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Attestation > AIM : The maximum tas is obtained at ?

Question 44-1 : The flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo and m = mmo the maximum flight level all the flight level s where cas =vmo all the flight level s where m =mmo

.vmo and mmo are not dependent on the same criteria the aerodynamics of the aircraft will dictate these two values but you will ensure maximum tas at the point in the performance envelope where vmo = mmo because you cannot go faster in terms of cas or mach number exemple 144 the flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo and m = mmo.the flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo and m = mmo.

The input data of an adc are.1 oat .2 tat.3 static pressure .4 total ?

Question 44-2 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 4

exemple 148 2, 3, 4.2, 3, 4.

Given.mach number m = 0 70.measured impact temperature = 48 °c.the recovery ?

Question 44-3 : 65 °c 45 °c 68 °c 51 °c

.the total temperature can be expressed approximately by the formula.tt = ts 1 + 0 2 kr m². ts the static temperature sat in kelvin.. tt the total temperature tat in kelvin.. kr the recovery coefficient.. m the mach number...225 15 = ts 1 + 0 2 kr m² .ts = 225 15 / 1 + 0 2 x 0 85 x 0 49 .ts = 225 15 / 1 0833 = 207 83° k..273 15 207 83 = 65 32°c exemple 152 -65 °c-65 °c

During a descent at a constant mach number below the tropopause in isa ?

Question 44-4 : Ias and tas increase ias and tas decrease ias increases and tas decreases ias decreases and tas increases

For those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1039..the mach line is vertical because the question states descent at a constant mach number. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach exemple 156 ias and tas increase.ias and tas increase.

During a descent at a constant mach number below the tropopause in isa ?

Question 44-5 : Cas and tas increase cas increases and tas decreases cas and tas decrease cas decreases and tas increases

For those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1039..the mach line is vertical because the question states descent at a constant mach number. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach exemple 160 cas and tas increase.cas and tas increase.

During a descent at a constant ias below the tropopause in isa conditions ?

Question 44-6 : Mach number and tas decrease mach number and tas increase mach number increases and tas decreases mach number decreases and tas increases

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram . 975..the eas ias line is vertical because the question states descent at a constant ias. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.density will increase during descent and in order to maintain constant ias only v tas can be reduced.mach = tas / local speed of sound.local speed of sound varies only with temperature and temperature increases during descent thus if tas decreases and lss increases the mach number decreases exemple 164 mach number and tas decrease.mach number and tas decrease.

During a descent at a constant calibrated airspeed cas below the tropopause in ?

Question 44-7 : Mach number and tas decrease mach number and tas increase mach number decreases and tas increases mach number increases and tas decreases

For those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram . 1037.the cas line is vertical because the question states descent at a constant calibrated airspeed cas . ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.cas = 1/2 rho v².density will increase during descent and in order to maintain constant cas only v tas can be reduced.mach = tas / local speed of sound.local speed of sound varies only with temperature and temperature increases during descent thus if tas decreases and lss increases the mach number decreases exemple 168 mach number and tas decrease.mach number and tas decrease.

During a climb at a constant mach number below the tropopause in isa conditions ?

Question 44-8 : Ias and tas decrease ias increases and tas decreases ias decreases and tas increases ias and tas increase

For those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1039..the mach line is vertical because the question states climb at a constant mach number. ertm for e as ias / r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach exemple 172 ias and tas decrease.ias and tas decrease.

If the pitot tube ices up during a flight the affected equipment s is are .1 ?

Question 44-9 : 3 1 2 3 1 3 1

Pywee22 .some pitot tubes are also equipped with static the question is not clear enough the question says pitot tube so i can assume that it is the entire tube static and total pressure therefore all instruments listed are affected as the question does not specify total pressure or static pressure i think we should consider that both are blocked are you sure about this answer can you explain..the altimeter and variometer vertical speed indicator are connected to the static ports but they are not connected to the pitot tube therefore a blocked pitot tube will have no effect on these instruments exemple 176 3.3.

If during a descent. the pneumatic altimeter reading is constant. the ?

Question 44-10 : The static ports are completely blocked the total pressure head is completely blocked there is a leakage in the static pressure line the antenna of the radio altimeter is completely iced up

For tas calculations the adc uses the following parameters .1 sat .2 tat .3 ?

Question 44-11 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 3 4

. 1023.the adc uses as input data static pressure total pressure pitot pressure and tat exemple 184 2, 3, 4.2, 3, 4.

