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The FMS provides the following functions 1 lateral and vertical flight plan management 2 de icing management3 aircraft position computation4 ?

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exemple 161
, 3,, 2, 3,, 3, 4, 4.

Concerning the FMS the parameters used to work out the vertical flight profile are 1 zero fuel weight2 cost index3 fuel quantity4 oxygen quantity available for flight crew5 minimum safe enroute ?

exemple 162
Concerning fms parameters used to work out vertical flight profile are 1 zero fuel weight2 cost index3 fuel quantity4 oxygen quantity available flight crew5 minimum safe enroute altitude the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 2, 3, 5,, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5. oxygen quantity available flight crew minimum safe enroute altitude are not values that are incorporated in performance database or navigation database.

Components of the FMS are 1 CDU Control and Display Unit 2 Database3 FMC Flight Management Computer 4 Electronic check lists5 GPWS mode controllerThe combination that regroups all of the correct ?

exemple 163
Components of fms are 1 cdu control and display unit 2 database3 fmc flight management computer 4 electronic check lists5 gpws mode controllerthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 2, 4, 5,, 3, 3, 4.

  • exemple 164
    The fms provides following functions 1 vertical flight plan management 2 aid fuel management3 lateral flight plan management4 terrain awareness and warningthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4,, 3, 4.

  • exemple 165
    The fmc determines and update present aircraft position from following systems 1 gps2 irs3 navigation radios4 acarsthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 2, 4,, 2, 3, 4, 3. the most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are irs dme gps vor mls, ils, ndb, localizer can be used as inputs to fmc position, but only on departure or on arrival. the acars system used to transmit non vocal messages between an aircraft the ground vhf or satellite communication. it can be used in particular operators to transmit information in real time (meteorological data, flight progress information, etc).

  • exemple 166
    The fmc determines and update present aircraft position from following systems 1 satcom2 gps3 dme4 irsthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 2, 4, 2, 4,, 3. the most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are irs dme gps vor mls, ils, ndb, localizer can be used as inputs to fmc position, but only departure or arrival.

  • exemple 167
    The fms enables to fly an optimum flight profile for this fmc flight management computer uses 1 flight crew entered flight plan data2 data from adc3 aircraft position4 a memorised relief world data base5 data from fmc navigation data basethe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3, 5,, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4,, 3, 5. the flight plan generally determined on ground, before departure. it entered into fms either typing it in, selecting it from a saved library of common routes (company routes) or via an acars datalink with airline dispatch center. the output data from adc are used the fms (adc feds fmc with mach number/tas/altitude, etc). aircraft position provided gps/irs/vor/dme/adf. the fms navigation database includes data airports, navaids, airways, sid, star, magnetic variation.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 8

    The fms flight plan or leg page displays following parameters relative to flight plan legs or waypoints 1 aircraft position long / lat 2 speed3 distance4 trackthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 3, 4,, 2,, 2, 3, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 9

    The fms provides following functions 1 traffic advisories emission2 resolution advisories emission3 aid fuel management4 lateral flight plan managementthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 3, 4,, 3, 4,, 2, 3,, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 10

    The fms flight plan or leg page displays following parameters relative to flight plan legs or waypoints 1 track2 magnetic variation3 waypoint elevation4 speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 4,, 3, 3, 4,, 2, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 11

    For most fms fuel prediction function which computes remaining fuel along flight plan takes into account following situations 1 additional drag resulting in a flight carried out with landing gear extended2 current wind computed or resulting ground speed3 additional drag resulting in a flight carried out with flaps stucked partly extended4 additional drag resulting in a missing fuselage or wing element in compliance with cdlthe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 12

    For most fms fuel prediction function which computes remaining fuel along flight plan takes into account following situations 1 additional drag resulting in a flight carried out with landing gear extended2 additional drag resulting in a missing fuselage or wing element in compliance with cdl3 additional drag resulting in a flight carried out with flaps stucked partly extended4 current wind computed or resulting ground speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 13

    The duration of a fms navigation database loaded before expiring 28 days,5 days, 2 months, 3 months.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 14

    The role of fms to 1 aid crew with navigation2 shut down engine in case of a malfunction 3 automatically avoid conflicting traffic when autopilot engaged4 reduce crew workload5 aid fuel efficiency the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 4, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 3,, 3, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 15

    The role of fms to aid flight crew with 1 immediate actions in case of emergency procedure2 navigation3 in flight performance optimization4 electronic check liststhe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4,, 2.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 16

    In a fms mcdus are used pre flight to manually initialise with dispatch information 1 inertial reference system when installed 2 flight director and auto flight control system3 air data computer4 flight management computerthe combination regrouping all of correct statements , 4, 2,, 3, 2, 3, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 17

    The 'overfly' symbol related to a waypoint on an fms page indicates that The aircraft required to pass directly over this waypoint, a time estimate given this waypoint, a turn anticipation permited, a fuel prediction given this waypoint.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 18

    The fms required time of arrival rta function can provide A speed target to satisfy a time constraint entered at a flight plan waypoint, a time slot computed the arrival time at destination, using current aircraft speed speed constraints along flight plan, a time prediction at active to waypoint complying with wind computation, a time prediction at flight plan waypoints based on current speed speed constraints along flight plan.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 19

    The fuel management performed most fms along flight plan considered as A function which helps crew to estimate remaining fuel quantity along flight plan but should not be considered as an accurate reliable source, an accurate function which can be considered as prime source to determine remaining fuel quantity along flight plan, an accurate very reliable function providing that fuel on board quantity has been properly initialized the crew before start up, prime source to manage fuel consumption along flight.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 20

