Result > LAPL : On the ground during a right turn the turn indicator indicates ?
Question 48-1 : Needle to the right ball to left needle to the right ball to right needle in the middle ball to right needle in the middle ball to left

On the ground during a left turn the turn indicator indicates ?
Question 48-2 : Needle to the left ball to the right needle to the left ball to the left needle in the middle ball to the right needle in the middle ball to the left

When in flight the needle and ball of a needle and ball indicator are on the ?
Question 48-3 : Turning left with too much bank turning left with not enough bank turning right with too much bank turning right with not enough bank

When in flight the needle and ball of a needle and ball indicator are on the ?
Question 48-4 : Turning right with too much bank turning right with not enough bank turning left with too much bank turning left with not enough bank

When in flight the needle of a needle and ball indicator is on the right and ?
Question 48-5 : Turning right with not enough bank turning right with too much bank turning left with not enough bank turning left with too much bank

When in flight the needle of a needle and ball indicator is on the left and the ?
Question 48-6 : Turning left with not enough bank turning left with too much bank turning right with not enough bank turning right with too much bank

A stand by horizon or emergency attitude indicator ?
Question 48-7 : Contains its own separate gyro is automatically connected to the primary vertical gyro if the alternator fails is fully independent of external energy resources in an emergency situation only works of there is a complete electrical failure

In the building principle of a gyroscope the best efficiency is obtained ?
Question 48-8 : On the periphery and with a high rotational speed close to the axis and with a high rotational speed on the periphery and with a low rotational speed close to the axis and with a low rotational speed

The diagram representing a left turn with insufficient rudder is . 1045 ?
Question 48-9 : 4 3 1 2
The maximum directional gyro error due to the earth rotation is ?
Question 48-10 : 15°/hour 90°/hour 180°/hour 5°/hour

Heading information given by a gyro platform is given by a gyro at ?
Question 48-11 : 2 degrees of freedom in the horizontal axis 1 degree of freedom in the horizontal axis l degree of freedom in the vertical axis 2 degrees of freedom in the vertical axis
Among the systematic errors of the 'directional gyro' the error due to the ?
Question 48-12 : 10 5°/hour to the right 15°/hour to the right 7 5°/hour to the right 7 5°/hour to the left

A turn indicator is an instrument which indicates rate of turn rate of turn ?
Question 48-13 : 1 and 2 1 and 3 2 and 3 1 2 and 3

The diagram which shows a 40° left bank and 15° nose down attitude is number. ?
Question 48-14 : 1 2 3 4

The heading read on the dial of a directional gyro is subject to errors one of ?
Question 48-15 : Is dependent on the ground speed of the aircraft its true track and the latitude of the flight is in spite of this insignificant and may be neglected is at its greatest value when the aircraft follows a meridional track shows itself by an apparent rotation of the horizontal axis of the gyroscope which seems to turn at 15° per hour to the right in the northern hemisphere

A gravity erector system is used to correct the errors on ?
Question 48-16 : An artificial horizon a directional gyro a turn indicator a gyromagnetic compass

During a deceleration phase at constant attitude the control system of an air ?
Question 48-17 : Nose down attitude nose up attitude constant attitude nose up followed by a nose down attitude

In a directional gyro gimballing errors are due to ?
Question 48-18 : A banked attitude an apparent weight and an apparent vertical the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field the aircraft's movement over the earth

Parallax error is ?
Question 48-19 : A reading error due to temperature effect due to pressure effect due to the effect of aircraft accelerations

The apparent wander of a directional gyro is 15°/h ?
Question 48-20 : At the north pole at the latitude 30° at the latitude 45° at the equator

The artificial horizon uses a gyroscope with . note the degree s of freedom of ?
Question 48-21 : Two degrees of freedom and its rotor spin axis is continuously maintained to local vertical by an automatic erecting system two degrees of freedom and its rotor spin axis is continuously maintained in the horizontal plane by an automatic erecting system one degree of freedom and its rotor spin axis is continuously maintained in the horizontal plane by an automatic erecting system one degree of freedom and its rotor spin axis is continuously maintained to local vertical by an automatic erecting system

The inertia of a gyroscope is greater when its rotation speed is ?
Question 48-22 : Higher and the mass of the spinning wheel is located further from the axis of rotation higher and the mass of the spinning wheel is closer to the axis of rotation lower and the mass of the spinning wheel is located further from the axis of rotation lower and the mass of the spinning wheel is closer to the axis of rotation

The rate of turn indicator uses a gyroscope . .1 the spinning wheel axis of ?
Question 48-23 : 2 4 3 4 1 5 3 5

The latitude at which the apparent wander of a directional gyro is equal to 0 is ?
Question 48-24 : The equator latitude 30° latitude 45° the north pole

The gyroscope used in an attitude indicator has a spin axis which is ?
Question 48-25 : Vertical horizontal perpendicular to the longitudinal axis horizontal parallel to the longitudinal axis horizontal perpendicular to the yaw axis

For an aircraft flying a true track of 360° between the 5°s and 5°n ?
Question 48-26 : Approximately 0°/hour +5°/hour 5°/hour 15°/hour

A rate gyro is used in a .1 directional gyro indicator.2 turn co ordinator.3 ?
Question 48-27 : 2 1 2 3 1 1 2

A directional gyro consists of a .nb the degree s of freedom of a gyro does not ?
Question 48-28 : 2 degrees of freedom horizontal axis gyro 2 degrees of freedom vertical axis gyro 1 degrees of freedom horizontal axis gyro 1 degrees of freedom vertical axis gyro

The spin axis of the turn indicator gyro is aligned along the ?
Question 48-29 : Lateral axis of the aircraft longitudinal axis of the aircraft vertical axis of the aircraft longitudinal axis of flight

The properties of a gyroscope are.1 rigidity in space .2 rigidity on earth .3 ?
Question 48-30 : 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4

The rate of turn given by the rate of turn indicator is valid ?
Question 48-31 : For the airspeed range defined during the calibration of the instrument for all airspeeds with flaps retracted only for the cruising speed

Without any external action the axis of a free gyroscope is fixed with ?
Question 48-32 : Space the earth the aircraft the apparent vertical

Due to the rotation of the earth the apparent drift of a horizontal free ?
Question 48-33 : 11° per hour to the right 15° per hour to the left 2° per hour to the right 7° per hour to the left

Due to the rotation of the earth the apparent drift of a horizontal free ?
Question 48-34 : 7 5° per hour to the left 15° per hour to the right 2° per hour to the left 11° per hour to the right

Due to the rotation of the earth the apparent drift of a horizontal free ?
Question 48-35 : 7 5° per hour to the right 15° per hour to the left 2° per hour to the right 11° per hour to the left

A free gyro has the axis of the spinning rotor horizontal and aligned with the ?
Question 48-36 : 13°/h to the right 7 5°/h to the left 7 5°/h to the right 13°/h to the left

For a directional gyro the system which detects the local vertical supplies ?
Question 48-37 : A levelling erection torque motor a nozzle integral with the outer gimbal ring a torque motor on the sensitive axis two torque motors arranged horizontally

A directional gyro is corrected for an apparent drift due to the earth's ?
Question 48-38 : 5°/h to the left 2 5°/h to the right 5°/h to the right 2 5°/h to the left

A control system consisting of four pendulous vanes is used in ?
Question 48-39 : An air driven artificial horizon a directional gyro indicator a strap down inertial system a gyromagnetic indicator

Considering an air driven artificial horizon when an airplane accelerates ?
Question 48-40 : A false nose up indication a false nose down indication a correct and constant pitch indication a right or left wing down indication depending on the runway direction

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