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Considering an air driven artificial horizon when an airplane decelerates on ground during the landing the result is ?

Quiz > landing

exemple 154
A false nose down indication, a false nose up indication, a correct constant pitch indication, a right or left wing down indication depending on runway direction. errors in the artificial horizon (suction) acceleration errors (linear acceleration) these errors are also known as 'takeoff' errors as they are most noticeable during takeoff. two elements cause errors pendulous unit vanes. error from the pendulous unit the pendulous unit makes rotor bottom heavy. as aircraft accelerates, a force from inertia of unit felt at bottom the unit tends to lag behind. it tends to swing bottom of gyro towards pilot. air driven rotors spin anti clockwise (when viewed from above) so this inertial force will precess through 90° in an anti clockwise direction, lifting up right hand side of outer gimbal. the skyplate attached to outer gimbal rotates in an anti clockwise direction, lifting up right hand side of outer gimbal. the skyplate attached to outer gimbal rotates anti clockwise and bank indicates a false right bank. error from exhaust vanes during acceleration, vanes on right left sides are thrown rearward. the result that right hand port more than half open the left side port more than half closed. this upsets balanced exhaust of air, more air being discharged from right side than from left side. the reaction occurs on left side precesses through 90° and lifts up inner gimbal from point nearest pilot to indicate a false climb. thus with gyro running anti clockwise, a slight indication of right bank climb are obtained during an acceleration.

Concerning the directional gyro the apparent drift rate due to the earth's rotation is a function of ?

exemple 155
Concerning directional gyro apparent drift rate due to earth's rotation a function of Latitude, longitude, latitude longitude, magnetic longitude.

The spin axis of the turn indicator gyroscope is parallel to the ?

exemple 156
The spin axis of turn indicator gyroscope parallel to Pitch axis, roll axis, yaw axis, longitudinal axis.

  • exemple 157
    Parallax error due to A reading under an oblique angle, temperature, pressure, aircraft accelerations. the ball centered... parallax error due to a reading under an oblique angle.

  • exemple 158
    What angle of bank should you adopt on attitude indicator a standard rate 'rate 1' turn while flying at an ias of 120 kt 8°, 36°,2°, 3 °. the rate of turn the number of degrees your heading changes in a period of time, usually one second or one minute. a standard rate turn ('rate 1', typically spoken of in terms of instrument flight) performed at 180 degrees of heading change in a one minute period (3° per second). this gives a complete 360° turn in two minutes. a convenient approximation the bank angle in degrees taking 15% of ias 15% of 120 kt = 18.

  • exemple 159
    The term drift refers to wander of axis of a gyro in Horizontal plane, any plane, vertical plane, vertical horizontal plane. for information drift the wander in horizontal plane. topple the wander in vertical plane.

  • exemple 160
    What causes a freely suspended space gyroscope to precess The gyro will precess when a force applied to spinning rim of gyroscope in same direction as axis of rotation, a turning force applied around axis of rotation, there a tendency to precess when force applied at 9degrees to axis of rotation, a turning force applied against axis of rotation.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 8

    While inertial platform system operating on board an aircraft it necessary to use a device with following characteristics in order to keep vertical line with a pendulous system With damping a period of about 84 minutes, without damping a period of about 84 minutes, without damping a period of about 84 seconds, with damping a period of 84 seconds. Schuler oscillations have a period of 84.4 minutes are damped out. when a gyro stabilised platform moved over surface of earth gyro control system moves it to local horizontal but it ends up oscillating about new horizontal. schuler figured that it would act as if it was swinging about at end of a pendulum. the period of oscillation of a pendulum depends on square root of its length schuler suggested that it would swing about as if length of pendulum was radius of earth that gives us a period of oscillation of 84.4 minutes.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 9

    In order to align an irs it required to insert local geographical coordinates this enables irs to 1 compare computed latitude with one entered the pilot 2 compare computed longitude with one entered the pilot 3 know longitude the combination that regoups all of correct statements , 3,, 2, 2, 3,, 2, 3.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 10

