If the centre of gravity of an aeroplane moves forward during flight the elevator control will become ?
Students > VFR
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The determination of the centre of gravity in relation to the mean aerodynamic chord consists of defining the centre of gravity longitudinally in relation to the ?
![exemple 171](https://www.furious-atpl.com/documents/IMG_171.jpg)
The maximum zero fuel mass ?
![exemple 172](https://www.furious-atpl.com/documents/IMG_172.jpg)
When has centre of gravity to be computed Prior to every flight, at least every four years, during every yearly inspection, after every 4 hours inspection. The operating mass om The take off mass minus traffic load, take off mass minus basic empty mass crew mass, maximum zero fuel mass minus traffic load, landing mass minus traffic load. The operating mass the dry operating mass plus take off fuel mass. or/also the operating mass the take off mass minus traffic load. /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf The 'regulated landing mas the Lowest of structural limited landing mass the performance limited landing mass, maximum landing mass established the aircraft operator, maximum landing mass established the aircraft manufacturer, maximum difference between performance limited landing mass structural landing mass. Given dry operating mass= 29 800 kgmaximum take off mass= 52 400 kgmaximum zero fuel mass= 43 100 kgmaximum landing mass= 46 700 kgtrip fuel= 4 000 kgfuel quantity at brakes release= 8 000 kgthe maximum traffic load 2 9 kg,3 3 kg, 9 3 kg,4 6 kg. Traffic load the total mass of passengers, baggage cargo, including any non revenue load. the lowest mass our limitation. Question Loading 65 Answer 8
The take off mass of an aircraft 117 000 kg comprising a traffic load of 18 000 kg and fuel of 46 000 kg what the dry operating mass 53 kg, 7kg, 99 kg, 64 kg. Dry operating mass = the total mass of an aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load. this mass includes items such as + crew crew baggage. + catering removable passenger service equipment (food, beverages, potable water, lavatory chemicals etc.) + special operational equipment (e.g. stretchers, rescue hoist, cargo sling) dry operating mass = take off mass traffic load fuel dry operating mass = 117000 18000 46000 = 53000 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 9
The dry operating mass includes Crew crew baggage, catering, removable passenger service equipment, potable water lavatory chemicals, unusable fuel reserve fuel, fuel passengers baggage cargo, passengers baggage cargo. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 10
The maximum load per running metre of an aircraft 350 kg/m the width of floor area 2 metres the floor strength limitation 300 kg per square metre which one of following crates length x width x height can be loaded directly on floor A load of 4 kg in a crate with dimensions.2 m x.2 m x.2 m, a load of 5 kg in a crate with dimensions.5 m x m x m, a load of 4 kg in a crate with dimensions.4 m x.8 m x.8 m, a load of 7 kg in a crate with dimensions.8 m x.4 m x.8 m. Maximum load per running metre 400 / 1.2 = 333 kg/m floor strength limitation 400 / (1.2 x 1.2) = 277,77 kg/m² both limitations are respected. Question Loading 65 Answer 11
Given following maximum structural take off mass 48 000 kg maximum structural landing mass 44 000 kg maximum zero fuel mass 36 000 kg taxi fuel 600 kg contingency fuel 900 kg alternate fuel 800 kg final reserve fuel 1 100 kg trip fuel 9 000 kg the actual tom can never be higher than 47 8 kg, 48 kg, 48 4 kg, 53 kg. the actual take off mass the lowest of three. it can never be higher if we don't want structural troubles. Question Loading 65 Answer 12
The maximum zero fuel mass 1 a regulatory limitation2 calculated a maximum load factor of +3 5 g3 based on maximum permissible bending moment at wing root4 defined on assumption that fuel consumed from outer wings tank first5 defined on assumption that fuel consumed from centre wing tank firstthe combination of correct statements , 3, 5,, 2, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4. The maximum zero fuel mass a regulatory limitation (cs23 cs25), it a design limitation to prevent wing bending, it defined on assumption that fuel consumed from centre wing tank first. Question Loading 65 Answer 13
At flight preparation stage following parameters in particular are available determining mass of aircraft 1 dry operating mass2 operating masswhich statement correct The dry operating mass includes fixed equipment needed to carry out a specific flight, the operating mass the mass of aircraft without take off fuel, the dry operating mass includes take off fuel, the operating mass includes traffic load. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 14
