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An aircraft is equipped with one altimeter that is compensated for position error and another one altimeter that is not Assuming all other factors are equal during a ?

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exemple reponse 147
The greater speed greater error between two altimeters.

Source: Telepilote theorique examen 42

An aneroid capsule 1 measures differential pressure2 measures absolute pressure3 is used for low pressure measurement4 is used for very high pressure measurementThe combination regrouping all the ?

exemple reponse 148
An aneroid capsule 1 measures differential pressure2 measures absolute pressure3 used low pressure measurement4 used very high pressure measurementthe combination regrouping all correct statements The greater speed greater error between two altimeters. the aneroid capsule used to sense absolute pressure it used low pressure measurement.

An altimeter contains one or more aneroid capsules Inside these capsules is ?

exemple reponse 149
An altimeter contains one or more aneroid capsules inside these capsules A very low residual pressure outside static pressure. the aneroid capsule used to sense absolute pressure it used low pressure measurement.

  • exemple reponse 150
    The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 10000 ft with a subscale setting of 1013 25 hpa oat +5°c the pressure altitude of aircraft A very low residual pressure outside static pressure. an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa.

  • exemple reponse 151
    The altimeter indicates true altitude In isa conditions only. an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa.

  • exemple reponse 152
    Tas can be obtained from following data Eas density altitude. an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa.

  • exemple reponse 153
    The maximum tas obtained at The flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo m = mmo. vmo mmo are not dependent on same criteria the aerodynamics of aircraft will dictate these two values but you will ensure maximum tas at point in performance envelope where vmo = mmo because you cannot go faster in terms of cas or mach number.

  • Question 42-8

    The input data of an adc are 1 oat 2 tat3 static pressure 4 total pressure the combination regrouping all correct statements The flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo m = mmo. vmo mmo are not dependent on same criteria the aerodynamics of aircraft will dictate these two values but you will ensure maximum tas at point in performance envelope where vmo = mmo because you cannot go faster in terms of cas or mach number.

  • Question 42-9

    Given mach number m = 0 70measured impact temperature = 48 °cthe recovery factor kr of temperature probe = 0 85the oat sat The flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo m = mmo. the total temperature can be expressed approximately the formula tt = ts (1 + 0 2 kr m²) ts static temperature (sat) in kelvin tt total temperature (tat) in kelvin kr recovery coefficient m mach number 225 15 = ts (1 + 0 2 kr m²) ts = 225 15 / (1 + 0 2 x 0 85 x 0 49) ts = 225 15 / 1 0833 = 207 83° k 273 15 207 83 = 65 32°c.

  • Question 42-10

    During a descent at a constant mach number below tropopause in isa conditions The flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo m = mmo. For those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the mach line vertical because question states descent at a constant mach number ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach.

  • Question 42-11

    During a descent at a constant mach number below tropopause in isa conditions The flight level at which simultaneously cas = vmo m = mmo. For those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the mach line vertical because question states descent at a constant mach number ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach.

  • Question 42-12

    During a descent at a constant ias below tropopause in isa conditions Mach number tas decrease. for those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the eas (ias) line vertical because question states descent at a constant ias ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach density will increase during descent in order to maintain constant ias only v (tas) can be reduced mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature temperature increases during descent thus if tas decreases lss increases mach number decreases.

  • Question 42-13

    During a descent at a constant calibrated airspeed cas below tropopause in isa conditions Mach number tas decrease. For those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the cas line vertical because question states descent at a constant calibrated airspeed (cas) ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach cas = 1/2 rho v² density will increase during descent in order to maintain constant cas only v (tas) can be reduced mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature temperature increases during descent thus if tas decreases lss increases mach number decreases.

  • Question 42-14

    During a climb at a constant mach number below tropopause in isa conditions Mach number tas decrease. For those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the mach line vertical because question states climb at a constant mach number ertm e as(ias)/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach.

  • Question 42-15

    If pitot tube ices up during a flight affected equipment s are 1 altimeter 2 variometer 3 airspeed indicator the combination regrouping all correct statements Mach number tas decrease. pywee22 some pitot tubes are also equipped with static the question not clear enough the question says pitot tube so i can assume that it the entire tube (static total pressure) therefore all instruments listed are affected as question does not specify total pressure or static pressure i think we should consider that both are blocked are you sure about this answer ? can you explain ? the altimeter variometer (vertical speed indicator) are connected to static ports but they are not connected to pitot tube therefore a blocked pitot tube will have no effect on these instruments.

