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Mandatory > security : Vne is the maximum speed ?

Question 42-1 : Which must never be exceeded not to be exceeded except in still air and with caution at which the flight controls can be fully deflected with flaps extended in landing position

exemple 142 which must never be exceededwhich must never be exceeded

Vlo is the maximum ?

Question 42-2 : Speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety flight speed with landing gear down speed with flaps extended in a given position cruising speed not to be exceeded except in still air with caution

exemple 146 speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety.speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety.

The position error of the static vent on which the altimeter is connected ?

Question 42-3 : Mach number of the aircraft static temperature deformation of the aneroid capsule flight time at high altitude

.the pressure errors on a pitot/static systems vary with aircraft speed but specifically with mach number exemple 150 mach number of the aircraft.mach number of the aircraft.

The density altitude is ?

Question 42-4 : The altitude of the standard atmosphere on which the density is equal to the actual density of the atmosphere the temperature altitude corrected for the difference between the real temperature and the standard temperature the pressure altitude corrected for the relative density prevailing at this point the pressure altitude corrected for the density of air at this point

.the density altitude is the altitude in the standard atmosphere at which prevailing density occurs meaning your real altitude from the effects of height temperature and humidity and is used to establish performance as it is a figure that expresses where your machine thinks it is as opposed to where it actually is exemple 154 the altitude of the standard atmosphere on which the density is equal to the actual density of the atmosphere.the altitude of the standard atmosphere on which the density is equal to the actual density of the atmosphere.

The response time of a vertical speed detector may be decreased by adding a ?

Question 42-5 : Correction based on an accelerometer sensor bimettalic strip return spring second calibrated port

.on a vertical speed indicator the pointer takes a few seconds to steady because of the time taken to build up a steady pressure difference on climb or descent there will also be a time lag on levelling out because of the time.to overcome the problem of lag the instantaneous vertical speed indicator i v s i incorporates an accelerometer sensor which responds quickly to a change of altitude .the figure below shows an ivsi at the beginning of a descent . 988.the piston in the vertical acceleration pump immediately rises in the cylinder and causes a temporary increase of pressure in the capsule the capsule expands and the pointer will give an instant indication of descent .as the initial acceleration is turned into a steady rate of descent the piston will slowly descend to its original position but by this time the correct differential pressure between the capsule and the case will have been set up and the correct rate of descent will continue to be shown exemple 158 correction based on an accelerometer sensor.correction based on an accelerometer sensor.

The pressure altitude is the altitude corresponding ?

Question 42-6 : In standard atmosphere to the pressure ps prevailing at this point in ambiant atmosphere to the pressure ps prevailing at this point in standard atmosphere to the reference pressure ps in ambiant atmosphere to the reference pressure ps

The altimeter is calibrated to standard atmosphere conditions .it is nothing more than a barometer which measures atmospheric pressure and relates it to the altitude at which that pressure is found in a standard atmosphere in a standard atmosphere the pressure at 5000 feet is 850 hpa so if the static pressure ps is 850 hpa the altimeter tells you that you are 5000 feet and this is your pressure altitude exemple 162 in standard atmosphere, to the pressure ps prevailing at this point.in standard atmosphere, to the pressure ps prevailing at this point.

The atmospheric pressure at fl 70 in a 'standard + 10' atmosphere is ?

Question 42-7 : 781 85 hpa 942 13 hpa 1 013 25 hpa 644 41 hpa

.7000 ft / 28 ft par hpa = 250 hpa..pressure at mean sea level msl in international standard atmosphere is 1013 25 hpa.1013 25 250 = 763 25.this answer is close to 781 85 hpa.lucastefanon .fl 70 ==> 770 hpa..true altitude .7x4x10= 280 ft.280/27=10 5 hpa..as it's warmer then must be added so .770+10 5= 780 5 which i think it's more precise value respect to the answer exemple 166 781.85 hpa.781.85 hpa.

Sound propagates through the air at a speed which only depends on ?

Question 42-8 : Temperature temperature and the pressure pressure density

exemple 170 temperature.temperature.

The velocity of sound at the sea level in a standard atmosphere is ?

