Session > helipad : The maximum floor loading for a cargo compartment is given as 70 kg/m² .a ?
Question 73-1 : 1 8 m² 8 82 m² 0 48 m² 0 56 m²

Crew baggage is considered to be ?
Question 73-2 : Variable load palletized load containerized cargo load forbidden cargo load

Which of the following can be considered as bulk cargo ?
Question 73-3 : Baggage from late arrival passengers and crew hand baggage palletised cargo cargo on containers live animals
A jet aeroplane is climbing at constant mach number below the tropopause .which ?
Question 73-4 : Ias decreases and tas decreases ias increases and tas decreases ias increases and tas increases ias decreases and tas increases

Which of the following statements is correct ?
Question 73-5 : A stopway means an area beyond the take off runway able to support the aeroplane during an aborted take off an underrun is an area beyond the runway end which can be used for an aborted take off a clearway is an area beyond the runway which can be used for an aborted take off if a clearway or a stopway is used the lift off point must be attainable at least at the end of the permanent runway surface
Which of the following is true with regard to vmca air minimum control speed ?
Question 73-6 : Straight flight can not be maintained below vmca when the critical engine has failed the aeroplane is uncontrollable below vmca the aeroplane will not gather the minimum required climb gradient vmca only applies to four engine aeroplanes

Which of the following will decrease v1 ?
Question 73-7 : Inoperative anti skid increased take off mass inoperative flight management system increased outside air temperature

Which of the following are to be taken into account for the runway in use for ?
Question 73-8 : Airport elevation runway slope outside air temperature pressure altitude and wind components airport elevation runway slope standard temperature standard pressure and wind components airport elevation runway slope standard temperature pressure altitude and wind components airport elevation runway slope outside air temperature standard pressure and wind components

Changing the take off flap setting from flap 15° to flap 5° will normally ?
Question 73-9 : A longer take off distance and a better climb a shorter take off distance and an equal climb a better climb and an equal take off distance a shorter take off distance and a better climb

In accordance with cs 25 the reference landing speed vref has the following ?
Question 73-10 : 23% 15% 20% 10%

In relation to the net take off flight path the required 35 ft vertical ?
Question 73-11 : The minimum vertical distance between the lowest part of the aeroplane and all obstacles within the obstacle domain based on pressure altitudes the height by which acceleration and flap retraction should be completed the height at which power is reduced to maximum climb thrust

At a given altitude when a turbojet aeroplane mass is increased by 5% assuming ?
Question 73-12 : 5% 7 5% 10% 2 5%

What will be the effect on an aeroplane's performance if aerodrome pressure ?
Question 73-13 : It will decrease the take off distance required it will increase the take off distance required it will increase the take off ground run it will increase the accelerate stop distance

What will be the influence on the aeroplane performance if aerodrome pressure ?
Question 73-14 : It will increase the take off distance it will decrease the take off distance it will increase the take off distance available it will decrease the take off run

Which of the following distances will increase if you increase v1 but vr ?
Question 73-15 : Accelerate stop distance take off distance all engine take off distance take off run

Which of the following answers is true ?
Question 73-16 : V1 is lower or equal to vr v1 is higher vlof v1 is higher vr v1 is lower vmcg

The length of a clearway may be included in ?
Question 73-17 : The take off distance available the accelerate stop distance available the take off run available the distance to reach v1

How does runway slope affect allowable take off mass assuming other factors ?
Question 73-18 : A downhill slope increases allowable take off mass an uphill slope increases the allowable take off mass allowable take off mass is not affected by runway slope a downhill slope decreases allowable take off mass
Provided all other parameters stay constant which of the following alternatives ?
Question 73-19 : Decreased take off mass increased density increased flap setting increased outside air temperature decreased pressure altitude decreased flap setting decreased take off mass increased pressure altitude increased temperature increased pressure altitude increased outside air temperature increased take off mass

