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Certification > weather : Part fcl.an istrative act taken within the period of validity of a rating or ?

Question 4-1 : A revalidation a renewal an achievement an extension

Regulation eu no 1178/2011.aircrew regulation.. fcl 010 definitions .'revalidation' of e g a rating or certificate means the istrative action taken within the period of validity of a rating or certificate which allows the holder to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements.'renewal' of e g a rating or certificate means the istrative action taken after a rating or certificate has lapsed for the purpose of re g the privileges of the rating or certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements

Part fcl.the demonstration of skill for a licence or rating issue including ?

Question 4-2 : A skill test a renewal a validation a revalidation

Ecqb04 october 2017...'proficiency check' means the demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings and including such oral examination as may be required.'skill test' means the demonstration of skill for a licence or rating issue including such oral examination as may be required exemple 108 a skill test.a skill test.

Part fcl.the demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings and ?

Question 4-3 : A proficiency check a renewal a validation a revalidation

Ecqb04 october 2017...'proficiency check' means the demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings and including such oral examination as may be required.'skill test' means the demonstration of skill for a licence or rating issue including such oral examination as may be required exemple 112 a proficiency check.a proficiency check.

Part fcl.the flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of ?

Question 4-4 : Solo flight time training flight time local flight time dual instruction time

Ecqb04 october 2017...part fcl 010 definitions exemple 116 solo flight time.solo flight time.

Part fcl.a pilot who holds a licence which prohibits the piloting of aircraft ?

Question 4-5 : A private pilot an examiner an instructor a flight instructor

Ecqb04 october 2017...part fcl 010 definitions exemple 120 a private pilot.a private pilot.

Part fcl.a 'multi pilot aircraft' is ?

Question 4-6 : An aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots a multi engines aircraft an aeroplanes requiring 2 pilots using multi crew cooperation an aircraft with dual flight controls

Ecqb04 october 2017...part fcl 010 definitions exemple 124 an aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots.an aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots.

Part fcl.the definition of a cross country flight is ?

Question 4-7 : A flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a preplanned route using standard navigation procedures a country flight prepared with standard navigation tools a non preplanned flight between two controlled airports a circular flight with the same point of departure and arrival

Regulation eu no 1178/2011.aircrew regulation.. fcl 010 definitions .'cross country' means a flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a pre planned route using standard navigation procedures exemple 128 a flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a preplanned route, using standard navigation procedures.a flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a preplanned route, using standard navigation procedures.

Icao annex 1 definitions..'an authorization entered on or associated with a ?

Question 4-8 : A rating a requirement a skill an assessment

exemple 132 a rating.a rating.

A signalman will ask the pilot to apply parking brakes by the following signals ?

Question 4-9 : Raise arm and hand with fingers extended horizontally in front of body then clench fist arms down palms facing inwards moving arms from extended position inwards horizontally moving his hands fingers extended palms towards ground crossing arms extended above his head

705.. 706 exemple 136 raise arm and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in front of body, then clench fist.raise arm and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in front of body, then clench fist.

Aircraft 'a' with an atc clearance is flying in vmc conditions within a control ?

Question 4-10 : Aircraft 'b' if 'a' is on its left aircraft 'b' regardless of the direction 'a' is approaching aircraft 'a' regardless of the direction which 'b' is approaching aircraft 'a' if 'b' is on its right

When two aircraft are converging on approximately the same heading the aircraft which has the other on its right must give way. 704 exemple 140 aircraft 'b' if 'a' is on its left.aircraft 'b' if 'a' is on its left.

Which fl can be used to perform a ifr flight on a magnetic track of 070° in ?

Question 4-11 : Fl 330 fl 280 fl 350 fl 310

Jeppesen europe high altitude enroute charts . 710..or annex 2 rules of the air. 709 exemple 144 fl 330.fl 330.

Upon intercepting the assigned radial the controller advises you that you are ?

Question 4-12 : You are to assume responsibility for your own navigation radar services are terminated and you will be responsible for position reports you are to contact the centre at the next reporting point you are still in radar contact but must make position reports

exemple 148 you are to assume responsibility for your own navigation.you are to assume responsibility for your own navigation.

An aircraft shall display if so equipped an anti collision light ?