Which of following corresponds to zero fuel mass The take off mass of an aeroplane minus all usable fuel, take off mass minus fuel to destination alternate, operating mass plus passengers cargo, operating mass plus luggage of passengers cargo. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 15
Given that maximum structural take off mass 146000 kg maximum structural landing mass 93900 kg maximum zero fuel mass 86300 kg trip fuel 27000 kg taxi fuel 1000 kg contingency fuel 1350 kg alternate fuel 2650 kg final reserve fuel 3000 kgdetermine actual take off mass 23 kg,29 kg,23 kg,46 kg. Without dry operating mass, our traffic load will depend on maximum zero fuel mass or a maximum structural mass. we have two possibility, lowest will be our answer actual take off mass = maximum structural landing mass + trip fuel actual take off mass = 93900 + 27000 = 120 900 kg. or actual take off mass = maximum zero fuel mass + trip fuel + contingency + alternate + final reserve actual take off mass = 86300 + 27 000 + 1350 + 2650 + 3000 = 120 300 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 16
Given maximum structural take off mass 72 000 kg maximum structural landing mass 56 000 kg maximum zero fuel mass 48 000 kg taxi fuel 800 kg trip fuel 18 000 kg contingency fuel 900 kg alternate fuel 700 kg final reserve fuel 2 000 kg determine actual take off mass 69 6 kg, 74 kg, 72 kg, 74 kg. the actual take off mass the lowest of three. it can never be higher if we don't want structural troubles. Question Loading 65 Answer 17
The actual take off mass equal to 41 545 kg catering 300 kg safety and rescue material nil fly away kit nil crew inclusive crew baggage 365 kg fuel at take off 3 000 kg unusable fuel 120 kg passengers baggage cargo 8 000 kgthe basic empty mass 3665 kg, 33 kg, 3785 kg, 38 3 kg. The basic empty mass includes unusable fuel. 41 545 kg (8000 kg + 3000 kg) + 120 kg = 30 665 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 18
The zero fuel mass of an aeroplane always The take off mass minus mass of take off fuel, take off mass minus wing fuel mass, take off mass minus fuselage fuel mass, maximum take off mass minus take off fuel mass. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 19
Given maximum structural take off mass 146 900 kgmaximum structural landing mass 93 800 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 86 400 kgtrip fuel 27 500 kgblock fuel 35 500 kgengine starting and taxi fuel 1 000 kgthe maximum take off mass equal to 29 kg,23 kg, 3 9 kg,23 kg. We are looking the maximum take off mass maximum take off mass = maximum zero fuel mass + fuel at take off maximum take off mass = 86 400 + (35 500 1 000) = 120 900 kg. the maximum zero fuel mass a structural limiting mass. it made up of aeroplane dry operational mass + traffic load unuseable fuel. Question Loading 65 Answer 20
Traffic load the Zero fuel mass minus dry operating mass, dry operating mass minus disposable load, dry operating mass minus variable load, take off mass minus zero fuel mass. Question Loading 65 Answer 21
While making mass and balance calculation a particular aircraft term 'basic empty mas applies to sum of airframe engine s fixed ballast plus Unusable fuel full operating fluids, all oil, fuel, hydraulic fluid but not including crew traffic load, all oil fuel, all consumable fuel oil, but not including any radio or navigation equipment installed manufacturer. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 22
The term 'maximum zero fuel mas consist of The maximum permissible mass of an aeroplane with no usable fuel, the maximum mass authorized a certain aeroplane not including traffic load fuel load, the maximum mass authorized a certain aeroplane not including fuel load operational items, the maximum mass some aeroplanes including fuel load the traffic load. Question Loading 65 Answer 23
The actual 'zero fuel mas equal to Dry operating mass plus traffic load, operating mass plus all traffic load, basic empty mass plus fuel loaded, actual landing mass plus trip fuel. Question Loading 65 Answer 24
The actual 'take off mas equivalent to Dry operating mass plus take off fuel the traffic load, actual zero fuel mass plus traffic load, dry operating mass plus take off fuel, actual landing mass plus take off fuel. Question Loading 65 Answer 25
With respect to aeroplane loading in planning phase which of following statements always correct lm = landing masstom = take off massmtom = maximum take off masszfm = zero fuel massmzfm = maximum zero fuel massdom = dry operating mass Lm = tom trip fuel, mtom = zfm + full tank fuel mass, mzfm = traffic load + dom, reserve fuel = tom trip fuel. Landing mass = take off mass trip fuel. 'mzfm = traffic load + dom' not correct. to be correct it would have to say 'mzfm = dom + maximum traffic loa. Question Loading 65 Answer 26
