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Free > topography : Which component of an area navigation system displays the cross track distance ?

Question 59-1 : Navigation display radio magnetic indicator dme indicator attitude display

exemple 159 navigation display.navigation display.

By selecting one vhf frequency in the range of 108 to 112 mhz on the nav ?

Question 59-2 : Rho theta information from a terminal vor/dme can be obtained rho rho information from an ils/dme can be obtained rho theta information from an enroute vor/dme station can be obtained theta theta information from enroute vor's can be obtained

.rho theta is a navigation system in which one or more signals are emitted from a facility or colocated facilities to produce simultaneous indication of bearing and distance .since a bearing is a radial line of position and a distance is a circular line of position the rho theta system always ensures a position fix produced by the intersection of two lines of position which are at right angles to each other . 1954..gargameleatpl .why only terminal not enroute. .the range of 108 to 112 mhz is allocated for terminal vor terminal vors are accurate to 25 nm outward up to 12000 ft exemple 163 rho-theta information from a terminal vor/dme can be obtained.rho-theta information from a terminal vor/dme can be obtained.

One of the benefits of rnav is ?

Question 59-3 : Rnav allows aircraft to take a more direct flight path without requiring to fly over ground based facilities rnav allows pilots to manage horizontal and vertical separation with other aircrafts without obtaining any atc clearance rnav allows to fly at rnav flight level with a 500 ft separation rnav allows to obtain atc clairance by hf radio without the requirement to establish any radio contact

exemple 167 rnav allows aircraft to take a more direct flight path without requiring to fly over ground based facilities.rnav allows aircraft to take a more direct flight path without requiring to fly over ground based facilities.

What is true about the fmc databases ?

Question 59-4 : The data includes sids stars and runway approaches the data can not be customized for the specific airline operations the performance database contains aeronautical information for the planned area of operations of the aircraft the navigation database contains the company's cost index strategy

. 2403 exemple 171 the data includes sids, stars and runway approaches.the data includes sids, stars and runway approaches.

A 3d rnav system has capability in the horizontal plane ?

Question 59-5 : And in the vertical plane as well as in the vertical plane and a timing function and a speed management system and a cruise management system

.a 2d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane only.a 3d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane and in addition has a guidance capability in the vertical plane.a 4d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane has a guidance capability in the vertical plane and in addition has a timing function exemple 175 and in the vertical plane.and in the vertical plane.

The navigational function of the horizontal situation indicator hsi in relation ?

Question 59-6 : The indication of the cross track distance xtk the indication of the rnp the indication of the track angle error tke the indication of the wind component

.this is the distance between the actual position and the planned track the maximum lateral deviation .the adi displays present cross track error from the desired rnav course example .xtk=l 0 1nm you are 0 1nm on the left of the intended course exemple 179 the indication of the cross track distance (xtk).the indication of the cross track distance (xtk).

Which of the following statements about 4d rnav are correct or incorrect .1 ?

Question 59-7 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect

Revised ecqb03 july 2016..area navigation rnav is a method of navigation permitting aircraft operations on any desired track within the coverage of station referenced navigation signal or within the limits of a self contained navigation system.it permits .establishment of more direct routes permitting a reduction in flight distance .establishment of dual or parallel routes to accommodate a greater flow of en route traffic .establishment of bypass routes for aircraft over flying high density terminal areas .establishment of alternatives or contingency routes on either a planned or ad hoc basis .establishment of optimum locations for holding patterns .reduction in the number of ground navigation facilities exemple 183 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.

A basic rnav b rnav system requires ?

Question 59-8 : Rnp5 rnp3 rnp1 rnp2

Cqb 15 august 2012..area navigation rnav icao annex 11 is a method of navigation permitting aircraft operations on any desired track within the coverage of station referenced navigation signal or within the limits of a self contained navigation system.basic rnav b rnav systems require rnp 5 required navigation performance 5 .basic rnav requires a track keeping accuracy of +/ 5nm or better for 95% of the flight time exemple 187 rnp5.rnp5.

