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The principle of the TCAS makes use of ?

Exam > pilot

exemple 165
Transponders fitted in aircraft, fms, air traffic control radar systems, airborne weather radar system.

A radio altimeter can be defined as a ?

exemple 166
A radio altimeter can be defined as a Self contained on board aid used to measure true height of aircraft, self contained on board aid used to measure true altitude of aircraft, ground radio aid used to measure true height of aircraft, ground radio aid used to measure true altitude of aircraft

The Ground Proximity Warning System GPWS generates the following sound signal or signals when the aircraft is sinking after a take off or a go around ?

exemple 167
The ground proximity warning system gpws generates following sound signal or signals when aircraft sinking after a take off or a go around Don't sink repetitive only, whoop whoop pull up repetitive only, don't sink always followed whoop whoop pull up, don't sink followed whoop whoop pull up if sink rate overshoots a second level

  • exemple 168
    A ground proximity warning system gpws when mandatory installed on board an aircraft must in all cases generate At least one sound alarm to which a visual alarm can be added, a sound visual alarm, a visual alarm to which a sound alarm can be added, a sound alarm or a visual alarm.

  • exemple 169
    The gpws automatically provides distinctive warning to flight crew in case of 1 impeding stall 2 excessive descent rate 3 altitude loss after take off or go around 4 unsafe terrain clearance with flaps not in landing configuration 5 dangerous ground proximity 6 downward glide slope deviation the combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  • exemple 170
    On a large aeroplane computer of a stall warning system receives information about 1 angle of attack2 engine rpm 3 configuration4 pitch and bank angles5 sideslipthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3,, 2, 3, 4, 5,, 5,, 2, 3, 4.

  • exemple 171
    During approach radio altimeter indicates 950 ft this The height of lowest wheels with regard to ground, relative height of aircraft with regard to runway, relative height of aircraft above airport level (aal), height of pilot eyes with regard to ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 8

    The ground proximity warning system gpws a system working according to a height span ranging from 5ft to 25 ft, ground toft, 3ft to 5ft, ground to 5 ft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 9

    The main input data to stall warning annunciator system are 1 mach meter indication 2 angle of attack 3 indicate airspeed ias 4 aircraft configuration flaps/slats the combination regrouping all correct statements the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 10

    The tcas 2 traffic collision avoidance system provides 1 traffic information ta traffic advisory 2 horizontal resolution ra resolution advisory 3 vertical resolution ra resolution advisory 4 ground proximity warningthe combination regrouping all correct statements , 3,, 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3,, 2.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 11

    The tcas traffic collision avoidance system computer receives information 1 about aircraft true airspeed2 about airplane configuration 3 about pressure altitude through mode c transponder4 from radio altimeterthe combination regrouping all correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 3, 4,, 2, 3,, 2, 4. fgabrys it's never written anywhere that tcas works with information about aircraft configuration. the system will take aircraft configuration / performance into consideration when deciding an avoiding action. when aircraft has gear and/or flap deployed its climb performance will be poor so tcas will avoid giving climbing demands a ra (resolution advisory).

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 12

    On a tcas2 traffic collision avoidance system a corrective 'resolution advisory' ra a 'resolution advisory' Asking pilot to modify effectively vertical speed of his aircraft, which does not require any action from pilot but on contrary asks him not to modify his current vertical speed rate, asking pilot to modify heading of his aircraft, asking pilot to modify speed of his aircraft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 13

    The stall warning computer uses following data 1 mass of aeroplane2 angle of attack3 wing flap deflection4 position of landing gear5 tat6 pressure altitudethe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 2, 3, 5,, 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 bjacoby what mean tat? tat means total air temperature. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 14

    An 'altitude warning system' must at least warn crew 1 when approaching pre selected altitude2 when airplane approaching ground too fast3 in case of a given deviation above or below pre selected altitude at least an aural warning 4 in case of excessive vertical speed5 when approaching ground with gear retractedthe combination regrouping all correct statements , 3, 2, 4, 5,, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 15

    A tcas 2 traffic collision avoidance system provides The intruder relative position possibly an indication of a collision avoidance manoeuvre within vertical plane only, a simple intruding aeroplane proximity warning, intruder relative position possibly an indication of a collision avoidance manoeuvre within both vertical horizontal planes, intruder relative position possibly an indication of a collision avoidance manoeuvre within horizontal plane only.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 16

