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Diploma > registration : For an aircraft efis equipped . 1 the nd displays flight director command bars. ?

Question 63-1 : 2 2 4 1 3 1 4

967. exemple 163 2.2.

The primary flight display pfd displays information dedicated to ?

Question 63-2 : Piloting weather situation engines and alarms systems

exemple 167 piloting.piloting.

According to cs 25 section 3 concerning the electronic display systems the ?

Question 63-3 : Armed mode engaged mode warning caution

.for electronic display systems .engaged mode selected data green .armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white .selected heading active route/flight plan magenta exemple 171 armed mode.armed mode.

According to cs25 concerning the electronic display systems the colour ?

Question 63-4 : Green white magenta amber

.for electronic display systems .engaged mode selected data green .armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white .selected heading active route/flight plan magenta exemple 175 green.green.

The primary flight display pfd of an efis equipped aircraft displays the ?

Question 63-5 : 1 2 3 4 5 2 5 1 2 3 5 3 4

exemple 179 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

When two waypoints are entered on the fms flight plan page a track between the ?

Question 63-6 : A great circle arc a rhumb line two great circle arcs joined by a straight segment two rhumb lines joined by a straight segment

Fms determines the shortest track between the two fixes and the shortest track is a great circle arc exemple 183 a great circle arc.a great circle arc.

According to cs25 concerning the electronic display systems the green colour is ?

Question 63-7 : Engaged mode armed mode advisory status

.for electronic display systems .engaged mode selected data green .armed mode fixed reference symbols current data white .selected heading active route/flight plan magenta exemple 187 engaged mode.engaged mode.

The primary flight display pfd of an efis equipped aircraft can display ?

Question 63-8 : Altitude capture tcas resolution advisory autopilot and flight director mode changes altitude capture braking system autopilot and flight director mode changes low engine oil pressure terrain alerts windshear detection pressurization failure altitude capture tcas resolution advisory

. 1016.. 1015. exemple 191 altitude capture, tcas resolution advisory, autopilot and flight director mode changes.altitude capture, tcas resolution advisory, autopilot and flight director mode changes.

According to amc 25 11 concerning the electronic display systems when exceeding ?

Question 63-9 : Red amber yellow magenta

Cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting . . e visual alert indications must . 1 conform to the following colour convention. i red for warning alert indications. ii amber or yellow for caution alert indications. iii any colour except red or green for advisory alert indications. note green is usually used to indicate 'normal' conditions safe operation therefore it is not an appropriate colour for an advisory alert an advisory alert is used to indicate a 'non normal' condition exemple 195 red.red.

The primary flight display pfd of an efis equipped aircraft displays the ?

Question 63-10 : Ias attitude altitude heading attitude heading altitude systems information altitude attitude heading engine parameters attitude heading ias navigation map in plan layout mode

. 1016. exemple 199 ias, attitude, altitude, heading.ias, attitude, altitude, heading.

The navigation display nd of an efis equipped aircraft can display the ?

Question 63-11 : Flight plan weather radar terrain map intruding traffics flight plan engine failure navaids resolution advisories terrain map navaid bearings flight director active modes intruding traffics altitude autopilot active modes weather radar

. 1007.flight plan is the magenta line track via tau and col vor tcas symbols intruding traffics are white lozenge. 1008.weather radar mode. 1009.terrain map exemple 203 flight plan, weather radar, terrain map, intruding traffics.flight plan, weather radar, terrain map, intruding traffics.

An efis includes the following components ?

Question 63-12 : Symbol generator display unit s control panel fms symbol generator display unit s display unit s only adc inertial navigation computer display unit s

.symbol generators provide the analogue discrete and digital signal interfaces between an aircraft's systems the display units and the control panel and they also perform symbol generation monitoring power control and the main control functions of the 'efis' overall .the display units may be cathode ray tubes crt's or liquid crystal displays lcd's lcd's have the advantage of being smaller and generate less heat therefore need less cooling the pfd and nd are usually identical units to facilitate spares commonality and are often interchangeable with the systems display units eicas or ecam .a control panel is provided for each efis system exemple 207 symbol generator, display unit(s), control panel.symbol generator, display unit(s), control panel.

According to amc 25 11 concerning the electronic display systems the colour ?

Question 63-13 : White or cyan green yellow magenta

exemple 211 white or cyan.white or cyan.

The navigation display nd modes can be . 1 arc or map covering 45 degrees on ?

Question 63-14 : 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3

exemple 215 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

On the navigation display nd of an efis equipped aircraft the colours used are ?

