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The speed exceeds VMO/MMO and according to the type of aeroplane the overspeed protection function can 1 extend the speed brakes2 reduce thrust to ?

Admission > airport

exemple 159
Cqb15, august 2012 the stall protection function the overspeed protection function apply to both mechanical/conventionnal fly by wire control systems but other functions (e.g. pitch or bank limitation) can only apply to fly by wire control systems. ebbr1000 i asked question to a instructor pilot. his, good reaction reduce thrust to idle to decrease speed. in answer, if we inhibit trim in nose down position, speed will increase. maybe not good written... this a protection function, when do we want to descend at vmo/mmo limits? when we have a loss of cabin pressurization. the protection can not reduce thrust without pilots decision (in some case, you need to maintain a certain amount of thrust to run correctly anti icing system which picks up some air from compressor). this system will invite pilot to take decision such as extend speed brakes, decrease thrust or reduce rate of descent.

The yaw damper system sends a motion order to the rudder if the yawing rate of the aircraft ?

exemple 160
The yaw damper system sends a motion order to rudder if yawing rate of aircraft Is not constant, constant, > only, > only.

The flight envelope protection system prevents the aircraft from exceeding the limits of the following parameters among others 1 cabin altitude 2 bank angle 3 angle of attack 4 speed 5 pitch ?

exemple 161
The flight envelope protection system prevents aircraft from exceeding limits of following parameters among others 1 cabin altitude 2 bank angle 3 angle of attack 4 speed 5 pitch attitude the combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4, 5,, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 5,, 2, 4

  • exemple 162
    The yaw damper system operative During manual or automatic flight, only if flight director engaged, only if autopilot engaged, only when flying manually.

  • exemple 163
    The flight envelope protection function s consist s in 1 automatically performing an evasion manoeuvre if necessary2 preventing aircraft from exceeding limits specific flight parameters3 alerting flight crew in case of dangerous proximity with a threatening traffic4 preventing any incursion beyond an atc clearancethe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • exemple 164
    The flight envelope protection fep can include 1 stall protection2 the overspeed protection3 maximum vertical speed protectionthe combination that regroups all of correct statements the stall protection function the overspeed protection function of flight envelope protection (fep), apply to both mechanical/conventionnal fly by wire control systems but other functions (e.g. pitch or bank limitation) can only apply to fly by wire control systems.

  • exemple 165
    At high angles of attack and according to type of aeroplane stall protection system can 1 inhibit pitch trim orders in nose up direction2 retract speed brakes3 increase thrustthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Cqb15, august 2012 a stall protection system a part of flight envelope protection (fep) of an aircraft. on airbus, you have 'alpha floor' protection, which an auto throttle mode that selects full thrust to prevent aircraft from stalling. the max angle of attack alpha max in normal law (normal flight mode) this can not be exceded.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 8

    The automatic power control system autothrottle of a transport airplane has following mode s 1 capture and holding of speeds 2 capture and holding of mach number 3 capture and holding of flight angle of attack 4 capture and holding of n1 or epr engine power ratio 5 capture and holding of flight paths the combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3, 5, 2, 4,, 4, 5

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 9

    An airplane cruising at fl 220 the auto throttle maintains a constant cas if oat decreases mach number Remains constant, increases, decreases, decreases if oat lower than standard temperature, increases in opposite case. oat outside air temperature. if temperature changes, tas will change but cas mach number will remain constant. cas = 1/2 rho tas² the auto throttle maintains a constant cas , thus if oat decreases = 'rho' will increase. in order to maintains a constant cas, tas will decrease cas will not change. the decrease in temperature will also decrease local speed of sound, mach formula is m = tas/lss tas must decrease if oat decreases, to maintain a constant cas. lss decreases if oat decreases. the mach number remains constant.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 10

    An aeroplane in steady descent the auto throttle maintains a constant calibrated airspeed if total temperature remains constant mach number Decreases, increases if static temperature lower than standard temperature, decreases if higher, increases, remains constant. for those questions, use very simple 'ertm' diagram. the cas line vertical because question states descent... constant calibrated airspeed. ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach. cas = 1/2 rho v² density will increase during descent, in order to maintain constant cas, only v (tas) can be reduced. mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature, the question states total temperature remains constant , thus, if tas decreases, lss remains constant, mach number decreases.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 11