    The stall warning system of a large transport airplane includes 1 an angle of attack sensor 2 a computer 3 a transmitter originating from anemometer 4 an independent pitot probe 5 a transmitter of flap/slat position indicating system the combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 5,, 2, 4, 5,, 4,, 2, 4. the stall warning computer uses angle of attack slats/flaps configuration. the stall warning inhibited when aeroplane on ground.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 17

    In case of excesive descent rate gpws generates following aural warnings 'sink rate, sink rate' followed 'whoop whoop pull up' (twice), 'don't sink, don't sink', 'terrain, terrain' followed 'whoop whoop pull up' (twice), 'too low, terrain' (twice) followed 'too low gear' (twice). gpws mode 1 sink rate pull up. mode 2 terrain pull up. mode 3 don't sink. mode 4 too low gear too low flaps too low terrain. mode 5 glideslope. mode 6 bank angle. mode 7 windshear.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 18

    If gpws ground proximity warning system activates and alerts pilot with an aural warning 'don't sink' twice times it because During take off or missed approach manoeuvre, aircraft has started to lose altitude, aircraft experiences an unexpected proximity to terrain, with landing gear retracted, at too low altitude, aircraft has an excessive rate of descent, aircraft experiences an unexpected proximity to terrain, without landing flap selected.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 19

    An aircraft descending from fl 390 to ground level at maximum speed the limits in speed will be Initially mmo, then vmo below a certain flight level, initially vmo, then mmo below a certain flight level, mmo only, vmo only. at fl390, mach number your flight reference speed. at fl390, your are above crossover altitude. the crossosver altitude the altitude at which a specified cas mach value represent same tas value. mmo (maximum operating mach) will be your first limit, at crossover altitude, vmo (maximum operating speed) will then become limit.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 20

    Considering an airspeed indicator a second stripped needle if installed indicates Maximum operating speed (vmo), never exceed speed (vne), never exceed speed (vne) or maximum operating speed (vmo), depending on which the lowest, never exceed speed (vne) or maximum operating speed (vmo), depending on which the higher.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 21

    On display of a tcas 2 traffic alert and collision avoidance system a traffic advisory ta represented A yellow or amber solid circle, a white or cyan empty lozenge, a white or cyan solid lozenge, a red full square. a tcas ii generates a traffic advisory (ta) when a potential collision threat exists. a traffic advisory represented an amber or yellow solid circle.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 22

    On display of a tcas ii traffic alert and collision avoidance system a proximate traffic represented A white or cyan solid lozenge, a white or cyan empty lozenge, a red full square, an amber solid circle. on display of a tcas ii (traffic alert collision avoidance system), a proximate traffic represented a white or cyan solid lozenge.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 23

    Tcas 2 traffic collision avoidance system uses its operation The replies from transponders of other aircrafts, echoes from ground air traffic control radar system, echoes of collision avoidance radar system especially installed on board, both replies from transponders of other aircraft the ground based radar echoes.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 24

    The altitude alerting system Alerts flight crew upon approaching a pre selected altitude, generates a signal once aircraft steady at pre selected altitude, alerts flight crew in case of ground proximity, alerts flight crew in case of an autopilot disengagement.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 25

    The functions of altitude alerting system to alert flight crew 1 upon approaching a pre selected altitude 2 upon approaching a pre selected altitude during climb only 3 of a loss of altitude during take off or missed approach 4 of a wrong landing configuration 5 when deviating from selected altitude the combination regrouping all correct statements , 5, 2, 5, 3, 4,, 3, 4.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 26

    The gpws warns crew in case of 1 deviation above or below selected altitude 2 deviation below selected altitude 3 unsafe terrain clearance with flaps not in landing configuration 4 unsafe terrain clearance with landing gear not down the combination that regroups all of correct statements 3, 4,, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 27

    The radio altimeter required to indicate zero height agl as main wheels touch down on runway for this reason it necessary to Compensate residual height cable length, adjust gross height according to aircraft instantaneous pitch, change display scale in short final, in order to have a precise readout, have a specific radio altimeter dedicated to automatic landing.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 28

    The sequence of automatic landing comprises several phases from final approach to touch down actuated The radio altimeter, altimeter set to qnh, distance left before touch down zone, dme (distance measuring equipment) of ils (instrument landing system).

