Formation > assignment : If warning caution or advisory lights are installed in the cockpit they must ?
Question 61-1 : Safe operation lights warning lights caution lights advisory lights

If immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is ?
Question 61-2 : A warning message a caution message an advisory message a distress message

If crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action may be required the ?
Question 61-3 : An advisory message a caution message a warning message an urgency message

If crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required the ?
Question 61-4 : A caution message a warning message an advisory message a call message

If warning caution or advisory lights are installed in the cockpit they must ?
Question 61-5 : Caution lights warning lights advisory lights other urgency messages

A radio altimeter uses ?
Question 61-6 : Two antennas one for the transmission and an other for the reception four antennas two for the transmission and two for the reception two antennas both of them for simultaneous transmission and reception a single antenna for simultaneous transmission and reception
Your aircraft and an intruding traffic both are tcas ii equipped your tcas ?
Question 61-7 : Comparing the altitudes of the two aircraft using the range function of the on board weather radar by interrogating the atc ground station comparing the gps heights of the two aircraft

Your aircraft and an intruding aircraft both are tcas 2 traffic alert and ?
Question 61-8 : Measuring the time lapse between the transmission of an interrogation signal and the reception of a reply signal from the transponder of the intruder measuring the time lapse between the transmission of an interrogation signal and the reception of a reply signal from the ground station using the range function of the on board weather radar comparing the gps positions of the two aircraft
The radio altimeter .1 operates in the 1600 1660 khz range .2 operates in the ?
Question 61-9 : 2 and 3 2 and 4 1 and 3 1 and 4

The purpose of the altitude alert system is to generate a visual and aural ?
Question 61-10 : Aeroplane altitude differs from a selected altitude aeroplane altitude is equal to the decision altitude proximity to the ground becomes dangerous altimeter setting differs from the standard setting above the transition altitude

Your aircraft and an intruding aircraft both are tcas 2 traffic alert and ?
Question 61-11 : Using a specific directional antenna using the bearing function of the on board weather radar comparing the gps positions of the two aircraft measuring the time lapse between the transmission of an interrogation signal and the reception of a reply signal

The tcas ii has inputs from the radio altimeter in order to ?
Question 61-12 : Gradually inhibit the resolution advisories ras when getting closer to the ground stop the tcas operation below 2500 agl determine the relative height of the intruder to alert the crew from a dangerous proximity of the ground

The upper antenna of the tcas ii is ?
Question 61-13 : Directional to improve the surveillance of intruders directional because it is merged with the transponder antenna omnidirectional to improve the surveillance of intruders omnidirectional because it is merged with the transponder antenna

Your aircraft and an intruding aircraft both are tcas ii equipped if the ?
Question 61-14 : The intruding aircraft is invisible to your tcas equipment the intruding aircraft remains visible to your tcas equipment but only tas traffic advisories can be generated the intruding aircraft remains visible to your tcas equipment but only ras resolution advisories can be generated the information available to your tcas equipment is two dimensional only

When the flight warning system fws identifies an overspeed condition airspeed ?
Question 61-15 : A warning message a caution message an advisory message a call message

A tcas ii generates a traffic advisory ta when ?
Question 61-16 : A potential collision threat exists a serious collision threat exists the intruder becomes a 'proximate traffic' the intruder becomes 'other traffic'

A tcas ii generates a resolution advisory ra when ?
Question 61-17 : A serious collision threat exists a potential collision threat exists the intruder becomes 'proximate traffic' the intruder becomes 'other traffic'

A stall warning system is based on measuring the ?
Question 61-18 : Angle of attack tas attitude groundspeed

Concerning the flight warning system fws warning messages ?
Question 61-19 : Are highest priority alert messages are next highest priority alert messages after warning messages are inhibited by caution messages indicate that subsequent crew action may be required

Concerning the flight warning system fws if aural signals are provided the ?
Question 61-20 : A warning should always take priority over that for a caution a caution should always take priority over that for a warning an advisory should always take priority over that for a caution an advisory should always take priority over that for a warning

Concerning the flight warning system fws caution messages ?
Question 61-21 : Are the next highest priority alert messages after warning messages are the highest priority alert messages are inhibited by advisory messages indicate that immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is required
Concerning the flight warning system fws advisory messages may be ?
Question 61-22 : Any colour except red and preferably not amber red any colour except green any colour except amber

The flight warning system fws generates a caution message if ?
Question 61-23 : Crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is required immediate crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required crew awareness is required and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is immediately required
The flight warning system fws generates a warning message if ?
Question 61-24 : Immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is required crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action may be required immediate crew awareness is required and corrective or compensatory action by the crew may be required

The flight warning system fws generates an advisory message if ?
Question 61-25 : Crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action may be required immediate recognition and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is required immediate crew awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required crew awareness is required and corrective or compensatory action by the crew is required

The inputs to the gpws ground proximity warning system are .1 air data ?
Question 61-26 : 1 2 3 5 7 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 5 6 7 1 4 7

The operation of the gpws ground proximity warning system is governed by laws ?
Question 61-27 : 1 3 1 2 4 2 4 2 3

The stall warning system of a large transport aeroplane includes .1 an angle of ?
Question 61-28 : 1 2 5 1 2 4 1 4 1 2 4 5

The stall warning system receives information about the .1 aeroplane angle of ?
Question 61-29 : 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 3 5

The tcas 2 data display devices can be in the form of .1 a specific dedicated ?
Question 61-30 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 2 and 3 3 and 4 1 and 3

The flight warning system fws.1 increases the situation awareness of the ?
Question 61-31 : 1 3 4 1 4 5 1 3 5 2 3 4 5

The gpws cpu central processing unit is able to detect.1 excessive descent ?
Question 61-32 : 1 2 5 6 7 2 3 5 7 1 2 4 6 7 3 4 5 6

On a tcas 2 traffic collision avoidance system the preventive 'resolution ?
Question 61-33 : That advises the pilot to avoid certain deviations from the current vertical rate but does not require any change to be made to that rate asking the pilot to modify effectively the vertical speed of his aircraft asking the pilot to modify the heading of his aircraft asking the pilot to modify the speed of his aircraft

On the display of a tcas 2 traffic alert and collision avoidance system a ?
Question 61-34 : A red full square a white or cyan empty lozenge a white or cyan solid lozenge an amber solid circle

Which of these statements about the activation of the take off warning when a ?
Question 61-35 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

The egpws may propose the terrain look ahead alerting function.this function ?
Question 61-36 : An electronic map of the world giving ground elevation the weather radar to detect any high ground in conflict with the flight path of the aircraft a specific radar to detect any high ground in conflict with the flight path of the aircraft the same caution and warning envelopes than the mode 2 gpws excessive terrain closure rate

The gpws can warn the crew in case of .1 excessive deviation below selected ?
Question 61-37 : 2 3 1 2 3 3 1

Concerning the tcas 2 when receiving a resolution advisory ra crew members ?
Question 61-38 : Immediatly initiate the required manoeuvre try to establish visual contact with the intruder before taking any evasive action immediatly engage autopilot which will be temporarily controlled by the tcas disregard this ra if they have a mode s transponder

According to cs25 concerning the electronic display systems the amber/yellow ?
Question 61-39 : Caution advisory status warning

The stall warning is inhibited .1 when the flaps are retracted.2 when the ?
Question 61-40 : 2 1 2 2 4 2 3

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