Question 4-13 : To attract attention to the aircraft during start up at night during night flight only at night when aircraft is being towed

Annex 2 rules of the air . 3 2 3 lights to be displayed by aircraft .3 2 3 1 except as provided by 3 2 3 5 from sunset to sunrise or during any other period which may be prescribed by the appropriate authority all aircraft in flight shall display.a anti collision lights intended to attract attention to the aircraft and..b navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an observer and other lights shall not be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights.3 2 3 2 except as provided by 3 2 3 5 from sunset to sunrise or during any other period prescribed by the appropriate authority.a all aircraft moving on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an observer and other lights shall not be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights.b unless stationary and otherwise adequately illuminated all aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display lights intended to indicate the extremities of their structure.c all aircraft operating on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display lights intended to attract attention to the aircraft and..d all aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome whose engines are running shall display lights which indicate that fact exemple 152 to attract attention to the aircraft.to attract attention to the aircraft.

Anti collision lights aircraft equipped with red anticollision lights may ?

Question 4-14 : On the ground when the engines are running outside the daylight period in flight but not on the ground when being towed while taxiing but not when being towed outside the daylight period at engine start during the daylight period this procedure is not applicable

Icao annex 2 rules of the air .3 2 3 lights to be displayed by aircraft.3 2 3 1 except as provided by 3 2 3 5 from sunset to sunrise or during any other period which may be prescribed by the appropriate authority all aircraft in flight shall display.a anti collision lights intended to attract attention to the aircraft and..b navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an observer and other lights shall not be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights.3 2 3 2 except as provided by 3 2 3 5 from sunset to sunrise or during any other period prescribed by the appropriate authority.a all aircraft moving on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display navigation lights intended to indicate the relative path of the aircraft to an observer and other lights shall not be displayed if they are likely to be mistaken for these lights.b unless stationary and otherwise adequately illuminated all aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display lights intended to indicate the extremities of their structure.c all aircraft operating on the movement area of an aerodrome shall display lights intended to attract attention to the aircraft and..d all aircraft on the movement area of an aerodrome whose engines are running shall display lights which indicate that fact exemple 156 on the ground when the engines are running.on the ground when the engines are running.

The final authority as to the disposition of the aircraft has the ?

Question 4-15 : Pilot in command aircraft owner operator atc controller whenever the aircraft is flying in controlled airspace

exemple 160 pilot-in-command.pilot-in-command.

Avoidance of collisions.an aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area of an ?

Question 4-16 : Aircraft taking off or about to take off other vehicles or pedestrians all vehicles on the taxiways except the 'follow me' vehicle larger heavier aircraft

exemple 164 aircraft taking off or about to take off.aircraft taking off or about to take off.

Avoidance of collisions.the highest priority for landing has ?

Question 4-17 : An aircraft that is compelled to land emergency landing a military aircraft an aircraft on a diplomatic flight head of state an air ambulance carrying a very sick person needing immediate medical attention

exemple 168 an aircraft that is compelled to land (emergency landing).an aircraft that is compelled to land (emergency landing).

Deviation from flight plan.pilots of controlled flights are requested to inform ?

Question 4-18 : 5% 3% 2% 4%

exemple 172 5%.5%.

Except when a clearance is obtained from an atc unit a vfr flight cannot enter ?

Question 4-19 : 1500 ft or visibility is less than 5 km 1000 ft or visibility is less than 8 km 2000 ft or visibility is less than 5 km 1000 ft or visibility is less than 5 km

Icao annex 2 rules of the air chaper 4 visual flight rules . .4 2 except when a clearance is obtained from an air traffic control unit vfr flights shall not take off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or traffic pattern.a when the ceiling is less than 450 m 1500 ft or..b when the ground visibility is less than 5 km exemple 176 1500 ft or visibility is less than 5 km.1500 ft or visibility is less than 5 km.

Flight plan inadvertent track changes.in the event that a controlled flight ?

Question 4-20 : Adjust the heading of aircraft to regain track as soon as practicable climb or descent by 500 ft inform the appropriate ats unit maintain vmc wait for instructions from the appropriate ats unit notify the appropriate ats unit immediately notifying the new track and to comply with instructions from ats

Flight plan.for flights in accordance with ifr within advisory airspace a ?

Question 4-21 : Shall be submitted changes to the flight plan have to be reported shall be submitted there is no obligation to report changes does not have to be submitted may be submitted at the pilots discretion in case a flight plan is submitted all changes shall be reported as soon as practicable to the appropriate ats unit

Doc 4444 .9 1 4 2 2 aircraft not using the air traffic advisory service.9 1 4 2 2 1 aircraft wishing to conduct ifr flights within advisory airspace but not electing to use the air traffic advisory service shall nevertheless submit a flight plan and notify changes made thereto to the unit providing that service exemple 184 shall be submitted. changes to the flight plan have to be reported.shall be submitted. changes to the flight plan have to be reported.

