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Professional > DGAC : Given .vs= stalling speed.vmca= air minimum control speed.vmu= minimum unstick ?

Question 74-1 : Vs< vmca < v2 min v2 min < vmca < vmu vr < vmca < vlof vmu = vmca < v1

.vmca minimum control speed in the air is located between v1 and vr .at vs the aircraft is falling at v2min the aircraft is airborne and flyable v2min is the lowest speed at which the aircraft complies with the handling criteria associated with climb after take off following the failure of an engine exemple 174 vs< vmca < v2 minvs< vmca < v2 min

Regarding take off the take off decision speed v1 ?

Question 74-2 : Is the airspeed on the ground at which the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the take off is always equal to vef engine failure speed is an airspeed at which the aeroplane is airborne but below 35 ft and the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the take off is the airspeed of the aeroplane upon reaching 35 feet above the take off surface

exemple 178 is the airspeed on the ground at which the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the take-off.is the airspeed on the ground at which the pilot is assumed to have made a decision to continue or discontinue the take-off.

An airport has a 3000 metres long runway and a 2000 metres clearway at each end ?

Question 74-3 : 4500 metres 6000 metres 4000 metres 5000 metres

.the take off distance must not exceed the take off distance available with a clearway distance not exceeding half of the takeoff run available.3000 m runway + only 1500 m clearway = 4500 metres

The net flight path gradient after take off compared to the actual climb ?

Question 74-4 : Smaller larger equal depends on type of aircraft and may be smaller or larger respectively

. cs 25 115 take off flight path . . b the net take off flight path data must be determined so that they represent the actual take off flight paths determined in accordance with cs25 111 and with sub paragraph a of this paragraph reduced at each point by a gradient of climb equal to . 1 0 8% for two engined aeroplanes . 2 0 9% for three engined aeroplanes and. 3 1 0% for four engined aeroplanes exemple 186 smaller.smaller.

Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the movement of the power ?

Question 74-5 : Figure d figure a figure b figure c

. 1070.tas increases with altitude from ertm graph thus the curve moves right .power required = drag x tas .if tas increases drag increases power required increases thus the curve moves up

In a steady descending flight descent angle gamma equilibrium of forces acting ?

Question 74-6 : T + w sin gamma = d t w sin gamma = d t d = w sin gamma t + d = w sin gamma

.a descent is a negative climb the more drag we have the steeper the descent angle is.drag thrust/weight = sin descent angle.drag = thrust + weight x sin descent angle..in descent the weight vector on the longitudinal axis of the airplane is added to thrust .this is the reason why airplane needs less energy to descent than to climb exemple 194 t + w sin gamma = dt + w sin gamma = d

An aeroplane executes a steady glide at the speed for minimum glide angle if ?

Question 74-7 : Increases / increases / decreases decreases / constant / decreases increases / increases / constant increases / constant / increases

.the forward speed is kept constant example if the speed for minimum glide angle is 100 kt when we lower the mass we keep 100 kt .because we maintain this speed we have to increase our rate of descent to reach 100 kt thus the glide angle increases too .cl/cd ratio is reduced because lift is reduced too exemple 198 increases / increases / decreases.increases / increases / decreases.

An aeroplane is in a power off glide at speed for minimum glide angle if the ?

Question 74-8 : Decreases increases remains the same may increase or decrease depending on the type of aeroplane

.it doesnt matter whether the attitude is changed pitch up or pitch down there is only one attitude that gives you minimum glide angle so any change from it will decrease the distance you glide.the glide angle is the angle of the slope on which the aircraft is descending therefore a minimum glide angle is the smallest angle for this slope and hence the shallowest exemple 202 decreases.decreases.

Which of the following combinations basically has an effect on the angle of ?

Question 74-9 : Configuration and angle of attack mass and altitude altitude and configuration configuration and mass

.your angle of glide/descent is a function of lift/drag ratio all you have to do is fly at vmd velocity minimum drag for your aircraft which means flying at the correct angle of attack then of course extending flap or airbrake or change propeller pitch configuration will also have an effect exemple 206 configuration and angle of attack.configuration and angle of attack.

Two identical aeroplanes at different masses are descending at idle thrust ?

Question 74-10 : At a given angle of attack both the vertical and the forward speed are greater for the heavier aeroplane there is no difference between the descent characteristics of the two aeroplanes at a given angle of attack the heavier aeroplane will always glide further than the lighter aeroplane at a given angle of attack the lighter aeroplane will always glide further than the heavier aeroplane

exemple 210 at a given angle of attack, both the vertical and the forward speed are greater for the heavier aeroplane.at a given angle of attack, both the vertical and the forward speed are greater for the heavier aeroplane.