  • Question 42-16

    If during a descent pneumatic altimeter reading constant vertical speed indicator shows zero ias increasing the most likely explanation that The static ports are completely blocked. pywee22 some pitot tubes are also equipped with static the question not clear enough the question says pitot tube so i can assume that it the entire tube (static total pressure) therefore all instruments listed are affected as question does not specify total pressure or static pressure i think we should consider that both are blocked are you sure about this answer ? can you explain ? the altimeter variometer (vertical speed indicator) are connected to static ports but they are not connected to pitot tube therefore a blocked pitot tube will have no effect on these instruments.

  • Question 42-17

    For tas calculations adc uses following parameters 1 sat 2 tat 3 static pressure 4 total pressure the combination regrouping all correct statements The static ports are completely blocked. the adc uses as input data static pressure total pressure (pitot pressure) tat.

  • Question 42-18

    If pitot tube becomes blocked during a descent airspeed indicator The static ports are completely blocked. the asi a sensitive differential pressure gauge which measures promptly indicates difference between pitot (total pressure) static pressure (total pressure static pressure = dynamic pressure) these two pressures are equal when aircraft parked on ground in calm air when aircraft moves through air pressure on pitot line becomes greater than pressure in static lines this difference in pressure registered the airspeed pointer on face of instrument if pitot tube becomes blocked during a descent total pressure remains constant static pressure increases your airspeed indicator will under reads.

  • Question 42-19

    Given pt total pressureps static pressurepd dynamic pressurethe altimeter fed The static ports are completely blocked. the altimeter supplied with static pressure only.

  • Question 42-20

    A pitot tube covered ice which blocks ram air inlet will affect following instrument s The static ports are completely blocked. the altimeter supplied with static pressure only.

  • Question 42-21

    A dynamic pressure measurement circuit constituted of following pressure probes Total pressure static pressure. the altimeter supplied with static pressure only.

  • Question 42-22

    The qnh by definition value of Altimeter setting so that altimeter on apron of aerodrome which it given reads elevation. the altimeter supplied with static pressure only.

  • Question 42-23

    The purpose of vibrating device of an altimeter to Reduce effect of friction in linkages. the altimeter supplied with static pressure only.

  • Question 42-24

    When climbing at a constant mach number Reduce effect of friction in linkages. for those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the mach line vertical because question states climbing at a constant mach number ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach.

  • Question 42-25

    When descending at a constant cas Reduce effect of friction in linkages. for those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the cas line vertical because question states descending at a constant cas ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach eas cas corrected compressibility.

  • Question 42-26

    When climbing at a constant mach number through an isothermal layer cas Reduce effect of friction in linkages. mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature the question states 'isothermal layer' (temperature remains constant) thus lss remains constant the tas remains constant cas = 1/2 rho tas² rho decreasing with altitude thus cas decreases.

  • Question 42-27

    When climbing at a constant cas Reduce effect of friction in linkages. for those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the cas line vertical because question states climbing at a constant cas ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach eas cas corrected compressibility cas will always be higher than eas.

  • Question 42-28

    Vfe the maximum speed With flaps extended each approved flap position. for those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the cas line vertical because question states climbing at a constant cas ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach eas cas corrected compressibility cas will always be higher than eas.

  • Question 42-29

    Tas Ias corrected instrument position compressibility density errors. True air speed (tas) is ias corrected instrument position compressibility density errors cas corrected compressibility density errors eas corrected density error.

  • Question 42-30

    Tas Cas corrected compressibility density errors. true air speed (tas) is ias corrected instrument position compressibility density errors cas corrected compressibility density errors eas corrected density error.

  • Question 42-31

    Assuming flight level and mach number remain constant when oat increases Ias remains constant tas increases. the mach number a function of (p s)/s where p = total pressure (pitot) s = static pressure in absence of position instrument errors ias = cas ias (cas) is 'p the question states 'mach number remain constant' thus ias remains constant ias (cas) = 1/2 rho tas² if air becomes less dense (oat increases) only thing that can change in this equation the tas increasing to compensate.

