and vx are decreased

A higher outside air temperature ?
Question 76-29 : Reduces the angle and the rate of climb increases the angle of climb but decreases the rate of climb does not have any noticeable effect on climb performance reduces the angle of climb but increases the rate of climb

When compared to still air conditions a constant headwind component ?
Question 76-30 : Increases the angle of flight path during climb increases the best rate of climb decreases the angle of climb increases the maximum endurance

The speed v1 is defined as ?
Question 76-31 : Take off decision speed take off climb speed speed for best angle of climb engine failure speed

The speed vlo is defined as ?
Question 76-32 : Landing gear operating speed design low operating speed long distance operating speed lift off speed

Vx is ?
Question 76-33 : The speed for best angle of climb the speed for best rate of climb the speed for best specific range the speed for best angle of flight path

The speed for best rate of climb is called ?
Question 76-34 : Vy vx v2 vo

The stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the aeroplane is ?
Question 76-35 : Vso vs1 vs vmc

The absolute ceiling ?
Question 76-36 : Is the altitude at which the rate of climb theoretically is zero can be reached only with minimum steady flight speed is the altitude at which the best climb gradient attainable is 5% is the altitude at which the aeroplane reaches a maximum rate of climb of 100 ft/min

The maximum operating altitude for a certain aeroplane with a pressurised cabin ?
Question 76-37 : Is the highest pressure altitude certified for normal operation is dependent on aerodynamic ceiling is dependent on the oat is only certified for four engine aeroplanes

The approach climb requirement has been established to ensure ?
Question 76-38 : Minimum climb gradient in case of a go around with one engine inoperative obstacle clearance in the approach area manoeuvrability in case of landing with one engine inoperative manoeuvrability during approach with full flaps and gear down all engines operating

Which statement relating to a take off from a wet runway is correct ?
Question 76-39 : A reduction of screen height is allowed in order to reduce weight penalties the use of a reduced vr is sufficient to maintain the same safety margins as for a dry runway in the case of a reverser inoperative the wet runway performance information can still be used screen height reduction cannot be applied because of the consequent reduction in obstacle clearance

Take off performance data for the ambient conditions show the following ?
Question 76-40 : 5° the obstacle limit is increased but the runway limit decreases 5° both limitations are increased 20° the obstacle limit is increased but the runway limit decreases 20° both limitations are increased

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