Compared with still air the effect a headwind has on the values of the maximum ?

Question 74-11 : The maximum range speed increases and the maximum gradient climb speed is not affected the maximum range speed decreases and the maximum gradient climb speed increases the maximum range speed decreases and the maximum gradient climb speed decreases the maximum range speed decreases and the maximum gradient climb speed is not affected

. maximum range speed increases .when striving for maximum range it is advantageous to reduce the time of exposure to a headwind component and increase the time of exposure to a tailwind component.. maximum gradient climb speed .the speed is not affected the ground distance will be reduce with a headwind ground speed is different the gradient over the ground changes but vx speed stays constant .the maximum climb angle speed vx vmd for a jet 1 1vs for a prop is unaffected by wind because the object is to achieve maximum angle exemple 214 the maximum range speed increases and the maximum gradient climb speed is not affected.the maximum range speed increases and the maximum gradient climb speed is not affected.

The maximum speed in horizontal flight occurs when ?

Question 74-12 : The maximum thrust is equal to the total drag the thrust is equal to the maximum drag the thrust is equal to minimum drag the thrust does not increase further with increasing speed

.as long as available thrust exceeds required thrust in level flight the aircraft will accelerate once drag increases to equal maximum thrust the aircraft will not accelerate thus the maximum speed is achieved when maximum thrust is equal to the total drag exemple 218 the maximum thrust is equal to the total drag.the maximum thrust is equal to the total drag.

With respect to the optimum altitude which of the following statements is ?

Question 74-13 : An aeroplane sometimes flies above or below the optimum altitude because optimum altitude increases continuously during flight an aeroplane always flies below the optimum altitude because mach buffet might occur an aeroplane always flies at the optimum altitude because this is economically seen as the most attractive altitude an aeroplane flies most of the time above the optimum altitude because this yields the most economic result

exemple 222 an aeroplane sometimes flies above or below the optimum altitude because optimum altitude increases continuously during flight.an aeroplane sometimes flies above or below the optimum altitude because optimum altitude increases continuously during flight.

How does the lift coefficient for maximum range vary with altitude . no ?

Question 74-14 : The lift coefficient is independent of altitude the lift coefficient decreases with increasing altitude the lift coefficient increases with increasing altitude only at low speeds the lift coefficient decreases with increasing altitude

.when flying at range speed regardless of altitude you will be at 1 32vmd velocity minimum drag on the drag curve for a jet where alpha will be about 2 degrees and at vmd for the propeller where alpha is about 4 degrees . 1135 exemple 226 the lift coefficient is independent of altitude.the lift coefficient is independent of altitude.

The speed for maximum lift/drag ratio will result in ?

Question 74-15 : The maximum range for a propeller driven aeroplane the maximum endurance for a propeller driven aeroplane the maximum range for a jet aeroplane the maximum angle of climb for a propeller driven aeroplane

. 1135. the speed for maximum lift/drag ratio l/d max will result in the maximum range for a propeller driven aeroplane.for the propeller driven aeroplane curve the lowest point of the power required curve is the tas at wich the least power is needed as opposed to producing the least drag and is therefore the best for endurance in level flight it is also the maximum rate of climb speed because the gap between power required and power available is greatest more power is needed above and below the minimum power speed exemple 230 the maximum range for a propeller driven aeroplane.the maximum range for a propeller driven aeroplane.

Which of the following provides maximum obstacle clearance during climb ?

Question 74-16 : The speed for maximum climb angle vx 1 2vs the speed for maximum rate of climb the speed at which the flaps may be selected one position further up

exemple 234 the speed for maximum climb angle vx.the speed for maximum climb angle vx.

Which of the following factors will lead to an increase of ground distance ?

Question 74-17 : Tailwind decrease of aircraft mass increase of aircraft mass headwind

.by maintaining the appropriate minimum glide angle speed it permits to fly the longest ground distance without wind thus the only way to increase the ground distance is to benefit from a tailwind exemple 238 tailwind.tailwind.

Which of the following factors leads to the maximum flight time of a glide ?