    An aeroplane in steady cruise at flight level 270 the auto throttle maintains a constant calibrated airspeed if static air temperature increases mach number Remains constant, decreases if outside temperature higher than standard temperature, increases if lower, decreases, increases. If oat increases, density decreases (with higher temperature, air expanding, density decreased). cas = 1/2 x density x tas² cas constant density decreases, then tas must increase. mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature (lss varies with square root of absolute temperature. formula lss = 39 x square root of (oat+273)), thus, if tas increases, lss increases, mach number remains constant.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 12

    An aeroplane in steady climb the auto throttle maintains a constant calibrated airspeed if total temperature remains constant mach number Increases, decreases, decreases if static temperature lower than standard temperature, remains constant. for those questions, use very simple 'ertm' diagram. cas = 1/2 rho tas² rho decreasing when altitude increases, to maintain a constant cas, tas must increases. mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature, the question states 'total temperature remains constant', thus lss remains constant. since tas increases, mach number will increase.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 13

    An aircraft equipped with an autopilot and an auto throttle when altitude hold mode alt hold active The indicated airspeed (ias) maintained constant the auto throttle system, true airspeed (tas) maintained constant the autopilot means of elevator, true airspeed (tas) maintained constant the auto throttle system, indicated airspeed (ias) maintained constant the autopilot means of elevator. basically, auto throttle will maintain speed in most cases. but in a climb or take off, auto throttle might be asked to maintain n1 or an epr. but usual situation in cruise (where we are likey to have alt hold engaged) that altitude will be held the pitch channel, speed maintained the auto throttle setting. obviously maintaining altitude airspeed with just pitch channel not an option. one would have to have auto throttle to be able to do two things at once. what question trying to get over that unlike straight level flight of a light aircraft, power speed pitch altitude.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 14

    During ground r take off phase auto throttles allow to Hold n , hold ias, maintain v2 under,5 ft, hold maintain mach number. During take off autothrottle will hold constant thrust allow aircraft to accelerate.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 15

    The auto throttles enables to hold 1 a true airspeed 2 a mach number 3 an indicated airspeed 4 a n1 thrust the combination regrouping all correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3,, 2, 4. there are two parameters that an a/t (autothrottle) can maintain, or try to attain speed thrust. in speed mode throttle positioned to attain a set target speed (tas or mach). this mode controls aircraft speed within safe operating margins. for example, if pilot selects a target speed which slower than stall speed, or a speed faster than maximum speed, a/t will maintain a speed closest to target speed that within range of safe speeds. in thrust mode engine maintained at a fixed power setting (n1) according to different flight phases. for example, during takeoff, a/t maintains a constant takeoff power until takeoff mode finished. during climb, a/t maintains a constant climb power in descent, a/t retards throttle to idle position, so on. when a/t working in thrust mode, speed controlled pitch (or control column), not protected a/t.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 16

    The purpose of auto throttle To maintain constant engine power or aeroplane speed, to automatically shut down an engine if it at too high temperature, to deactivate manual throttles transfer engine control to auto pilot, to synchronize engines to avoid 'yawing'.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 17

    The auto throttle system of a transport aeroplane has following mode s 1 capture and holding of ias2 capture and holding of mach number3 capture and holding of an altitude4 capture and holding of n1 or epr5 capture and holding of flight paths the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3, 5, 2, 4,, 4, 5.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 18

    The auto throttle 1 can capture and maintain n1 rpm 2 can capture and maintain n2 rpm 3 can capture and maintain an ias 4 always engaged automatically at same time as autopilot the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3, 2, 3,, 4,, 3, 4.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 19

    When cruising autothrottle system can be engaged in following mode s holding of constant 1 tas2 ias 3 mach numberthe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 20

    The autothrottle system Can be used take off, can be engaged in tas mode holding of constant tas during a final approach, can be engaged in gs mode holding of constant ground speed during a final approach, automatically disconnected when aircraft on ground.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 21