Question 63-15 : Magenta or white for the active waypoint to waypoint green for light precipitation magenta or red for the active waypoint to waypoint amber for medium precipitation white or blue for the active waypoint to waypoint red for medium precipitation amber or white for the active waypoint to waypoint yellow for high precipitation

.answer is from easa cs 25 amendement 12. 1024 exemple 219 magenta or white for the active waypoint (to waypoint), green for light precipitation.magenta or white for the active waypoint (to waypoint), green for light precipitation.

According to cs25 concerning the electronic display systems the colours used are ?

Question 63-16 : Red for flight enveloppe and system limits green for autopilot or flight director engaged modes red for warnings magenta for autopilot or flight director engaged modes red for caution abnormal sources white for flight enveloppe limits amber for the system limits white for autopilot or flight director engaged modes

. cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting . . e visual alert indications must . 1 conform to the following colour convention. i red for warning alert indications. ii amber or yellow for caution alert indications. iii any colour except red or green for advisory alert indications. note green is usually used to indicate 'normal' conditions safe operation therefore it is not an appropriate colour for an advisory alert an advisory alert is used to indicate a 'non normal' condition exemple 223 red for flight enveloppe and system limits, green for autopilot or flight director engaged modes.red for flight enveloppe and system limits, green for autopilot or flight director engaged modes.

According to cs25 concerning the electronic display systems the colour ?

Question 63-17 : Amber or yellow red white magenta

. cs 25 1322 flight crew alerting . . e visual alert indications must . 1 conform to the following colour convention. i red for warning alert indications. ii amber or yellow for caution alert indications. iii any colour except red or green for advisory alert indications exemple 227 amber or yellow.amber or yellow.

The sideslip indication diplayed on the pfd primary flight display is generated ?

Question 63-18 : The inertial system the automatic flight control system afcs the yaw damper the stall protection system

.since the airplane sideslip angle is the difference between the airplane yaw angle and the direction of the velocity the sideslip angle can be calculated if both the attitude and velocity of the airplane are known inertial navigation systems ins could provide these values by integrating gyro measurements to get the attitude and integrating accelerometer measurements with gravity compensation to get the velocity exemple 231 the inertial system.the inertial system.

On a electronic flight instrument systems efis the following egt parameters may ?

Question 63-19 : 1 3 4 1 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3

Cqb15 may 2012..electronic flight instrument systems efis is composed by the primary flight display pfd or the electronic attitude director indicator eadi the navigation display nd or the electronic horizontal situation indicator ehsi and the engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedure and mission display systems.engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems and procedures display systems are . multi function display unit mfdu . engine indication and crew alerting systems eicas . engine and warning display ewd . electronic centralised aircraft monitor ecam. 1028.. 1 exhaust gas temperature egt redlines .displayed red maximum takeoff egt limit. 2 exhaust gas temperature egt amber bands .displayed amber lower end of band displays maximum continuous egt limit. 3 exhaust gas temperature egt start limit lines .displayed red until the engine achieves stabilized idle approximately 59%.n2. 4 exhaust gas temperature egt readouts digital .displayed white normal operating range degrees c .displayed amber maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around.displayed red maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded.on ground after both engines are shut down red box indicates an exceedance has occurred.. 5 exhaust gas temperature egt indications .displayed white normal operating range .displayed amber maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited.for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around.displayed red maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded exemple 235 1, 3, 4.1, 3, 4.

The following information can be displayed on the navigation display nd with ?

Question 63-20 : 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 4 5

Revised ecqb03 july 2016..the following information that can be displayed with the map or arc mode on a navigation display nd unit . selected and current track . selected and current heading magnetic or true north reference . cross track error . origin and destination airport with runway selected . bearings to or from the tuned and selected stations . active and/or secondary flight plan . range marks . ground speed . tas and ground speed . wind direction and speed . next waypoint distance and estimated time of arrival . additional navigation facilities sta waypoint wpt and airports arpt . weather radar information . traffic information from the acas tcas . terrain information from the taws or htaws egpws . failure flags and messages exemple 239 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

On an electronic flight instrument system efis the following fuel data may be ?

Question 63-21 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 4

Cqb15 august 2012

The following information can be displayed on a primary flight display pfd .1 ?

Question 63-22 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 5 1 2 5 1 3 5

Cqb15 august 2012..the following information can be displayed on the primary flight display pfd unit . flight mode annunciation. basic t attitude ias altitude heading/track indications . vertical speed. maximum airspeed warning. selected airspeed. speed trend vector. selected altitude. current barometric reference. steering indications fd command bars . selected heading. flight path vector fpv . radio altitude. decision height. ils indications. acas tcas indications. failure flags and messages.for large aeroplane atpl learning objectives only the pfd can also displayed . take off and landing reference speeds. minimum airspeed. lower selectable airspeed. mach number exemple 247 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

The following information can be displayed on a primary flight display pfd .1 ?

