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On a large aeroplane and according to the CS25 the stall warning system must provide an alarm with sufficient margin to prevent inadvertent stalling ?

Theoretical > lift > off

exemple 167
With flaps landing gear in any normal position, with flaps down gear up only, with flaps fully extended gear down only, with flaps not retracted only, whatever position of landing gear. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

The GPWS warns the crew in case of 1 excessive descent rate 2 excessive terrain closure rate 3 potential midair collision threat 4 serious midair collision threat 5 unsafe terrain clearance with ?

exemple 168
The gpws warns crew in case of 1 excessive descent rate 2 excessive terrain closure rate 3 potential midair collision threat 4 serious midair collision threat 5 unsafe terrain clearance with landing gear not down the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 5,, 2, 3, 5,, 2, 4, 5, 4.

The EGPWS may propose the following functions 1 Abnormal Take off Configuration ATC 2 Terrain Clearance Floor TCF 3 Predictive Wind Shear PWS 4 Terrain Look Ahead Alerting 5 Terrain Alerting and ?

exemple 169
The egpws may propose following functions 1 abnormal take off configuration atc 2 terrain clearance floor tcf 3 predictive wind shear pws 4 terrain look ahead alerting 5 terrain alerting and display tad the combination regrouping all of correct statements 2, 4, 5,, 2, 3, 5,, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5. Egpws enhanced ground proximity warning system. enhanced gpws uses essentially an electronic map of world (giving ground elevation) information from aircraft's navigational system (ins/gps or any combination). given location of aircraft, its course height (either from adc or derived from gps) a display can be created showing locations of terrain that could threaten safety of aircraft. the operation of egpws governed laws taking aircraft height into account as well as descent rate the aircraft configuration (flaps/gear deployed or retracted) but it can not provide an abnormal take off configuration warning. predictive windshear alert can not be performed the egpws, but when windshear occurs, egpws can warn crew.

  • exemple 170
    The flight warning system fws 1 draws attention of crew to existence of an abnormal condition2 gives indications to crew to identify an abnormal condition3 transmits automatically to atc urgency messages4 can not generate alerts in case of engine malfunctions5 prioritises warningsthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 5,, 2, 4,, 4, 2, 4, 5. the purpose of flight warning system (fws) to produce cautions warnings the crew to increase their situation awareness to give them suitable indications of action necessary to avoid impending danger. the proliferation of various warning systems in today's aircraft poses a severe problem in that crew could be confused the multiplicity of warnings. it therefore necessary to install an integrated flight warning system that will prioritize warnings. by producing warnings relevant to a particular stage of flight inhibiting other warnings system enables crew to respond to warning posing most immediate threat to safety. the flight warning system generates alerts warnings the following situations engine airframe systems malfunctions aerodynamic limits exceeded presence of external hazards.

  • exemple 171
    On a large aeroplane input data of stall warning system are 1 angle of attack2 weight3 bank angle4 configuration slats / flaps the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 4,, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4,, 2. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • exemple 172
    Concerning tcas ii 1 neither advisory nor traffic display provided aircraft that do not have an operating transponder2 tcas ii operation independent of ground based air traffic control3 tcas ii has feeds from radioaltimeterthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 2,, 3, 2, 3. for aircraft to be visible to a tcas equipped aircraft they must have a minimum of a mode 'a' transponder. if transponder switched off, or unserviceable, intruding aircraft are invisible to tcas equipment a collision risk exists. tcas operation independent of ground based air traffic control. the tcas ii has inputs from radio altimeter in order to gradually inhibit resolution advisories (ras) when getting closer to ground.

  • exemple 173
    The aural alert associated with mode 5 excessive deviation below glideslope of gpws 'glideslope', 'caution glideslope', 'too low glideslope', 'monitor glideslope'. gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 8

    The aural alert associated with mode 1 excessive descent rate of gpws 'sink rate', 'don't sink', 'too low terrain', 'terrain'. Gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 9

    The aural alert associated with mode 3 altitude loss after take off or go around of gpws 'don't sink', 'sinkrate', 'too low terrain', 'terrain'. gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 10

    The aural alert associated with mode 2 excessive terrain closure rate of gpws 'terrain', 'sinkrate', 'don't sink', 'climb'. gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 11

    The radio altimeter supplies data to following system s 1 altitude alert system2 tcas3 gpws4 automatic landing systemthe combination that regroups all correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 4, 3, 3, 4. tcas use radio altimeter input to inhibit warnings at low altitude. gpws (ground proximity warning system) governed laws taking aircraft height into account to provide warnings when approaching ground without. the automatic landing system will allow aircraft to fully complete flare at landing. the function of altitude alerting system to warn pilots that aircraft approaching or deviating from altitude selected on autopilot control panel. it does this in certain height bands above below selected altitude. the radio altimeter does not supply data to altitude alert system.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 12