Given an aeroplane with maximum structural landing mass 125000 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 108500 kgmaximum structural take off mass 155000 kgdry operating mass 82000 kgscheduled trip fuel 17000 kg and reserve fuel 5000 kg assuming performance limitations are not restricting maximum permitted take off mass and maximum traffic load are respectively 3 5 kg 265 kg,3 5 kg 3 5 kg,255 kg 2 5 kg,255 kg 265 kg. the lowest value our maximum traffic load (26500 kg). now, our maximum permitted take off mass is maximum zero fuel mass + fuel at take off = 108500 + 22000 = 130500 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 27
For purpose of completing mass and balance documentation traffic load considered to be equal to take off mass Less operating mass, plus operating mass, plus trip fuel mass, less trip fuel mass. Take off mass = operating mass + traffic load (operating mass 'dom + fuel at take off') therefore, you can say that traffic load = tom operating mass. Question Loading 65 Answer 28
For purpose of completing mass and balance documentation operating mass considered to be dry operating mass plus Take off fuel mass, ramp fuel mass, trip fuel mass, ramp fuel mass less fuel apu run up. /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 29
When establishing mass breakdown of an aeroplane empty mass defined as sum of Standard empty mass plus specific equipment mass plus trapped fluids plus unusable fuel mass, empty mass dry plus variable equipment mass, basic mass plus variable equipment mass, basic mass plus special equipment mass. Basic empty mass the mass of an aeroplane plus standard items such as unusable fuel other unusable fluids lubricating oil in engine auxiliary units fire extinguishers pyrotechnics emergency oxygen equipment supplementary electronic equipment. Question Loading 65 Answer 30
For purpose of completing mass and balance documentation dry operating mass defined as The total mass of aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load, the total mass of aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel, the total mass of aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all traffic load, the total mass of aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding crew crew baggage. Please download following document used as a reference at exam /pdf/031_mass_definitions.pdf Question Loading 65 Answer 31
An aircraft's weighing schedule indicates that empty mass 57320 kg the nominal dry operating mass 60120 kg and maximum zero fuel mass given as 72100 kg which of following a correct statement in relation to this aeroplane Operational items have a mass of 28 kg the maximum traffic load this aeroplane 98kg, operational items have a mass of 28 kg the maximum traffic load this aeroplane478kg, operational items have a mass of 28 kg the maximum useful load 98kg, operational items have a mass of 28 kg the maximum useful load478kg. Operational items are difference between dry operating mass empty mass 60120 57320 = 2800 kg. the traffic load the difference between mzfm dom 72100 60120 = 11980 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 32
An aeroplane to depart from an airfield where performance limited take off mass 89200 kg certificated maximum masses are as follows ramp taxi mass 89930 kgmaximum take off mass 89430 kgmaximum landing mass 71520 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 62050 kgfuel on board at ramp taxi fuel 600 kgtrip fuel 17830 kgcontingency final reserve and alternate 9030 kg if dry operating mass 40970 kg traffic load that can be carried on this flight 28kg, 2 5 kg, 2 22kg, 2 87kg. lowest limitation 21080 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 33
The empty mass of an aircraft as given in weighing schedule 61300 kg the operational items including crew given as a mass of 2300 kg if take off mass 132000 kg including a useable fuel quantity of 43800 kg useful load 684 kg, 296 kg, 7 7 kg, 269 kg. Useful load = the mass of aircraft including everything everyone contained within it at commencement of take off the total mass of an aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load. useful load = take off mass dry operating mass = 132000 kg 63600 kg = 68400kg for information, dry operating mass includes items such as crew crew baggage. catering removable passenger service equipment (food, beverages, potable water, lavatory chemicals etc.) special operational equipment (e.g. stretchers, rescue hoist, cargo sling). Question Loading 65 Answer 34