Question 63-23 : 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 5 2 3 4

Ecqb03 july 2016..the following information can be displayed on the primary flight display pfd unit . flight mode annunciation. basic t attitude ias altitude heading/track indications . vertical speed. maximum airspeed warning. selected airspeed. speed trend vector. selected altitude. current barometric reference. steering indications fd command bars . selected heading. flight path vector fpv . radio altitude. decision height. ils indications. acas tcas indications. failure flags and messages.for large aeroplane atpl learning objectives only the pfd can also displayed . take off and landing reference speeds. minimum airspeed. lower selectable airspeed. mach number exemple 251 1, 2, 4, 5.1, 2, 4, 5.

The following information can be displayed on a primary flight display pfd .1 ?

Question 63-24 : 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5 2 4 5

Ecqb03 july 2016..the following information can be displayed on the primary flight display pfd unit . flight mode annunciation. basic t attitude ias altitude heading/track indications . vertical speed. maximum airspeed warning. selected airspeed. speed trend vector. selected altitude. current barometric reference. steering indications fd command bars . selected heading. flight path vector fpv . radio altitude. decision height. ils indications. acas tcas indications. failure flags and messages.for large aeroplane atpl learning objectives only the pfd can also displayed . take off and landing reference speeds. minimum airspeed. lower selectable airspeed. mach number exemple 255 2, 3, 4, 5.2, 3, 4, 5.

The following information can be displayed on the navigation display nd with ?

Question 63-25 : 1 3 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 4 5

Ecqb03 july 2016..the following information that can be displayed with the map or arc mode on a navigation display nd unit . selected and current track . selected and current heading magnetic or true north reference . cross track error . origin and destination airport with runway selected . bearings to or from the tuned and selected stations . active and/or secondary flight plan . range marks . ground speed . tas and ground speed . wind direction and speed . next waypoint distance and estimated time of arrival . additional navigation facilities sta waypoint wpt and airports arpt . weather radar information . traffic information from the acas tcas . terrain information from the taws or htaws egpws . failure flags and messages exemple 259 1, 3, 4, 5.1, 3, 4, 5.

On an electronic flight instrument system efis the following egt parameters ?

Question 63-26 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 4

Ecqb03 july 2016.warning this question is in the database n°995 with the following statements .1 instantaneous egt.2 commanded egt.3 maximum continuous egt limit.4 maximum take off egt limi..in this case the correct combination is 1 3 4..electronic flight instrument systems efis is composed by the primary flight display pfd or the electronic attitude director indicator eadi the navigation display nd or the electronic horizontal situation indicator ehsi and the engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems procedure and mission display systems.engine parameters crew warnings aircraft systems and procedures display systems are . multi function display unit mfdu . engine indication and crew alerting systems eicas . engine and warning display ewd . electronic centralised aircraft monitor ecam. 1028.. 1 exhaust gas temperature egt redlines .displayed red maximum takeoff egt limit. 2 exhaust gas temperature egt amber bands .displayed amber lower end of band displays maximum continuous egt limit. 3 exhaust gas temperature egt start limit lines .displayed red until the engine achieves stabilized idle approximately 59%.n2. 4 exhaust gas temperature egt readouts digital .displayed white normal operating range degrees c .displayed amber maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around.displayed red maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded.on ground after both engines are shut down red box indicates an exceedance has occurred.. 5 exhaust gas temperature egt indications .displayed white normal operating range .displayed amber maximum continuous limit exceeded color change inhibited.for up to 5 minutes during takeoff or go around.displayed red maximum takeoff limit or start limit exceeded exemple 263 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

What can be interpreted from the flight path vector fpv ?

Question 63-27 : Glide angle speed trend pitch reference for resolution advisory ra intruder traffic with excessive vertical speed

exemple 267 glide angle.glide angle.

Except for airplanes under 5 7 t airworthiness certificate of which is ?

Question 63-28 : 25 hours 30 minutes 60 minutes 10 hours

exemple 271 25 hours.25 hours.

The cvr cockpit voice recorder includes .1 a microphone.2 a recorder in ?

Question 63-29 : 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 4

Eu ops 1 700 cockpit voice recorders .a cockpit voice recorder.which with reference to a time scale records . voice communications transmitted from or received on the flight deck by radio. the aural environment of the flight deck. voice communications of flight crew members on the flight deck using the aeroplane's interphone system. voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids. voice communications of flight crew members on the flight deck using the public address system if installed.in fact a cockpit voice recorder needs plenty of microphone.the cvr must be crash resistant .the cvr doesn't have a battery his power comes from the airplane electrical system .a flight data recorder is similar to a cvr unless it records data time altitude attitude heading airspeed engine power .the cvr must be fitted with a device to assist in locating it in water but the battery of this device is not a battery for the cvr work exemple 275 1, 2.1, 2.