    Some of fms have a navigation mode called dead reckoning mode dr computing airspeed heading wind data ground speed and time this mode A back up navigation mode to compute a fms position when other navigation sensors are no longer operating, an operating mode used to intercept radials to or from a flight plan waypoint, a navigation mode used to monitor fms position, normal navigation mode fms which do not use inertial navigation systems ins to compute aircraft position.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 21

    The fms lateral offset function consists in Flying along flight plan legs with a constant right or left offset manually entered on fms cdu, displaying lateral cross track deviation (xtk) of aircraft according to active flight plan leg, creating a new waypoint using a reference flight plan waypoint a distance from this waypoint along flight plan legs, flying a fms selected lateral pattern used search rescue operations. a lateral offset may be specified up to 99.9 nautical miles left or right of course. on nd (navigation display), an offset route, selected through fmc, displayed with a dot?dash line (magenta) parallel to active route.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 22

    The fms navigation database includes following data 1 airports2 obstacles3 navaids4 airways5 reliefthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3, 4,, 2, 3, 2, 5,, 3, 4, 5.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 23

    The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are 1 gps2 ndb3 dme4 localizerthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3,, 2, 3, 2, 3,, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 24

    For a fms designed with vertical navigation vnav capability coupled to autopilot fms vertical command output can be 1 an angle of attack2 a flight path angle3 a speed targetthe combination that regroups all of correct statements vertical guidance (vnav) enables system to calculate optimum cruise altitudes to determine best combination of auto throttle control speed during climb descent. with vnav mode engaged, fms commands afds (autopilot flight director system) pitch a/t modes to fly vertical profile selected on fms cdus. the profile includes pre selected climbs, cruise altitudes, speeds, descents, can also include altitude constraints at specified way points.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 25

    The fms navigation database includes following data 1 obstacles2 navaids3 sid star and approaches procedures4 waypoints5 airwaysthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 4,, 3, 5.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 26

    The fms provides following functions 1 aid fuel management2 lateral flight plan management3 check list completion4 aircraft position computationthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 27

    The fms cross track xtk The abeam distance error, to left or right from desired flight plan leg to aircraft position, angular distance error, to left or right from desired track (dtk) to aircraft track (tk), distance error between fms computed position the irs computed position, distance error between fms computed position the gps computed position.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 28

    The fms vertical navigation management generally performed based on The baro altitude input from adc, gps altitude computed the gps receiver, a mix of baro gps altitudes, geometric altitude input from terrain awareness warning system (taws).

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 29

    The fms navigation database includes following data 1 airports2 take off speeds 3 navaids4 relief 5 runwaysthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3, 5,, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 5.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 30

    In a dual fms architecture when an incompatibility between two fmc's occurs fmc=flight management computer Both fmc's are working independentlythey are linked only to their own peripherals, only left one remains active, only right one remains active, they will have to be disconnected.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 31

    Considering a two fms architecture working in dual mode fmc flight management computer or fms calulator One fmc stated as 'master', other as 'slave'both fmc are synchronized via an exchange bus, a fmc used the captain, other the copilotfmc are not synchronized, only one fmc feeds two fms, main fmc working, other on standby, in event of a failure of 'master' fmc.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 32

    The component used to enter flight plan route on fms the Cqb15, may 2012. the mcdu (multi function control display unit) a man machine interface. it a part of flight management system (fms).

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 33

    The database of a fms flight management system divided into major sections Aircraft performance navigation, navigation meteorology, aircraft performance fuel saving, inertial navigation.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 34

    For most fms fuel prediction function which computes remaining fuel among flight plan takes into account following parameters 1 additional drag in case landing gear can not be retracted2 cruise flight level3 additional drag in case flaps are blocked and partly extended4 current wind computed or resulting ground speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 4,, 2, 3, 4,, 3,, 2, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 35

    Under normal conditions in a dual fms architecture master fmc sends its commands to fmc=flight management computer Autopilot, flight director autothrottle, flight director autothrottle, autopilot autothrottle, autopilot.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 36

    The purpose of flight management system fms to provide Continuous automatic navigation guidance performance management, continuous automatic navigation guidance as well as manual performance management, manual navigation guidance automatic performance management, both manual navigation guidance performance management. Revised ecqb04 october 2017

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 37

    A fms can correct its fuel computations the following non standard configurations 1 landing gear down2 speed brakes extended3 one engine out4 slats/flaps not fully retractedthe combination which regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 38

    The fms 'autotune' function can automatically tune frequencies Vor dme, navaids, vhf hf radio, navaids vhf radio, vhf radio only. the 'auto tune' function will automatically selects your vors dmes en route.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 39

    In order to enter a phantom waypoint that designated a vor/dme simple rnav system vor/dme Does not have to be in range when entered but must be when used, does not have to be in range when entered or used, must be in range, has to be positively identified one of pilots. area navigation systems the control unit allows flight crew to tune vor/dme station used to define phantom waypoint define phantom waypoint as a radial distance (dme) form selected vor/dme station select desired magnetic track to follow inbound to phantom waypoint select between an en route mode, an approach mode of operation the basic vor/dme mode of operation those operations can be done without being in range of vor/dme, but while in flight, in order to receive information to compute our position, station must be in range.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 56 Answer 40

    Which of following combinations likely to result in most accurate area navigation rnav fixes Dme/dme, vor/dme, ndb/vor, vor/vor. Dme dme (rho rho) navigation uses distance from two sources position information. rho rho navigation quite a bit more complicated than either theta theta (vor vor) or theta rho (vor dme) requires an onboard computer to do all but easiest calculations however, it very accurate, much more than any system that uses theta (vor), simple reason that dme so much more accurate than any other azimuth based navigation system.

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