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A D ATIS is ?

Aptitude > Licence

exemple 160
An atis received datalink, an atis broacasted on hf when out of vhf radio range from airport, a short atis that only includes parameters that have changed from previous atis record, a divertion atis the alternate airport.

The FANS concept includes ?

exemple 161
The fans concept includes A datalink communication between aircraft the atc centers to replace voice communication, an improvement in accuracy of navigation systems aiming to carry out rnav approaches, an enhanced detection of intruding traffics, an enhanced detection of nearby terrain.

The ground routing of the ATC datalink communications is performed ?

exemple 162
The ground routing of atc datalink communications performed By service providers (sita, arinc) that can be interconnected to provide continuity of transmissions, the airline ground network interconnected to atc network, each atc local network of fir airspace where aircraft flies into, the gsm (mobile phone) providers interconnected to provide continuity of transmissions.

  • exemple 163
    The following atc clearances can be received via datalink application Departure, oceanic, departure, en route, landing, departure, take off, en route, take off, en route, landing.

  • exemple 164
    The cpdlc a fans application which consists in Transmitting datalink formatted messages between pilot atc controller, establishing air/ground connexion to verify if datalink communication can be performed, sending automatically aircraft surveillance data to air traffic controller, connecting aircraft to appropriate atc center. the aim of fans to provide an integrated air traffic control system in areas where radar not available using gnss to define aircraft position with datalink voice communications through geostationary lower orbit satellites providing global coverage to atc centres. this will provide atc with continuous information on aircraft positions direct pilot to controller communications. when in operation this will allow separation distances to be significantly reduced, if position accuracy degraded any reason, aircraft still have tcas to warn of any potential conflict. cpdlc permits datalink messages to be generated all stages of flight. the messages have a fixed format defined within fms atsu computers are activated the atc controller or pilot either as an instruction or response to a request. the messages are annotated according to whether a response required or not. for example if pilot instructed to report levelling at fl310 then message will remain open until aircraft reaches fl310 when fms will send response. the confirmation that aircraft at fl310 does not require a response from controller, so message will automatically close one received at ground station. example new york oceanic control (kzwy ctl) asks via cpdlc interface to climb maintain fl400, to report when levelled at fl400. the pilots have already answered wilco (we will comply).

  • exemple 165
    The ads a fans application which consists in Sending automatically aircraft surveillance data to air traffic controller, establishing automatic air/ground connexion to verify if datalink communication can be performed, connecting aircraft to appropriate atc center, broadcasting aircraft position intents to other aircraft in vicinity. the future air navigation system (fans) an avionics system which provides direct data link communication between pilot the air traffic controller. with ads (automatic dependent surveillance) application, an air traffic controller can set up a contract with airplane navigational system to automatically send a position report on a specified periodic basis (such as every 5 minutes). the controller can also set up deviation contracts which would automatically send a position report if a certain lateral deviation was exceeded. this contracts are set up between atc the aircraft systems. the flight crew has no workload associated with this set up.

  • exemple 166
    In a datalink system uplink communications consist in transmitting data Fromgroundto aircraft, from aircraftto ground, from flight deck to cabin, from aircraftto airline maintenance. Uplink = from ground to aircraft. downlink = from aircraft to ground.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 8

    In a datalink system downlink communications consist in transmitting data From aircraftto ground, from ground to aircraft, from flight deck to cabin, from airline maintenanceto aircraft. Uplink = from ground to aircraft. downlink = from aircraft to ground.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 9

    The ads a fans application performed Automatically, without any crew action to define set of data to downlink or type of report contract, manually, pilot has to define set of data to downlink the type of report contract, semi automatically, pilot cannot define set of data to downlink but can define type of report contract, semi automatically, pilot has to define set of data to downlink but cannot define type of report contract.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 10

    When sent a mayday datalink to atc has following effect on ads The ads contract switched to high periodic reporting rate, no change to current contract in process, ads current contract stopped, ads current contract reporting rate unchanged but includes more data.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 11

    The characteristics of satcom transmissions used datalink communications are No line of sight limitation, no variable quality of signals disturbed ionospheric conditions, no line of sight limitation, variable quality of signals depending on ionospheric conditions, line of sight limitation, no variable quality of signals disturbed ionospheric conditions, line of sight limitation, variable quality of signals depending on ionospheric conditions.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 12

    The notification phase log on a fans application which consists in transmitting aircraft information and Associated datalink capability, prior to operating any datalink communications with atc, park stand to airport pre flight controller to request datalink pre departure clearance (pdc), aircraft position to airport ground controller to request datalink taxi clearance, aircraft position to request datalink clearance to enter an airspace.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 13