Question 74-18 : Low mass high mass headwind tailwind

.the wind affects only the ground distance .to maintain the flight as longer as possible you must have the lowest rate of descent this rate of descent varies with mass .for a heavier aircraft the lowest rate of descent speed is reach at a higher speed than when this aircraft is empty total drag is proportional to v² therefore his rate of descent is increased

When v1 has to be reduced because of a wet runway the one engine out obstacle ?

Question 74-19 : Decreases / remains constant increases / increases remains constant / remains constant decreases / decreases

.v1 has to be reduce because in case of stop on a wet runway we will reduce our speed slower than on a dry runway.obstacle clearance decreases if failure occurs after v1 because from v1 to vr we will gain speed on one engine only by decreasing v1 due to the wet runway the take off distance to reach our screen height will be increased margin from obstacle will be reduced...now our climb performance remains constant because it is not affected by the value of v1 we are now flying the question states 'how does v1 affect the one engine out climb performance' our climb performance are not affected by v1 exemple 246 decreases / remains constant.decreases / remains constant.

Which statement concerning the inclusion of a clearway in take off calculation ?

Question 74-20 : The field length limited take off mass will increase the usable length of the clearway is not limited v1 is increased v1 remains constant

.a clearway is an area beyond the paved runway free of obstacles the length of the clearway may be included in the length of the take off distance available toda . 771...our maximum takeoff distance is limited by this condition .we must be at 35 ft at the end of toda with an engine out.the takeoff run available is increased we can take off at a later point the field length limited take off mass will increase.the acceleration stop distance available asda remains the same we are not allowed to stop on the clearway this is not a stopway thus v1 is decreased because after passing v1 we must be able to take off with an engine out and make 35 ft within toda. /com en/com032 109b jpg..in both cases v1 must decrease imagine if you maintain v1 at 100 kt what will happen exemple 250 the field length limited take-off mass will increase.the field length limited take-off mass will increase.

Which of the following factors favours the selection of a low flap setting for ?

Question 74-21 : High field elevation distant obstacles in the climb out path long runway and a high ambient temperature low field elevation close in obstacles in the climb out path long runway and a high ambient temperature high field elevation no obstacles in the climb out path low ambient temperature and short runway low field elevation no obstacles in the climb out path short runway and a low ambient temperature

.obstacles are distant we have a long runway low flap setting will increase the ground run but increases the climb capabilities.the use of flaps is especially beneficial for a short runway with no obstacles or only a low obstacle further away not using flaps is beneficial for a very long runway with a nearby obstacle the picture below shows the choices in a somewhat exaggerated way . 1074 exemple 254 high field elevation, distant obstacles in the climb-out path, long runway and a high ambient temperature.high field elevation, distant obstacles in the climb-out path, long runway and a high ambient temperature.

How is v2 affected if t/o flaps 20° is chosen instead of t/o flaps 10° ?

Question 74-22 : V2 decreases if not restricted by vmca v2 has the same value in both cases v2 increases in proportion to the angle at which the flaps are set v2 has no connection with t/o flap setting as it is a function of runway length only

.vmca minimum control speed in the air is located between v1 and vr .at vs the aircraft is falling at v2min the aircraft is airborne and flyable v2min is the lowest speed at which the aircraft complies with the handling criteria associated with climb after take off following the failure of an engine.basically more flaps will decrease the v speeds in this case since more flaps will result in a lower v1 and vr v2 will also decrase since flaps do decrease stall speed more flaps will reduce the v2 speed unless it is limited by vmca vmca can be high at low pressure altitudes low temperature and low humidity and will be limiting at the lower weights regardless of flap setting exemple 258 v2 decreases if not restricted by vmca.v2 decreases if not restricted by vmca.

During the flight preparation the climb limited take off mass tom is found to ?

Question 74-23 : By selecting a higher flap setting by selecting a higher v2 by selecting a lower v2 by selecting a lower flap setting

. the climb limited take off mass tom is found to be much greater than the field length limited tom it means that our first limitation is the runway lenght.you will take off earlier by selecting a higher flap setting but your climb angle will be reduced this is not a problem here since the question states there are no limiting obstacles exemple 262 by selecting a higher flap setting.by selecting a higher flap setting.

If on a particular flight the value of v1 used on take off exceeds the correct ?

Question 74-24 : The accelerate/stop distance will exceed the accelerate/stop distance available the one engine inoperative take off distance may exceed the take off distance available v2 may be too high so that climb performance decreases it may lead to over rotation

exemple 266 the accelerate/stop distance will exceed the accelerate/stop distance available.the accelerate/stop distance will exceed the accelerate/stop distance available.

