Progression > visibility : Given .pt total static pressure.pd dynamic pressure.the airspeed ?
Question 46-1 : Pt ps ps pt pd ps pt pd

The open ended tube parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft senses the ?
Question 46-2 : Total pressure static pressure total pressure plus static pressure dynamic pressure

The altimeter is subject to static pressure error this error varies according to ?
Question 46-3 : Tas and angle of attack tas and altimeter setting angle of attack and oat tas and oat

The machmeter is subject to position error this error varies according to ?
Question 46-4 : Tas and angle of attack tas and oat oat only tas only

When climbing at a constant cas in standard atmosphere ?
Question 46-5 : Tas increases tas decreases tas remains constant tas first decreases then remains constant above the tropopause

The compressibility error must be taken into account only for aeroplane with ?
Question 46-6 : Tas greater than approximately 200 kt tas greater than approximately 100 km/h mach number greater than 0 8 mach number greater or equal to 1

An aeroplane is flying at fl300 and mach number 0 76 .the indicated total air ?
Question 46-7 : Standard standard +26°c standard 26°c standard +10°c

The alternate static source of a light non pressurized aeroplane is located in ?
Question 46-8 : Tends to over read tends to under read indicates zero is blocked

The alternate static source of a light non pressurized aeroplane is located in ?
Question 46-9 : The airspeed indicator tends to over read the airspeed indicator tends to under read the airspeed indicator indicates a consistent decreasing speed it has no influence on airspeed indicator reading

An airplane is flying at fl140 with a cas of 260 kt in standard conditions the ?
Question 46-10 : 0 51 0 53 0 41 0 43
An aeroplane is flying at fl300 with a tas of 470 kt in standard conditions the ?
Question 46-11 : 0 8 0 82 0 83 0 53

During a climb at a constant cas below the tropopause in standard atmosphere ?
Question 46-12 : The mach number increases and the speed of sound decreases the mach number decreases and the speed of sound increases the mach number and the speed of sound increase the mach number and the speed of sound decrease
A servo assisted altimeter is more accurate than a simple altimeter because the ?
Question 46-13 : The capsules are detected by a very sensitive electro magnetic pick off the pointers are detected by a very sensitive electro magnetic pick off the capsules are inhibited the capsules are not taken into account

An aeroplane is flying at fl100 and mach number 0 76 the indicated total air ?
Question 46-14 : 44°c 54°c 41°c 51°c

Concerning the pitot and static system the position error varies with .1 ?
Question 46-15 : 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2

An aeroplane is flying at fl 320 and mach number 0 79 .the oat is 53°c ?
Question 46-16 : 27°c standard 34°c 10°c

Which of these statements is true ?
Question 46-17 : The probes used for sat measurements have a recovery factor of 0 75 to 0 90 while the probes used for tat measurements have a recovery factor of around 1 00 the probes used for sat measurements have a recovery factor of around 1 00 the probes used for tat measurements are directly connected to the temperature indicator instruments the probes used for sat measurements have a recovery factor ranging from 75 to 90 percent

An aeroplane is in a steady descend the auto throttle maintains a constant mach ?
Question 46-18 : Increases decreases remains constant decreases if the static temperature is lower than the standard temperature increases if higher

In a gyromagnetic compass the direction of the earth's magnetic field is given ?
Question 46-19 : Flux valve adc direct indicating compass directional gyro

The magnetic heading can be derived from the true heading by means of a ?
Question 46-20 : Map showing the isogonal lines map showing the isoclinic lines deviation correction curve compass swinging curve

The fields affecting a magnetic compass originate from .1 magnetic masses .2 ?
Question 46-21 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 4

The input signal of the amplifier of the gyromagnetic compass resetting device ?
Question 46-22 : Error detector flux valve directional gyro unit directional gyro erection device

In the gyromagnetic compass the heading information from the flux valve is sent ?
Question 46-23 : Error detector erector system heading indicator amplifier

The gyromagnetic compass torque motor ?
Question 46-24 : Causes the directional gyro unit to precess causes the heading indicator to precess feeds the error detector system is fed by the flux valve

A pilot wishes to turn left on to a southerly heading with 20° bank at a ?
Question 46-25 : 160° 200° 170° 190°
A pilot wishes to turn left on to a northerly heading with 10° bank at a ?
Question 46-26 : 030° 355° 330° 015°

A gyromagnetic compass is a system which always consists of. 1 a horizontal ?
Question 46-27 : 1 3 4 5 1 4 2 3 5 2 3

In a gyromagnetic compass the flux valve feeds the ?
Question 46-28 : Error detector erecting system heading indicator amplifier

The operating principle of the vertical speed indicator vsi is based on the ?
Question 46-29 : Static pressure dynamic pressure total pressure kinetic pressure

A pilot wishes to turn right through 90° on to north at rate 2 at latitude of ?
Question 46-30 : 330° 360° 030° 010°

An aircraft takes off on a runway with an alignment of 045° the compass is ?
Question 46-31 : A value below 045° 045° a value above 045° in the southern hemisphere a value above 045° in the northern hemisphere

In the northern hemisphere during deceleration following a landing in a ?
Question 46-32 : No apparent turn an apparent turn to the east an apparent turn to the west an apparent turn to the south

In the northern hemisphere during deceleration following a landing in a ?
Question 46-33 : No apparent turn an apparent turn to the east an apparent turn to the west an apparent turn to the north

During deceleration following a landing in a westerly direction a magnetic ?
Question 46-34 : An apparent turn to the south an apparent turn to the north no apparent turn no apparent turn only on northern latitudes

During deceleration following a landing in a westerly direction a magnetic ?
Question 46-35 : An apparent turn to the north an apparent turn to the south no apparent turn no apparent turn only on southern latitudes

During deceleration following a landing in an easterly direction a magnetic ?
Question 46-36 : An apparent turn to the south an apparent turn to the north no apparent turn no apparent turn only on northern latitudes

During deceleration following a landing in an easterly direction a magnetic ?
Question 46-37 : An apparent turn to the north an apparent turn to the south no apparent turn no apparent turn only on southern latitudes

About a magnetic compass ?
Question 46-38 : Turning error is due to the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field acceleration errors are due to the angle of dip acceleration errors are due to schuler oscillations errors of parallax are due to the oscillation of the compass rose

A pilot wishes to turn right on to a southerly heading with 20° bank at a ?
Question 46-39 : 200° 150° 170° 180°

The turning errors of a direct reading magnetic compass are ?
Question 46-40 : Maximum at the magnetic poles maximum at the magnetic equator minimum at a latitude of 45° minimum at the magnetic poles

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