Question 42-9 : 661 kt 1059 kt 644 kt 332 kt

.the velocity of sound varies only with temperature .s = 39 x sqrt °kelvin..to get kelvin add 273 to the centigrade +15°c + 273 = 288°k..s = 39 x sqrt 288°k = 660 8 kt.sqrt square root exemple 174 661 kt.661 kt.

The limits of the yellow scale of an airspeed indicator are ?

Question 42-10 : Vno for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit vlo for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit vle for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit vfe for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit

1034. exemple 178 vno for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit.vno for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit.

The limits of the green scale of an airspeed indicator are ?

Question 42-11 : Vs1 for the lower limit and vno for the upper limit vs0 for the lower limit and vno for the upper limit vs1 for the lower limit and vne for the upper limit vs1 for the lower limit and vlo for the upper limit


The limits of the white scale of an airspeed indicator are ?

Question 42-12 : Vso for the lower limit and vfe for the upper limit vsi for the lower limit and vfe for the upper limit vso for the lower limit and vle for the upper limit vsi for the lower limit and vle for the upper limit

1034.white scale vso to vfe fe from flap extended .green scale vs without flaps to vno .yellow scale vno to vne .red line vne speed of never exceed exemple 186 vso for the lower limit and vfe for the upper limit.vso for the lower limit and vfe for the upper limit.

The reading of a mach indicator is independent of ?

Question 42-13 : The outside temperature the static pressure the total pressure the differential pressure measurement

The mach number is a function of p s /s.where p = total pressure pitot .s = static pressure.indications on the mach indicator will vary with p s and p s which is the differential pressure measurement .tas will vary with temperature but not the mach indicator

After an aircraft has passed through a volcanic cloud which has blocked the ?

Question 42-14 : Decreases steadily increases abruptly towards vne increases steadily decreases abruptly towards zero

Franck .the asi air speed indicator is provided by the pitot and static vent the pitot is blocked so the asi is going to react like an altimeter exemple 194 decreases steadily.decreases steadily.

The principle of the mach indicator is based on the computation of the ratio ?

Question 42-15 : Pt ps /ps pt ps /pt pt/ps pt + ps /ps

.pt total pressure.ps static pressure.dynamic pressure = pt ps..mach number is proportional to dynamic pressure/static pressure exemple 198 (pt - ps)/ps(pt - ps)/ps

The mach number is the ?

Question 42-16 : True airspeed tas divided by the local speed of sound corrected airspeed cas divided by the local speed of sound indicated airspeed ias divided by the local speed of sound equivalent airspeed eas divided by the local speed of sound

exemple 202 true airspeed (tas) divided by the local speed of soundtrue airspeed (tas) divided by the local speed of sound

Given . ts the static temperature sat . tt the total temperature tat . kr the ?

Question 42-17 : Tt = ts 1+0 2 m² tt = ts 1 0 2 m² tt = ts 1+0 2 kr m² tt = ts/ 1+0 2 kr m²

.this question is a little bit tricky .if you add the recovery coefficient to the formula you will have exactly the 'total temperature' without you only have an approximation exemple 206 tt = ts(1+0.2 m²)tt = ts(1+0.2 m²)

A blocked pitot head with a clear static source causes the airspeed indicator to ?

Question 42-18 : React like an altimeter read like a vertical speed indicator operate normally freeze at zero

exemple 210 react like an altimeter.react like an altimeter.

Given .m is the mach number.ts is the static temperature.tt is the total ?

Question 42-19 : Ts = tt / 1+0 2 m² ts = tt 1+0 2 m² ts = tt 0 2 m² ts = tt/ 0 2 m²

exemple 214 ts = tt /(1+0.2. m²)ts = tt /(1+0.2. m²)

The airspeed indicator of a twin engine aircraft comprises different sectors ?

Question 42-20 : Optimum climbing speed with one engine inoperative or vy speed not to be exceeded or vne minimum control speed or vmc maximum speed in operations or vmo

exemple 218 optimum climbing speed with one engine inoperative, or vyoptimum climbing speed with one engine inoperative, or vy

The mach number is ?

