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Determine the Zero Fuel Mass for the following single engine aeroplane Given Standard Empty Mass 1799 lbsPilot + Front seat passenger 300 lbsCargo ?

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exemple 171
2449 lbs, 2589 lbs, 2659 lbs, 24 4 lbs. Zero fuel mass = the dry operating mass plus traffic load but excluding fuel. zero fuel mass = basic empty mass + pilot + front seat passenger + cargo mass zero fuel mass = 1799 + 300 + 350 = 2449 lbs.

Given Standard Empty Mass 1764 lbsOptional Equipment 35 lbsPilot + Front seat passenger 300 lbsCargo Mass 350 lbsBlock Fuel 60 Gal Trip Fuel 35 Gal Taxi Fuel 1 7 Gal Fuel density 6 lbs/GalDetermine ?

exemple 172
Given standard empty mass 1764 lbsoptional equipment 35 lbspilot + front seat passenger 300 lbscargo mass 350 lbsblock fuel 60 gal trip fuel 35 gal taxi fuel 1 7 gal fuel density 6 lbs/galdetermine expected landing mass 2589 lbs, 2599 lbs, 2472 lbs, 2557 lbs. Take off mass = 1764 + 35 + 300 + 350 + (6x(60 1.7)= 2799 lbs expected landing mass = 2799 (6 x 35) = 2589 lbs.

The Take off Mass of an aeroplane is 66700 kg which includes a traffic load of 12500 kg and a usable fuel load of 10200 kg If the standard mass for the crew is 545 kg the Dry operating Mass is ?

exemple 173
The take off mass of an aeroplane 66700 kg which includes a traffic load of 12500 kg and a usable fuel load of 10200 kg if standard mass the crew 545 kg dry operating mass 44kg, 542 kg, 565 kg, 43465 kg. Dry operating mass = take off mass (traffic load usable fuel) dry operating mass = 66700 kg (12500 kg + 10200 kg) = 44000 kg.

  • exemple 174
    The take off mass of an aeroplane 8600 kg which includes a traffic load of 1890 kg and a usable fuel load of 1230 kg if standard mass the crew 190 kg dry operating mass 548kg, 529kg, 84 kg, 67 kg. Dry operating mass = take off mass (traffic load usable fuel) dry operating mass = 8600 kg (1890 kg 1230 kg) = 5480 kg dry operating mass = the total mass of an aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load. this mass includes items such as + crew crew baggage. + catering removable passenger service equipment (food, beverages, potable water, lavatory chemicals etc.) + special operational equipment (e.g. stretchers, rescue hoist, cargo sling).

  • exemple 175
    The loading a flight shown in loadsheet with following data applying to aeroplane maximum take off mass 150 000 kgmaximum landing mass 140 000 kgcentre of gravity cg limit forward 10 5 m aft of datumaft 13 0 m aft of datumestimated trip fuel 55 000 kg 205 Landing cg out of limits at. 7 m aft of datum, landing cg out of limits at.97 m aft of datum, take off cg out of limits at. 7 m aft of datum, take off cg out of limits at2.34 m aft of datum. 946000/93000 = 10.17 m.

  • exemple 176
    Given an aeroplane with maximum structural landing mass 68000 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 70200 kgmaximum structural take off mass 78200 kgdry operating mass 48000 kgscheduled trip fuel 7000 kg and reserve fuel 2800 kgassuming performance limitations are not restricting maximum permitted take off mass and maximum traffic load are respectively 75kg72 kg, 75kg 2 kg, 772 kg94 kg, 772 kg 222 kg. traffic load 17200 kg. maximum take off mass = dry operating mass + fuel at take off + traffic load maximum take off mass = 48000 + 9800 + 17200 = 75000 kg.

  • exemple 177
    Dry operating mass the mass of aircraft less Usable fuel traffic load, usable fuel, traffic load, potable water lavatory chemicals, usable fuel, potable water lavatory chemicals. Please download following document used as a reference at exam pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 8

    The total mass of aircraft including crew crew baggage plus catering and removable passenger equipment plus potable water and lavatory chemicals but excluding usable fuel and traffic load referred to as Dry operating mass, zero fuel mass, landing mass, maximum zero fuel mass

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 9

    The responsibility determination of mass of 'operating item and 'crew member included within dry operating mass lies with The operator, commander, authority of state of registration, person compiling weighing schedule.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 10

    The dry operating mass the total mass of aircraft ready a specific type of operation but excluding Usable fuel traffic load, traffic load, useful fuel, crew crew baggage. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 11

    The take off mass of an aeroplane 66700 kg which includes a traffic load of 14200 kg and a usable fuel load of 10500 kg if standard mass the crew 545 kg dry operating mass 42kg, 562 kg, 4 455 kg, 42545 kg. Dry operating mass = take off mass (traffic load usable fuel) dry operating mass = 66700 kg (14200 kg 10500 kg) = 42000 kg dry operating mass = the total mass of an aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load. this mass includes items such as + crew crew baggage. + catering removable passenger service equipment (food, beverages, potable water, lavatory chemicals etc.) + special operational equipment (e.g. stretchers, rescue hoist, cargo sling).

