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If warning caution or advisory lights are installed in the cockpit they must unless otherwise approved by the Authority be green for ?

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exemple 166
Safe operation lights, warning lights, caution lights, advisory lights. cs 25.1322 flight crew alerting ... (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications. (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications. (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications. note green usually used to indicate 'norma conditions (safe operation) therefore, it not an appropriate colour an advisory alert. an advisory alert used to indicate a 'non norma condition.

If immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is required the flight warning system FWS generates ?

exemple 167
If immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action the crew required flight warning system fws generates A warning message, a caution message, an advisory message, a distress message. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

If crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action may be required the flight warning system FWS generates ?

exemple 168
If crew awareness required and subsequent crew action may be required flight warning system fws generates An advisory message, a caution message, a warning message, an urgency message. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • exemple 169
    If crew awareness required and subsequent crew action will be required flight warning system fws generates A caution message, a warning message, an advisory message, a call message. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • exemple 170
    If warning caution or advisory lights are installed in cockpit they must unless otherwise approved the authority be amber Caution lights, warning lights, advisory lights, other urgency messages. cs 25.1322 flight crew alerting ... (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications. (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications. (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications.

  • exemple 171
    A radio altimeter uses Two antennasone the transmission an other the reception, four antennastwo the transmission two the reception, two antennasboth of them simultaneous transmission reception, a single antenna simultaneous transmission reception.

  • exemple 172
    Your aircraft and an intruding traffic both are tcas ii equipped your tcas determines relative height of intruding aircraft Comparing altitudes of two aircraft, using range function of on board weather radar, interrogating atc ground station, comparing gps heights of two aircraft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 8

    Your aircraft and an intruding aircraft both are tcas 2 traffic alert and collision avoidance system equipped your tcas determines range of intruding aircraft Measuring time lapse between transmission of an interrogation signal the reception of a reply signal from transponder of intruder, measuring time lapse between transmission of an interrogation signal the reception of a reply signal from ground station, using range function of on board weather radar, comparing gps positions of two aircraft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 9

    The radio altimeter 1 operates in 1600 1660 khz range 2 operates in 4200 4400 mhz range 3 measures a frequency difference 4 measures an amplitude difference the combination regrouping all correct statements

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 10

    The purpose of altitude alert system to generate a visual and aural warning to pilot when Aeroplane altitude differs from a selected altitude, aeroplane altitude equal to decision altitude, proximity to ground becomes dangerous, altimeter setting differs from standard setting above transition altitude.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 11

    Your aircraft and an intruding aircraft both are tcas 2 traffic alert and collision avoidance system equipped your tcas determines bearing of intruding aircraft Using a specific directional antenna, using bearing function of on board weather radar, comparing gps positions of two aircraft, measuring time lapse between transmission of an interrogation signal the reception of a reply signal. The antennas used tcas ii include a directional antenna that mounted on top of aircraft either an omni directional or a directional antenna mounted on bottom of aircraft. the directional antennas permit partitioning of replies to reduce synchronous garbling. the directional antennas allow tcas to determine bearing of intruder.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 12

    The tcas ii has inputs from radio altimeter in order to Gradually inhibit resolution advisories (ras) when getting closer to ground, stop tcas operation below 25 agl, determine relative height of intruder, to alert crew from a dangerous proximity of ground. connection with radar (radio) altimeter on one hand to inhibit ras when aircraft in close proximity to ground, on other hand to determine whether aircraft tracked tcas are on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 13

    The upper antenna of tcas ii Directional to improve surveillance of intruders, directional because it merged with transponder antenna, omnidirectional to improve surveillance of intruders, omnidirectional because it merged with transponder antenna. the antennas used tcas ii include a directional antenna that mounted on top of aircraft either an unidirectional or a directional antenna mounted on bottom of aircraft. most installations use optional directional antenna on bottom of aircraft. these antennas transmit interrogations on 1030 mhz at varying power levels in each of four 90° azimuth segments. the bottom mounted antenna transmits fewer interrogations at a lower power than top mounted antenna. these antennas also receive transponder replies, at 1090 mhz, send these replies to tcas processor. the directional antennas permit partitioning of replies to reduce synchronous garbling. in addition to two tcas antennas, two antennas are also required the mode s transponder. one antenna mounted on top of aircraft while other mounted on bottom. these antennas enable mode s transponder to receive interrogations at 1030 mhz reply to received interrogations at 1090 mhz. the use of top or bottom mounted antenna automatically selected to optimize signal strength reduce multipath interference. tcas operation automatically suppressed whenever mode s transponder transmitting to ensure that tcas does not track its own aircraft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 14