    During a manual ils final approach auto throttle Can be operated in speed mode (holding of ias), can be operated in n(epr) mode (holding of nor epr), can not be engaged because autopilot not engaged, not available.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 22

    During an automatic ils final approach auto throttle Can be operated in speed mode (holding of ias), can be operated in n/ epr mode (holding of nor epr), can be operated in speed (holding of ias) or n(holding of n ) modes, not available. your approach speed must be stabilized during an automatic ils final approach, speed maintained the speed mode (you select a speed on mcp mode control panel you push spd button). you are not looking a specific thrust during approach.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 23

    During a climb with autopilot engaged in v/s mode holding of vertical speed auto throttle Can be operated in speed mode (holding of ias), can be operated in n/ epr mode (holding of nor epr), can be operated in speed (holding of ias ) or n(holding of n ) modes, not available. the v/s mode commands pitch to hold selected vertical speed engages a/t in speed mode to hold selected airspeed. on boeing 737, 'speed mode' engages automatically when v/s engages.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 24

    Considering a modern thrust computer during a steady climb Nautomatically adjusted as aircraft climbs, nautomatically adjusted as aircraft climbs n2 remains constant, nn2 remain constant, n2 automatically adjusted as aircraft climbs nremains constant.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 25

    When an auto throttle system a/thr engaged in speed mode a/thr Active, armed, disarmed, disconnected. speed mode autothrottle holds speed in ias/mach display or a performance or limit speed.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 26

    When an automatic thrust control system in thrust mode Thrust set to a computed thrust according to a performance database, thrust adjusted to maintain a selected speed, auto throttle or auto thrust disconnected, thrust adjusted to maintain a selected vertical speed. there are two parameters that an a/t (autothrottle) can maintain, or try to attain speed thrust. in speed mode throttle positioned to attain a set target speed (tas or mach). this mode controls aircraft speed within safe operating margins. for example, if pilot selects a target speed which slower than stall speed, or a speed faster than maximum speed, a/t will maintain a speed closest to target speed that within range of safe speeds. in thrust mode engine maintained at a fixed power setting (n1) according to different flight phases. for example, during takeoff, a/t maintains a constant takeoff power until takeoff mode finished. during climb, a/t maintains a constant climb power in descent, a/t retards throttle to idle position, so on. when a/t working in thrust mode, speed controlled pitch (or control column), not protected a/t.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 27

    An automatic thrust control system can be 1 armed2 active3 disconnectedthe combination regrouping all correct statements Revised ecqb03 july 2016

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 28

    When an automatic thrust control system in speed mode It maintains selected airspeed, it maintains selected vertical speed, thrust constant the autopilot adjusts pitch to maintain selected airspeed, thrust constant the pilot manually adjusts pitch to maintain selected airspeed. Revised ecqb03 july 2016. speed mode autothrottle holds speed in ias/mach display or a performance or limit speed. there are two parameters that an a/t (autothrottle) can maintain, or try to attain speed thrust. in speed mode throttle positioned to attain a set target speed (tas or mach). this mode controls aircraft speed within safe operating margins. for example, if pilot selects a target speed which slower than stall speed, or a speed faster than maximum speed, a/t will maintain a speed closest to target speed that within range of safe speeds. in thrust mode engine maintained at a fixed power setting (n1) according to different flight phases. for example, during takeoff, a/t maintains a constant takeoff power until takeoff mode finished. during climb, a/t maintains a constant climb power in descent, a/t retards throttle to idle position, so on. when a/t working in thrust mode, speed controlled pitch (or control column), not protected a/t.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 29

    Landing shall be considered as having been carried out automatically when autopilot and auto throttle of an aircraft are disengaged flight crew During ground roll, during flare, ft above threshold, 2 ft above threshold.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 30

    A landing performed automatically when autopilot and auto throttle ensure good performance from final approach During landing roll sometimes until aircraft comes to a complete stop, until reaching decision height, until reaching ft, height at which point autopilot automatically disconnected, until flare.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 31

    The cpdlc messages may concerne 1 route modifications2 speed changes3 voice contact request 4 emergency messagesthe combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 3, 4,, 2, 4,, 2, 3, 4. cpdlc controller pilot data link communications