The effect of increasing the flap setting from zero to the recommended take off ?
Question 73-20 : Decreased tod required and increased field length limited tom increased tod required and decreased field length limited tom increased tod required and increased field length limited tom decreased tod required and decreased field length limited tom
How is vmca influenced by increasing pressure altitude ?
Question 73-21 : Vmca decreases with increasing pressure altitude vmca is not affected by pressure altitude vmca increases with increasing pressure altitude vmca decreases with pressure altitude higher than 4000 ft

Which one of the following is not affected by a tail wind ?
Question 73-22 : The climb limited take off mass the field limited take off mass the obstacle limited take off mass the take off run

Which statement is correct ?
Question 73-23 : Vr must not be less than 1 05 vmca and not less than v1 vr must not be less than 1 05 vmca and not less than 1 1 v1 vr must not be less than vmca and not less than 1 05 v1 vr must not be less than 1 1 vmca and not less than v1

Which of the following represents the minimum for v1 ?
Question 73-24 : Vmcg vlof vmu vr

In the event of engine failure below v1 the first action to be taken by the ?
Question 73-25 : Reduce the engine thrust deploy airbrakes or spoilers reverse engine thrust apply wheel brakes

If the antiskid system is inoperative which of the following statements is true ?
Question 73-26 : The accelerate stop distance increases the accelerate stop distance decreases it has no effect on the accelerate stop distance take off with anti skid inoperative is never permitted

Other factors remaining constant and not limiting how does increasing pressure ?
Question 73-27 : Allowable take off mass decreases allowable take off mass increases there is no effect on allowable take off mass allowable take off mass remains uninfluenced up to 5000 ft pressure altitude

If there is a tail wind the climb limited tom take off mass will ?
Question 73-28 : Not be affected increase decrease increase in the flaps extended case

Which of the following sets of factors will increase the climb limited tom ?
Question 73-29 : Low flap setting low pressure altitude low oat high flap setting low pressure altitude low oat low flap setting high pressure altitude high oat low flap setting high pressure altitude low oat

The requirements with regard to take off flight path and the climb segments are ?
Question 73-30 : The failure of the critical engine on a multi engines aeroplane the failure of any engine on a multi engine aeroplane two engine aeroplane the failure of two engines on a multi engine aeroplane

A head wind will ?
Question 73-31 : Increase the climb flight path angle increase the angle of climb increase the rate of climb shorten the time of climb

Assuming that the required lift exists which forces determine an aeroplane's ?
Question 73-32 : Weight drag and thrust weight and drag only thrust and drag only weight and thrust only

How does the best angle of climb and best rate of climb vary with increasing ?
Question 73-33 : Both decrease best angle of climb decreases while best rate of climb increases best angle of climb increases while best rate of climb decreases both increase

An operator shall ensure that the net take off flight path clears all obstacles ?
Question 73-34 : 90 m + 0 125 d 0 125 d 90 m + 1 125 d 90 m + d / 0 125

What is the effect of tail wind on the time to climb to a given altitude ?
Question 73-35 : The time to climb does not change the time to climb increases the time to climb decreases the effect on time to climb will depend on the aeroplane type

The angle of climb with flaps extended compared to that with flaps retracted ?
Question 73-36 : Smaller larger not change increase at moderate flap setting decrease at large flap setting

Vx and vy with take off flaps will be ?
Question 73-37 : Lower than that for clean configuration higher than that for clean configuration same as that for clean configuration changed so that vx increases and vy decreases compared to clean configuration

Other factors remaining constant how does increasing altitude affect vx and vy ?
Question 73-38 : Both will increase both will remain the same both will decrease vx will decrease and vy will increase

Considering tas for maximum range and maximum endurance other factors remaining ?
Question 73-39 : Both will increase with increasing altitude both will decrease with increasing altitude both will stay constant regardless of altitude tas for maximum range will increase with increased altitude while tas for maximum endurance will decrease with increased altitude

Given that .vef= critical engine failure speed.vmcg= ground minimum control ?
Question 73-40 : Vmcg is less than or equal to vef is less than v1 v2min is less than or equal to vef is less than or equal to vmu 1 05 vmca is less than or equal to vef is less than or equal to v1 1 05 vmcg is less than vefis less than or equal to vr

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