Which is the correct sequence of speeds during take off ?

Question 74-25 : Vmcg v1 vr v2 v1 vmcg vr v2 v1 vr vmcg v2 v1 vr v2 vmca

1459..v1 critical engine failure speed or decision speed engine failure below this speed should result in an aborted takeoff above this speed the takeoff run should be continued.vr speed at which the rotation of the airplane is initiated to takeoff attitude this speed cannot.be less than v1 or less than 1 05 x vmca minimum control speed in the air.vmcg the minimum control speed in the ground.vlof the speed at which the airplane first becomes airborne this is an engineering term used when the airplane is certificated and must meet certain requirements if it is not listed in the airplane flight manual it is within requirements and does not have to be taken into consideration by the pilot exemple 270 vmcg, v1, vr, v2.vmcg, v1, vr, v2.

Regarding the obstacle limited take off mass which of the following statements ?

Question 74-26 : A take off in the direction of an obstacle is also permitted in tail wind condition wind speed plays no role when calculating this particular mass the obstacle limited mass can never be lower than the climb limited take off mass the maximum bank angle which can be used is 10°

.when you perform calculation for take off on a graph you have a 'wind reference line' for tailwind or headwind adjustement.there is no restriction for a take off with tail wind until a certain value and in the case of an obstacle on the take off path it will redude the allowed take off mass that's all exemple 274 a take-off in the direction of an obstacle is also permitted in tail wind condition.a take-off in the direction of an obstacle is also permitted in tail wind condition.

When an aircraft takes off with the mass limited by the toda ?

Question 74-27 : The actual take off mass equals the field length limited take off mass the distance from brake release to v1 will be equal to the distance from v1 to the 35 feet point the 'balanced take off distance' equals 115% of the 'all engine take off distance' the end of the runway will be cleared by 35 feet following an engine failure at v1

.the field length limited take off mass is based upon the most restrictive distance of tora toda or asda and the ambient conditions pressure altitude and temperature .here the answer states that the actual take off mass is limited by toda it could have also said the actual take off mass is limited by asda or tora .tora take off run available .toda take off distance available .asda acceleration stop available exemple 278 the actual take-off mass equals the field length limited take-off mass.the actual take-off mass equals the field length limited take-off mass.

For a take off from a contaminated runway which of the following statements is ?

Question 74-28 : The performance data for take off must be determined in general by means of calculation only a few values are verified by flight tests the greater the depth of contamination at constant take off mass the more v1 has to be decreased to compensate for decreasing friction dry snow is not considered to affect the take off performance a slush covered runway must be cleared before take off even if the performance data for contaminated runway is available

.you must use graphs or data sheets which give you the performance data for take off .the take off mass is always reduced by a pre determined amount depending on the depth of contaminant exemple 282 the performance data for take-off must be determined in general by means of calculation, only a few values are verified by flight tests.the performance data for take-off must be determined in general by means of calculation, only a few values are verified by flight tests.

To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should ?

Question 74-29 : Make a 'positive' landing and apply maximum reverse thrust and brakes as quickly as possible use maximum reverse thrust and should start braking below the hydroplaning speed use normal landing braking and reverse technique postpone the landing until the risk of hydroplaning no longer exists

exemple 286 make a 'positive' landing and apply maximum reverse thrust and brakes as quickly as possible.make a 'positive' landing and apply maximum reverse thrust and brakes as quickly as possible.

The stopway is an area which allows an increase only in the ?

Question 74-30 : Accelerate stop distance available take off run available take off distance available landing distance available

.a clearway is an area beyond the paved runway free of obstacles the length of the clearway may be included in the length of the take off distance available toda . 771.but we are not allowed to stop on the clearway this is not a stopway.a stopway means an area beyond the take off runway no less wide than the runway and centred upon the extended centreline of the runway able to support the aeroplane during an abortive take off without causing structural damage to the aeroplane and designated by the airport authorities for use in decelerating the aeroplane during an abortive take off . 1851.the stopway is an area which allows an increase only in the accelerate stop distance available exemple 290 accelerate-stop distance available.accelerate-stop distance available.

Vr cannot be lower than ?

Question 74-31 : V1 and 105% of vmca 105% of v1 and vmca 1 2 vs for twin and three engine jet aeroplane 1 15 vs for turbo prop with three or more engines

exemple 294 v1 and 105% of vmca.v1 and 105% of vmca.