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 12

    The maximum certificated taxi or ramp mass that mass to which an aircraft may be loaded prior to engine start it A fixed value which listed in flight manual, a value which varies with airfield temperature altitude. corrections are listed in flight manual, a value which varies only with airfield altitude. standard corrections are listed in flight manual, a value which only affected the outside air temperature. corrections are calculated from data given in flight manual.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 13

    The maximum mass to which an aeroplane may be loaded prior to engine start Maximum certificated taxi (ramp) mass, maximum regulated taxi (ramp) mass, maximum certificated take off mass, maximum regulated take off mass. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf this takeoff mass plus taxi fuel, i.e. weight of loaded aircraft before starting engines.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 14

    The zero fuel mass and dry operating mass Differ the value of traffic load mass, are same value, differ the sum of mass of usable fuel plus traffic load mass, differ the mass of usable fuel. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 15

    A revenue flight planned the transport aeroplane take off mass not airfield limited the following data applies dry operating mass 34930 kgperformance limited landing mass 55000 kgfuel on board at ramp taxi fuel 350 kg trip fuel 9730 kg contingency and final reserve fuel 1200 kg alternate fuel 1600 kgpassengers on board 130standard mass each passenger 84 kgbaggage per passenger 14 kgtraffic load maximum possible use loading manual provided and above data determine maximum cargo load that may be carried without exceeding limiting aeroplane landing mass 216 453kg, 54 kg, 635kg, 3 85 kg. Performance limited landing mass 55000 kg dry operating mass 34930 kg fuel (at landing) = 1200+1600 = 2800 kg traffic load (minus cargo load) = 130x84 + 130x14 = 12740 kg so amount of cargo you can still carry = 55000 (34930+2800+12740) = 55000 50470 = 4530 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 16

    The empty mass of an aeroplane given as 44800 kg operational items including crew standard mass of 1060 kg are 2300 kg if maximum zero fuel mass given as 65500 kg maximum traffic load which could be carried 84 kg, 2 7 kg, 23kg,946kg. Maximum traffic load = maximum zero fuel mass empty mass operational items maximum traffic load = 65500 44800 2300 = 18400 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 17

    The maximum zero fuel mass a structural limiting mass it made up of aeroplane dry operational mass plus Traffic load, traffic load, unuseable fuel crew standard mass, unuseable crew standard mass, traffic load crew standard mass. Zero fuel mass the dry operating mass plus traffic load but excluding fuel.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 18

    The take off mass of an aeroplane 141000 kg total fuel on board 63000 kg including 14000 kg reserve fuel and 1000 kg of unusable fuel the traffic load 12800 kg the zero fuel mass 79kg, 78kg, 93kg, 652 kg. The zero fuel mass includes unusable fuel. usable fuel on board = 63000 kg 1000 kg = 62000 kg. take off mass usable fuel = 141000 kg 62000 kg = 79000 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 19

    'standard mas as used in computation of passenger load establish mass of a child as 35 kg irrespective of age provided they occupy a seat, 35 kg only if they are over 2 years old occupy a seat, 35 kg children over 2 years occupying a seatkg infants (less than 2 years) not occupying a seat, 35 kg children over 2 years occupying a seatkg infants (less than 2 years) occupying a seat.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 20

    The maximum certificated take off mass A structural limit which may not be exceeded any take off, a take off limiting mass which affected the aerodrome altitude temperature, a take off limiting mass which governed the gradient of climb after reaching v2 , limited the runway take off distance available. it tabulated in flight manual. The certificated take off mass a structural limit, whereas all other answers refer to a performance, climb, respectively field limited take off mass. the structural limit a fixed value which shall never be exceeded to avoid any damage to aircraft structure. the other limitations can vary, depending on performance environment. maximum certified mass = structural limitation maximum regulated mass = structural and performance limitation

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 21

    For a particular aeroplane structural maximum mass without any fuel on board other than unusable quantities A fixed value which stated in aeroplane operating manual, a variable value which governed the pcn acn, a variable value which governed the traffic load carried, a fixed value which will limit amount of fuel carried.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 22

    On an aeroplane with a seating capacity of more than 30 it decided to use standard mass values computing total mass of passengers if flight not a holiday charter mass value which may be used an adult 84 kg, 88 kg, 76 kg, 83 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 23

    The standard mass a child 35 kg all flights, 35 kg holiday charters 38 kg all other flights, 38 kg all flights, 3kg holiday charters 35 kg all other flights.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 24