    The input data to gpws originate from 1 transponder2 angle of attack sensor3 auto throttle system4 adc the combination that regroups all of correct statements the air data computer (adc) provides speed, altitude sink rate to gpws. the transponder a receiver/transmitter which will generate a reply signal upon proper interrogation. autothrottle controls selected speed or n1. angle of attack sensor an input to stall warning system, not to gpws.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 13

    The main function s of a tcas to 1 alert crew to ground proximity2 alert crew to possible conflicting traffic3 provide terrain alerting and display4 automatically resolve conflict when autopilot engagedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2,, 3,, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 14

    The aural alert s associated with mode 1 excessive descent rate of gpws are 1 'terrain'2 'don't sink'3 'sinkrate'4 'pull up'the combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 15

    The aural alert s associated with mode 3 altitude loss after take off or go around of gpws are 1 'don't sink'2 'sink rate'3 'terrain'4 'pull up'the combination that regroups all of correct statements gpws mode 1 pull up. mode 2 terrain. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 to low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 16

    The aural alert s associated with mode 5 excessive deviation below glideslope of gpws are 1 'terrain'2 'too low glideslope'3 'glideslope'4 'pull up'the combination that regroups all of correct statements gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 17

    A tcas resolution advisory ra voice 'climb climb now' repeated twice generated After a 'descen ra when a reversal in vertical manoeuvre sense required, after a 'climb' ra when climb vertical rate too weak, each time a 'climb' ra announced a voice message, when cleared of conflict, below cruise altitude. «ra reversal».

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 18

    When comparing a tcas traffic advisory ta and a resolution advisory ra which of following statements correct A ta indicates relative position of intruding traffican ra provides a vertical traffic avoidance manoeuvre, an ra indicates relative position of intruding traffica ta provides a vertical traffic avoidance manoeuvre, a ta provides display of traffic on navigation display the red arc on vertical speed indicatoran ra provides voice alerts, an ra generates intruders colour codes on navigation display according to threata ta manages other tcas functions.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 19

    On a large aeroplane and according to cs 25 207 when speed reduced stall warning must begin At a speed exceeding stall speed not less than 5 kt or 5% cas, whichever greater, at a speed exceeding stall speed not less than kt or % cas, exactly at stall speed, at stall speed +/5% cas.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 20

    If a tcas resolution advisory ra requires an immediate descent while at same time atc requests an immediate climb crew should Follow tcas ra inform atc, comply with atc request, consider both requests remain at same level, start a climb first then follow tcas ra.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 21

    Your aircraft and an intruding traffic are tcas ii equipped your tcas can generate Coordinated resolution advisories, coordinated traffic advisories, resolution advisories coordinated with atc instructions, traffic advisories coordinated with atc instructions.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 22

    Which of these statements about activation of take off warning when a take off initiated are correct or incorrect i an aural warning given when elevator not in a safe position take off ii an aural warning given when brake pressure too low I incorrect, ii incorrect, i correct, ii correct, i correct, ii incorrect, i incorrect, ii correct. if elevator not in a safe position (elevator moved the pilot via control column or sidestick on airbus), you will not get an aural warning, but you will have an aural warning if stabilisator not in a valid trim range take off. in green, normal stablizer trim set, a boeing 737, at take off also, there no automatique detection a low brake pressure level. before take off or landing, brake pressure can be monitored on a gauge in cockpit

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 23

    Which of these statements about activation of take off warning when a take off initiated are correct or incorrect i an aural warning given when stabiliser not in a safe position take off ii an aural warning given when brake pressure too low I correct, ii incorrect, i incorrect, ii incorrect, i correct, ii correct, i incorrect, ii correct. if elevator not in a safe position (elevator moved the pilot via control column or sidestick on airbus), you will not get an aural warning, but you will have an aural warning if stabilisator not in a valid trim range take off. in green, normal stablizer trim set, a boeing 737, at take off you will hear aural warning if stabiliser not in a safe position take off. also, there no automatique detection a low brake pressure level. before take off or landing, brake pressure can be monitored on a gauge in cockpit .

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 24

    Which of these statements about activation of take off warning when a take off initiated are correct or incorrect i an aural warning given when elevator not in a safe position take off ii an aural warning given when parking brake still on I incorrect, ii correct, i incorrect, ii incorrect, i correct, ii incorrect, i correct, ii correct. if elevator not in a safe position (elevator moved the pilot via control column or sidestick on airbus), you will not get an aural warning, but you will have an aural warning if stabilisator not in a valid trim range take off. in green, normal stablizer trim set, a boeing 737, at take off also, you will have an aural warning if parking brake still on, it makes sense.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 25

