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The vertical command bar of a flight director 1 repeats the position information given by the EHSI 2 repeats the position information given by the ?

Test > maintenance

exemple 157

To allow the coupling of a dual channel flight director ?

exemple 158
To allow coupling of a dual channel flight director Both autopilot channels must be selected on, only one autopilot channel must be selected on, both vhf comms channels must be serviceable, both vhf nav channels must be serviceable. coupling of both flight director necessary to perform a full autoland. when establish on an ils, between 3000 ft 1500 ft above ground, you can switch on both autopilot. it allows coupling of a dual channel flight director to realize full autoland.

An aircraft flies steadily on a heading 270° The flight director is engaged in the heading select mode HDG SEL heading 270° selected If a new heading 360° is selected the vertical trend bar ?

exemple 159
An aircraft flies steadily on a heading 270° the flight director engaged in heading select mode hdg sel heading 270° selected if a new heading 360° selected vertical trend bar Deviates to right will be centred as soon as you roll aircraft to bank angle calculated the flight director, deviates to right remains in that position until aircraft has reached heading 36 °, disappears, new heading selection has deactivated hdg mode, deviates to its right stop as long as aeroplane more than ° off new selected heading.

  • exemple 160
    An automatic ils approach can be flown only Within a range of crosswinds levels of turbulence, within a range of crosswinds no limit turbulence, within a range of levels of turbulence no limit crosswinds, without limits crosswind or turbulence.

  • exemple 161
    The 'guidance' functions of a autopilot consist in Monitoring movements of centre of gravity in three dimensions of space, stabilizing monitoring movements around centre of gravity, monitoring movements of aerodynamic centre in three dimensions of space, stabilizing monitoring movements around aerodynamic centre. the basic function of an autopilot stabilisation (the stabilisation of aircraft around its centre of gravity). basic function achieved the inner loop systems. the advanced function 'guidance' (monitoring movements of centre of gravity in three dimensions of space). outer loop systems offer guidance facilities (altitude hold, heading hold, vnav, lnav). outer loops act from an external position on inner loop 'foo inner loop into manoeuvrig aircraft into achieving its aim.

  • exemple 162
    The 'airspeed hol mode can be engaged and maintained during Climbs, descents, turns power changes, climbs descents only, climbs, descents, power changes only, turns only.

  • exemple 163
    The output data of flight director computer are Two channelspitch roll, two channelspitch yaw, three channelspitch, roll yaw, three channelspitch, roll sideslipping.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 8

    The initiation of an automatic go around can be In a range of approach airspeeds, with no limit of approach airspeeds, at 7 kt +/5kt only, at vy +/5kt only. a go around will be initiated while established on approach, usually between 5 nm the runway threshold. you are in approach configuration (flaps deployed, possibly slats deployed gear down). you will initiate automatic go around procedure pressing to/ga switch located on engine thrust lever.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 9

    During a final approach if flight director system engaged in g/s mode holding of ils glide slope position of horizontal command bar indicates The correction on pitch to be applied to join follow ils glide slope, position of aircraft relative to ils glide slope, instantaneous deviation between aircraft position the ils glide slope, pitch attitude of aircraft.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 10

    If in event of a failure there no significant out of trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude but landing not completed automatically such an automatic landing system considered as Fail passive, fail operational, fail safe, fail redundant. the question specifically states that failure has occured the landing was not completed automatically. this 'fail passive'. with a three autopilot system failure of one system still leaves two operating so that fail operational.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 11

    If in event of a failure approach flare and landing can be completed the remaining part of automatic system such an automatic landing system considered as Fail operational, faill passive, fail soft, fail hard. with a three autopilot system failure of one system still leaves two operating so that fail operational.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 12

    Considering a flight director of 'command bar type The horizontal bar associated with pitch channel, horizontal bar associated with roll channel, vertical bar associated with pitch channel, vertical bar may be associated with pitch channel.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 13

    The command bars of a flight director May be displayed when flying manually or with autopilot engaged, are displayed only when flying manually, are displayed only when autopilot engaged, are always displayed during take off.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 14

    The purpose s of flight director system are to 1 give position of aircraft according to radioelectric axis2 give position of aircraft according to waypoints3 to aid pilot when flying manuallythe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 15

