Admission > airport : The speed exceeds vmo/mmo and according to the type of aeroplane the overspeed ?
Question 54-1 : 3 2 1 2 3 1 2

The yaw damper system sends a motion order to the rudder if the yawing rate of ?
Question 54-2 : Is not constant is constant is > 0 only is > 1 only

The flight envelope protection system prevents the aircraft from exceeding the ?
Question 54-3 : 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 5 1 2 4

The yaw damper system is operative ?
Question 54-4 : During manual or automatic flight only if the flight director is engaged only if the autopilot is engaged only when flying manually

The flight envelope protection function s consist s in.1 automatically ?
Question 54-5 : 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 4

The flight envelope protection fep can include.1 stall protection.2 the ?
Question 54-6 : 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1

At high angles of attack and according to the type of aeroplane the stall ?
Question 54-7 : 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

The automatic power control system autothrottle of a transport airplane has the ?
Question 54-8 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 5 2 4 1 4 5
An airplane is cruising at fl 220 the auto throttle maintains a constant cas if ?
Question 54-9 : Remains constant increases decreases decreases if oat is lower than standard temperature increases in the opposite case

An aeroplane is in steady descent the auto throttle maintains a constant ?
Question 54-10 : Decreases increases if the static temperature is lower than the standard temperature decreases if higher increases remains constant
An aeroplane is in steady cruise at flight level 270 the auto throttle ?
Question 54-11 : Remains constant decreases if the outside temperature is higher than the standard temperature increases if lower decreases increases

An aeroplane is in steady climb the auto throttle maintains a constant ?
Question 54-12 : Increases decreases decreases if the static temperature is lower than the standard temperature remains constant

An aircraft is equipped with an autopilot and an auto throttle when the ?
Question 54-13 : The indicated airspeed ias is maintained constant by the auto throttle system the true airspeed tas is maintained constant by the autopilot by means of elevator the true airspeed tas is maintained constant by the auto throttle system the indicated airspeed ias is maintained constant by the autopilot by means of elevator

During the ground run take off phase the auto throttles allow to ?
Question 54-14 : Hold n1 hold ias maintain v2 under 1 500 ft hold and maintain the mach number

The auto throttles enables to hold .1 a true airspeed. 2 a mach number. 3 an ?
Question 54-15 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 4

The purpose of auto throttle is ?
Question 54-16 : To maintain constant engine power or aeroplane speed to automatically shut down an engine if it is at too high temperature to deactivate manual throttles and transfer engine control to auto pilot to synchronize engines to avoid 'yawing'

The auto throttle system of a transport aeroplane has the following mode s .1 ?
Question 54-17 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 5 2 4 1 4 5

The auto throttle . 1 can capture and maintain the n1 rpm. 2 can capture and ?
Question 54-18 : 1 3 2 3 1 4 1 3 4

When cruising the autothrottle system can be engaged in the following mode s ?
Question 54-19 : 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3

The autothrottle system ?
Question 54-20 : Can be used for take off can be engaged in the tas mode holding of constant tas during a final approach can be engaged in the gs mode holding of constant ground speed during a final approach is automatically disconnected when the aircraft is on the ground

During a manual ils final approach the auto throttle ?
Question 54-21 : Can be operated in the speed mode holding of ias can be operated in the n1 epr mode holding of n1 or epr can not be engaged because autopilot is not engaged is not available

During an automatic ils final approach the auto throttle ?
Question 54-22 : Can be operated in the speed mode holding of ias can be operated in the n1 / epr mode holding of n1 or epr can be operated in the speed holding of ias or n1 holding of n1 modes is not available

During a climb with the autopilot engaged in the v/s mode holding of vertical ?
Question 54-23 : Can be operated in the speed mode holding of ias can be operated in the n1 / epr mode holding of n1 or epr can be operated in the speed holding of ias or n1 holding of n1 modes is not available
Considering a modern thrust computer during a steady climb ?
Question 54-24 : N1 is automatically adjusted as aircraft climbs n1 is automatically adjusted as aircraft climbs and n2 remains constant n1 and n2 remain constant n2 is automatically adjusted as aircraft climbs and n1 remains constant

When an auto throttle system a/thr is engaged in speed mode a/thr is ?
Question 54-25 : Active armed disarmed disconnected

When an automatic thrust control system is in the thrust mode ?
Question 54-26 : Thrust is set to a computed thrust according to a performance database thrust is adjusted to maintain a selected speed auto throttle or auto thrust is disconnected thrust is adjusted to maintain a selected vertical speed

An automatic thrust control system can be .1 armed.2 active.3 ?
Question 54-27 : 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2

When an automatic thrust control system is in the speed mode ?
Question 54-28 : It maintains the selected airspeed it maintains the selected vertical speed thrust is constant and the autopilot adjusts the pitch to maintain the selected airspeed thrust is constant and the pilot manually adjusts the pitch to maintain the selected airspeed

Landing shall be considered as having been carried out automatically when the ?
Question 54-29 : During ground roll during the flare 100 ft above the threshold 200 ft above the threshold

A landing is performed automatically when the autopilot and auto throttle ?
Question 54-30 : During the landing roll and sometimes until the aircraft comes to a complete stop until reaching decision height until reaching 100 ft height at which point the autopilot is automatically disconnected until the flare

The cpdlc messages may concerne.1 route modifications.2 speed changes.3 ?
Question 54-31 : 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 3 4

The cpdlc function consists in exchanging messages relative to.1 route ?
Question 54-32 : 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 3 2 4

The systems that can be connected to the communication management unit cmu are ?
Question 54-33 : 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 2 4 5 1 3

The systems that can be connected to the communication management unit cmu are ?
Question 54-34 : 2 3 4 1 3 4 2 3 2 4

The basic on board datalink communication system is typically composed by the ?
Question 54-35 : 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3

The different types of ads contracts can be.1 periodic at periodic time ?
Question 54-36 : 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 2

The on board communication devices to transmit and receive datalink ?
Question 54-37 : 1 2 3 1 3 1 2

The datalink communications between the aircraft and the ground can be ?
Question 54-38 : Acars cvr egpws fws

A mayday datalink message can be sent to the atc via the ?
Question 54-39 : Cpdlc application ads application afn application acas aircraft collision avoidance system application

The acars allows air/ground datalink communications for ?
Question 54-40 : Airline operational and air traffic communications aoc and atc airline operational communication only aoc air traffic control communication only atc airline operational and public communications aoc and pc

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