    The stick pusher a part of Stall protection system, automatic flight control system (afcs), flight envelope protection (fep) system, stall warning system (sws). a stick pusher a device installed in some aircraft to prevent from entering an aerodynamic stall. some aircraft display poor post stall handling characteristics or are vulnerable to deep stall. to prevent such an aircraft approaching stall aircraft designer may install a hydraulic or electro mechanical device that pushes forward on elevator control system whenever aircraft's angle of attack reaches pre determined value, then ceases to push when angle of attack falls sufficiently. a stick pusher should not be confused with a stick shaker. a stick shaker a stall warning device whereas a stick pusher a stall avoidance device (stall protection system). notice for cpl(a), stall protection system not part of cpl learning objectives, but since you can find stick pusher on 'smal airplane, such as pilatus pc 12, jetstream 31 or swearingen metro, it important to understand what a stick pusher.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 26

    The egpws Is an enhanced gpws which has a its own world terrain database, an enhanced gpws which warns crew if airplane not in appropriate configuration take off, an enhanced gpws which able to provide resolution advisories in lateral plane, has nothing to do with gpws.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 27

    The stall warning computer of a large aeroplane uses following data 1 pitch attitude2 angle of attack3 configuration slats / flaps the combination that regroups all of correct statements the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 28

    When a tcas operating a failure of active transponder will cause tcas to No longer operate normally, operate in traffic advisory (ta) mode only, operate normally, operate in resolution advisory (ra) mode only.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 29

    The stall warning system of a large aeroplane includes 1 an angle of attack sensor 2 a computer3 an independent pitot probe4 a transmitter of flap/slat position indicating systemthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3,, 3, 2, 4. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 30

    The gpws receives data from following systems 1 landing gear and flaps systems2 engine control computer fadec or ecu 3 radio altimeter4 tcasthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3,, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4,, 2.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 31

    For compatibility between different components of a flight warning system priority from highest to lowest Stall, windshear, gpws, tcas, stall, tcas, gpws, windshear, tcas, stall, windshear, gpws, gpws, stall, tcas, windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 32

    When a tcas resolution advisory ra climb instruction generated required vertical speed range displayed on vertical speed indicator Does not take into account stall margin, takes into account a.3 vs stall margin, always takes into account stall margin, takes into account a.vs stall margin. the tcas system does not take into account your true altitude, your actual mass or outside air temperature (for density). the tcas system can not compute your stall speed, thus tcas can not take into account stall margin when a ra climb instruction generated. the pilot must ensure that he remains in a safe flight envelope.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 33

    The aural alert s associated with mode 4 of gpws unsafe terrain clearance while not in landing configuration are 1 'too low gear'2 'too low terrain'3 'too low flap4 'pull up'the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 2, 2, 2, 4. gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 34

    When enhanced gpws egpws terrain displayed if computed aircraft position becomes less accurate The terrain display will diverge from real terrain environment around aircraft position, egpws will perform a correction of position thus terrain display accuracy won't be degraded, egpws will fail terrain display function the terrain will be removed from navigation display, egpws has its own position sensors thus terrain display accuracy won't be degraded.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 35

    With a tcas ii when a corrective resolution generated The vertical speed must be effectively modified without delay, heading must be effectively modified without delay, ias must be effectively modified without delay, no action requiredvertical speed, heading ias can remained unchanged.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 36

    At high angles of attack and according to type of aeroplane stall protection system can 1 extend flaps to full position2 increase thrust3 inhibit pitch trim to down directionthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Cqb15, may 2012. only slats will extend to full position (the autoslat system designed to enhance airplane stall characteristics at high angles of attack during takeoff or approach to landing). on boeing 737, as airplane approaches stall angle, slats automatically begin driving to full extended position prior to stick shaker activation. the slats return to extend position when pitch angle sufficiently reduced below stall critical attitude. the stall protection system can increase thrust if autothrottle armed (it will engages power will be advanced to maintain at least vmin airspeed). the trim will be inhibited to nose up.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 37

    To stop warning generated the overspeed warning system pilot may 1 push inhibit aural warning button2 switch off overspeed warning system3 reduce speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 38

    To warn flight crew an overspeed warning system can use 1 an aural warning2 a stick shaker connected to control column3 a vibration device connected to autothrottlethe combination that regroups all of correct statements Cqb15, august 2012. the overspeed warning system provides an audible overspeed warning in event aircraft speed exceeds a mach or airspeed limit. the overspeed warning hom activated the air data computers when position of airspeed pointer the maximum allowable pointer (barber pole) coincide. the overspeed warning horn will sound under any of following conditions airspeed exceeds vmo. mach exceeds mmo. notice for large aeroplanes, an aural warning must be associated to overspeed warning if an electronic display used.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 39

    When a tcas resolution advisory ra generated required vertical speed Is displayed on vsi, shows a red arc on vsi as your target rate of climb/ descent, vocally announced, takes account of a stall margin.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 62 Answer 40

    A tcas generates traffic advisory ta or resolution advisory ra according to Time, speed, distance, flight level.

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