    Comparing media used to transmit datalink communications appropriate classification from slowest to fastest data transmission rate Hf datalink, vhf datalink, satcom, satcom, hf datalink, vhf datalink, hf datalink, satcom, vhf datalink, satcom, vhf datalink, hf datalink.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 14

    The notification phase log on a fans application which consists in Establishing air/ground connection to verify if datalink communication can be performed, sending automatically aircraft surveillance data to ats facility, requesting to transfer datalink communication to next atc center on route, transmitting datalink messages between pilot atc controller.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 15

    The uplink datalink 'at position climb to altitude and maintain' part of Cpdlc application, ads application, afn application, taws application. the cpdlc a fans (future air navigation system) application which consists in transmitting datalink formatted messages between pilot atc controller. the aim of fans to provide an integrated air traffic control system in areas where radar not available using gnss to define aircraft position with datalink voice communications through geostationary lower orbit satellites providing global coverage to atc centres. this will provide atc with continuous information on aircraft positions direct pilot to controller communications. when in operation this will allow separation distances to be significantly reduced, if position accuracy degraded any reason, aircraft still have tcas to warn of any potential conflict. cpdlc permits datalink messages to be generated all stages of flight. the messages have a fixed format defined within fms atsu computers are activated the atc controller or pilot either as an instruction or response to a request. the messages are annotated according to whether a response required or not. for example if pilot instructed to report levelling at fl310 then message will remain open until aircraft reaches fl310 when fms will send response. the confirmation that aircraft at fl310 does not require a response from controller, so message will automatically close one received at ground station. example new york oceanic control (kzwy ctl) asks via cpdlc interface to climb maintain fl400, to report when levelled at fl400. the pilots have already answered wilco (we will comply).

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 16

    The uplink datalink messages 'climb to reach altitude by time' means A climb to commence at a rate such that specified level reached at or before specified time, a climb to commence at or before specified time, a climb to commence at or after specified time, a climb to commence at a rate such that specified level reached at or after specified time.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 17

    The uplink datalink 'at time climb to and maintain altitude means At specified time a climb to specified altitude to be started the specified altitude to be maintained, a climb to commence at or before specified time, a climb to commence at or after specified time, a climb to commence at a rate such that specified level reached at or after specified time. the aim of fans (future air navigation system) to provide an integrated air traffic control system in areas where radar not available using gnss to define aircraft position with datalink voice communications through geostationary lower orbit satellites providing global coverage to atc centres. this will provide atc with continuous information on aircraft positions direct pilot to controller communications. when in operation this will allow separation distances to be significantly reduced, if position accuracy degraded any reason, aircraft still have tcas to warn of any potential conflict. cpdlc permits datalink messages to be generated all stages of flight. the messages have a fixed format defined within fms atsu computers are activated the atc controller or pilot either as an instruction or response to a request. the messages are annotated according to whether a response required or not. for example if pilot instructed to report levelling at fl310 then message will remain open until aircraft reaches fl310 when fms will send response. the confirmation that aircraft at fl310 does not require a response from controller, so message will automatically close one received at ground station. example new york oceanic control (kzwy ctl) asks via cpdlc interface to climb maintain fl400, to report when levelled at fl400. the pilots have already answered wilco (we will comply).

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 18

    The fans concept involves implementation of datalink systems use in 1 aircraft communications2 aircraft navigation3 aircraft surveillance the fans concept involves improvements to communication, navigation surveillance communication improvements this involved a transition from voice communications to digital communications. specifically acars was used as communication medium. this allowed other application improvements. an application was hosted on airplane known as controller?pilot data link communications cpdlc). this allows flight crew to select from a menu of standard atc communications, send message, receive a response. a peer application exists on ground the air traffic controller. they can select from a set of messages send communications to airplane. the flight crew will respond with a wilco, standby, or reject. the current standard message delivery under 60 seconds one way. navigation improvements this involves a transition from inertial navigation to satellite navigation using gps satellites. this also introduced concept of actual navigation performance (anp). previously, flight crews would be notified of system being used to calculate position (radios, or inertial systems alone). because of deterministic nature of gps satellites (constellation geometry), navigation systems can calculate worst case error based on number of satellites tuned the geometry of those satellites. (note it can also characterize potential errors in other navigation modes as well). so, improvement not only provides airplane with a much more accurate position, it also provides an alert to flight crew should actual navigation performance exceed required navigation performance (rnp). surveillance improvements this involves transition from voice reports (based on inertial position) to automatic digital reports. the application known as ads c (automatic dependent surveillance contract). in this system, an air traffic controller can set up a contract with airplane navigational system to automatically send a position report on a specified periodic basis (such as every 5 minutes). the controller can also set up deviation contracts which would automatically send a position report if a certain lateral deviation was exceeded. this contracts are set up between atc the aircraft systems. the flight crew has no workload associated with this set up.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 19