    Concerning command bars of a flight director It possible to remove them switching flight director off, it not possible to remove them on some types of flight director systems, autopilot must be first disengaged to remove them, autopilot must be first engaged before removing them.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 16

    The lateral flight path modes of an autopilot system are 1 speed hold2 localiser intercept and track3 track hold4 fms lateral navigation5 pitch attitude hold the combination that regroups all of correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4,, 3, 5, 2, 4. autopilot lateral mode roll attitude heading vor mode navigation mode (gps/fms/ins) autopilot longitudinal mode altitude hold capture speed hold capture with a/t (ias and/or mach) thrust hold capture with a/t pitch attitude.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 17

    The purpose of autopilot control wheel steering cws mode To consider as target parameters, current pitch roll angles at time mode becomes active, to control nose wheel steering during automatic landing, to control nose wheel steering during low visibility take off landing, to capture hold altitude selected with control wheel on mode control panel. pushing a cws engage switch engages a/p pitch roll axes in cws mode displays cws p cws r on fmas. with cws engaged, a/p maneuvers airplane in response to control pressures applied the pilot. the control pressure similar to that required manual flight. when control pressure released, a/p holds existing attitude.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 18

    When engaged in fms lateral navigation mode lnav autopilot uses command provided the Fms, track selector, vor receiver, vor or localizer receiver.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 19

    In an autopilot system flight path modes are 1 pitch attitude hold2 ias and mach number hold3 altitude hold4 glide slope intercept and trackthe combination regrouping all correct statements 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 20

    The lateral flight path modes of an autopilot system are 1 heading hold2 speed hold3 fms lateral navigation4 tas hold5 localizer intercept and trackthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3, 5,, 2, 3, 5,, 3, 4, 2, 5. autopilot lateral mode roll attitude heading vor/ils mode navigation mode (gps/fms/ins) autopilot longitudinal mode altitude hold capture speed hold capture with a/t (ias and/or mach) thrust hold capture with a/t pitch attitude.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 21

    The vertical flight path modes of an autopilot system are 1 pitch attitude hold2 altitude hold3 track hold4 glide slope intercept and trackthe combination that regroups all of correct statements the question about vertical flight path modes only. pitch attitude holding, horizontal wing holding, yaw damper are parts of 'basic' function of autopilot (the stabilisation of aircraft around its centre of gravity). 'track hol a function of horizontal flight path modes.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 22

    The automatic synchronisation function of an autopilot control system 1 operates only when autopilot engaged 2 prevents aircraft's control system from jerking when disengaging autopilot 3 prevents aircraft's control system from jerking when engaging autopilot the combination that regroups all of correct statements before autopilot can be engaged certain conditions must be met. these conditions vary with aircraft type (eg no force being applied to control wheel). it must also be ensured that on engagement 'take over' affected smoothly without 'snatching' of aircraft's control system. in other words aircraft must be trimmed the desired flight attitude before engagement the automatic control system must be synchronised to maintain that attitude on engagement. the automatic synchronisation operates before autopilot engaged.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 23

    The components of an autopilot system are 1 actuators2 mode control panel3 mode annunciator panel4 computerthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 3, 4,, 4,, 2,, 2, 4. ashahabpour hi, there another question that looks like this (i think it's exactly same), but answer different mode annunciator panel not in combination that regroups all of correct statements. do you have an explanation? the question you are talking about n°882. 'the computer of autopilot system uses, among others, input signals from the 1 attitude reference system 2 mode annunciator panel 3 adc 4 mode control panel answer 1, 3, 4. as you can see, question slightly different, it talks about computer of autopilot only.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 24

    Concerning a fail passive flight control system in event of a failure 1 there may be a significant deviation of flight path or attitude 2 there no significant deviation of flight path or attitude 3 there no significant out of trim condition 4 there may be a significant out of trim conditionthe combination that regroups all of correct statements «fail passive flight control system». a flight control system fail passive if, in event of a failure, there no significant out of trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude but landing not completed automatically. for a fail passive automatic flight control system pilot assumes control of aeroplane after a failure. «fail operational flight control system». a flight control system fail operational if, in event of a failure below alert height, approach, flare landing, can be completed automatically. in event of a failure, automatic landing system will operate as a fail passive system.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 25