A precision rnav prnav system requires ?

Question 59-9 : Rnp1 rnp5 rnp2 rnp3

Cqb 15 august 2012..area navigation rnav icao annex 11 is a method of navigation permitting aircraft operations on any desired track within the coverage of station referenced navigation signal or within the limits of a self contained navigation system..precision rnav prnav systems require rnp 1 required navigation performance 1 .precision rnav prnav requires a track keeping accuracy of +/ 1 0nm for 95% of the flight time exemple 191 rnp1.rnp1.

In order to give the flight crew control of the required lateral guidance ?

Question 59-10 : Control automatically the speed the aircraft in order to arrive in the next waypoint at a specified time timing function execute a modified flight plan after positive action by the flight crew conform to wgs 84 for positioning fly parallel tracks at a selected offset distance

Ecqb04 revised from cqb15 august 2012 november 2017..in order to give the flight crew control over the required lateral guidance functions rnav equipment should at least be able to perform the following functions. display present position in latitude/ longitude or as distance/bearing to the selected waypoint. select or enter the required flight plan through the control and display unit cdu. review and modify navigation data for any part of a flight plan at any stage of flight and store sufficient data to carry out the active flight plan. review assemble modify or verify a flight plan in flight without affecting the guidance output. execute a modified flight plan only after positive action by the flight crew. where provided assemble and verify analternative flight plan without affecting the active flight plan. assemble a flight plan either by identifier or by selection of individual waypoints from the database or by creation of waypoints from the database or by creation of waypoints defined by latitude/longitude bearing/ distance parameters or other parameters. assemble flight plans by joining routes or route segments. allow verification or adjustment of displayed position. provide automatic sequencing through waypoints with turn anticipation manual sequencing should also be provided to allow flight over and return to waypoints. display cross track error on the cdu. provide time to waypoints on the cdu. execute a direct clearance to any waypoint. fly parallel tracks at the selected offset distance offset mode should be clearly indicated. purge previous radio updates. carry out rnav holding procedures when defined. make available to the flight crew estimates of positional uncertainty either as a quality factor or by reference to sensor differences from the computed position. conform to wgs 84 geodetic reference system. indicate navigation equipment failure exemple 195 control automatically the speed the aircraft in order to arrive in the next waypoint at a specified time(timing function).control automatically the speed the aircraft in order to arrive in the next waypoint at a specified time(timing function).

In an electronic flight instrument system efis data relating primarily to ?

Question 59-11 : Flight control computers flight management computers autothrottle flight control computers inertial reference systems autothrottle flight management computers flight control computers air data computers air data computer inertial reference systems autothrottle

.take care question n°165 asks for .' data relating primarily to navigation in the fmc is provided by .navigation radios gps inertial reference systems' exemple 199 flight control computers, flight management computers, autothrottle.flight control computers, flight management computers, autothrottle.

In accordance with icao doc 9613 an aircraft equipped to operate to rnp1 or ?

Question 59-12 : Compute estimated error of position compute exact error of position correct for exact error of position correct for estimate error of position

Ecqb03 august 2016..required navigation performance rnp is a concept that applies to navigation performance within an airspace .the rnp type is based on the navigation performance accuracy to be achieved within the airspace .an aircraft equipped to operate to rnp 1 and better should be able to compute an estimate of its position error depending on the sensors being used and time elapsed exemple 203 compute estimated error of position.compute estimated error of position.

Which of the following information are input data into a 4d rnav system.1 dme ?

Question 59-13 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 4 2 3 and 4 1 3

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 207 1, 2, 3 and 4.1, 2, 3 and 4.

Which of the following information are output data from a 4d rnav system.1 ?

Question 59-14 : 1 4 1 2 2 3 2 4

Ecqb04 november 2017..output data from a 4d rnav system are . distance to any waypoint. estimated time overhead. ground speed and tas. true wind. track error exemple 211 1 - 4.1 - 4.