    Acars systems consist of On board units ground units, ground units, on board units, gpws units. the acars system used to transmit non vocal messages between an aircraft the ground vhf or satellite communication. it can be used in particular operators to transmit information in real time (meteorological data, flight progress information, etc). there are three major categories of that can be transmitted non vocal (atc) communication messages with an air traffic control centre (cpdlc in particular). operational communication messages (aoc) with operator's operations centre maintenance messages, exclusively from aircraft to maintenance centre. acars messages are transmitted as a priority vhf or satellite if vhf unavailable. they pass through an acars service provider's server (arinc or sita) before arriving at operator's centre.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 20

    The uplink datalink 'expect cruise climb at time means A climb instruction should be received to initiate cruise climb at specified time, a climb to given cruise altitude to be terminated at specified time, a climb to given cruise altitude to be initiated at specified time, a climb instruction should be received to end cruise climb at specified time. Revised ecqb04 october 2017. mathildedb as an atc, 'expect' means to me 'instruction should be receive is not (at all) an instruction to climb (although we do not use it very often because of high risk of misunderstanding) according to datalink clearance monitoring certificate 'expect cruise climb at time is followed 'all are clearance expectations. although these messages are included in fans set, air traffic controllers are discouraged from using them since they may cause confusion might induce crews to follow 'expect' message'.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 21

    The datalink communication « check stuck microphone frequency » refers to a request from The atc to pilot to check microphone buttons due to a continuous transmission detected on frequency, atc to pilot to transmit blind, atc to pilot to revert to voice communication pushing holding a few seconds mike button, pilot to atc to solve a continuous transmission issue with voice frequency. a 'check stuck microphone' instruction may be sent atc in circumstances where an aircraft inadvertently blocking a voice communication frequency. for fans aircraft a roger response expected to this instruction. if 'check stuck microphone' instruction relates to r/t frequency being used, then aircrew shall check that their radio equipment not causing blockage. if 'check stuck microphone' instruction does not relate to r/t frequency being used then no further aircrew action required.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 22

    The fms provides following functions 1 fuel management2 lateral flight plan management3 icing management4 aircraft position computationthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 23

    The fms provides following functions 1 aircraft position computation 2 traffic alerts 3 lateral flight plan management 4 fuel management the combination which regroups all of correct statements , 3, 4, 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3,, 2, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 24

    The fms overfly function consists in Manually selecting a flight plan waypoint to fly over when sequencing it instead of flying at transition, manually selecting a flight plan to fly over each of waypoints at transitions along route, selecting secondary flight plan making it active to fly over legs, manually selecting a flight plan waypoint to hold over a selected time. With most fms you do not actually overfly waypoints, you start turn just before reaching way point so you, in effect, turn early (before you reach waypoint) cut corner. the 'overfly' function ensures that aircraft doesn't cut corner but does go overhead specified waypoint before turning on to next track.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 25

    The 'fm navigation database processing should include following check s At each phase of process, from reception of each supplier's data to distribution loading of formatted database, at reception of each supplier's data after assembly of those data collected, at end of fms formatting phase of all of data collected assembled, at loading phase into fms, check performed the fms. Each navigation database valid a 28 day period that, from moment you receive it until it finally installed in an aicraft, someone needs to check period of validity at every stage of process the correct loading into system.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 26

    The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are 1 mls2 gps3 vor4 irsthe combination which regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 2,, 2, 4,, 4. The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are irs dme gps vor mls, ils, ndb can be used as inputs to fmc position, but not along flight plan, only on departure or on arrival.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 27

    The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are 1 irs2 dme3 ndb4 gpsthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4,, 3. The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are irs dme gps vor mls, ils, ndb can be used as inputs to fmc position, but not along flight plan, only on departure or on arrival.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 28

    The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are 1 gps2 ndb3 dme4 localizerthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 3,, 2, 3, 2, 3,, 4. the most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are irs dme gps vor mls, ils, ndb, localizer can be used as inputs to fmc position, but not along flight plan, only on departure or on arrival.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 29

    The most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are 1 dme2 gps3 localizer4 ndbthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2,, 2, 3, 2, 3,, 3, 4. the most common sensors interfacing a fms to compute aircraft position along flight plan are irs dme gps vor mls, ils, ndb, localizer can be used as inputs to fmc position, but not along flight plan, only on departure or on arrival.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 30

    The fms provides following functions 1 radio tuning2 fuel management3 lateral flight plan management4 traffic alertsthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4,, 2, 4. traffic alerts are given the tcas.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 31

    Concerning fms flight management system cost index determined dividing Aircraft operating cost fuel cost, fuel cost aircraft operating cost, aircraft cruise speed fuel cost, fuel cost aircraft cruise speed. cost index = time related cost of an airplane operation /cost of fuel.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 32