    Your aircraft and an intruding aircraft both are tcas ii equipped if transponder of intruder switched off or unserviceable The intruding aircraft invisible to your tcas equipment, intruding aircraft remains visible to your tcas equipment, but only tas (traffic advisories) can be generated, intruding aircraft remains visible to your tcas equipment, but only ras (resolution advisories) can be generated, information available to your tcas equipment two dimensional only.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 15

    When flight warning system fws identifies an overspeed condition airspeed exceeding vmo/mmo it generates A warning message, a caution message, an advisory message, a call message. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 16

    A tcas ii generates a traffic advisory ta when A potential collision threat exists, a serious collision threat exists, intruder becomes a 'proximate traffic', intruder becomes 'other traffic'.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 17

    A tcas ii generates a resolution advisory ra when A serious collision threat exists, a potential collision threat exists, intruder becomes 'proximate traffic', intruder becomes 'other traffic'.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 18

    A stall warning system based on measuring Angle of attack, tas, attitude, groundspeed. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 19

    Concerning flight warning system fws warning messages Are highest priority alert messages, are next highest priority alert messages after warning messages, are inhibited caution messages, indicate that subsequent crew action may be required. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 20

    Concerning flight warning system fws if aural signals are provided signal A warning should always take priority over that a caution, a caution should always take priority over that a warning, an advisory should always take priority over that a caution, an advisory should always take priority over that a warning.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 21

    Concerning flight warning system fws caution messages Are next highest priority alert messages after warning messages, are highest priority alert messages, are inhibited advisory messages, indicate that immediate recognition corrective or compensatory action the crew required. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 22

    Concerning flight warning system fws advisory messages may be Any colour except red, preferably not amber, red, any colour except green, any colour except amber. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 23

    The flight warning system fws generates a caution if Crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required, immediate recognition corrective or compensatory action the crew required, immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required, crew awareness required corrective or compensatory action the crew immediately required. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 24

    The flight warning system fws generates a warning if Immediate recognition corrective or compensatory action the crew required, crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required, crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required, immediate crew awareness required corrective or compensatory action the crew may be required. there are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 25

    The flight warning system fws generates an advisory if Crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required, immediate recognition corrective or compensatory action the crew required, immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required, crew awareness required corrective or compensatory action the crew required. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 26

    The inputs to gpws ground proximity warning system are 1 air data computer mach number and vertical speed 2 radio altimeter 3 nav/ils glide slope 4 nav/vor 5 flap position 6 weight of aircraft 7 landing gear position the combination of correct statement , 2, 3, 5, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,, 2, 5, 6, 7,, 4, 7.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 27

    The operation of gpws ground proximity warning system governed laws taking aircraft height into account as well as 1 descent rate 2 climb rate 3 aircraft configuration 4 selected engine rpmthe combination regrouping all correct statements , 3,, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 28

    The stall warning system of a large transport aeroplane includes 1 an angle of attack sensor2 a computer3 a transmitter originating from anemometer4 an independent pitot probe5 a transmitter of flap/slat position indicating system the combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 5,, 2, 4,, 4,, 2, 4, 5. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 29

    The stall warning system receives information about 1 aeroplane angle of attack 2 aeroplane speed3 aeroplane bank angle4 aeroplane configuration5 load factor on aeroplanethe combination regrouping all correct statements , 4,, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5,, 3, 5. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 30

    The tcas 2 data display devices can be in form of 1 a specific dedicated screen 2 a screen combined with weather radar 3 a variometer represented on a liquid crystal screen which allows display of traffic advisory ta and resolution advisory ra 4 an efis electronic flight instrument system screen the combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 3 4,, 2 3, 3 4, 3.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 31

    The flight warning system fws 1 increases situation awareness of crew2 transmits automatically to atc distress messages3 gives suitable indications to crew of action necessary to avoid impending danger4 prioritises warnings5 can not generate alerts in case of aerodynamic limits exceedingthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3, 4,, 4, 5,, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5. the purpose of flight warning system (fws) to produce cautions warnings the crew to increase their situation awareness to give them suitable indications of action necessary to avoid impending danger. the proliferation of various warning systems in today's aircraft poses a severe problem in that crew could be confused the multiplicity of warnings. it therefore necessary to install an integrated flight warning system that will prioritize warnings. by producing warnings relevant to a particular stage of flight inhibiting other warnings system enables crew to respond to warning posing most immediate threat to safety. the flight warning system generates alerts warnings the following situations engine airframe systems malfunctions aerodynamic limits exceeded presence of external hazards.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 32