If the pitot tube becomes blocked during a descent the airspeed indicator ?

Question 44-12 : Under reads over reads under reads or over reads depending on the air density indicates a constant speed

. 959..the asi is a sensitive differential pressure gauge which measures and promptly indicates the difference between pitot total pressure and static pressure total pressure static pressure = dynamic pressure .these two pressures are equal when the aircraft is parked on the ground in calm air .when the aircraft moves through the air the pressure on the pitot line becomes greater than the pressure in the static lines this difference in pressure is registered by the airspeed pointer on the face of the instrument.if the pitot tube becomes blocked during a descent the total pressure remains constant the static pressure increases your airspeed indicator will under reads

Given .pt total pressure.ps static pressure.pd dynamic pressure.the altimeter ?

Question 44-13 : Ps ps pt pd pd ps

.the altimeter is supplied with static pressure only exemple 192 ps.ps.

A pitot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the ?

Question 44-14 : Airspeed indicator altimeter vertical speed indicator airspeed indicator altimeter and vertical speed indicator

exemple 196 airspeed indicator.airspeed indicator.

A dynamic pressure measurement circuit is constituted of the following pressure ?

Question 44-15 : Total pressure and static pressure static pressure only total pressure only total pressure and standard pressure

exemple 200 total pressure and static pressure.total pressure and static pressure.

The qnh is by definition the value of the ?

Question 44-16 : Altimeter setting so that the altimeter on the apron of the aerodrome for which it is given reads the elevation atmospheric pressure at the sea level of the location for which it is given altimeter setting so that the altimeter on the apron of the aerodrome for which it is given reads zero atmospheric pressure at the level of the ground overflown by the aircraft

exemple 204 altimeter setting so that the altimeter, on the apron of the aerodrome for which it is given, reads the elevation.altimeter setting so that the altimeter, on the apron of the aerodrome for which it is given, reads the elevation.

The purpose of the vibrating device of an altimeter is to ?

Question 44-17 : Reduce the effect of friction in the linkages inform the crew of a failure of the instrument allow damping of the measurement in the unit reduce the pressure error

exemple 208 reduce the effect of friction in the linkages.reduce the effect of friction in the linkages.

When climbing at a constant mach number ?

Question 44-18 : Cas decreases cas increases cas remains constant difference between surrounding conditions and isa must be known to deduce the cas variation

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1039..the mach line is vertical because the question states climbing at a constant mach number. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach exemple 212 cas decreases.cas decreases.

When descending at a constant cas ?

Question 44-19 : Eas increases eas decreases eas remains constant eas does not depend on altitude

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1037..the cas line is vertical because the question states descending at a constant cas. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.eas is cas corrected for compressibility exemple 216 eas increases.eas increases.

When climbing at a constant mach number through an isothermal layer the cas ?

Question 44-20 : Decreases increases remains constant decreases if oat is lower than the standard temperature increases if higher

.mach = tas / local speed of sound..local speed of sound varies only with temperature and the question states 'isothermal layer' temperature remains constant thus lss remains constant and the tas remains constant.cas = 1/2 rho tas².rho is decreasing with altitude thus cas decreases exemple 220 decreases.decreases.

When climbing at a constant cas ?

Question 44-21 : Eas decreases eas increases eas remains constant eas does not depend on altitude

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram . 1037.the cas line is vertical because the question states climbing at a constant cas. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.eas is cas corrected for compressibility cas will always be higher than eas exemple 224 eas decreases.eas decreases.

Vfe is the maximum speed ?

Question 44-22 : With the flaps extended for each approved flap position with the flaps extended in the landing position at which the flaps can be operated in turbulence with the flaps extended in the take off position

exemple 228 with the flaps extended for each approved flap position.with the flaps extended for each approved flap position.

Tas is ?

Question 44-23 : Ias corrected for instrument position compressibility and density errors ias corrected for compressibility and density errors only cas corrected for instrument position compressibility and density errors cas corrected for instrument compressibility and density errors

True air speed tas is . ias corrected for instrument position compressibility and density errors . cas corrected for compressibility and density errors . eas corrected for density error exemple 232 ias corrected for instrument, position, compressibility and density errors.ias corrected for instrument, position, compressibility and density errors.

Tas is ?