    Concerning fms flight management system entering a high cost index results in High airspeed high fuel trip, maximum range airspeed, minimum trip fuel, minimum airspeed. Cost index the ratio of time related costs (crew salaries, maintenance, etc.) to fuel cost as one of independent variables in speed schedule computation cost index (ci) = flight time related cost/fuel cost the cost index allows airlines to weight time fuel costs based on their daily operations. a higher 'cost index' will result in a higher cruising speed. cost index about fuel cost, not quantity. cost index a made up figure, which when input into fmc used to calculate econ speed. the higher cost index number, faster aircraft flies. basically, company decides on cost of keeping aircraft in air, includes all sorts of costs such as crew, aircraft operating costs, fuel etc... they then decide whether they want aircraft to fly faster or slower adjust cost index as needed.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 33

    Concerning fms flight management system entering a cost index of zero results in Maximum range airspeed, maximum cruising airspeed, minimum range airspeed, minimum airspeed. Cost index the ratio of time related costs (crew salaries, maintenance, etc.) to fuel cost as one of independent variables in speed schedule computation cost index (ci) = flight time related cost/fuel cost the cost index allows airlines to weight time fuel costs based on their daily operations. a high 'cost index' will result in a high cruising speed. a cost index of zero results in minimum trip fuel (you will fly at 'maximum range airspee). cost index about fuel cost, not quantity. cost index a made up figure, which when input into fmc used to calculate econ speed. the higher cost index number, faster aircraft flies. basically, company decides on cost of keeping aircraft in air, includes all sorts of costs such as crew, aircraft operating costs, fuel etc... they then decide whether they want aircraft to fly faster or slower adjust cost index as needed.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 34

    The fms approved localizer approaches If localizer signals are used the fms, if gps only used as navigation sensor, if gps dmes only are used as combined navigation sensors, if dmes only are used as navigation sensors.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 35

    Concerning fms flight management system entering a cost index of zero Results in minimum trip fuel, results in maximum trip fuel, does not influence fuel consumption, modifies only cruising airspeed. cost index the ratio of time related costs (crew salaries, maintenance, etc.) to fuel cost as one of independent variables in speed schedule computation cost index (ci) = flight time related cost/fuel cost the cost index allows airlines to weight time fuel costs based on their daily operations. a high 'cost index' will result in a high cruising speed. a cost index of zero results in minimum trip fuel (you will fly at 'maximum range airspee). cost index about fuel cost, not quantity. cost index a made up figure, which when input into fmc used to calculate econ speed. the higher cost index number, faster aircraft flies. basically, company decides on cost of keeping aircraft in air, includes all sorts of costs such as crew, aircraft operating costs, fuel etc... they then decide whether they want aircraft to fly faster or slower adjust cost index as needed.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 36

    The fms approved to provide guidance the following approaches 1 rnav 2 par 3 vor/dme vor 4 mls the combination which regroups all of correct statements , 3, 2, 4,, 3, 4,, 2. on some aircraft fms takes inputs from vor, adf, dme, rad alt, ssr, ils, gps, mls, loran, etc... of these only ils mls provide their own guidance information to position aicraft on required approach path, remainder require help from fms to position aircraft on required track, to calculate glide path. precision approach radar (par) a type of radar guidance system designed to provide lateral vertical guidance to an aircraft pilot landing, until landing threshold reached. it similar to an instrument landing system (ils) but requires control instructions. air traffic controllers must transmit a minimum of every 5 seconds to pilot their relation to azimuth portion and, once intercepting glidepath, their elevation.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 37

    The fms approved to provide guidance the following approaches 1 rnav 2 ils 3 mls 4 vor ndb the combination which regroups all of correct statements , 4, 2, 3,, 2, 4,, 3, 4. kouniouche ndb in fms ?? yes!! you can select on fms all possible kind of approach (rnav, ils, mls, gps, ndb, vor, vor/dme...) but ils mls provide their own guidance information to position aicraft on required approach path.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 38

    The fms approved to provide guidance the following approaches Non precision approaches, non precision approaches ils cat i precision approaches only, non precision precision approaches, precision approaches limited to cat ii. ils, mls par are precision approaches they provide their own guidance.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 39

    The fms navigation database includes following data 1 obstacles2 waypoints3 sid star4 relief 5 magnetic variationthe combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 5,, 2, 3,, 3, 5,, 2, 4.

  • Question Flight Management System (FMS and FMGS) 55 Answer 40

    The purpose of fms temperature compensation function To provide compensated altitudes temperatures different from standard atmosphere along vertical approach profile, to provide compensated temperatures at waypoints along vertical approach profile, to provide destination airport air temperature, to provide destination airport or runway elevation.

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