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During a final approach the flight director is engaged in the LOC mode holding of localizer axis If the vertical command bar is deviating to the left it means that the ?

Teaching > aircraft

exemple reponse 156
Must be rolled to left. the flight director computes displays proper pitch bank angles required in order the aircraft to follow a selected path we can be left or righ from axis and if vertical command bar deviating to left it means that aircraft must be rolled to left.

In an autopilot system the basic stabilisation modes are 1 pitch attitude hold2 altitude hold3 horizontal wing hold4 heading holdThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is ?

exemple reponse 157
In an autopilot system basic stabilisation modes are 1 pitch attitude hold2 altitude hold3 horizontal wing hold4 heading holdthe combination regrouping all correct statements Must be rolled to left. the flight director computes displays proper pitch bank angles required in order the aircraft to follow a selected path we can be left or righ from axis and if vertical command bar deviating to left it means that aircraft must be rolled to left.

Concerning a fail operational flight control system in the event of a failure 1 the system will operate as a fail passive system 2 the landing is not completed automatically 3 the landing is ?

exemple reponse 158
Concerning a fail operational flight control system in event of a failure 1 system will operate as a fail passive system 2 landing not completed automatically 3 landing completed automatically the combination that regroups all of correct statements Must be rolled to left. a fail operational autoland system can withstand one failure it becomes now a fail passive autoland system it can continue to autoland automatically in case of a second failure landing cannot be completed automatically.

  • exemple reponse 159
    The position of command bars of a flight director enables pilot to know The direction the amplitude of corrections to apply on controls. a fail operational autoland system can withstand one failure it becomes now a fail passive autoland system it can continue to autoland automatically in case of a second failure landing cannot be completed automatically.

  • exemple reponse 160
    The components of an autopilot system are 1 actuators2 mode control panel3 efis control panel4 mode annunciator panelthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The direction the amplitude of corrections to apply on controls. the components of an autopilot system are actuators mode control panel mode annunciator panel the computer an efis (electronic flight instrument system) control panel permits to display different informations on nd (navigation display) the pfd (primary flight display).

  • exemple reponse 161
    The computer of autopilot system uses among others input signals from 1 attitude reference system2 mode annunciator panel3 adc4 mode control panelthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The direction the amplitude of corrections to apply on controls. the components of an autopilot system are actuators mode control panel mode annunciator panel the computer an efis (electronic flight instrument system) control panel permits to display different informations on nd (navigation display) the pfd (primary flight display).

  • exemple reponse 162
    The flight director command bars provide pilot with corrections to apply to Pitch and/or roll attitude. the components of an autopilot system are actuators mode control panel mode annunciator panel the computer an efis (electronic flight instrument system) control panel permits to display different informations on nd (navigation display) the pfd (primary flight display).

  • Question 51-8

    In an autopilot system functions consisting in controlling path of aircraft are Pitch and/or roll attitude. the basic function of an autopilot stabilisation (the stabilisation of aircraft around its centre of gravity) basic function achieved the inner loop systems the advanced function 'guidance' (monitoring movements of centre of gravity in three dimensions of space) outer loop systems offer guidance facilities (altitude hold heading hold vnav lnav) outer loops act from an external position on inner loop 'foo inner loop into manoeuvrig aircraft into achieving its aim.

  • Question 51-9

    In an autopilot system function consisting in controlling movements around center of gravity of aircraft provided the Pitch and/or roll attitude. The basic function of an autopilot stabilisation (the stabilisation of aircraft around its centre of gravity) basic function achieved the inner loop systems the advanced function 'guidance' (monitoring movements of centre of gravity in three dimensions of space) outer loop systems offer guidance facilities (altitude hold heading hold vnav lnav) outer loops act from an external position on inner loop 'foo inner loop into manoeuvrig aircraft into achieving its aim.