    Concerning a fail passive flight control system in event of a failure there may be a significant deviation of flight path or attitude2 there no significant deviation of flight path or attitude3 landing not completed automatically4 landing completed automaticallythe combination that regroups all of correct statements «fail passive flight control system». a flight control system fail passive if, in event of a failure, there no significant out of trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude but landing not completed automatically. for a fail passive automatic flight control system pilot assumes control of aeroplane after a failure. «fail operational flight control system». a flight control system fail operational if, in event of a failure below alert height, approach, flare landing, can be completed automatically. in event of a failure, automatic landing system will operate as a fail passive system.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 26

    For a fms designed with lateral navigation lnav capability coupled to autopilot fms lateral command output A roll angle or a heading target, a longitudinal acceleration a roll rate, a lateral acceleration, a calibrated airspeed (cas) a cross track distance (xtk).

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 27

    The cs 25 gives following definition 'where pilot has ability to make inputs to automatic pilot movement of normal control whee the corresponding mode Control wheel steering (cws), alternate wheel steering (aws), nose wheel steering (nws), automatic wheel steering (aws).

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 28

    When engaging autopilot function providing a smooth 'take over' the Automatic synchronisation function, automatic pitch trim function, mach trim function, automatic cws (control wheel steering) function. when engaging autopilot automatic synchronisation function. when disengaging autopilot automatic pitch trim function.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 29

    When disengaging autopilot function providing a smooth 'hand over' the Automatic pitch trim function, automatic synchronisation function, mach trim function, automatic cws (control wheel steering) function. when engaging autopilot automatic synchronisation function. when disengaging autopilot automatic pitch trim function.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 30

    During an autocoupled ils approach followed an automatic landing guidance signals in vertical plane under 200 ft are computed according to Radio altitude, barometric altitude with altimeter set to qfe, barometric altitude with altimeter set to qnh, barometric altitude with altimeter set to3,25.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 31

    The computer of autopilot system uses among others following parameters Cas, altitude, vertical speed, heading, attitude, cas, altitude, temperature, inertial position, attitude, altitude, vertical speed, heading, attitude, gps position, altitude, heading, temperature, fuel flow, attitude.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 32

    The flight director computer continuously Compares current attitude with computed attitude, compares computed attitude with egpws signals, compares computed attitude with acas signals, computes required attitude the autopilot synchronization.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 33

    In event of a failure a fail operational flight control system will operate as a Fail passive system, fail safe system, fail operational hybrid system, fail redundant system.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 34

    When engaged in pitch hold mode autopilot uses data issued the Attitude reference system, flight management computer (fmc), adc, inertial vertical speed indicator.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 35

    During a final approach flight director engaged in loc mode holding of localizer axis if vertical command bar deviating to left it means that aircraft Must be rolled to left, left of loc axis, must be rolled to right, right of loc axis. the flight director computes displays proper pitch bank angles required in order the aircraft to follow a selected path. we can be left or righ from axis and if vertical command bar deviating to left, it means that aircraft must be rolled to left.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 36

    In an autopilot system basic stabilisation modes are 1 pitch attitude hold2 altitude hold3 horizontal wing hold4 heading holdthe combination regrouping all correct statements

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 37

    Concerning a fail operational flight control system in event of a failure 1 system will operate as a fail passive system 2 landing not completed automatically 3 landing completed automatically the combination that regroups all of correct statements a fail operational autoland system can withstand one failure. it becomes now a fail passive autoland system. it can continue to autoland automatically. in case of a second failure, landing cannot be completed automatically.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 38

    The position of command bars of a flight director enables pilot to know The direction the amplitude of corrections to apply on controls, only direction of corrections to apply on controls, position of aircraft, attitude of aircraft.

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 39

    The components of an autopilot system are 1 actuators2 mode control panel3 efis control panel4 mode annunciator panelthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2, 4,, 2, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 3, 4. the components of an autopilot system are actuators, mode control panel, mode annunciator panel the computer. an efis (electronic flight instrument system) control panel permits to display different informations on nd (navigation display) the pfd (primary flight display).

  • Question Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems 52 Answer 40

    The computer of autopilot system uses among others input signals from 1 attitude reference system2 mode annunciator panel3 adc4 mode control panelthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4,, 4, 2, 3.

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