The one engine out take off run is the distance between the brake release point ?

Question 74-32 : The middle of the segment between vlof point and 35 ft point the lift off point the point where v2 is reached the point half way between v1 and v2

.the one engine out take off run tor n 1 is defined as from the brake release point to a point equidistant between vlof and 35 ft . 1076 exemple 298 the middle of the segment between vlof point and 35 ft point.the middle of the segment between vlof point and 35 ft point.

The decision speed at take off v1 is the calibrated airspeed ?

Question 74-33 : Below which take off must be rejected if an engine failure is recognized above which take off should be continued at which the take off must be rejected below which the take off must be continued at which the failure of the critical engine is expected to occur

exemple 302 below which take-off must be rejected if an engine failure is recognized, above which take-off should be continued.below which take-off must be rejected if an engine failure is recognized, above which take-off should be continued.

Regarding unaccelerated horizontal flight minimum drag is ?

Question 74-34 : Proportional to aircraft mass a function of the pressure altitude a function of the density altitude independent of the aircraft mass

.the lesser the aircraft mass is the less lift you have to generate exemple 306 proportional to aircraft mass.proportional to aircraft mass.

If the aircraft mass in a horizontal unaccelerated flight decreases ?

Question 74-35 : The minimum drag decreases and the ias for minimum drag decreases the minimum drag increases and the ias for minimum drag decreases the minimum drag increases and the ias for minimum drag increases the minimum drag decreases and the ias for minimum drag increases

.with less mass you need less lift ==> less lift = less induced drag . 1077.induced drag will decrease displacing the total drag curve downwards and to the left ias for minimum drag vmd velocity minimum drag decreases exemple 310 the minimum drag decreases and the ias for minimum drag decreases.the minimum drag decreases and the ias for minimum drag decreases.

Density altitude is the ?

Question 74-36 : Pressure altitude corrected for 'non standard' temperature altitude reference to the standard datum plane altitude read directly from the altimeter height above the surface

.density altitude is pressure altitude adjusted for non standard temperature.if you fly from any air mass into a colder air mass and maintain a constant indicated altitude read on your altimeter you are going to fly at a lower true altitude .therefore it stands to reason that when flying at a constant true altitude from higher to lower temperature the indicated altitude on the altimeter will over read.example .an aircraft flying at 5000 ft indicated altitude where oat = +5°c equal to isa at this altitude will have a true altitude of 5000 ft.the aircraft then flies into an area where oat = 5°c isa 10°c maintaining an indicated altitude of 5000 ft will produce a true altitude of 4800 ft 4 ft x 5000/1000 x 10 = 200 ft.if the aircraft was to maintain a true altitude of 5000 ft the altimeter would indicate 5200 ft.therefore the altimeter is now over reading by 200 ft exemple 314 pressure altitude corrected for 'non standard' temperature.pressure altitude corrected for 'non standard' temperature.

The density altitude ?

Question 74-37 : Is used to determine the aeroplane performance is equal to the pressure altitude is used to establish minimum clearance of 2 000 feet over mountains is used to calculate the fl above the transition altitude

exemple 318 is used to determine the aeroplane performance.is used to determine the aeroplane performance.

Which of the following combinations adversely affects take off and initial ?

Question 74-38 : High temperature and high relative humidity low temperature and high relative humidity high temperature and low relative humidity low temperature and low relative humidity

Adding water vapour to air makes it less dense because the molecular weight is lower dry air is 29 water vapour is 18 with low temperatures humidity is less of a problem because cold air holds less vapour high temperatures expand air it becomes thinner thinner air is less dense.thus high temperature and high relative humidity will adversely affect take off and initial climb performance exemple 322 high temperature and high relative humidity.high temperature and high relative humidity.

What effect has a downhill slope on the take off speeds the slope ?

Question 74-39 : Decreases the take off speed v1 decreases the tas for take off increases the ias for take off has no effect on the take off speed v1

.a downhill slope means that you need a longer distance to stop in case of failure before v1 and you will reach v1 at an earlier point in the take off run than on a 'flat' runway v1 has to be reduced exemple 326 decreases the take-off speed v1.decreases the take-off speed v1.

During climb to the cruising level a headwind component ?

Question 74-40 : Decreases the ground distance flown during that climb increases the amount of fuel for the climb increases the climb time decreases the climb time

exemple 330 decreases the ground distance flown during that climb.decreases the ground distance flown during that climb.


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