On a modern transport category aeroplane the engagement of the automatic pilot ?

Question 63-30 : The pfd primary flight display the nd navigation display the ecam electronic centralized aircraft monitoring left screen the nd navigation display of the pilot in command

exemple 279 the pfd (primary flight display).the pfd (primary flight display).

According to cs25 a cvr cockpit voice recorder must record. 1 communications ?

Question 63-31 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 4 1 3

exemple 283 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

The purpose of the flight data recorder fdr is to record specific parameters ?

Question 63-32 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 2

Cqb15 may 2012...the following main parameters are recorded on the fdr. time or relative time count.. attitude pitch and roll. airspeed.. pressure altitude.. heading.. normal acceleration.. propulsive/thrust power on each engine and cockpit thrust/power lever position if applicable.. flaps/slats configuration or cockpit selection.. ground spoilers and/or speed brake selection..the audio environment in the flight deck is recorded on the cvr cockpit voice recorder exemple 287 1, 2, 4.1, 2, 4.

The purpose of the flight data recorder fdr is to record specific parameters ?

Question 63-33 : 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 3

Cqb15 may 2012..the following main parameters are recorded on the fdr . time or relative time count. attitude pitch and roll . airspeed. pressure altitude. heading. normal acceleration. propulsive/thrust power on each engine and cockpit thrust/power lever position if applicable. flaps/slats configuration or cockpit selection. ground spoilers and/or speed brake selection exemple 291 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 2, 3, 4.

The purpose of the cockpit voice recorder cvr is to record .1 communications ?

Question 63-34 : 1 2 1 3 1 3

Revised ecqb03 july 2016..the main parameters recorded on the cvr are . voice communications transmitted from or received on the flight deck. the aural environment of the flight deck. voice communication of flight crew members using the aeroplane's interphone system. voice or audio signals introduced into a headset or speaker. voice communication of flight crew members using the public address system when installed exemple 295 1, 2.1, 2.

The purpose of the cockpit voice recorder cvr is to record .1 the audio ?

Question 63-35 : 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Ecqb03 july 2016..a cockpit voice recorder with reference to a time scale records . voice communications transmitted from or received on the flight deck by radio. the aural environment of the flight deck. voice communications of flight crew members on the flight deck using the aeroplane's interphone system. voice or audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids. voice communications of flight crew members on the flight deck using the public address system if installed.in fact a cockpit voice recorder needs plenty of microphone.the cvr must be crash resistant .the cvr doesn't have a battery his power comes from the airplane electrical system .a flight data recorder is similar to a cvr unless it records data time altitude attitude heading airspeed engine power .the cvr must be fitted with a device to assist in locating it in water but the battery of this device is not a battery for the cvr work exemple 299 1, 3.1, 3.

When pressing the push button event on the unit control of a flight data ?

Question 63-36 : A mark is set on the recording enabling this event to be found rapidly at a subsequent analysis the recording is stopped during one minute it erases the last minute recorded it records the flight data for 10 minutes

exemple 303 a mark is set on the recording, enabling this event to be found rapidly at a subsequent analysis.a mark is set on the recording, enabling this event to be found rapidly at a subsequent analysis.

Regarding the operating system used for an on board documentation charts and ?

Question 63-37 : There are no certificate requirements the certification requirements are detailed in easa air ops the certification requirements are detailed in cs 23/25 the certification requirements are detailed in eurocae standards

Revised ecqb03 july 2016 exemple 307 there are no certificate requirements.there are no certificate requirements.

In computing what is the function of a control unit ?

Question 63-38 : It ensures sequencing and co ordination of operations it performs complex arithmetic operations it performs simple arithmetic operations it is a user/computer interface

exemple 311 it ensures sequencing and co-ordination of operations.it ensures sequencing and co-ordination of operations.

The central processing unit cpu of a computer essentially consists of.1 an ?

Question 63-39 : 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 3

.central processing unit cpu it is the heart or core component of cpu . 1030. its major structural components are control unit alu registers and cpu interconnections. control unit it controls the operations of the cpu and hence the computer system . arithmetic logic unit alu it performs the computers data processing functions. registers it forms the internal memory for cpu it provides storage internal to the cpu exemple 315 1, 2, 3.1, 2, 3.

Regarding computer design architecture identify whether the following ?

Question 63-40 : 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect 1 and 2 are incorrect 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct 1 and 2 are correct

.multitasking multiple tasks share common resources such as the same central processing unit cpu .multitasking method is a software solution.multiprocessing two or more central processing units cpus are used within a single computer .multiprocessing configuration is a hardware solution.a multiprocessing configuration results in more powerful performance than the multitasking method it's like having 2 engines instead of 1 exemple 319 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.1 is correct and 2 is incorrect.


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