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Compared with a stabilised platform inertial system a strapdown inertial system 1 has a longer alignment phase in time2 has a shorter alignment phase in time3 is more ?

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exemple reponse 153

Source: Telepilote theorique examen 48

A strapdown inertial system consists in ?

exemple reponse 154
A strapdown inertial system consists in A platform attached to aircraft chassis which includes gyroscopes accelerometers.

In an inertial navigation system integrating once the speed in gives ?

exemple reponse 155
In an inertial navigation system integrating once speed in gives A distance travelled.

  • exemple reponse 156
    An inertial navigation system ins A self contained system which operates without signals from ground.

  • exemple reponse 157
    A ring laser gyro can measure Rotation about its sensitive axis. The ring laser gyro a rate sensing gyro senses rate of rotation around its axis.

  • exemple reponse 158
    The data that needs to be inserted into an inertial reference system in order to enable system to make a successful alignment navigation Aircraft position in latitude longitude or airport icao identifier. The ring laser gyro a rate sensing gyro senses rate of rotation around its axis.

  • exemple reponse 159
    The alignment phase of a gyro stabilized platform consists in Levelling platform determining its orientation. the alignment phase consists of getting platform into local horizontal determining its alignment with respect to true north.

  • Question 48-8

    A laser gyro can measure Levelling platform determining its orientation. the ring laser gyro a rate sensing gyro senses rate of rotation around its axis the principle of a laser gyro based on frequency difference between two laser beams rotating in opposite direction (two light beams travelling a different distance in same time because of rotation of device rate of rotation proportional to phase difference).

  • Question 48-9

    A ring laser gyro A device which measures angular movements. The ring laser gyro a rate sensing gyro senses rate of rotation around its axis.

  • Question 48-10

    Considering a strapdown inertial system iru inertial reference unit measures Accelerations angular rates. the irs measures both angular linear accelerations.

  • Question 48-11

    The alignment time of a strapdown inertial system takes longer time when aircraft Accelerations angular rates. the irs measures both angular linear accelerations.

  • Question 48-12

    An inertial navigation system Can operate as stand alone equipment without any interface with other navigation equipments. the irs measures both angular linear accelerations.

  • Question 48-13

    In an inertial navigation system principle used to obtain change in speed Single integration of acceleration according to time. the irs measures both angular linear accelerations.

  • Question 48-14

    The characteristics of earth which are being used during alignment of an ins platform are Earth rotation gravity. while aircraft stationary during align mode gravity defines local vertical the gyro stabilised platform placed perpendicular to vertical i e in local horizontal the north east gyros are used to define direction in which earth rotating (east) in order to define platform's alignment relative to true north.

  • Question 48-15

    In a strapdown inertial system accelerations are measured in a trihedron which fixed regarding to Aircraft's trihedron (pitch roll yaw axis). while aircraft stationary during align mode gravity defines local vertical the gyro stabilised platform placed perpendicular to vertical i e in local horizontal the north east gyros are used to define direction in which earth rotating (east) in order to define platform's alignment relative to true north.

  • Question 48-16

    In a stabilised platform inertial system accelerations are measured in a trihedron which nb 'aircraft trihedron' = pitch roll and yaw axis Free from aircraft trihedron. while aircraft stationary during align mode gravity defines local vertical the gyro stabilised platform placed perpendicular to vertical i e in local horizontal the north east gyros are used to define direction in which earth rotating (east) in order to define platform's alignment relative to true north.

  • Question 48-17

    On ins control panel rotary knob can be selected to off nav or att positions the correct statement Nav the normal system setting att position the back up position in case of failure of navigation function. while aircraft stationary during align mode gravity defines local vertical the gyro stabilised platform placed perpendicular to vertical i e in local horizontal the north east gyros are used to define direction in which earth rotating (east) in order to define platform's alignment relative to true north.

  • Question 48-18

    The position data lat long computed an irs can be used the Nav the normal system setting att position the back up position in case of failure of navigation function. while aircraft stationary during align mode gravity defines local vertical the gyro stabilised platform placed perpendicular to vertical i e in local horizontal the north east gyros are used to define direction in which earth rotating (east) in order to define platform's alignment relative to true north.

  • Question 48-19

    The accuracy of altitude computed a stand alone inertial system Decreases exponentially with flight time. some irs use baro altitude to stabilise inertial reference height use mixed baro/ir vertical rate the irs altitude calculation not an output of irs.

  • Question 48-20

    The output data of an irs include 1 present position lat long 2 tas3 attitude4 ground speedthe combination regrouping all correct statements Decreases exponentially with flight time. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-21

    The drift of gyroscopes of a stand alone inertial system Is main error source. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-22

    Considering a stabilised platform inertial system this platform 1 can be servo controlled in azimuth2 kept levelled during alignment phase only3 always kept levelledthe combination that regroups all of correct statements Is main error source. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-23

    Comparing radio navigation system and inertial navigation system 1 radio position accurate when in dme range2 radio position may be obtained whatever position on earth3 inertial position may be obtained whatever position on earththe combination regrouping all correct statements Is main error source. pywee22 i don't understand answer about dme if you are in dme range you will know your distance from dme but you won't be able to get an accurate position from it because you can be anywhere around dme you can be accurate if you have a dme distance and a radial from a ground station the choice n°1 says that you are in range of a dme that's all so your position cannot be accurate radio navigation system = vor adf or rmi radio position = vor or adf or rmi bearing + dme distance with a dme distance your position accurate.

