MCQ > aircraft : While taxiing an aircraft receives from the airport controller the following ?
Question 5-1 : May continue to taxy towards the take off area is cleared for take off must stop must return to its point of departure
While taxying an aircraft receives the following light signal from the control ?
Question 5-2 : Must vacate the landing area in use may continue to taxi to the take off area must stop must return to its point of departure

Whilst flying in an aerodrome's traffic circuit an aircraft receives a series ?
Question 5-3 : Must come back to land and the landing clearance will be sent in due time must give way to another aircraft is cleared to land must land immediately and clear the landing area

Vfr flights shall not be operated above ?
Question 5-4 : Fl 195 fl 165 fl 205 fl 145
Which fl can be used to perform a vfr flight on a magnetic track of 200° ?
Question 5-5 : Fl 085 fl 050 fl 100 fl 095

Which fl can be used to perform a vfr flight on a magnetic track of 170° ?
Question 5-6 : Fl 095 fl 100 fl 050 fl 045

Except when necessary for take off or landing a vfr flight over congested areas ?
Question 5-7 : 300 m above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft 600 m above the highest obstacle within a radius of 300 m from the aircraft 300 m above the highest obstacle 300 m above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 ft from the aircraft

Outside congested areas of cities towns or settlements or over an open air ?
Question 5-8 : 500 ft 1000 ft 2000 ft 150 ft

Interception..the standard phrase with the meaning 'position unknown' for use ?
Question 5-9 : Am lost navigation lost position lost orientation lost

Interception..if radio contact is established during interception but ?
Question 5-10 : You land land here land now proceed landing

A glider and an aircraft towing a banner are on a converging course which has ?
Question 5-11 : Glider regardless of position towing aircraft when the glider is on its left glider if the aircraft is on its left towing aircraft regardless of position

When two or more aircraft are approaching an aerodrome for landing ?
Question 5-12 : Usually the lower aircraft has right of way if the higher aircraft is closer to the runway than the lower aircraft it has the right of way a lower aircraft that is faster may cut in front of a slower higher aircraft the lower aircraft must give way to the higher aircraft

You are on an ifr flight executing a circling approach a descend below the mda ?
Question 5-13 : 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2

A glider and a power driven aircraft are on the approach to land the glider is ?
Question 5-14 : The glider the slower aircraft the faster aircraft the power driven aircraft

Over congested areas of cities towns or settlements or over an open air ?
Question 5-15 : 1000 ft 600 ft 2000 ft 150 ft

Annex 2 rules of the air general rules..a time check shall be obtained ?
Question 5-16 : Prior to operating a controlled flight and at such other times during the flight as may be necessary from atc only before a controlled flight after take off but before the first position report before any flight

While flying at night another aircraft reports that you are on his 100° ?
Question 5-17 : Green navigation light green and white navigation lights red navigation light white navigation light

Interception..if radio contact is established during interception but ?
Question 5-18 : Call sign what call sign call number ident ident

Where two or more closely spaced aerodromes are located so that coordinated ?
Question 5-19 : The highest that would be required if the aerodromes were considered separately an average of each transition altitude the lower that would be required if the aerodromes were considered separately 2000 ft above the highest aerodrome

The calculated height of the transition level shall be rounded up to the next ?
Question 5-20 : 500 ft 200 ft 100 ft 1500 ft
Visual signals.whilst flying in an aerodrome's traffic circuit the pilot of an ?
Question 5-21 : Land at this aerodrome and proceed to apron aerodrome unsafe do not land continue circling and wait for further instructions airfield closed temporarily continue circling

After an aircraft has been intercepted in flight the intercepted aircraft is ?
Question 5-22 : Will comply no understood you are not to enter this airspace
A circling approach is ?
Question 5-23 : A visual flight manoeuvre keeping the runway in sight a visual manoeuvre to be conducted only in imc a flight manoeuvre to be performed only under radar vectoring a contact flight manoeuvre

Abbreviations what does the abbreviation ois mean doc 8168 ?
Question 5-24 : Obstacle identification surface obstacle in surface obstacle identification slope obstruction in surface

At fl 110 the maximum speed at which an aircraft can enter a holding pattern is ?
Question 5-25 : 230 kt ias 240 kt ias 230 kt tas 240 kt tas

A descent or a climb conducted in a holding pattern is called ?
Question 5-26 : A shuttle a procedure turn a base turn a race track

An approaching aircraft may descent below the msa if ?
Question 5-27 : All mentioned answers are correct the pilot has the field and the underlying terrain in sight and will keep it in sight the aircraft gets radar vectors the pilot is following the published approach procedure

Approach procedures arrival and approach segments intermediate approach ?
Question 5-28 : 300m 984 ft reducing to 150 m 492 ft 150m 492 ft reducing to 0 m 450m 1476 ft reducing to 150 m 492 ft 300 m 984 ft reducing to 0 m

Approach procedures is permissible to eliminate from consideration ?
Question 5-29 : Prohibits circling within the total sector in which the obstacle exists permits circling only in vmc recommends not to perform circling within the total sector in which the obstacle exists prohibits the circling approach to the affected runway

Approach procedures.the term used to describe the visual phase of flight after ?
Question 5-30 : Visual manoeuvring circling contact approach aerodrome traffic pattern visual approach

Approach procedures final approach a precision approach ils ?
Question 5-31 : Half a scale deflection after being established on the track one full scale deflection after being established on the track a quarter of a scale deflection after being established on the track one and a half of a scale deflection after being established on the track

Approach procedures final approach a precision approach ils the ?
Question 5-32 : Fap faf map if

Approach procedures instrument approach area.the primary area of an instrument ?
Question 5-33 : A defined area symmetrically disposed about the nominal flight track in which the minimum obstacle clearance is provided the first part of the segment the most critical part of the segment where the minimum altitude should be kept very carefully the outside part of the segment where the obstacle clearance increases from 0 ft to the appropriate minimum

Approach procedures mdh / och.for a non precision or circling approach the ?
Question 5-34 : The obstacle clearance height och 200 ft 350 ft 400 ft

Approach procedures minimum sector altitudes / msa.minimum sector altitudes ?
Question 5-35 : 25 nm 10 nm 20 nm 5 nm
Approach procedures missed approach phases.a complete missed approach ?
Question 5-36 : Initial intermediate and final initial and final arrival initial intermediate and final arrival intermediate and final

Approach procedures missed approach climb.normally the missed approach ?
Question 5-37 : 2 5% 2% 5% 3 5%
Approach procedures non precision straight in.a so called 'straight in ?
Question 5-38 : 30° or less 40° or less 20° or less 10° or less

Approach procedures arrival and approach segments.the minimum obstacle ?
Question 5-39 : 300m 984 ft 150m 492 ft 450m 1476 ft 600m 1968 ft

Approach segments in an instrument approach procedure the segment in which ?
Question 5-40 : Final approach segment initial approach segment intermediate approach segment arrival segment

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