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Analysis > topography : A mass of 600 kg is loaded at a station which is located 12 metres behind the ?

Question 72-1 : 108000 n m 10800 n m 72000 n m 115200 n m

exemple 172 108000 n.m108000 n.m

Refer to figure 031 00 .if the aft galley is loaded with 102 kg dry operating ?

Question 72-2 : 1 52592 0 01496 1 35048 there is no change in doi

exemple 176 1.52592.1.52592.

Refer to figure 031 02 .given .distance a 2 m.force fa 300 n.calculate force fc ?

Question 72-3 : 100 n 900 n 600 n 300 n

For this question use annex ecqb 031 048 v2015 07 calculate the centre of ?

Question 72-4 : 85 79 mm 87 59 mm 86 41 kg 85 79 kg mm

exemple 184 85.79 mm85.79 mm

A 5 m long plank is on a pivot located at 3 m of the left side a user applies a ?

Question 72-5 : 900 n 1500 n 600 n 1800 n

Ecqb04 dec 2018. .3m x 600 n = 2m x n.1800 nm = 2m x n.1800 / 2 = 900 n

Refer to figure 031 52 .what is the forward cg limit and what is the aft cg ?

Question 72-6 : 87 3 and 94 6 86 4 and 94 2 82 and 94 5 87 2 and 94 2

exemple 192 87.3 and and 94.6.

Refer to figure 031 46 .how much fuel could be loaded at reference station 4 ?

Question 72-7 : 806 l 1171 l 487 l 324 l

Calculate the values from the tanks at station 4 575 .236 litre.324 litre.246 litre. .806 litre exemple 196 806 l.806 l.

Length of the mean aerodynamic chord 1 m.moment arm of the forward cargo 0 50 ?

Question 72-8 : 110 kg 183 kg 165 kg 104 kg

Change in mass / total mass = change in cg / total distance moved..change in cg = 0 15 m 25%mac to 40%mac of 1 metre .total distance moved = distance between front forward cargo and aft cargo = 0 5 m to 2 5 m = 3 m..change in mass = total mass x change in cg / total distance moved.change in mass = 2200 x 0 15 /3 = 110 kg exemple 200 110 kg.110 kg.

For the transport aeroplane the moment balance arm for the forward hold ?

Question 72-9 : 367 9 inches 257 inches 314 5 inches 421 5 inches

149 exemple 204 367.9 inches.367.9 inches.

Referring to the loading manual for the transport aeroplane the maximum load ?

Question 72-10 : 68 kg per square foot 150 kg per square foot 68 lbs per square metre 68 kg per square meter

150 exemple 208 68 kg per square foot.68 kg per square foot.

The maximum intensity floor loading for an aeroplane is given in the flight ?

Question 72-11 : 416 kg 1015 6 kg 41 6 kg 101 6 kg

The max floor loading is 650 kg per square metre.the area of the pallet is 0 8m x 0 8m = 0 64 m².650 kg x 0 64 = 416 kg exemple 212 416 kg416 kg

A pallet having a freight platform which measures 200 cm x 250 cm has a total ?

Question 72-12 : 285 5 kg may be added 158 3 kg must be off loaded 28 5 kg must be off loaded 28 5 kg may be added

Surface contact area = 0 2 m x 2 m x 2 ground supports = 0 8m²..maximum permitted distribution load intensity.1m² converted in feet = 3 28 x 3 28 = 10 76 ft²..0 8 x 10 76 = 8 61 ft²..reference states that we can load 68 kg per ft² thus.68 x 8 61 = 585 3 kg..585 3 300 kg of the current pallet mass 285 5 kg may be added exemple 216 285.5 kg may be added.285.5 kg may be added.

From the loading manual for the jet transport aeroplane the maximum floor ?

Question 72-13 : 68 kg per square foot 150 kg per square foot 3305 kg in forward compartment and 4187 kg in aft compartment 7288 kg in forward compartment and 9232 kg in aft compartment

On the line of the aft cargo compartment table we read 'maximum distribution load intensity kg per ft ² ' 68 exemple 220 68 kg per square foot.68 kg per square foot.

From the loading manual for the transport aeroplane the aft cargo compartment ?

Question 72-14 : 4187 kg 9232 kg 1568 kg 3062 kg

151 exemple 224 4187 kg.4187 kg.

From the loading manual for the transport aeroplane the maximum load that can ?

Question 72-15 : 835 5 inches is 3062 kg 421 5 inches is 2059 lbs 421 5 inches is 4541 kg 835 5 inches is 6752 kg

152 exemple 228 835.5 inches is 3062 kg.835.5 inches is 3062 kg.

An aeroplane whose specific data is shown in the annex has a planned take off ?