Comparing a 3d rnav with 4d rnav a 4d rnav system has in addition a capability ?

Question 59-15 : Timing function vertical profile guidance horizontal profile guidance horizontal and vertical profile guidance

Ecqb04 november 2017..a 4d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane has a guidance capability in the vertical plane and in addition has a timing function exemple 215 timing function.timing function.

Concerning fms position update accuracy an rnav vor/dme system shall reach an ?

Question 59-16 : 5 nm more or less 0 28 nm 1 nm 3 nm + 3 nm per flight hour

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 219 5 nm.5 nm.

An fms is tuned to a dme to improve positioning and displays the dme identifier ?

Question 59-17 : The frequency will be displayed instead of the identifier the identifier will be recovered from the fms memory and displayed in amber color a different dme will be automatically selected by the system for positioning purposes an warning message will be displayed on the cdu

Ecqb04 november 2017 exemple 223 the frequency will be displayed instead of the identifier.the frequency will be displayed instead of the identifier.

The calculated output data from a 4d rnav system are .1 distance to any ?

Question 59-18 : 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 4

Ecqb04 november 2017..output data from a 4d rnav system are . distance to any waypoint. estimated time overhead. ground speed and tas. true wind. track error exemple 227 1, 3.1, 3.

To carry out a guidance on the horizontal and vertical plane and with a speed ?

Question 59-19 : Lnav + vnav hdg + vz + speed nav + speed trk + speed

Ecqb04 november 2017..lnav automatic navigation lateral navigation .vnav flight path management vertical navigation exemple 231 lnav + vnav.lnav + vnav.

What are the input data of an rnav system with vor/dme position update ?

Question 59-20 : A waypoint + a vor/dme signal + one desired track a waypoint + a vor/dme signal + a desired heading the desired track and the desired heading a vor/dme signal + one desired track

Ecqb04 november 2017..input data to the navigation computer is . actual vor radial and dme distance from selected vor station. radial and distance to phantom waypoint. desired magnetic track inbound to the phantom waypoint exemple 235 a waypoint + a vor/dme signal + one desired track.a waypoint + a vor/dme signal + one desired track.

You are requested to descend at a specific level and overfly a waypoint at a ?

Question 59-21 : 4d rnav 2d precision rnav 3d rnav 2d rnav

Ecqb04 november 2017..a 2d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane only.a 3d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane and in addition has a guidance capability in the vertical plane.a 4d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane has a guidance capability in the vertical plane and in addition has a timing function exemple 239 4d rnav.4d rnav.

In order to give the flight crew control of the required lateral guidance ?

Question 59-22 : Provide guidance to another selected flight level execute a direct clearance to any waypoint display present position in latitude/longitude or as distance/bearing to the selected waypoint display cross track error on the cdu

Ecqb04 november 2017..in order to give the flight crew control over the required lateral guidance functions rnav equipment should at least be able to perform the following functions. display present position in latitude/ longitude or as distance/bearing to the selected waypoint. select or enter the required flight plan through the control and display unit cdu. review and modify navigation data for any part of a flight plan at any stage of flight and store sufficient data to carry out the active flight plan. review assemble modify or verify a flight plan in flight without affecting the guidance output. execute a modified flight plan only after positive action by the flight crew. where provided assemble and verify analternative flight plan without affecting the active flight plan. assemble a flight plan either by identifier or by selection of individual waypoints from the database or by creation of waypoints from the database or by creation of waypoints defined by latitude/longitude bearing/ distance parameters or other parameters. assemble flight plans by joining routes or route segments. allow verification or adjustment of displayed position. provide automatic sequencing through waypoints with turn anticipation manual sequencing should also be provided to allow flight over and return to waypoints. display cross track error on the cdu. provide time to waypoints on the cdu. execute a direct clearance to any waypoint. fly parallel tracks at the selected offset distance offset mode should be clearly indicated. purge previous radio updates. carry out rnav holding procedures when defined. make available to the flight crew estimates of positional uncertainty either as a quality factor or by reference to sensor differences from the computed position. conform to wgs 84 geodetic reference system. indicate navigation equipment failure

In order to give the flight crew control of the required lateral guidance ?