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 29

    When required ground proximity warning system gpws must automatically provide distinctive warning to flight crew of 1 impeding stall 2 excessive sink rate 3 altitude loss after take off or go around 4 incorrect landing configuration 5 dangerous ground proximity 6 downward glide slope deviationthe combination regrouping all correct statements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,, 4, 5, 6,, 2, 4, 5, 3, 5, 6.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 30

    Lights indicating possible need future corrective action must be Amber, red, red white striped, magenta. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 31

    Lights indicating a hazard which may require immediate corrective action must be Red, amber, yellow, magenta. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 32

    In event of a conflict tcas 2 traffic collision alert and avoidance system presents warnings to crew such as 'climb' or 'descent', 'turn left' or 'turn right', 'too low terrain', 'glide slope'.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 33

    In case of impending stall flight warning system fws generates A warning message, a caution message, an advisory message, an urgency message. There are three levels of alerting warning red could be flashing immediate crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine fire or stall example). caution amber crew awareness required subsequent crew action will be required (engine oil temperature increasing example). advisory white crew awareness required subsequent crew action may be required.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 34

    On a tcas 2 traffic collision avoidance system a preventative resolution advisory Advises pilot to keep vertical speed within given limits, asks pilot to modify effectively vertical speed of his aircraft, asks pilot to modify heading of his aircraft, asks pilot to modify speed of his aircraft. resolution advisory (ra) a warning issued the traffic collision avoidance system (tcas) indicating an immediate threat of collision with another aircraft. this warning takes form of a command to perform a vertical avoidance maneuver (e.g. climb, climb). in our picture example, you must reach maintain a vertical climb speed of more than 1500 ft/min to avoid conflicting aircraft.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 35

    The input s of a vmo/mmo warning system are Static pressure total pressure, static pressure only, static pressure aircraft configuration, static pressure sat.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 36

    Your aircraft tcas ii equipped to be able to generate a traffic advisory ta intruder must be at least equipped with A transponder mode a, a tcas ii, a transponder mode c, a transponder mode s.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 37

    Your aircraft tcas ii equipped an intruding traffic only has a mode a transponder the information available to your tcas equipment Two dimensional onlyyour tcas cannot generate ras (resolution advisories), two dimensional onlyyour tcas cannot generate tas (traffic advisories), three dimensionalyour tcas can generate both tas (traffic advisories) ras (resolution advisories), three dimensionalyour tcas cannot generate tas (traffic advisories).

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 38

    Your aircraft tcas ii equipped to be able to generate a resolution advisory ra intruder must be at least equipped with A transponder mode c, a tcas ii, a transponder mode a, a transponder mode s. for aircraft to be visible to a tcas equipped aircraft they must have a minimum of a mode 'a' transponder. if transponder switched off, or unserviceable, intruding aircraft are invisible to tcas equipment a collision risk exists. mode 'a' transponders transmit no height information therefore information available to tcas equipment two dimensional only therefore can only give tas. mode 'c' transponder equipped intruders broadcast height information to tcas equipment the system becomes three dimensional can now give both tas ras.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 39

    Your aircraft tcas ii equipped an intruding traffic only has a mode c transponder the information available to your tcas equipment Three dimensionalyour tcas can generate both tas (traffic advisories) ras (resolution advisories), three dimensionalyour tcas cannot generate ras (resolution advisories), two dimensional onlyyour tcas cannot generate tas (traffic advisories), two dimensional onlyyour tcas cannot generate ras (resolution advisories). icao annex 10 aeronautical telecommunications volume 4 surveillance radar collision avoidance systems.

  • Question Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems 60 Answer 40

    If warning caution or advisory lights are installed in cockpit they must unless otherwise approved the authority be red Warning lights, caution lights, advisory lights, other distress messages. cs 25.1322 flight crew alerting ... (e) visual alert indications must (1) conform to following colour convention (i) red warning alert indications. (ii) amber or yellow caution alert indications. (iii) any colour except red or green advisory alert indications.

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