Question 44-24 : Cas corrected for compressibility and density errors cas corrected for density error only eas corrected for compressibility error only cas corrected for compressibility error only

.true air speed tas is . ias corrected for instrument position compressibility and density errors . cas corrected for compressibility and density errors . eas corrected for density error exemple 236 cas corrected for compressibility and density errors.cas corrected for compressibility and density errors.

Assuming the flight level and mach number remain constant when the oat increases ?

Question 44-25 : Ias remains constant and tas increases ias and tas decrease ias increases and tas decreases ias decreases and tas increases

.the mach number is a function of p s /s.where p = total pressure pitot .s = static pressure..in the absence of position and instrument errors ias = cas .ias cas is 'p s'..the question states 'mach number remain constant' thus ias remains constant.ias cas = 1/2 rho tas².if air becomes less dense oat increases the only thing that can change in this equation is the tas increasing to compensate exemple 240 ias remains constant and tas increases.ias remains constant and tas increases.

Assuming the flight level and mach number remain constant when the oat decreases ?

Question 44-26 : Ias remains constant and tas decreases ias increases and tas decreases ias decreases and tas increases ias and tas increase

.the mach number is a function of p s /s.where p = total pressure pitot .s = static pressure..in the absence of position and instrument errors ias = cas .ias cas is 'p s'..the question states 'mach number remain constant' thus ias remains constant.ias cas = 1/2 rho tas².if air becomes denser oat decreases the only thing that can change in this equation is the tas decreasing to compensate. joangoris .and what about the m=tas/lss formula if temperature decreases lss decreases so in order to maintain a cte mach tas has to increase i don't understand this question...lss = 39 x square root of oat+273.if oat decreases lss decreases .in order to maintain a constant mach number tas must decrease.example . oat 40°c tas 450 kt .lss = 39 x square root of 233 = 595 kt.m = tas/lss = 450 / 595 = 0 76.. oat 50°c tas 450 kt .lss = 39 x square root of 223 = 582 kt.m = tas/lss = 450 / 582 = 0 77..the only way to maintain mach number constant is to reduce tas . oat 50°c tas 440 kt.m = tas/lss = 440 / 582 = 0 76 exemple 244 ias remains constant and tas decreases.ias remains constant and tas decreases.

A vertical speed indicator measures the difference between ?

Question 44-27 : The instantaneous static pressure and the static pressure at a previous moment the total pressure and the static pressure the total instantaneous pressure and the total pressure at a previous moment the dynamic pressure and the static pressure

Ecair04 .vsi requires only static pressure like an input..the operating principle of the vertical speed indicator vsi is based on the measurement of the rate of change of static pressure although the vertical speed indicator operates from the static pressure source it is a differential pressure instrument the differential pressure is established between the instantaneous static pressure in the diaphragm and the trapped static pressure within the case exemple 248 the instantaneous static pressure and the static pressure at a previous moment.the instantaneous static pressure and the static pressure at a previous moment.

At flight level and mach number constant if oat increases the cas ?

Question 44-28 : Remains constant increases decreases decreases if oat is lower than standard temperature increases in the opposite case

.the mach number is a function of p s /s.where p = total pressure pitot .s = static pressure..cas is 'p s'..the question states 'mach number constant' thus cas remains constant exemple 252 remains constant.remains constant.

A temperature sensor has a recovery factor of 0 95 the temperature measured is ?

Question 44-29 : Static air temperature sat + 95% of the ram rise ram air temperature rat + 95% of the ram rise 95% of the static air temperature sat 95% of the ram air temperature rat

.recovery factor refers to the amount of ram rise that is recoverable by the sensor total head thermometers typically have a recovery factor of 0 75 to 0 9 whereas the rosemount temperature probe has a recovery factor of 1 0 the ram rise is due to adiabatic compression and for simple sat temperature sensors used on light aircraft that fly at speeds less than mach 0 2 the ram rise factor does not apply the sat sensor measures the actual temperature and is therefore 100% efficient tat is always equal to or higher than sat due to ram rise...the formula's typically used are tat = sat + ram rise..or..tat = sat x 1 + 0 2 kr m² where kr is the recovery factor and m the mach number...ram rise comes into effect at airspeeds greater than m 0 2....in summary sat temperature sensors are not affected by ram rise whereas tat sensors are exemple 256 static air temperature (sat) + 95% of the ram rise.static air temperature (sat) + 95% of the ram rise.

A thermocouple type temperature sensing is composed of ?