    The gpws cpu central processing unit able to detect 1 excessive descent rate2 excessive rate of terrain closure3 excessive angle of attack4 too high descent attitude5 loss of altitude after take off6 abnormal gear/flaps configuration7 excessive glidepath deviationthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 5, 7,, 2, 4, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 33

    On a tcas 2 traffic collision avoidance system preventive 'resolution advisory' ra a 'resolution advisory' That advises pilot to avoid certain deviations from current vertical rate but does not require any change to be made to that rate, asking pilot to modify effectively vertical speed of his aircraft, asking pilot to modify heading of his aircraft, asking pilot to modify speed of his aircraft. a corrective 'resolution advisory' (ra) a 'resolution advisory' asking pilot to modify effectively vertical speed of his aircraft (only on a vertical plan). armetiz the answer 'ra asking pilot to modify effectively vertical speed of his aircraft'. but, when i choose this answer i get an error... i don't understand. yes, apologies that, it was not clear, we were talking about 'corrective ra' instead of a 'prevenive ra'. find hereafter icao recommandations icao annex 10, vol. iv (aeronautical telecommunications surveillance collision avoidance systems) resolution advisory (ra) an indication given to flight crew recommending a) a manoeuvre intended to provide separation from all threats or b) a manoeuvre restriction intended to maintain existing separation. corrective ra a resolution advisory that advises pilot to deviate from current flight path. preventive ra a resolution advisory that advises pilot to avoid certain deviations from current flight path but does not require any change in current flight path. traffic advisory (ta) an indication given to flight crew that a certain intruder a potential threat.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 34

    On display of a tcas 2 traffic alert and collision avoidance system a resolution advisory ra generated A red full square, a white or cyan empty lozenge, a white or cyan solid lozenge, an amber solid circle. resolution advisory (ra) a warning issued the traffic collision avoidance system (tcas) indicating an immediate threat of collision with another aircraft. this warning takes form of a command to perform a vertical avoidance maneuver (e.g. climb, climb).

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 35

    Which of these statements about activation of take off warning when a take off initiated are correct or incorrect i an aural warning given when stabiliser not in a safe position take off ii an aural warning given when parking brake still on I correct, ii correct, i incorrect, ii incorrect, i correct, ii incorrect, i incorrect, ii correct. if elevator not in a safe position (elevator moved the pilot via control column or sidestick on airbus), you will not get an aural warning, but you will have an aural warning if stabilisator not in a valid trim range take off. in green, normal stablizer trim set, a boeing 737, at take off you will hear aural warning if stabiliser not in a safe position take off. also, there an aural warning when you intend to take off while parking brake still on.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 36

    The egpws may propose terrain look ahead alerting functionthis function uses An electronic map of world giving ground elevation, weather radar to detect any high ground in conflict with flight path of aircraft, a specific radar to detect any high ground in conflict with flight path of aircraft, same caution warning envelopes than mode 2 gpws (excessive terrain closure rate). Enhanced gpws (with terrain threat display) uses essentially an electronic map of world (giving ground elevation) information from aircraft's navigational system (be that ins/gps or any combination). given location of aircraft, its course height (either from adc or derived from gps) a display can be created showing locations of terrain that could threaten safety of aircraft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 37

    The gpws can warn crew in case of 1 excessive deviation below selected altitude2 windshear3 excessive terrain closing ratethe combination that regroups all of correct statements Excessive deviation below selected altitude warning given the altitude alert system. predictive windshear alert can not be performed the gpws, but when windshear occurs, gpws can detect it warn crew. the operation of gpws governed laws taking aircraft height into account as well as descent rate the aircraft configuration (flaps/gear deployed or retracted).

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 38

    Concerning tcas 2 when receiving a resolution advisory ra crew members should Immediatly initiate required manoeuvre, try to establish visual contact with intruder before taking any evasive action, immediatly engage autopilot which will be temporarily controlled the tcas, disregard this ra if they have a mode s transponder.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 39

    According to cs25 concerning electronic display systems amber/yellow colours are associated with following alert Caution, advisory, status, warning. cs 25.1322 flight crew alerting ... (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications. (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications. (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 61 Answer 40

    The stall warning inhibited 1 when flaps are retracted2 when aeroplane on ground3 when encountering a windshear4 upon receiving a gpws alertthe combination regouping all correct statements The stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

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