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 32

    The cpdlc function consists in exchanging messages relative to 1 route modifications2 crossing constraints3 transfer of atc center4 speed changesthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3, 4,, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4. cpdlc controller pilot data link communications

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 33

    The systems that can be connected to communication management unit cmu are 1 egpws 2 hf communication unit3 multipurpose control and display unit mcdu 4 vhf communication unit5 satcomthe combination regrouping all correct statements 2, 3, 4, 5,, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5,, 3.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 34

    The systems that can be connected to communication management unit cmu are 1 flight director 2 fms 3 multipurpose control and display unit mcdu 4 communication unit vhf hf satcom the combination which regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 35

    The basic on board datalink communication system typically composed the following sub systems 1 communication management unit cmu 2 multi purpose control and display unit mcdu 3 communication unit vhf hf satcom the combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 3,, 2, 2, 3.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 36

    The different types of ads contracts can be 1 periodic at periodic time intervals2 on demand when asked by atc3 on event whenever a specified event occursthe combination which regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3,, 3, 2, 3,, 2. Ads (automatic dependant surveillance) what we call a fans (future air navigation systems). it refers to icao cns/atm concept (communication, navigation, surveillance/ air traffic management). ads, afn (ats facility notification) cpdlc (controller pilot data link communications) are parts of fans a applications. the different types of ads contracts are periodic on demand on event emergency mode the controller can modify 'periodic', 'on deman 'on event' contracts or parameters of these contracts (optional data groups) that these modifications do not require crew notification. the ads contracts the basic concept of ads application that ground system will set up a contract with aircraft such that aircraft will automatically provide information obtained from its own on board sensors, pass this information to ground system under specific circumstances dictated the ground system (except in emergencies). contracts are initiated by the ground can not be modified the pilot. note that contract a 'dynamic agreement' between ground system the aircraft. it not (as one could think) a piece of paper that has some legal value. .

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 37

    The on board communication devices to transmit and receive datalink communication can be 1 vhf com2 hf com3 satcomthe combination which regroups all of correct statements this question also exists at exam under following form the acars digital datalink communications system can use following means the data transmission sat com, hf, vhf'.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 38

    The datalink communications between aircraft and ground can be performed the following system Acars, cvr, egpws, fws. the acars system used to transmit non vocal messages between an aircraft the ground vhf or satellite communication. it can be used in particular operators to transmit information in real time (meteorological data, flight progress information, etc). there are three major categories of that can be transmitted non vocal (atc) communication messages with an air traffic control centre (cpdlc in particular). operational communication messages (aoc) with operator's operations centre maintenance messages, exclusively from aircraft to maintenance centre. acars messages are transmitted as a priority vhf or satellite if vhf unavailable. they pass through an acars service provider's server (arinc or sita) before arriving at operator's centre.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 39

    A mayday datalink can be sent to atc via Cpdlc application, ads application, afn application, acas (aircraft collision avoidance system) application. data links are used year tower en route applications, based on dating acars protocols. the european union has mandated use of cpdlc in its upper airspace 2013. cpdlc stands controller pilot data link communication. cpdlc application consists the controller the pilot exchange atc requests instructions over datalink rather than vhf or hf radio. therefore a mayday datalink can be sent to atc via cpdlc application.

  • Question Communication Systems 54 Answer 40

    The acars allows air/ground datalink communications Airline operational air traffic communications (aoc atc), airline operational communication only (aoc), air traffic control communication only (atc), airline operational public communications (aoc pc). the acars system used to transmit non vocal messages between an aircraft the ground vhf or satellite communication. it can be used in particular operators to transmit information in real time (meteorological data, flight progress information, etc). there are three major categories of that can be transmitted non vocal (atc) communication messages with an air traffic control centre (cpdlc in particular). operational communication messages (aoc) with operator's operations centre maintenance messages, exclusively from aircraft to maintenance centre. acars messages are transmitted as a priority vhf or satellite if vhf unavailable. they pass through an acars service provider's server (arinc or sita) before arriving at operator's centre.

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