  • Question 42-32

    Assuming flight level and mach number remain constant when oat decreases Ias remains constant tas decreases. the mach number a function of (p s)/s where p = total pressure (pitot) s = static pressure in absence of position instrument errors ias = cas ias (cas) is 'p the question states 'mach number remain constant' thus ias remains constant ias (cas) = 1/2 rho tas² if air becomes denser (oat decreases) only thing that can change in this equation the tas decreasing to compensate joangoris and what about m=tas/lss formula? if temperature decreases lss decreases so in order to maintain a cte mach tas has to increase i don't understand this question lss = 39 x square root of (oat+273) if oat decreases lss decreases in order to maintain a constant mach number tas must decrease example oat 40°c tas 450 kt lss = 39 x square root of 233 = 595 kt m = tas/lss = 450 / 595 = 0 76 oat 50°c tas 450 kt lss = 39 x square root of 223 = 582 kt m = tas/lss = 450 / 582 = 0 77 the only way to maintain mach number constant to reduce tas oat 50°c tas 440 kt m = tas/lss = 440 / 582 = 0 76.

  • Question 42-33

    A vertical speed indicator measures difference between The instantaneous static pressure the static pressure at a previous moment. ecair04 vsi requires only static pressure like an input the operating principle of vertical speed indicator (vsi) based on measurement of rate of change of static pressure although vertical speed indicator operates from static pressure source it a differential pressure instrument the differential pressure established between instantaneous static pressure in diaphragm the trapped static pressure within case.

  • Question 42-34

    At flight level and mach number constant if oat increases cas The instantaneous static pressure the static pressure at a previous moment. the mach number a function of (p s)/s where p = total pressure (pitot) s = static pressure cas is 'p the question states 'mach number constant' thus cas remains constant.

  • Question 42-35

    A temperature sensor has a recovery factor of 0 95 the temperature measured equal to Static air temperature (sat) + 95% of ram rise. recovery factor refers to amount of ram rise that recoverable the sensor total head thermometers typically have a recovery factor of 0 75 to 0 9 whereas rosemount temperature probe has a recovery factor of 1 0 the ram rise due to adiabatic compression for simple sat temperature sensors used on light aircraft that fly at speeds less than mach 0 2 ram rise factor does not apply the sat sensor measures actual temperature is therefore 100% efficient tat always equal to or higher than sat due to ram rise the formula's typically used are tat = sat + ram rise or tat = sat x (1 + 0 2 kr m²) where kr the recovery factor m mach number ram rise comes into effect at airspeeds greater than m 0 2 in summary sat temperature sensors are not affected ram rise whereas tat sensors are.

  • Question 42-36

    A thermocouple type temperature sensing composed of Two dissimilar metals joined together at one end (called hot junction or measure junction). recovery factor refers to amount of ram rise that recoverable the sensor total head thermometers typically have a recovery factor of 0 75 to 0 9 whereas rosemount temperature probe has a recovery factor of 1 0 the ram rise due to adiabatic compression for simple sat temperature sensors used on light aircraft that fly at speeds less than mach 0 2 ram rise factor does not apply the sat sensor measures actual temperature is therefore 100% efficient tat always equal to or higher than sat due to ram rise the formula's typically used are tat = sat + ram rise or tat = sat x (1 + 0 2 kr m²) where kr the recovery factor m mach number ram rise comes into effect at airspeeds greater than m 0 2 in summary sat temperature sensors are not affected ram rise whereas tat sensors are.

  • Question 42-37

    At flight level and mach number constant if oat decreases cas Two dissimilar metals joined together at one end (called hot junction or measure junction). the mach number a function of (p s)/s where p = total pressure (pitot) s = static pressure cas is 'p the question states 'mach number constant' thus cas remains constant.

  • Question 42-38

    The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 15000 ft with a subscale setting of 1013 25 hpa oat 21°c the pressure altitude of aircraft Two dissimilar metals joined together at one end (called hot junction or measure junction). an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa.

  • Question 42-39

    During a climb at a constant ias below tropopause in isa conditions The mach number the true airspeed increase. for those questions use very simple 'ertm' diagram the eas (ias) line vertical because question states climb at a constant ias ertm e as/r as(rectified air speed or cas)/t as/m ach density will decrease during climb in order to maintain constant ias only v (tas) can be increased mach = tas / local speed of sound local speed of sound varies only with temperature temperature decreases during climb thus if tas increases lss decreases mach number increases.

  • Question 42-40

    The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 11000 ft with a subscale setting of 1013 25 hpa qnh 1023 hpa oat +3°c the pressure altitude of aircraft The mach number the true airspeed increase. an altimeter shows a pressure altitude with a sub scale setting of 1013 25 hpa.

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