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Exercise > lift > off : Which of the following gives the best information about the progress of a ?

Question 57-1 : Eto etd ata elapsed time on route

exemple 157 eto.eto.

If an aircraft flies along a vor radial it will follow a ?

Question 57-2 : Great circle track rhumbline track line of constant bearing constant magnetic track

When you follow a radial you follow a straight line on a sphere which can only be great circle radio waves travel over the surface of the earth along great circle paths and if the direction of a great circle is measured at two selected meridians there will be a difference between two directions it can not be a 'constant magnetic track' exemple 161 great circle track.great circle track.

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-3 : Figure 1 figure 4 figure 2 figure 3

. 1943 exemple 165 figure 1.figure 1.

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-4 : Figure 4 figure 1 figure 3 figure 2

. 1943.all fgures are in expanded mode here is the full mode . 1707. mode full exemple 169 figure 4.figure 4.

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-5 : Figure 1 figure 4 figure 5 figure 6

. 2391..figure 1 full vor/ils mode with an vor frequency selected.figure 6 full vor/ils mode with an ils frequency selected. mode full . 1707 exemple 173 figure 1.figure 1.

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-6 : Figure 2 figure 3 figure 4 figure 1

. 2391 exemple 177 figure 2.figure 2.

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-7 : Figure 3 figure 5 figure 2 figure 4

. 2391

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-8 : Figure 4 figure 5 figure 6 figure 1

. 2391.expanded vor/ils mode with a vor frequency selected exemple 185 figure 4.figure 4.

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-9 : Figure 5 figure 3 figure 2 figure 6

. 2391

Which of the figures depicts an electronic flight instrument system efis ?

Question 57-10 : Figure 6 figure 2 figure 3 figure 5

. 2391.. mode full . 1707 exemple 193 figure 6.figure 6.

What drift is being experienced . 2096 ?

Question 57-11 : 8° left 20° right 20° left 12° right

.left 8° between track line and our current heading. 2395 exemple 197 8° left.8° left.

What is the value of the track from tbx to ytb . 2094 ?

Question 57-12 : 097° t 140° m 280° t 170° m

.efis is in plan mode.it's a 'chart' with an arrow pointing north at the bottom right hand corner . 1706 exemple 201 097°(t).097°(t).

What wind velocity is indicated . 2095 ?

Question 57-13 : 105° m /20kt 030° m /20kt 255° m /20kt 285° m /20kt

. 2396 exemple 205 105°(m)/20kt.105°(m)/20kt.

What is the value of the selected vor loc course . 2093 ?

Question 57-14 : 298° m 272° m 260° m 280° m

. 2395 exemple 209 298°(m).298°(m).

What is the aircraft track . 2092 ?

Question 57-15 : 272° m 300° m 260° m 280° m

. 2395 exemple 213 272°(m).272°(m).

The letters qtx and adjacent symbol indicate a . 2091 ?

Question 57-16 : Vor/dme/vortac tacan vor airport

. 2397 exemple 217 vor/dme/vortac.vor/dme/vortac.

The 'o' followed by the letters kabc indicate . 2090 ?

Question 57-17 : An off route airport a designated alternate airport an off route vor/dme the destination airport

. 2398 exemple 221 an off-route airport.an off-route airport.

At reference what is the heading bug selected to . 2089 ?

Question 57-18 : 260° m 272° m 280° m 300° m

. 2395 exemple 225 260°(m).260°(m).

The diagram indicates that the aircraft is to the . 2087 ?

Question 57-19 : Right of the localizer and below the glidepath right of the localizer and above the glidepath left of the localizer and below the glidepath left of the localizer and above the glidepath

. 2395 exemple 229 right of the localizer and below the glidepath.right of the localizer and below the glidepath.

In which screen modes of an electronic horizontal situation indicator ehsi will ?

Question 57-20 : Full nav full vor/ils and plan exp vor/ils plan and map full nav plan and map full vor/ils exp vor/ils and plan

.weather radar returns can be displayed in expanded vor/ils mode but cannot be in 'full nav' vor or ils mode neither in plan mode . 2399 exemple 233 full nav, full vor/ils and plan.full nav, full vor/ils and plan.