The following data applies to an aeroplane which about to take off certified maximum take off mass 141500 kgperformance limited take off mass 137300 kgdry operating mass 58400 kgcrew and crew hand baggage mass 640 kgcrew baggage in hold 110 kgfuel on board 60700 kgfrom this data calculate mass of useful load 789 kg, 78 5kg,82 kg,745kg. Useful load = the mass of aircraft including everything everyone contained within it at commencement of take off the total mass of an aircraft ready a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel traffic load. useful load = take off mass dry operating mass = 137300 kg 58400 kg = 78900 kg. for information, dry operating mass includes items such as crew crew baggage. catering removable passenger service equipment (food, beverages, potable water, lavatory chemicals etc.) special operational equipment (e.g. stretchers, rescue hoist, cargo sling). Question Loading 65 Answer 35
A revenue flight to be made a jet transport the following are aeroplane's structural limits maximum ramp mass 69 900 kg maximum take off mass 69 300 kg maximum landing mass 58 900 kg maximum zero fuel mass 52 740 kgthe performance limited take off mass 67 450kg and performance limited landing mass 55 470 kg dry operating mass 34 900 kg trip fuel 6 200 kg taxi fuel 250 kg contingency and final reserve fuel 1 300 kg alternate fuel 1 100 kg the maximum traffic load that can be carried 7 84kg, 25 8 kg,87kg,3 95kg. Create a limitation table the maximum traffic load that can be carried 17 840 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 36
A revenue flight to be made a jet transport the following are aeroplane's structural limits maximum ramp mass 69 900 kg maximum take off mass 69 300 kg maximum landing mass 58 900 kg maximum zero fuel mass 52 740 kg take off and landing mass are not performance limited dry operating mass 34 930 kgtrip fuel 11 500 kgtaxi fuel 250 kgcontingency and final reserve fuel 1 450 kgalternate fuel 1 350 kgthe maximum traffic load that can be carried 7 8 kg, 2 7kg, 2 7kg, 242kg. 69300 kg t/o mass dom all fuel you have on board (you only used taxi fuel) = 20070 kg avaiable traffic load 58900 kg landing mass dom fuel you will have on board (you used taxi trip fuel) = 21170 kg avaiable traffic load 52740 kg zfm dom (you don't have fuel) = 17810 kg avaiable traffic load anything above 17810 kg will therefore exceed zfm but will keep other two within limits, so that your answer. Question Loading 65 Answer 37
A revenue flight to be made a jet transport the following are aeroplane's structural limits maximum ramp mass 69 900 kg maximum take off mass 69 300 kgmaximum landing mass 58 900 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 52 740 kgtake off and landing mass are not performance limited dry operating mass 34 900 kgtrip fuel 11 800 kgtaxi fuel 500 kgcontingency and final reserve fuel 1 600 kgalternate fuel 1 900 kgthe maximum traffic load that can be carried 7 84kg,9 5 kg,9 kg,9 2 kg. the maximum traffic load that can be carried 17 840 kg. Question Loading 65 Answer 38
The following data extracted from an aeroplane's loading manifest performance limited take off mass 93500 kgexpected landing mass at destination 81700 kgmaximum certificated landing mass 86300 kgfuel on board 16500 kgduring flight a diversion made to an en route alternate which not 'performance limite landing fuel remaining at landing 10300 kg the landing mass Is 873 kg excess structural stress could result, 832 kg which in excess of regulated landing mass could result in overrunning runway, must be reduced to 8 7 kg in order to avoid a high speed approach, 873 kg which acceptable in this case because this a diversion not a normal scheduled landing. Fuel on board fuel remaining at landing = 16500 kg 10300 kg = 6200 kg. we only have one mass given take off, performance limited take off mass, thus, landing mass will be 93500 kg 6200 kg = 87300 kg structural stress could result (maximum certificated landing mass 86300 kg). Question Loading 65 Answer 39
With respect to multi engine piston powered aeroplane determine ramp mass lbs in following conditions basic empty mass 3210 lbsbasic arm 88 5 inchesone pilot 160 lbsfront seat passenger 200 lbscentre seat passengers 290 lbsone passenger rear seat 110 lbsbaggage in zone 1 100 lbsbaggage in zone 4 50 lbsblock fuel 100 us gal trip fuel 55 us gal fuel start up and taxi included in block fuel 3 us gal fuel density 6 lbs/us gal 200 472lbs, 4 2lbs, 439lbs, 4372 lbs. You simply have to add basic empty mass 3210 lbs one pilot 160 lbs front seat passenger 200 lbs centre seat passengers 290 lbs one passenger rear seat 110 lbs baggage in zone 1 100 lbs baggage in zone 4 50 lbs block fuel 100 us gal x 6 lbs = 600 lbs ____________________________________ ramp mass 4720 lbs. Question Loading 65 Answer 40
The crew of a transport aeroplane prepares a flight using following data dry operating mass 90 000 kg block fuel 30 000 kg taxi fuel 800 kg maximum take off mass 145 000 kgthe traffic load available this flight 25 8 kg, 55 8 kg, 25 kg, 55 kg. Traffic load = take off mass dry operating mass fuel. traffic load = 145000 kg 90000 kg 29200 kg. traffic load = 25800 kg. block fuel includes taxi fuel. lined up take off, 800 kg of fuel taxi assumed to have been used.
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