    Compared with a conventional gyro a laser gyro Has a longer life cycle, consumes a lot of power, influenced temperature, has a fairly long starting cycle. Laser gyros are used in inertial reference systems use a partially silvered mirror 2 contra rotating laser beams that go opposite direction to each other. compared with a conventional gyro, a laser gyro more accurate, has a longer life cycle, because there are no moving parts therefore no friction.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 11

    The mode selector of an inertial unit comprises off stby align nav att positions 1 on 'stby' unit aligns on local geographic trihedron2 'att' position used in automatic landing mode land 3 on 'nav' coordinates of start position can be entered4 platform levelled before azimuth alignment5 in cruise unit can only be used in 'nav' mode the combination regrouping all correct statements 4, 2, 5,, 3, 5,, 2, 4.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 12

    The principle of a laser gyro based on Frequency difference between two laser beams rotating in opposite direction, a gyroscope associated with a laser compensating apparent wander due to rotation of earth, a gyroscope associated with a laser compensating gimballing errors, two rotating cavities provided with mirrors. Two light beams travelling a different distance in same time because of rotation of device. rate of rotation proportional to phase difference.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 13

    As a result of failure of adc inertial navigation system ins will no longer provide information about Wind direction speed, time at next waypoint (wpt), ground speed, drift. ins itself does not know wind direction velocity. it only knows ground speed. using true airspeed (tas) from an air data source, they can easily calculate wind. the ins get data (tas altitude) from an air data computer. from position ins can provide information about drift can compute time at next waypoint.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 14

    In order to align an inertial reference system irs it required to insert local geographical coordinates this enables irs to Compare latitude it finds with that entered the operator, compare longitude it finds with that entered the operator, find true north, initialise fms flight plan.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 15

    Compared with a conventional gyro a laser gyro Is much more cumbersome, influenced temperature, consumes much more power, consumes a lot of power.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 16

    The operating principle of an inertial system consists in Measuring acceleration of aircraft performing integrations to elaborate ground speed the position, measuring acceleration, speed position of aircraft, measuring position of aircraft performing integrations to elaborate ground speed acceleration, measuring earth rotation performing integrations to elaborate aircraft ground speed position. the ins measures accelerations north/south accelerations east/west which go through two integrations to give distance travelled north/south east/west. from initial position distances travelled north/south east/west it computes present position from change of position it computes track ground speed.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 17

    Compared with a stabilised platform inertial system a strapdown inertial system 1 can aligne while aircraft moving2 has a quicker alignment phase3 more reliable in time the combination that regroups all correct statements

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 18

    In an inertial navigation system to know distance travelled Integrating once speed in time sufficient, it necessary to integrate once speed in time, to know initial speed only, it necessary to integrate once speed in time, to know initial position only, it necessary to integrate once speed in time, to know initial speed the initial position. distance travelled = speed x time. and in 'integrating once speed in time sufficient' just formula.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 19

    To obtain instantaneous speed from accelerations It necessary to integrate acceleration once in time, to know initial speed only, it necessary to integrate acceleration once in time, to know initial position only, it necessary to integrate acceleration once in time, to know initial speed the initial position, integrating acceleration once in time sufficient.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 20

    To obtain instantaneous position from accelerations It necessary to integrate twice acceleration in time, to know initial position the initial speed, it necessary to integrate twice acceleration in time, to know initial position only, it necessary to integrate twice acceleration in time, to know initial speed only, integrating twice acceleration in time sufficient.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 21

    In a inertial navigation system integration process makes a Time multiplication, time division, distance multiplication, distance division. acceleration x time = change of speed. speed x time = distance travelled.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 22

    If acceleration of an aircraft zero its velocity Is constant, will decrease, always zero, will increase.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 23

    The time a normal alignment not a quick alignment of a strapdown inertial system 3 tominutes, to 2 minutes, less than minute,5 to 2minutes. a rapid self alignment of a strapdown inertial system (irs) can be performed in less than 10 minutes. inertial reference systems with laser gyro has caused a technological revolution in design of inertial reference navigation systems. this solid state high precision,angular rate sensor ideally suited highly reliable strap down system configuration. it eliminates need gimbals, bearings, torque motors, other moving parts, consequently changes system operation considerably from conventional inertial navigation systems (ins).