Question 42-21 : The ratio of the aircraft true airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude considered a direct function of temperature it varies in proportion to the square root of the absolute temperature the ratio of the indicated airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude considered the ratio of the aircraft conventional airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude considered

.mach number formula.m = tas/a.. a= local speed sound exemple 222 the ratio of the aircraft true airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude consideredthe ratio of the aircraft true airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude considered

In an adc air data computer the altitude is computed from ?

Question 42-22 : Measurement of barometric pressure from a static source on the fuselage static pressure the difference between absolute and dynamic pressure at the fuselage measurement of outside air temperature oat measurement of elapsed time for a radio signal transmitted to the ground surface and back

exemple 226 measurement of barometric pressure from a static source on the fuselage (static pressure).measurement of barometric pressure from a static source on the fuselage (static pressure).

Indication of mach number is obtained from ?

Question 42-23 : Indicated speed and altitude using a speed indicator equipped with an altimeter type aneroid an ordinary airspeed indicator scaled for mach numbers instead of knots a kind of echo sound comparing velocity of sound with indicated speed indicated speed ias compared with true air speed tas from the air data computer

.the mach meter modifies the output from an airspeed capsule by using an altimeter aneroid capsule exemple 230 indicated speed and altitude using a speed indicator equipped with an altimeter type aneroid.indicated speed and altitude using a speed indicator equipped with an altimeter type aneroid.

The altimeter consists of one or several aneroid capsules located in a sealed ?

Question 42-24 : I vacuum or a very low pressure ii static pressure i static pressure at time t ii static pressure at time t dt i total pressure ii static pressure i static pressure ii total pressure

exemple 234 (i) vacuum (or a very low pressure) (ii) static pressure(i) vacuum (or a very low pressure) (ii) static pressure

In case of accidental closing of an aircraft's left static pressure port rain ?

Question 42-25 : Overreads the altitude in case of a sideslip to the left and displays the correct information during symmetric flight underreads the altitude overreads the altitude in case of a side slip to the right and displays the correct information during symmetric flight keeps on providing reliable reading in all situations

Amassa .with a side slip to the left pressure will increase on the left side of the aircraft and decrease on the right .if both static ports are open the pressures are compensated this is why two static ports are used.so a lower static pressure will be sensed and the altimeter will overread the aircraft's altitude exemple 238 overreads the altitude in case of a sideslip to the left and displays the correct information during symmetric flight.overreads the altitude in case of a sideslip to the left and displays the correct information during symmetric flight.

The vertical speed indicator vsi is fed by ?

Question 42-26 : Static pressure dynamic pressure total pressure differential pressure

The altimeter is supplied with ?

Question 42-27 : Static pressure dynamic pressure total pressure differential pressure

exemple 246 static pressure.static pressure.

Total air temperature tat is ?

Question 42-28 : Higher or equal to static air temperature sat depending on mach number and sat lower than static air temperature sat depending on altitude and sat higher or equal to static air temperature sat depending on altitude and sat lower than static air temperature sat depending on mach number and sat

.tat = sat 1 + 0 2 x kr x m². sat the static temperature in kelvin.. tat the total temperature in kelvin.. kr the recovery coefficient.. m the mach number..if mach is 0 sat = tat .if sat is 0 tat = sat.absolute zero in kelvin is almost impossible to reach but from the formula tat will be 0 if sat is 0 exemple 250 higher or equal to static air temperature (sat) depending on mach number and sat.higher or equal to static air temperature (sat) depending on mach number and sat.

An air data computer .1 supplies gs and drift angle.2 determines tat and true ?

Question 42-29 : 3 4 5 1 2 2 5 2 3 4

.the adc air data computer uses as input data static pressure total pressure pitot pressure and tat . 1023 exemple 254 3, 4, 5.3, 4, 5.

An aircraft is flying at flight level fl180 and mach number 0 36 its onboard ?

Question 42-30 : Standard + 10°c standard + 30°c standard + 20°c standard

.what is the oat outside air temperature at fl180 in standard atmosphere.15° 2 x 18 ° = 21ºc at fl180.calculation . 997..oat at fl180 is 11°c instead of 21°c the present weather conditions compared with the standard atmosphere are standard + 10°c exemple 258 standard + 10°c.standard + 10°c.

An airspeed indicator displays ?