Icao annex 11 defines area navigation rnav as a method of navigation which ?

Question 57-21 : Within the coverage of station referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self contained aids or a combination of these outside the coverage of station referenced navigation aids provided that it is equipped with a minimum of one serviceable self contained navigation aid within the coverage of station referenced navigation aids provided that it is equipped with a minimum of one serviceable self contained navigation aid outside the coverage of station referenced navigation aids provided that it is equipped with a minimum of two serviceable self contained navigation aids

.icao annex 11 air traffic services . area navigation rnav a method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground or space based navigation aids o rwithin the limits of the capability of self contained aids or a combination of these. note area navigation includes performance based navigation as well as other operations that do not meet the definition of performance based navigation exemple 237 within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.

Basic rnav requires a track keeping accuracy of ?

Question 57-22 : +/ 5nm or better for 95% of the flight time +/ 3nm or better for 90% of the flight time +/ 2nm or better for 75% of the flight time +/ 5nm or better throughout the flight

Area navigation rnav icao annex 11 is a method of navigation permitting aircraft operations on any desired track within the coverage of station referenced navigation signal or within the limits of a self contained navigation system. basic rnav b rnav systems require rnp 5 required navigation performance 5 . b rnav requires a track keeping accuracy of +/ 5nm or better for 95% of the flight time.for information precision rnav prnav systems require rnp 1 +/ 1 0nm for 95% of the flight time

The flight management computer fmc position is ?

Question 57-23 : The computed position based on a number of sources irs radio ils gps etc the actual position of the aircraft at any point in time the same as that given on the no 1 irs another source of aircraft position it is independent of other navigation sources irs radio ils etc

exemple 245 the computed position based on a number of sources (irs, radio, ils, gps etc).the computed position based on a number of sources (irs, radio, ils, gps etc).

Under easa cs 25 color code rules features displayed in red on an electronic ?

Question 57-24 : Warnings flight envelope and system limits flight envelope and system limits engaged modes warnings cautions and abnormal sources cautions and abnormal sources engaged modes

Under easa cs 25 colour code rules features displayed in amber/yellow on an ?

Question 57-25 : Cautions abnormal sources flight envelope and system limits warnings engaged modes

exemple 253 cautions, abnormal sources.cautions, abnormal sources.

Under easa/cs 25 colour code rules features displayed in green on an efis ?

Question 57-26 : Engaged modes cautions abnormal sources the earth the ils deviation pointer

exemple 257 engaged modes.engaged modes.

Under easa cs 25 colour code rules features displayed in cyan/blue on an ?

Question 57-27 : The sky engaged modes the flight director bars flight envelope and system limits

exemple 261 the sky.the sky.

In an electronic flight instrument system efis data relating primarily to ?

Question 57-28 : Navigation radios gps inertial reference systems inertial reference systems aircraft weather radar navigation radios gps aircraft weather radar navigation radios inertial reference systems navigation radios terrain collision alerting system

exemple 265 navigation radios, gps, inertial reference systems.navigation radios, gps, inertial reference systems.

Under easa regulations color code rules for efis displays the recommended color ?

Question 57-29 : White magenta green cyan

exemple 269 white.white.

Which of the following procedures must be adopted if on a flight under ifr ?

Question 57-30 : It may be continued using conventional navigation systems the pilot must determine the reason for the deviation and correct the error or switch off the faulty system it may be continued using navstar/gps prior to the next flight all systems must be checked it must be continued under vfr conditions

exemple 273 it may be continued using conventional navigation systems.it may be continued using conventional navigation systems.

What datum is used for the minimum descent altitude mda on a non precision ?

Question 57-31 : Barometric altitude if using differential gps d gps the altitude obtained from the d gps otherwise barometric altitude radar altitude gps altitude

.icao doc 8168 part ii section 3 chapter 1 .all fmcs and some stand alone basic gnss receivers provide altitude information however the pilot must still comply with the published minimum altitudes using the barometric altimeter where the fmc provides vertical information flight director guidance cues or coupled autopilot operation the pilot should follow the appropriate information or cues along with any necessary cross checks with the barometric altimetry exemple 277 barometric altitude.barometric altitude.