  • Question 51-10

    A flight control system fail operational if in event of a failure The approach flare landing can be completed automatically. The basic function of an autopilot stabilisation (the stabilisation of aircraft around its centre of gravity) basic function achieved the inner loop systems the advanced function 'guidance' (monitoring movements of centre of gravity in three dimensions of space) outer loop systems offer guidance facilities (altitude hold heading hold vnav lnav) outer loops act from an external position on inner loop 'foo inner loop into manoeuvrig aircraft into achieving its aim.

  • Question 51-11

    In an autopilot system The inner loops provide stability functions the outer loops provide guidance functions. the basic function of an autopilot stabilisation (the stabilisation of aircraft around its centre of gravity) basic function achieved the inner loop systems the advanced function 'guidance' (monitoring movements of centre of gravity in three dimensions of space) outer loop systems offer guidance facilities (altitude hold heading hold vnav lnav) outer loops act from an external position on inner loop 'foo inner loop into manoeuvrig aircraft into achieving its aim.

  • Question 51-12

    During a final approach flight director engaged in g/s mode holding of ils glide slope if horizontal command bar deviating upward it means that The pitch attitude must be increased. example with a crosspointer aircraft symbol this type of display uses conventional vertical horizontal indicators to show commands just as when flying an ils approach if 'needle' goes up pilot raises nose of aircraft until 'miniature airplane' on attitude indicator rests on top of horizontal 'needle' if 'needle' goes left or right pilot turns aircraft until 'miniature airplane' on attitude indicator rests on top of vertical 'needle' the pilot must pitch up until horizontal cue centers on attitude indicator it does not mean that aircraft below glidepath the flight director gives a tendency we may be on glidepath but flight director computer detects that if we don't increase pitch attitude we are going to pass below.

  • Question 51-13

    In order to know in which mode auto throttles are engaged crew will check 1 auto throttle arm switches2 auto throttle disengage switches3 mode control panel4 mode annunciator panelthe combination regrouping all correct statements The pitch attitude must be increased. example with a crosspointer aircraft symbol this type of display uses conventional vertical horizontal indicators to show commands just as when flying an ils approach if 'needle' goes up pilot raises nose of aircraft until 'miniature airplane' on attitude indicator rests on top of horizontal 'needle' if 'needle' goes left or right pilot turns aircraft until 'miniature airplane' on attitude indicator rests on top of vertical 'needle' the pilot must pitch up until horizontal cue centers on attitude indicator it does not mean that aircraft below glidepath the flight director gives a tendency we may be on glidepath but flight director computer detects that if we don't increase pitch attitude we are going to pass below.

  • Question 51-14

    On a flight mode annunciator fma pilot can monitor 1 the engaged and armed modes of autopilot2 automatic landing capacity3 acas modethe combination that regroups all of correct statements The pitch attitude must be increased. Cqb15 may 2012 fma located on pfd (primary flight display) a fma shows engaged armed modes (respectively in white green colors) automatic landing capacity will be shown the word 'flare' (boeing) or 'retar (airbus) on fma if automatic capacity not available you will have single ch instead of cmd while established on ils approach acas/tcas mode displayed on navigation display not on fma you can see on left of nd 'tfc' in blue (acas/tcas traffic information ra ta).

  • Question 51-15

    When performing an automatic landing some additional operational limitations may apply like 1 maximum headwind or crosswind2 airport maximum pressure altitude3 runway conditionsthe combination that regroups all of correct statements The pitch attitude must be increased. Cqb15 may 2012 sudaviation03 can not runway conditions apply in automatic landing conditions ? i thought that a wet runway or a contaminated runway could prevent aircraft from performing an auto landing thanks your explanations ! no autopilot can not decided to perform automatically a go around the use of autopilot automatic landing function decided the pilots during cruise or descent there no runway operational limitations since approach flare landing are completed automatically the autopilot can fly aircraft through specified wind limitations (due to limited autopilot speed actuator reactions) after touch down plane will reduce speed automatically if you have selected autobrake function spoilers will deployed if you also have selected this option before landing reverse thrust used the pilot if necessary a pilot can decided not to land on a wet (flooded) or contaminated runway but this not due to a limitation from autopilot.