Question 72-16 : Front cargo 3 740 kg rear cargo 6 760 kg front cargo 9 260 kg rear cargo 1 240 kg front cargo 6 760 kg rear cargo 3 740 kg front cargo 4 550 kg rear cargo 5 950 kg

Mean aerodynamic cord lenght = 18 6 m 14 m = 4 6 m..centre of gravity modification = 30% to 33% = 3%..3% of mac lenght = 3% of 4 6 m = 0 138 m..mass change / total mass = change of cg / total distance moved..mass change = change of cg x total mass / total distance moved..mass change = 0 138 m x 200000 kg / 10 m..mass change = 2760 kg..we have to transfer 2760 kg from the front cargo to the rear cargo in order to move the cg aft.front cargo = 6500 kg 2760 kg = 3740 kg .rear cargo = 4000 kg + 2760 kg = 6760 kg exemple 232 front cargo: 3 740 kg, rear cargo: 6 760 kgfront cargo: 3 740 kg, rear cargo: 6 760 kg

The floor limit of an aircraft cargo hold is 5 000 n/m2 .it is planned to load ?

Question 72-17 : 80 kg 800 kg 32 kg 320 kg

Weight in kg = 5000 n/m² / 10 = 500 kg.500 x 0 4 x 0 4 = 80 kg exemple 236 80 kg.80 kg.

The floor of the main cargo hold is limited to 4000 n/m2 .it is planned to load ?

Question 72-18 : 100 kg 1000 kg 500 kg 5000 kg

Footprint of one cubic container is 0 5 x 0 5 = 0 25 m².4000 n/m² x 0 25 m² = 1000 n..10 n = 1 kg..maximum gross mass must not exceed 100 kg per container exemple 240 100 kg.100 kg.

Given . actual mass 116 500 lbs. original cg station 435 0. compartment a ?

Question 72-19 : 433 3 463 7 506 3 436 7

Note that this is the only answer that moves the center of gravity forward.change in mass / total mass = change in cg / total distance moved..change in mass = 390 lbs.change in cg = .total distance moved = distance between a and b = 792 5 285 5 = 507...change in mass = total mass x change in cg / total distance moved.390 = 116500 x 507 / change in cg..change in cg = 507 x 390 / 116 500 = 1 70.station number of the new cg 435 0 1 7 = 433 3 exemple 244 433.3433.3

Pallet ground base 1 44 m² .the pallet is carried on two ground supports each ?

Question 72-20 : 351 kg 508 kg 175 kg 1054 kg

Area in contact with surface = 2 x 1 2 x 0 2 = 0 48 m²..732 x 0 48 = 351 kg exemple 248 351 kg.351 kg.

The maximum floor loading for a cargo compartment in an aircraft is given as ?

Question 72-21 : 40 cm by 200 cm 30 cm by 300 cm 30 cm by 200 cm 40 cm by 300 cm

The minimum size that can be used .600 / 0 4 x 2 = 750 kg/m².or..600 kg = 80% of 750 kg.80% of 1 m² = 0 8 m².40 x 200 = 800 cm² 0 8 m² exemple 252 40 cm by 200 cm.40 cm by 200 cm.

Given the following data how much cargo must be moved from the forward hold to ?

Question 72-22 : 2760 kg 2904 kg 6000 kg 1467 kg

Mean aerodynamic cord lenght = 18 6 m 14 m = 4 6 m..centre of gravity modification = 30% to 33% = 3%..3% of mac lenght = 3% of 4 6 m = 0 138 m..mass change / total mass = change of cg / total distance moved..mass change = change of cg x total mass / total distance moved..mass change = 0 138 m x 200000 kg / 10 m..mass change = 2760 kg exemple 256 2760 kg.2760 kg.

What is the maximum running load in the aft section of the forward lower ?

Question 72-23 : 13 12 kg/in 13 15 kg/in 14 65 kg/in 7 18 kg/in

174 exemple 260 13.12 kg/in.13.12 kg/in.

Palletised cargo ?

Question 72-24 : Consists of different cargo box on pallets stored in the cargo holds can be loaded without specific loading equipment consists of passenger baggage on pallets stored in the cargo holds has fallen out of use due to the lack of protection

exemple 264 consists of different cargo box on pallets stored in the cargo holds.consists of different cargo box on pallets stored in the cargo holds.

Bulk cargo ?

Question 72-25 : Can be loaded without specific loading equipment consists of different cargo box on pallets stored in the cargo holds consists of passenger baggage on pallets stored in the cargo holds has fallen out of use due to the lack of protection

Bulk cargo loose unpackaged non containerized cargo such as cement grains ores exemple 268 can be loaded without specific loading equipment.can be loaded without specific loading equipment.

Containerised cargo ?

Question 72-26 : Consists of baggage and cargo loaded into standard size containers stored in the cargo holds consists of different cargo box on pallets stored in the cargo holds can be loaded without specific loading equipment has fallen out of use due to the lack of protection

Containerised cargo baggage and cargo can be loaded into standard size containers designed to fit and lock into the cargo compartment the containers have an individual maximum mass limit and an individual floor loading limit mass per unit aera exemple 272 consists of baggage and cargo loaded into standard size containers stored in the cargo holds.consists of baggage and cargo loaded into standard size containers stored in the cargo holds.

Bulk cargo ?

Question 72-27 : Consists of cargo box baggage loosely loaded in the cargo holds consists of different cargo box on pallets stored in the cargo holds consists of passenger baggage on pallets stored in the cargo holds has fallen out of use due to the lack of protection

Bulk cargo can be loaded without specific loading equipment exemple 276 consists of cargo (box, baggage) loosely loaded in the cargo holds.consists of cargo (box, baggage) loosely loaded in the cargo holds.