Which of the distances indicated will be shown on a basic vor/dme based area ?

Question 57-32 : 9 nm 14 nm 11 nm 8 nm

.a basic rnav equipment will see a vor/dme at the position of the 'phantom station' . 2393.the distance indicated will be 9 nm the principle is to move the position of a real vor/dme to a desired position a useful position for your navigation exemple 281 9 nm.9 nm.

Erratic indications may be experienced when flying towards a basic vor/dme ?

Question 57-33 : When operating at low altitudes close to the limit of reception range from the reference station because under adverse conditions relative bearing to the phantom station other than 180°/360° it takes the computer more time to calculate the necessary information when in the cone of silence overhead the phantom station when the phantom station is out of range

exemple 285 when operating at low altitudes close to the limit of reception range from the reference station.when operating at low altitudes close to the limit of reception range from the reference station.

Which of the following is one of the functions of the computer in a basic rnav ?

Question 57-34 : It transfers the information given by a vor/dme station into tracking and distance indications to any chosen phantom station/waypoint it checks the ground station accuracy using a built in test programme it automatically selects the two strongest transmitters for the area nav mode and continues working by memory in case one of the two necessary station goes off the air it calculates cross track information for ndb approaches

Area navigation rnav can be defined as a method of navigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired course within the coverage of station referenced navigation signals or within the limits of a self contained system capability or a combination of these..the computer in a basic rnav system transfers the information given by a vor/dme station into tracking and distance indications to any chosen phantom station/waypoint.this is one of the rnav's computer main functions exemple 289 it transfers the information given by a vor/dme station into tracking and distance indications to any chosen phantom station/waypoint.it transfers the information given by a vor/dme station into tracking and distance indications to any chosen phantom station/waypoint.

Which one of the following lists information given by a basic vor/dme based ?

Question 57-35 : Crosstrack distance alongtrack distance distance to go aircraft position in latitude and longitude wind velocity true airspeed drift angle

.crosstrack xtk is the aircraft position relative to the path .crosstrack distance is the shortest distance shortest path between actual aircraft position and an active waypoint selected on the track even if we are not on the planned path.alongtrack distance distance to go is the remaining distance to reach the phantom waypoint while tracking inbound exemple 293 crosstrack distance ; alongtrack distance (distance to go).crosstrack distance ; alongtrack distance (distance to go).

Which of the following lists information required to input a waypoint or ?

Question 57-36 : Radial and distance from a vor/dme to the waypoint or 'phantom station' magnetic track and distance from the aircraft to the waypoint or 'phantom station' magnetic track and distance to a vor/dme from the waypoint or 'phantom station' radials from a minimum of two vors to the waypoint or 'phantom station'

Basic vor dme based area navigation system is a 2d rnav system the navigation computer of the simple 2d rnav system computes the navigational problems by simple sine and cosine mathematics solving the triangular problems.input data to the navigation computer is. actual vor radial and dme distance from selected vor station.. radial and distance to phantom waypoint.. desired magnetic track inbound to the phantom waypoint..a 2d rnav system is able to navigate in the horizontal plane only exemple 297 radial and distance from a vor/dme to the waypoint or 'phantom station'.radial and distance from a vor/dme to the waypoint or 'phantom station'.

Which of the distances indicated will be shown on a basic vor/dme based area ?

Question 57-37 : 12 nm 11 nm 10 nm 21 nm

.brnav equipments are intended to help pilot so you will directly read the distance to reach the station . 2392 exemple 301 12 nm.12 nm.

Which one of the following inputs to an area navigation system r nav comes from ?

Question 57-38 : Vor/dme radial/distance magnetic heading inertial navigation system ins position pressure altitude

exemple 305 vor/dme radial/distance.vor/dme radial/distance.

Which one of the following sensors/systems is self contained ?

Question 57-39 : Inertial navigation system gps basic rnav system vor/dme

exemple 309 inertial navigation system.inertial navigation system.

In relation to area navigation systems rnav which of the following is an air ?

Question 57-40 : True airspeed inertial navigation system ins position vor/dme radial/distance doppler drift

exemple 313 true airspeed.true airspeed.


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