Understand > DGAC : A flux valve detects the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.1 ?
Question 47-1 : 2 4 1 2 1 2 4 3 4

The direct reading magnetic compass is no more reliable when approaching . 1 ?
Question 47-2 : 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3

In the northern hemisphere during a take off run in a westerly direction a ?
Question 47-3 : An apparent turn to the north an apparent turn to the south no apparent turn an apparent turn to approximately the heading 255°

In the northern hemisphere during the take off run in an easterly direction a ?
Question 47-4 : An apparent turn to the north an apparent turn to the south no apparent turn an apparent turn to approximately the heading 100°

Which of the following statements about hard and soft iron in relation to ?
Question 47-5 : Hard iron magnetism is of a permanent nature and soft iron is of a non permanent nature both hard and soft hard iron are of a permanent nature both hard and soft iron are of a non permanent nature hard iron is of a non permanent nature and soft iron is of a permanent nature

The turning error of a direct reading magnetic compass ?
Question 47-6 : Increases when the magnetic latitude increases decreases when the magnetic latitude increases does not depend on the magnetic latitude decreases when the magnetic longitude increases

Direct reading magnetic compass errors are ?
Question 47-7 : Due to north change depending on the bank angle and magnetic heading due to the lateral gusts which occur when the aircraft is heading eastward or westward due to schuler oscillations parallax errors due to compass rose oscillations

The flux valve of a gyromagnetic compass .1 feeds the error detector.2 feeds ?
Question 47-8 : 1 3 1 2 2 3 3

A flux valve ?
Question 47-9 : Is usually located in the wing tip to avoid as much as possible magnetic disturbances of the airplane is a symetrical system located in each wingtip giving an average information less disturbed by the airplane structure is located in the wing tip to avoid vibrations is located along the fuselage aligned with airplane axis

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which ?
Question 47-10 : The magnetic field is produced by the flow of an electric current the magnetic field is permanent no electric force is required a solenoid wire is coiled over permanent magnet

The inclination of the earth magnetic field at the magnetic equator is equal to ?
Question 47-11 : 0° 45° 90° 180°

The earth's north magnetic pole ?
Question 47-12 : Is located approximately in northern canada is located in russia coincide with geographical north coincide with true north

In the northern hemisphere during acceleration in a westerly heading a direct ?
Question 47-13 : Indicates an apparent turn to the north indicates an apparent turn to the south is late compared to the rate of turn of the aircraft is in advance compared to the rate of turn of the aircraft

The principle of the compass swinging procedures is to ?
Question 47-14 : Determine the amount by which the compass readings are affected by hard and soft iron magnetism correct for deviation due to hard iron magnetism only correct for deviation due to soft iron magnetism only correct for deviation due to soft iron and hard iron magnetism

Which of these statements about fundamental laws of magnetism are correct or ?
Question 47-15 : 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is correct

The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnets ?
Question 47-16 : Varies inversely as the square of the distance between them is independent of the distance between them since a compass is able to aligns itself everywhere on the surface of the earth is proportional to the distance between them can not be measured

The magnetic poles are the two positions on the earth's surface where the lines ?
Question 47-17 : Are entirely vertical are entirely horizontal are at 45° are at 0°

The purpose of a magnetic compass compensation is to correct for ?
Question 47-18 : Deviations accelerations magnetic variation residual deviations

The purpose of a magnetic compass calibration is to ?
Question 47-19 : Determine the residual deviations determine the residual variation correct the residual deviations correct the residual variation

The location of the earth's magnetic poles ?
Question 47-20 : Periodically wanders as much as 15 km every year periodically wanders as much as 100 km every year wanders twice a year wanders twice per decade

Which of these statements about fundamental laws of magnetism are correct or ?
Question 47-21 : 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is correct

Which of these statements about the properties of a simple bar magnet are ?
Question 47-22 : 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect

The magnetic variation at any point on the earth's surface is the angle ?
Question 47-23 : Between the horizontal component of the magnetic field and true north direction between the vertical component of the magnetic field and true north direction between the horizontal component of the magnetic field and magnetic north direction between the vertical component of the magnetic field and magnetic north direction

The magnetic variation ?
Question 47-24 : Is caused by the different locations of the geographic north pole and the magnetic north pole is equal to 180° at the magnetic equator is equal to 90° at the magnetic equator is caused by the different locations of the geographic north pole and the true north pole

The inclination of the earth's magnetic field at the north magnetic pole is ?
Question 47-25 : 90° 0° 45° 180°
Because of the earth's magnetic field a compass placed anywhere on earth will ?
Question 47-26 : North magnetic pole south magnetic pole geographic north pole geographic south pole

Which of the following is an occasion for carrying out a compass swing on a ?
Question 47-27 : After an aircraft has passed through a severe electrical storm or has been struck by lightning before an aircraft goes on any flight that involves a large change of magnetic latitude after any of the aircraft radio equipment has been changed due to unserviceability whenever an aircraft carries a large freight load regardless of its content

The directive force of the earth's magnetic field ?
Question 47-28 : Is greatest at the magnetic equator increases as the magnetic variation increases increases as magnetic latitude increases varies with the heading of the aircraft

The compass heading can be derived from the magnetic heading by reference to a ?
Question 47-29 : Compass swinging curve map showing the isoclinic lines deviation correction curve map showing the isogonal lines

The indications on a directional gyroscope are subject to errors the most ?
Question 47-30 : 1 2 3 5 2 3 5 3 4 5 1 2 4 5

Graphic at reference shows three gyro assemblies a b and c .among these gyros . ?
Question 47-31 : 1b 2c 3a 1c 2b 3a 1b 2a 3c 1a 2b 3c

When an aircraft has turned 360 degrees with a constant attitude and bank the ?
Question 47-32 : Attitude and bank correct too much nose up and bank too low too much nose up and bank correct too much nose up and bank too high

When an aircraft has turned 90 degrees with a constant attitude and bank the ?
Question 47-33 : Too much nose up and bank too low too much nose up and bank too high too much nose up and bank correct attitude and bank correct

The gyroscope of a turn indicator has . nb the degree s of freedom of a gyro ?
Question 47-34 : 1 degree of freedom 3 degrees of freedom 2 degrees of freedom 0 degree of freedom

The indication of the directional gyro is valid only for a limited period of ?
Question 47-35 : 1 3 1 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 4

An airborne instrument equipped with a gyro with 2 degrees of freedom and a ?
Question 47-36 : A directional gyro an artificial horizon a turn indicator a fluxgate compass

An airborne instrument equipped with a gyro with 1 degree of freedom and a ?
Question 47-37 : Turn indicator gyromagnetic compass fluxgate compass directional gyro

In a turn at a constant angle of bank the turn indicator reading is ?
Question 47-38 : Inversely proportional to the aircraft true airspeed proportional to the aircraft true airspeed independent to the aircraft true airspeed proportional to the aircraft weight

At a low bank angle the measurement of rate of turn actually consists in ?
Question 47-39 : Yaw rate of the aircraft pitch rate of the aircraft roll rate of the aircraft bank of the aircraft

The rate of turn is the ?
Question 47-40 : Change of heading rate of the aircraft yaw rate in a turn aircraft speed in a turn pitch rate in a turn

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