Question 59-23 : Display the satellites used by the gps receiver on the cdu fly parallel tracks at a selected offset distance indicate navigation equipment failure assemble flight plans by joining routes or route segments

Ecqb04 november 2017..in order to give the flight crew control over the required lateral guidance functions rnav equipment should at least be able to perform the following functions. display present position in latitude/ longitude or as distance/bearing to the selected waypoint. select or enter the required flight plan through the control and display unit cdu. review and modify navigation data for any part of a flight plan at any stage of flight and store sufficient data to carry out the active flight plan. review assemble modify or verify a flight plan in flight without affecting the guidance output. execute a modified flight plan only after positive action by the flight crew. where provided assemble and verify analternative flight plan without affecting the active flight plan. assemble a flight plan either by identifier or by selection of individual waypoints from the database or by creation of waypoints from the database or by creation of waypoints defined by latitude/longitude bearing/ distance parameters or other parameters. assemble flight plans by joining routes or route segments. allow verification or adjustment of displayed position. provide automatic sequencing through waypoints with turn anticipation manual sequencing should also be provided to allow flight over and return to waypoints. display cross track error on the cdu. provide time to waypoints on the cdu. execute a direct clearance to any waypoint. fly parallel tracks at the selected offset distance offset mode should be clearly indicated. purge previous radio updates. carry out rnav holding procedures when defined. make available to the flight crew estimates of positional uncertainty either as a quality factor or by reference to sensor differences from the computed position. conform to wgs 84 geodetic reference system. indicate navigation equipment failure exemple 247 display the satellites used by the gps receiver on the cdu.display the satellites used by the gps receiver on the cdu.

Which statement is true about the navigational database of a fms ?

Question 59-24 : Crew created navigational data may be saved in additional space in the database it is valid for an unlimited time the crew is able to modify the navigational database in the fms between two updates it is valid for 56 days

Ecqb04 november 2017..the navigational database is valid for a limited time usually 28 days the navigational database is read only but additional space exists so that crew created navigational data may be saved in the computer memory such additional data will also be deleted at the 28 day navigational update of the database exemple 251 crew-created navigational data may be saved in additional space in the database.crew-created navigational data may be saved in additional space in the database.

For what purpose does an aircraft's rnav computer receive a tas input and a ?

Question 59-25 : To calculate the actual wind velocity to provide a speed correction to the gps receiver to calculate the cross track error to control continuously the position

Ecqb04 november 2017..the computer receives a tas input from the air data computer and a heading input in order to calculate actual wind velocity exemple 255 to calculate the actual wind velocity.to calculate the actual wind velocity.

The low altitude radio altimeters used in precision approaches.1 operate in ?

Question 59-26 : 3 5 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 5

exemple 259 3, 5.3, 5.

The data supplied by a radio altimeter ?

Question 59-27 : Indicates the distance between the ground and the aircraft concerns only the decision height is used only by the radio altimeter indicator is used by the automatic pilot in the altitude hold mode

exemple 263 indicates the distance between the ground and the aircraft.indicates the distance between the ground and the aircraft.

The aircraft radio equipment which emits on a frequency of 4400 mhz is the ?

Question 59-28 : Radio altimeter high altitude radio altimeter weather radar primary radar

exemple 267 radio altimeter.radio altimeter.

The gpws computer receives the following signals .1 vertical speed.2 radio ?

Question 59-29 : 1 2 4 5 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 6 2 3 4 6

exemple 271 1, 2, 4, 5.1, 2, 4, 5.

The operating frequency range of a low altitude radio altimeter is ?