    On an aeroplane with 20 or more seats engaged on an inter continental flight 'standard mas which may be used passenger baggage 5 kg per passenger,3 kg per passenger,4 kg per passenger,kg per passenger. Eu ops 1.620 mass values passengers baggage ... (f) mass values baggage 1. where total number of passenger seats available on aeroplane 20 or more standard mass values given in table 3 are applicable each piece of checked baggage. for aeroplanes with 19 passenger seats or less, actual mass of checked baggage, determined weighing, must be used.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 25

    The following data applies to a planned flight dry operating mass 34900 kg performance limited take off mass 66300 kg performance limited landing mass 55200 kg maximum zero fuel mass 53070 kg fuel required at ramp taxy fuel 400 kg trip fuel 8600 kg contingency fuel 430 kg alternate fuel 970 kg holding fuel 900 kgtraffic load 16600 kg fuel costs at departure airfield are such that it decided to load maximum fuel quantity possible the total fuel which may be safely loaded prior to departure 27 kg,323kg,52 kg, 73kg. Create a limitation table 3700 kg + trip fuel 8600 kg + taxy fuel 400 kg = 12700 kg may be safely loaded.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 26

    In determining dry operating mass of an aeroplane it common practice to use 'standard mas values crew these values are Flight crew 85 kg, cabin crew 75 kg, each. these are inclusive of a hand baggage allowance, flight crew 85 kg, cabin crew 75 kg, each. these do not include a hand baggage allowance, flight crew (male) 88 kg, (female) 75 kg, cabin crew 75 kg, each. these include an allowance hand baggage, flight crew (male) 88 kg, (female) 75 kg, cabin crew 75 kg, each. these do not include an allowance hand baggage. Eu ops 1.615 mass values crew (a) an operator shall use following mass values to determine dry operating mass 1. actual masses including any crew baggage or 2. standard masses, including hand baggage, of 85 kg flight crew members 75 kg cabin crew members or 3. other standard masses acceptable to authority. b) an operator must correct dry operating mass to account any additional baggage. the position of this additional baggage must be accounted when establishing centre of gravity of aeroplane.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 27

    The medium range jet transport aeroplane to operate a flight carrying maximum possible fuel load departure airfield performance limited take off mass 60 400 kg landing airfield not performance limiteddry operating mass 34930 kgfuel required flight taxi fuel 715 kgtrip fuel 8600 kgcontingency and final reserve fuel 1700 kgalternate fuel 1500 kgadditional reserve 400 kgtraffic load flight 11000 kgusing following data as appropriate determine mass of fuel on board at start of take off 217 447kg,3655 kg,6 8kg,58 5 kg. Performance limited take off mass 60 400 kg, landing airfield not performance limited. mass of fuel at take off = performance limited take off mass (dry operating mass + traffic load) mass of fuel at take off = 60400 kg (34930 kg + 11000 kg) = 14470 kg. departure airfield performance limited take off mass 60 400 kg, this the maximum allowing mass at take off, the question states '...aeroplane to operate a flight carrying maximum possible fuel loa. our ramp mass will be 60 400 kg + 715 kg = 61115 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 28

    An aircraft to depart from an airfield at a take off mass of 302550 kg fuel on board at take off including contingency and alternate of 19450 kg 121450 kg the dry operating mass 161450 kg the useful load will be 4 kg,965kg,2 45kg, 395 kg. Useful load = take off mass dry operating mass useful load = 302550 kg 161450 kg = 141100 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 29

    Conversion of fuel volume to mass May be done using standard fuel density values as specified in operations manual, if actual fuel density not known, may be done using standard fuel density values as specified in easa air ops, must be done using actual measured fuel density values, must be done using fuel density values of.79 jet a.76 jet a2 as specified in easa air ops.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 30

    Standard masses may be used the computation of mass values baggage if aircraft Has 2or more seats, has 6 or more seats, has 3or more seats, carrying 3or more passengers. Eu ops 1.620 mass values passengers baggage ... (f) mass values baggage 1. where total number of passenger seats available on aeroplane 20 or more standard mass values given in table 3 are applicable each piece of checked baggage. aeroplanes with 19 passenger seats or less, actual mass of checked baggage, determined weighing, must be used.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 31

    A jet transport has following structural limits maximum ramp mass 63 060 kg maximum take off mass 62 800 kg maximum landing mass 54 900 kg maximum zero fuel mass 51 300 kgthe aeroplane's fuel loaded accordance with following requirements taxi fuel 400 kg trip fuel 8400 kg contingency and final reserve fuel 1800 kg alternate fuel 1100 kgif dry operating mass 34930 kg determine maximum traffic load that can be carried on flight if departure and landing airfields are not performance limited 6 37kg,77kg,6 57kg,6 43kg. Create a limitation table anything above 16370 kg will therefore exceed zfm but will keep other three within limits, so that your answer.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 32