Question 44-30 : Two dissimilar metals joined together at one end called hot junction or measure junction two identical metals joined together at one end called hot junction or measure junction two identical metals joined together at both ends called hot and cold junctions a single wire metal winding

exemple 260 two dissimilar metals joined together at one end (called hot junction or measure junction).two dissimilar metals joined together at one end (called hot junction or measure junction).

At flight level and mach number constant if oat decreases the cas ?

Question 44-31 : Remains constant increases decreases decreases if oat is lower than standard temperature increases in the opposite case

.the mach number is a function of p s /s.where p = total pressure pitot .s = static pressure..cas is 'p s'..the question states 'mach number constant' thus cas remains constant exemple 264 remains constant.remains constant.

The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 15000 ft with a subscale setting of ?

Question 44-32 : 15000 ft 14640 ft 15360 ft 572 hpa

.an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa exemple 268 15000 ft.15000 ft.

During a climb at a constant ias below the tropopause in isa conditions ?

Question 44-33 : The mach number and the true airspeed increase the mach number and the true airspeed decrease the mach number increases and the true airspeed decreases the mach number decreases and the true airspeed increases

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram . 975..the eas ias line is vertical because the question states climb at a constant ias. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.density will decrease during climb and in order to maintain constant ias only v tas can be increased.mach = tas / local speed of sound.local speed of sound varies only with temperature and temperature decreases during climb thus if tas increases and lss decreases the mach number increases exemple 272 the mach number and the true airspeed increase.the mach number and the true airspeed increase.

The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 11000 ft with a subscale setting of ?

Question 44-34 : 11000 ft 11740 ft 10260 ft 670 hpa

.an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa exemple 276 11000 ft.11000 ft.

The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 17000 ft with a subscale setting of ?

Question 44-35 : 17000 ft 17540 ft 16460 ft 527 hpa

They ask for 'pressure altitude' with a subscale already set to 1013 25 hpa we only have to read our altimeter 17000 ft exemple 280 17000 ft.17000 ft.

The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 16000 ft with a subscale setting of ?

Question 44-36 : 16000 ft 14300 ft 17700 ft 549 hpa

They ask for 'pressure altitude' with a subscale already set to 1013 25 mb we only have to read our altimeter 16000 ft exemple 284 16000 ft.16000 ft.

An aeroplane is in a steady climb the auto throttle maintains a constant mach ?

Question 44-37 : Decreases increases remains constant decreases if the static temperature is lower than the standard temperature increases if higher

Mach = tas / local speed of sound.local speed of sound varies only with temperature and the question states 'total temperature remains constant' thus lss remains constant and the tas remains constant.cas = 1/2 rho tas².rho is decreasing with altitude thus cas decreases. 964 exemple 288 decreases.decreases.

An angle of attack sensor may consist of .1 an inertial system computing the ?

Question 44-38 : 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 3

.conical slotted probe the angle of attack aoa probe provides aoa or sideslip ss by sensing the direction of local airflow it is mounted on the fuselage with the sensing probe extending through the aircraft fuselage the sensing probe is continually driven to null pressure differential between the upper and lower slots in its forward surface these features sense the direction of air stream flow local aoa or ss the angular position of the sensing probe is converted to an electrical output by an angular sensor . 998. 999..vane detector the angle of attack sensor is of the wind vane type its sensing element is a small wing which is positioned in the direction of airflow the small wing is mechanically linked to a free turn shaft which drives the devices transmitting the local angle of attack signal . 1000. exemple 292 2, 3.2, 3.

An airplane is in steady cruise at flight level 290 the auto throttle maintains ?

Question 44-39 : Remains constant increases decreases increases if the static temperature is higher than the standard temperature decreases if lower

Mach = tas / local speed of sound..local speed of sound varies only with temperature and the question states 'total temperature increases' thus lss increases.to maintain a constant mach number tas must increase..cas = 1/2 rho tas².rho decreases when temperature increases ans since tas is increased cas will remain constant.you can use your computer for those questions mach number and cas are attached on the inner scale they move together with temperature adjustments exemple 296 remains constant.remains constant.

In standard atmosphere when climbing at constant cas ?

Question 44-40 : Tas and mach number increase tas and mach number decrease tas increases and mach number decreases tas decreases and mach number increases

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1037..the cas line is vertical because the question states climb at a constant cas. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.mach number = tas/local speed of sound.tas and mach number increase during a climb at a constant cas .lss decreases if oat outside air temperature decreases exemple 300 tas and mach number increase.tas and mach number increase.


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