Question 59-30 : 4200 mhz to 4400 mhz 5400 mhz or 9400 mhz 2700 mhz to 2900 mhz 5 ghz

exemple 275 4200 mhz to 4400 mhz.4200 mhz to 4400 mhz.

In a radio altimeter the height measurement is based upon ?

Question 59-31 : A frequency modulation wave for which the frequency variation between the transmitted wave and the received wave after ground reflection is measured a pulse transmission for which time between transmission and reception is measured on a circular scanning screen a wave transmission for which the frequency shift by doppler effect after ground reflection is measured a triangular amplitude modulation wave for which modulation phase shift between transmitted and received waves after ground reflection is measured

exemple 279 a frequency modulation wave, for which the frequency variation between the transmitted wave and the received wave after ground reflection is measured.a frequency modulation wave, for which the frequency variation between the transmitted wave and the received wave after ground reflection is measured.

The decision height dh warning light comes on when an aircraft ?

Question 59-32 : Descends below a pre set radio altitude descends below a pre set barometric altitude passes over the ils inner marker passes over the outer marker

exemple 283 descends below a pre-set radio altitude.descends below a pre-set radio altitude.

The maximum operating speed vmo is expressed in ?

Question 59-33 : Cas or eas tas or eas cas or tas tas only

exemple 287 cas or eas.cas or eas.

A vmo mmo warning device consists of an alarm connected to ?

Question 59-34 : A barometric aneroid capsule subjected to a static pressure and an airspeed sensor subjected to a dynamic pressure a barometric aneroid capsule subjected to a dynamic pressure and an airspeed sensor subjected to a static pressure a barometric aneroid capsule and an airspeed sensor subjected to dynamic pressure a barometric aneroid capsule and an airspeed sensor subjected to a static pressure

exemple 291 a barometric aneroid capsule subjected to a static pressure and an airspeed sensor subjected to a dynamic pressure.a barometric aneroid capsule subjected to a static pressure and an airspeed sensor subjected to a dynamic pressure.

When the intruding aircraft is equipped with a transponder without altitude ?

Question 59-35 : 'traffic advisory' only 'traffic advisory' and vertical 'resolution advisory' 'traffic advisory' and horizontal 'resolution advisory' 'traffic advisory' vertical and horizontal 'resolution advisory'

exemple 295 'traffic advisory' only.'traffic advisory' only.

When the intruding aircraft is equipped with a serviceable mode c transponder ?

Question 59-36 : 'traffic advisory' and vertical 'resolution advisory' 'traffic advisory' and horizontal 'resolution advisory' vertical 'traffic advisory' and an horizontal 'resolution advisory' 'traffic advisory' vertical and horizontal 'resolution advisory'

exemple 299 'traffic advisory' and vertical 'resolution advisory'.'traffic advisory' and vertical 'resolution advisory'.

The gpws generates a warning in the following cases.1 excessive descent rate.2 ?

Question 59-37 : 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 5 2 4 1 3 4

exemple 303 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The operation of the radio altimeter of a modern aircraft is based on ?

Question 59-38 : Frequency modulation of the carrier wave amplitude modulation of the carrier wave pulse modulation of the carrier wave a combination of frequency modulation and pulse modulation

exemple 307 frequency modulation of the carrier wave.frequency modulation of the carrier wave.

Concerning the tcas ii ?

Question 59-39 : No protection is available against aircraft not equipped with a serviceable ssr transponder in one of the system modes the warning 'too low terrain' is generated in one of the system modes the warning 'pull up' is generated no protection is available against aircraft not equipped with a serviceable fms

exemple 311 no protection is available against aircraft not equipped with a serviceable ssr transponderno protection is available against aircraft not equipped with a serviceable ssr transponder

The tcas ii gives avoidance resolutions ?

Question 59-40 : Only in the vertical plane only in the horizontal plane in horizontal and vertical planes based on speed control

exemple 315 only in the vertical planeonly in the vertical plane


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