Define the maximum load distribution ?

Question 72-28 : Load divided by smallest area mass per unit area load divided by largest area maximum admissible g force load

exemple 280 load divided by smallest area.load divided by smallest area.

A pallet having a freight platform which measures 100 cm x 150 cm has a total ?

Question 72-29 : 20 kg may be added 140 kg must be off loaded 900 kg may be added 14 kg must be off loaded

Area in contact with surface = 0 2 m x 1 m x 2 = 0 4m²..maximum floor loading = 800 kg/m²..therefore max load for 0 4m² is .800 x 0 4 = 320 kg..20 kg may be added to a 300 kg pallet exemple 284 20 kg may be added.20 kg may be added.

A container that measure 1 42m² is to be loaded the maximum floor loading is ?

Question 72-30 : 1022 kg 507 kg 511 kg 720 kg

1 42 x 720 = 1022 4 kg exemple 288 1022 kg.1022 kg.

An aircraft has a mass of 5000 lbs and the cg is located at 80 inches aft of ?

Question 72-31 : 35 97 lbs 58 15 lbs 39 50 lbs 23 15 lbs

Mass added / old total mass = change of cg / distance from hold to new cg.mass added = change of cg / distance from hold to new cg x old total mass..mass added = 0 5 / 150 80 5 x 5000..mass added = 35 97 lbs exemple 292 35.97 lbs.35.97 lbs.

An aircraft has a loaded mass of 5500 lbs the cg is 22 inches aft of the datum ?

Question 72-32 : 23 9 inches 21 1 inches 26 3 inches 22 9 inches

Mass moved / total mass = change of cg / distance moved..change of cg = mass moved x distance moved / total mass..change of cg = 150 x 70 / 5500 = 1 9 inches..new cg location 22 + 1 9 = 23 9 inches exemple 296 23.9 inches.23.9 inches.

The cg limits of an aircraft are from 83 inches to 93 inches aft of the datum ?

Question 72-33 : 55 38 lbs 74 96 lbs 82 09 lbs 22 49 lbs

Mass moved / total mass = change of cg / distance moved..mass moved = change of cg x total mass / distance moved..mass moved = 2 x 3240 / 142 25.mass moved = 55 38 lbs exemple 300 55.38 lbs.55.38 lbs.

An aircraft has three holds situated 10 inches 100 inches and 250 inches aft of ?

Question 72-34 : 500 kg 250 kg 400 kg 350 kg

Mass change / total mass = change of cg / total distance moved..mass change = change of cg x total mass / total distance moved..mass change = 70 40 x 3500 / 250 40.mass change = 30 x 3500 / 210..mass change = 500 kg exemple 304 500 kg.500 kg.

A 5 kg mass is located at the end of a plank at 4m of the pivot on the other ?

Question 72-35 : 2 5 kg 10 kg 12 kg 3 kg

Moment = mass x balance arm..5 kg x 4 m = 20 kgm. kg x 8 m = 20 kgm..20 / 8 = 2 5 kg exemple 308 2.5 kg.2.5 kg.

A 5m rope is attached around a pivot a man a user pulls a force of 400 newton ?

Question 72-36 : 400 n 800 n 600 n 200 n

400 n in one direction 400 n in the other exemple 312 400 n.400 n.

A 3 m long plank is on a pivot located at 1m of the left side a user applies a ?

Question 72-37 : 200 n 400 n 600 n 800 n

1m x 400 n = 2m x n.400 / 2 = 200 n exemple 316 200 n.200 n.

Which pallet can be loaded in a hold whose maximum linear floor loading is 630 ?

Question 72-38 : 1 2 x 1 2m mass 700 kg 1 2 x 1 2m mass 760 kg 1 1 x 1 1m mass 700 kg 1 1 x 1 1m mass 760 kg

We have to convert each container to a 1m running load.700 / 1 1 = 636kg/ml.760 / 1 1 = 690kg/ml.700 / 1 2 = 583kg/ml less than 630 kg/ml .760 / 1 2 = 633kg/ml exemple 320 1.2 x 1.2m, mass 700 kg.1.2 x 1.2m, mass 700 kg.

Which of the following statements about loading is correct ?

Question 72-39 : Containers can be connected directly to the aircraft and each container has its own manifest bulk cargo loading requires much less ground personal than the loading of containers live animals are never loaded as bulk cargo pallets are mainly used on small aircraft and are strapped down

Baggage and cargo can be loaded into standard size containers designed to fit and lock into the cargo compartment the containers have an individual maximum mass limit and an individual floor loading limit mass per unit aera each container has its own manifest exemple 324 containers can be connected directly to the aircraft and each container has its own manifest.containers can be connected directly to the aircraft and each container has its own manifest.

Rush bags last minute baggage and cabin crew baggage is held in/on ?

Question 72-40 : Bulk cargo palletised cargo forbidden cargo containerized cargo

exemple 328 bulk cargo.bulk cargo.


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