    A flight has been made from london to valencia carrying minimum fuel and maximum traffic load on return flight fuel tanks in aeroplane are to be filled to capacity with a total fuel load of 20100 litres at a fuel density of 0 79 kg/l the following are aeroplane's structural limits maximum ramp mass 69 900 kg maximum take off mass 69 300 kg maximum landing mass 58 900 kg maximum zero fuel mass 52 740 kgthe performance limited take off mass at valencia 67 330 kg the landing mass at london not performance limited dry operating mass 34 930 kgtrip fuel valencia to london 5 990 kgtaxi fuel 250 kgthe maximum traffic load that can be carried from valencia will be 4 33kg,3 24kg,6 77kg, 9 83kg. Fuel at ramp 20100 litres x 0.79 kg/l = 15879 kg. fuel at take off 15879 kg 250 kg of taxi fuel = 15629 kg fuel at landing 15629 kg 5990 kg = 9639 kg. maximum traffic load = maximum landing mass dry operating mass ? remaining fuel at landing in london maximum traffic load = 58900 kg 34930 kg 9639 kg = 14331 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 33

    The term 'useful loa as applied to a aircraft includes Traffic load plus useable fuel, revenue earning portion of traffic load only, traffic load only, revenue earning portion of traffic load plus useable fuel.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 34

    An aeroplane performance limited to a landing mass of 54230 kg the dry operating mass 35000 kg and zero fuel mass 52080 kg if take off mass 64280 kg useful load 2928kg,7 8kg,22 kg,8kg. Take off mass = dry operating mass + useful load 64280 = 35000 + useful load useful load = 64280 35000 useful load = 29280 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 35

    For medium range transport aeroplane from loading manual determine maximum total volume of fuel which can be loaded into main wing tanks fuel density value 0 78kg/l 218 348 litres, 885litres, 646 litres, 5674 litres. The question states 'determine maximum total volume of fuel which can be loaded into main wing tank. if you use mass, you will get 11646 litres (9084 kg / 0.78 = 11646 litres), it will not fit in tanks because main tanks volume in litres 2998 us gallons (1499 + 1499) 2998 usg x 3.7854 l/usg = 11348 litres (for a mass of 11348 litres x 0.78 = 8851 kg).

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 36

    The flight preparation of a turbojet aeroplane provides following data take off runway limitation 185 000 kglanding runway limitation 180 000 kgplanned fuel consumption 11 500 kgfuel already loaded on board aircraft 20 000 kgknowing that maximum take off mass mtom 212 000 kgmaximum landing mass mlm 174 000 kgmaximum zero fuel mass mzfm 164 000 kgdry operating mass dom 110 000 kgthe maximum cargo load that captain may decide to load on board 54 kg, 55 kg, 55 5 kg, 65 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 37

    The crew of a transport aeroplane prepares a flight using following data block fuel 40 000 kg trip fuel 29 000 kg taxi fuel 800 kg maximum take off mass 170 000 kg maximum landing mass 148 500 kg maximum zero fuel mass 112 500 kg dry operating mass 80 400 kgthe maximum traffic load this flight 32 kg, 44 kg, 32 9 kg,8 9 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 38

    The dry operating mass of an aircraft 2000 kg the maximum take off mass landing and zero fuel mass are identical at 3500 kg the block fuel mass 550 kg and taxi fuel mass 50 kg the available mass of traffic load Traffic load the total mass of passengers, baggage cargo, including any non revenue load. it means usable fuel not a part of 'traffic loa. traffic load = maximum take off mass (dry operating mass + fuel on board at take off) traffic load = 3500 (2000 + 500) = 1000 kg.

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 39

    The basic empty mass of an aircraft 30000 kg the masses of following items are catering 300 kg safety and rescue material nil fly away kit nil crew inclusive crew baggage 365 kg fuel at take off 3000 kg unusable fuel 120 kg passengers baggage cargo 8000 kgthe dry operating mass 3665 kg, 33 kg, 38 3 kg, 3785 kg. The dry operating mass = basic empty mass + standard items the basic empty mass includes unuseable fuel. dry operating mass = 30000 + 300 + 365 = 30665 kg. the dom includes unusable fuel, since unusable fuel a part of basic empty mass. dry operating mass = the total mass of an aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load. this mass includes items such as + crew crew baggage. + catering removable passenger service equipment (food, beverages, potable water, lavatory chemicals etc.) + special operational equipment (e.g. stretchers, rescue hoist, cargo sling).

  • Question Loading 66 Answer 40

    By adding to basic empty mass following fixed necessary equipment a specific flight catering safety and rescue equipment fly away kit crew we get Dry operating mass, take off mass, zero fuel mass, landing mass. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf

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