Question 42-31 : Ias eas cas tas

1034..ias for indicated air speed exemple 262 ias.ias.

The angle of attack transmitter placed laterally on the forward part of the ?

Question 42-32 : 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 3

.conical slotted probe the angle of attack aoa probe provides aoa or sideslip ss by sensing the direction of local airflow it is mounted on the fuselage with the sensing probe extending through the aircraft fuselage the sensing probe is continually driven to null pressure differential between the upper and lower slots in its forward surface these features sense the direction of air stream flow local aoa or ss the angular position of the sensing probe is converted to an electrical output by an angular sensor . 998. 999..vane detector the angle of attack sensor is of the wind vane type its sensing element is a small wing which is positioned in the direction of airflow the small wing is mechanically linked to a free turn shaft which drives the devices transmitting the local angle of attack signal . 1000. exemple 266 2, 3.2, 3.

At a given altitude the hysteresis error of an altimeter varies substantially ?

Question 42-33 : Time passed at this altitude mach number of the aircraft aircraft attitude static temperature

.hysteresis this error is a lag in the altitude indications caused by the elasticity of the aneroid capsule it occurs when an aircraft initiates a large rapid altitude change or an abrupt level off from a rapid climb or descent it takes a period of time for the aneroid to catch up with the new pressure environment hence a lag in indications this error has been significantly reduced in modern altimeters and is considered negligible at normal rates of descent for jet aircraft exemple 270 time passed at this altitude.time passed at this altitude.

Below the tropopause in standard conditions when climbing at a constant mach ?

Question 42-34 : Tas decreases tas increases tas remains constant the difference between surrounding conditions and isa must be known to deduce the tas variation

For those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1039..the mach line is vertical because the question states climbing at a constant mach number. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach exemple 274 tas decreases.tas decreases.

Below the tropopause when descending at a constant cas ?

Question 42-35 : Mach number decreases and the velocity of sound increases mach number increases and the velocity of sound decreases mach number and the velocity of sound increase mach number and the velocity of sound decrease

For those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1037..the cas line is vertical because the question states descending at a constant cas. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach.the velocity of sound is increasing as temperature increases .mach number = tas / local sound speed exemple 278 mach number decreases and the velocity of sound increases.mach number decreases and the velocity of sound increases.

Below the tropopause in standard conditions when descending at a constant mach ?

Question 42-36 : Tas increases tas decreases tas remains constant the difference between surrounding conditions and isa must be known to deduce the tas variation

.for those questions use the very simple 'ertm' diagram. 1039.the mach line is vertical because the question states descending at a constant mach number. ertm for e as/ r as rectified air speed or cas / t as/ m ach exemple 282 tas increases.tas increases.

Calibrated air speed cas is ?

Question 42-37 : Indicated air speed ias corrected for position and instrument errors indicated air speed ias corrected for compressibility error equivalent air speed eas corrected for density error equivalent air speed eas corrected for compressibility and density errors

.an airspeed indicator displays ias .the error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the source is known as position error .instrument error refers to the combined accuracy and precision of a measuring instrument or the difference between the actual value and the value indicated.cas is ias corrected position and instrument errors exemple 286 indicated air speed (ias) corrected for position and instrument errors.indicated air speed (ias) corrected for position and instrument errors.

Concerning the airspeed indicator ias is ?

Question 42-38 : The indicated reading on the instrument the indicated reading on an instrument presumed to be perfect the indicated airspeed corrected for instrument and position errors the indicated airspeed corrected for instrument error only

.an airspeed indicator displays ias exemple 290 the indicated reading on the instrument.the indicated reading on the instrument.

Considering the relationship between cas and eas ?

Question 42-39 : Eas is always lower than or equal to cas eas is always greater than or equal to cas eas may be lower or greater than cas depending on pressure altitude eas may be lower or greater than cas depending on density altitude

.eas is cas corrected for compressibility .compressibility error always results in an incorrect and a higher ias/cas being observed on the airspeed indicator exemple 294 eas is always lower than or equal to cas.eas is always lower than or equal to cas.

Due to its conception the altimeter measures a ?

Question 42-40 : Pressure altitude density altitude temperature altitude true altitude

exemple 298 pressure altitudepressure altitude


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