  • Question 51-16

    Autopilot engagement status can be checked on The pitch attitude must be increased. Cqb15 may 2012 the selected mode can be checked on autopilot control panel but actual engagement status can only be checked at fma (flight mode annunciator).

  • Question 51-17

    According to cs25 definition of control wheel steering mode cws 'where pilot has ability to make inputs to automatic pilot movement of normal control whee. control wheel steering (cws) a flight guidance system (fgs) function which when engaged enables pilot/first officer to manually fly aeroplane positioning flight control surfaces using autopilot servos the positions of flight deck controls (e g control column control wheel) are determined the fgs which converts them into autopilot servo commands the autopilot servos in turn drive appropriate flight control surfaces.

  • Question 51-18

    On a flight mode annunciator fma pilot can check 1 flight director selection2 flaps/slats selector3 auto throttle modesthe combination that regroups all of correct statements automatic pilot movement of normal control whee. Cqb15 august 2012 the fma provides afcs lateral vertical modes auto throttle modes fd selection ap engagement automatic landing capacity failure alert messages.

  • Question 51-19

    The purpose of flight mode annunciator fma to Check confirm in which modes automatic flight control systems are armed and/or engaged. Cqb15 august 2012 the flight mode annunciator (fma) which usually located just above primary flight display (pfd) shows status of autothrust vertical lateral modes of auto pilot flight director approach capabilities the engagement status of autopilot (ap) flight director (fd) autothrust (a/thr).

  • Question 51-20

    The flight mode annunciator fma displayed on Check confirm in which modes automatic flight control systems are armed and/or engaged. Ecqb03 july 2016 fma located on pfd (primary flight display) a fma shows engaged armed modes (respectively in white green colors) .

  • Question 51-21

    The purpose of an automatic landing system to Make landing possible in poor weather conditions. Ecqb03 july 2016 fma located on pfd (primary flight display) a fma shows engaged armed modes (respectively in white green colors) .

  • Question 51-22

    Following an automatic landing with roll out mode engaged autopilot Controls rudder nose wheel steering to keep aeroplane on localiser centreline. Ecqb03 july 2016 'roll out' mode controls aircraft to maintain runway centreline on touchdown from a full autoland using both rudder nose wheel steering.

  • Question 51-23

    Fans a units utilize following data transmissions Satellite based acars systems. Ecqb03 august 2016 future air navigation systems (fans) a uses acars network.

  • Question 51-24

    The 'fans concept' Different systems to improve handling transfer of information extend surveillance improve navigational accuracy. Ecqb03 august 2016 future air navigation systems (fans) a uses acars network.

  • Question 51-25

    Which one of following statements true with regard to operation of a mach trim system It only operates above a pre determined mach number. At high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-26

    The purpose of 'auto trim' function in autopilot to Control elevator trim tab in order to relieve elevator load. At high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-27

    Mach trim a device to compensate The backward movement of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator to nose up. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-28

    The purpose of an aeroplane automatic trim system to trim out hinge moment of The backward movement of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator to nose up. If an aerodynamic force acts on a control surface it will tend to rotate control around its hinge in direction of force the moment will be force multiplied the distance from hinge to control surface centre of pressure this called hinge moment the force may be due to angle of attack of aerofoil or deflection of control surface it assumed that total hinge moment the sum of separate effects of angle of attack control surface deflection to maintain control in its position pilot has to balance hinge moment applying a load to cockpit control the cockpit control load will therefore depend on size of hinge moment the automatic trim system concerns elevator(s) only.

  • Question 51-29

    The automatic trim a component of autopilot pitch channel its function to Transfer a stabilized aeroplane to pilot during autopilot disengagement. If an aerodynamic force acts on a control surface it will tend to rotate control around its hinge in direction of force the moment will be force multiplied the distance from hinge to control surface centre of pressure this called hinge moment the force may be due to angle of attack of aerofoil or deflection of control surface it assumed that total hinge moment the sum of separate effects of angle of attack control surface deflection to maintain control in its position pilot has to balance hinge moment applying a load to cockpit control the cockpit control load will therefore depend on size of hinge moment the automatic trim system concerns elevator(s) only.