  • Question 48-24

    An inertial reference and navigation system a 'strapdown' system when The gyroscopes the accelerometers are fixed regarding to aircraft's body axes co ordinate system. Easa update august 2012 old answers was the gyroscopes accelerometers are part of unit's fixture to aircraft structure (right answer) only gyros not accelerometers are part of unit's fixture to aircraft structure gyros accelerometers are mounted on a stabilised platform in aircraft gyros accelerometers need satellite information input to obtain a vertical reference.

  • Question 48-25

    If navigation function of an ins inoperative and control rotary switch set to att output data of ins are The gyroscopes the accelerometers are fixed regarding to aircraft's body axes co ordinate system. Easa update august 2012 old answers was the gyroscopes accelerometers are part of unit's fixture to aircraft structure (right answer) only gyros not accelerometers are part of unit's fixture to aircraft structure gyros accelerometers are mounted on a stabilised platform in aircraft gyros accelerometers need satellite information input to obtain a vertical reference.

  • Question 48-26

    The alignment of a strapdown inertial system consists in Measuring earth rotation local gravitation to position reference trihedron. on an strapdown system irs fixed to aircraft so aligment consists in measuring earth rotation local gravitation to position reference trihedron.

  • Question 48-27

    The position error of a stand alone inertial system Increases along time. inertial navigation system (ins) one of oldest simplest forms of navigation systems although simple ins prone to accumulating errors over time ins systems are based on dead reckoning techniques dead reckoning techniques use an initial known point of origin then record measurements of acceleration or velocity over time to obtain resultant position using integration acceleration in three dimensions measured using triaxes accelerometers whose accuracy can be heavily degraded because of different error sources the increase in position error over each hour increasing linearly (or as time increases error increases the same amount over each hour).

  • Question 48-28

    The position error of a stand alone inertial system Small a few minutes after initialisation increases along flight. inertial navigation system (ins) one of oldest simplest forms of navigation systems although simple ins prone to accumulating errors over time ins systems are based on dead reckoning techniques dead reckoning techniques use an initial known point of origin then record measurements of acceleration or velocity over time to obtain resultant position using integration acceleration in three dimensions measured using triaxes accelerometers whose accuracy can be heavily degraded because of different error sources the increase in position error over each hour increasing linearly (or as time increases error increases the same amount over each hour).

  • Question 48-29

    The output data of an irs include 1 present position lat long 2 altitude3 ground speed4 true headingthe combination regouping all correct statements Small a few minutes after initialisation increases along flight. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-30

    The attitude data computed an irs can be used the Small a few minutes after initialisation increases along flight. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-31

    If position data lat long no longer computed an irs affected system s are Small a few minutes after initialisation increases along flight. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-32

    The energy required to operate a strapdown inertial system supplied The electrical system. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-33

    When rotary knob on ins control panel set to 'nav' mode it The normal operating mode allowing use of all functions of system. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-34

    The alignment of a gyro stabilized inertial platform consists in positionning platform relative to The vertical axis true north. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids.

  • Question 48-35

    In an inertial navigation system a tas input Required to provide a wind direction velocity read out. Revised ecqb04 october 2017 this question exists with following statement 'what additional information required to be input to an inertial navigation system (ins) in order to obtain a wind information readout? tas ias mach number altitude oat'.

  • Question 48-36

    The platform of an inertial navigation system ins maintained at right angles to local vertical applying corrections the effects of Aircraft manoeuvres earth rotation transport wander coriolis. Revised ecqb04 october 2017 this question exists with following statement 'what additional information required to be input to an inertial navigation system (ins) in order to obtain a wind information readout? tas ias mach number altitude oat'.

  • Question 48-37

    In an inertial navigation system ins ground speed gs calculated By integrating measured acceleration. the starting point an inertial reference system acceleration in order to sense linear acceleration inertial system uses mechanical inertial accelerometers so if acceleration known then speed can be calculated if speed known then distance can be calculated the mathematical process that reduces acceleration to speed speed to distance called integration.

  • Question 48-38

    During initial alignment of an inertial navigation system ins equipment Will not accept a ° error in initial latitude but will accept a ° error in initial longitude. when align selected operator must enter aircraft's position to nearest tenth of a minute of latitude longitude the latitude entered used to check alignment of platform checking topple of north east gyros due to earth rotation (earth rate) against latitude if latitude entered correctly but longitude entered in error platform will get itself levelled aligned indicate that nav can be selected but its plot of aircraft position will be starting from wrong place (error in longitude).

  • Question 48-39

    The average value the position error of ins inertial navigation systems according to time Will not accept a ° error in initial latitude but will accept a ° error in initial longitude. when align selected operator must enter aircraft's position to nearest tenth of a minute of latitude longitude the latitude entered used to check alignment of platform checking topple of north east gyros due to earth rotation (earth rate) against latitude if latitude entered correctly but longitude entered in error platform will get itself levelled aligned indicate that nav can be selected but its plot of aircraft position will be starting from wrong place (error in longitude).

  • Question 48-40

    The output data of an irs are 1 true track2 mach number3 present position lat long 4 true heading5 attitudethe combination regrouping all correct statements Will not accept a ° error in initial latitude but will accept a ° error in initial longitude. in their normal navigation mode irss provide attitude true magnetic heading acceleration vertical speed ground speed track present position wind data to appropriate airplane systems irs outputs are independent of external navigation aids (such as satellite) the adc (air data computer) will compute mach number.

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