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 24

    The position error of a stand alone inertial system approximately.5 to 2 nm per hour,. to.2 nm per hour, 6 to 8 nm per hour, 8 tonm per hour.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 25

    The output data of an irs include 1 attitude2 altitude3 present position lat long 4 static air temperaturethe combination regrouping all correct statements , 3,, 2, 3,, 3, 4,, 2, 3, 4. in their normal navigation mode, irss provide attitude, true magnetic heading, acceleration, vertical speed, ground speed, track, present position, wind data to appropriate airplane systems. irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 26

    The alignment sequence of an irs consists of 1 searching the local vertical2 searching the true north3 comparison between computed longitude and one entered the pilot4 comparison between computed latitude and one entered the pilotthe combination that regroups all of correct statements , 2 4, 2 3,, 2 3, 3.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 27

    The output data of an irs include 1 present position lat long 2 total pressure3 static air temperature4 true headingthe combination regrouping all correct statements , 4,, 3,, 2, 4, 2, 3. in their normal navigation mode, irss provide attitude, true magnetic heading, acceleration, vertical speed, ground speed, track, present position, wind data to appropriate airplane systems. irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 28

    The output data of an irs include 1 satellites status2 altitude3 drift angle4 present position lat long the combination regrouping all correct statements 3, 4,, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4. in their normal navigation mode, irss provide attitude, true magnetic heading, acceleration, vertical speed, ground speed, track, present position, wind data to appropriate airplane systems. irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 29

    The output data of an irs include 1 angle of attack2 altitude3 ground speedthe combination regrouping all correct statements in their normal navigation mode, irss provide attitude, true magnetic heading, acceleration, vertical speed, ground speed, track, present position, wind data to appropriate airplane systems. irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 30

    The output data of an irs include 1 number of satellites tracked2 mach number3 ground speed4 true trackthe combination regrouping all correct statements 3, 4,, 4, 2, 3,, 2, 3, 4. in their normal navigation mode, irss provide attitude, true magnetic heading, acceleration, vertical speed, ground speed, track, present position, wind data to appropriate airplane systems. irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids (such as satellite). the adc (air data computer) will compute mach number.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 31

    To obtain instantaneous position from accelerations it necessary to 1 integrate twice acceleration in time2 know initial position 3 know initial speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 32

    To obtain instantaneous speed from accelerations it necessary to 1 integrate once acceleration in time2 know initial position 3 know initial speedthe combination that regroups all of correct statements the first integration of acceleration with respect to time gives change of speed. apply this to initial speed you have instantaneous speed.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 33

    In an inertial navigation system principle used to obtain position 1 single integration of acceleration according to time2 double integration of acceleration according to time3 single integration of speed according to time4 double integration of speed according to timethe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 34

    Considering a strapdown inertial system operating principle requires use of at least 3 laser gyros 3 accelerometers, 2 laser gyros 3 accelerometers, 3 laser gyros 2 accelerometers, 2 laser gyros 2 accelerometers.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 35

    Compared with a stabilised platform inertial system a strapdown inertial system 1 has a longer alignment phase in time2 has a shorter alignment phase in time3 more reliable in time4 less reliable in timethe combination that regroups all of correct statements

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 36

    A strapdown inertial system consists in A platform attached to aircraft chassis which includes gyroscopes accelerometers, a platform free of aircraft chassis which includes gyroscopes accelerometers, accelerometers attached to aircraft chassis gyroscopes which are not, gyroscopes attached to aircraft chassis accelerometers which are not.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 37

    In an inertial navigation system integrating once speed in gives A distance travelled, a position, an instantaneous acceleration, an average acceleration.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 38

    An inertial navigation system ins A self contained system which operates without signals from ground, a radio navigation system, a hyperbolic navigation system, a system which operates on doppler principle.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 39

    A ring laser gyro can measure Rotation about its sensitive axis, accelerations about its sensitive axis, rotation in all directions, accelerations in all direction. The ring laser gyro a rate sensing gyro senses rate of rotation around its axis.

  • Question Inertial Navigation 49 Answer 40

    The data that needs to be inserted into an inertial reference system in order to enable system to make a successful alignment navigation Aircraft position in latitude longitude or airport icao identifier, aircraft heading, position of an in range dme, navigation database reference.

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