  • Question 51-30

    When autopilot engaged role of automatic trim to Relieve a p servo motor return aircraft in trim at a p disconnect. If an aerodynamic force acts on a control surface it will tend to rotate control around its hinge in direction of force the moment will be force multiplied the distance from hinge to control surface centre of pressure this called hinge moment the force may be due to angle of attack of aerofoil or deflection of control surface it assumed that total hinge moment the sum of separate effects of angle of attack control surface deflection to maintain control in its position pilot has to balance hinge moment applying a load to cockpit control the cockpit control load will therefore depend on size of hinge moment the automatic trim system concerns elevator(s) only.

  • Question 51-31

    The automatic pitch trim 1 ensures aeroplane properly trimmed when autopilot engaged2 permits elevator to always be in neutral position with respect to horizontal stabiliser3 ensures aeroplane properly trimmed when autopilot disengaged the combination regrouping all correct statements Relieve a p servo motor return aircraft in trim at a p disconnect. the purpose of auto trim to prevent snatching of controls on disengagement of autopilot re position horizontal stabilizer so that control surfaces can remain in neutral position thus giving you full movement on controls remove standing load from control surfaces failure of auto trim circuit will prevent connection of autopilot (if aircraft not properly trimmed autopilot cannot be engaged) note when engaging autopilot automatic synchronisation function when disengaging autopilot automatic pitch trim function.

  • Question 51-32

    The yaw damper system controls The rudder with angular rate about yaw axis as input signal. the purpose of auto trim to prevent snatching of controls on disengagement of autopilot re position horizontal stabilizer so that control surfaces can remain in neutral position thus giving you full movement on controls remove standing load from control surfaces failure of auto trim circuit will prevent connection of autopilot (if aircraft not properly trimmed autopilot cannot be engaged) note when engaging autopilot automatic synchronisation function when disengaging autopilot automatic pitch trim function.

  • Question 51-33

    The yaw damper system 1 counters any wrong pilot action on rudder pedals2 counters dutch roll3 active only when autopilot engagedthe combination regrouping all correct statements are The rudder with angular rate about yaw axis as input signal. the purpose of auto trim to prevent snatching of controls on disengagement of autopilot re position horizontal stabilizer so that control surfaces can remain in neutral position thus giving you full movement on controls remove standing load from control surfaces failure of auto trim circuit will prevent connection of autopilot (if aircraft not properly trimmed autopilot cannot be engaged) note when engaging autopilot automatic synchronisation function when disengaging autopilot automatic pitch trim function.

  • Question 51-34

    When available yaw damper indicator supplies pilot with information regarding Yaw damper action on rudder. the yaw damper indicator tells you rudder moving under yaw damper control in what direction.

  • Question 51-35

    The mach trim system allows to Increase longitudinal static stability of aircraft changing horizontal stabilizer according to mach number. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-36

    The yaw damper affects Increase longitudinal static stability of aircraft changing horizontal stabilizer according to mach number. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-37

    An aircraft turning right with too much bank slipping turn the yaw damper system Is not designed to provide a balanced turn. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-38

    In a yaw damper system sensing of a disturbance in yaw usually A rate gyro or an accelerometer. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-39

    The yaw damper system acts on The rudder without moving rudder pedals. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

  • Question 51-40

    The main inputs to flight envelope protection system are 1 gpws signals2 acas signals3 angle of attack4 bank anglethe combination that regroups all of correct statements The rudder without moving rudder pedals. at high speed center of pressure will move aft (from its low transonic position at about 25% of chord to a value at 45% of chord) this will result in a tendency to pitch down the mach trim system will prevent this phenomenon (called 'tuck under') the mach trim compensates backing of aerodynamic centre at high mach numbers moving elevator nose up but only above a predetermined mach number (mach trim automatically accomplished above mach 0 6 adjusting elevators with respect to stabilizer as speed increases).

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