Icao annex 2 definitions.who is charged with the safe conduct of a flight ?

Question 4-22 : The pilot in command the atc controller whenever the aircraft is flying in controlled airspace the aircraft owner the airline operator

Pilot in command means the pilot designated by the operator or in the case of general aviation the owner as being in command and charged with the safe conduct of a flight

If no icao identifier has been attributed to an alternate airport box 16 of a ?

Question 4-23 : Write zzzz in box 16 and indicate in box 18 additional information altn/followed by the name of the airport write xxxx in box 16 and indicate in box 18 additional information altn/followed by the name of the airport write xxxx in box 16 and indicate in box 18 additional information degt/followed by the name of the airport write zzzz in box 16 and indicate in box 18 additional information degt/followed by the name of the airport

When you have to fill a flight plan you have to indicate your departure airport your destination and your alternate airport .example .depature madrid barajas airport icao identifier lemd .destination london heathrow airport icao identifier egll .alternate brussels south charleroi icao identifier ebci.doc4444 specified the following rule if no location indicator has been assigned to the alternate aerodrome .insert zzzz and specify in item 18 the name of the aerodrome preceded by altn/ exemple 192 write zzzz in box 16 and indicate in box 18 (additional information) altn/followed by the name of the airport.write zzzz in box 16 and indicate in box 18 (additional information) altn/followed by the name of the airport.

If radio communication is established during an interception but communications ?

Question 4-24 : Descend descend for landing let down you land

You will find the answer with icao annex 2 rules of the air appendix 2 'interception of civil aircraft'. 3 radiocommunication during interception .if radio contact is established during interception but communication in a common language is not possible attempts shall be made to convey instructions acknowledgement of instructions and essential information by using the phrases and pronunciations in table below and transmitting each phrase twice . 711 exemple 196 descenddescend

If radio contact with the intercepting aircraft is established but ?

Question 4-25 : Can not not possible unable to comply can not comply

Icao annex 2 rules of the air appendix 2 'interception of civil aircraft' . 3 radiocommunication during interception .if radio contact is established during interception but communication in a common language is not possible attempts shall be made to convey instructions acknowledgement of instructions and essential information by using the phrases and pronunciations in table below and transmitting each phrase twice . 711 exemple 200 can notcan not

In the event of a delay of a controlled flight the submitted flight plan should ?

Question 4-26 : 30 minutes of the estimated time off blocks 30 minutes of the estimated time of departure 60 minutes of the estimated time off blocks 60 minutes of the estimated time of departure

Icao pans atm doc 4444 .4 4 2 submission of a flight plan.4 4 2 1 prior to departure. .4 4 2 1 3 in the event of a delay of 30 minutes in excess of the estimated off block time for a controlled flight or a delay of one hour for an uncontrolled flight for which a flight plan has been submitted the flight plan should be amended or a new flight plan submitted and the old flight plan canceled whichever is applicable exemple 204 30 minutes of the estimated time off blocks.30 minutes of the estimated time off blocks.

In the event that a controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current ?

Question 4-27 : The tas varies by plus or minus 5% of the tas notified in the flight plan of an emergency it is a deviation from the track the estimated time is in error by more than 10 minutes

Sera 8020 adherence to flight plan . .b inadvertent changes in the event that a controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current flight plan the following action shall be taken. 1 deviation from track if the aircraft is off track action shall be taken forthwith to adjust the heading of the aircraft to regain track as soon as practicable. 2 variation in true airspeed if the average true airspeed at cruising level between reporting points varies or is expected to vary by plus or minus 5 per cent of the true airspeed from that given in the flight plan the appropriate air traffic services unit shall be so informed. 3 change in time estimate if the time estimate for the next applicable reporting point flight information region boundary or destination aerodrome whichever comes first is found to be in error in excess of 2 minutes from that notified to air traffic services or such other period of time as is prescribed by the competent authority or on the basis of icao regional air navigation agreements a revised estimated time shall be notified as soon as possible to the appropriate air traffic services unit. 4 additionally when an ads c agreement is in place the air traffic services unit shall be informed automatically via data link whenever changes occur beyond the threshold values stipulated by the ads c event contract exemple 208 the tas varies by plus or minus 5% of the tas notified in the flight plan.the tas varies by plus or minus 5% of the tas notified in the flight plan.

Interception..an aircraft equipped with ssr transponder which is intercepted by ?

Question 4-28 : Code 7700 code 7600 code 7500 code 7000

Icao annex 2 rules of the air .appendix 2 interception of civil aircraft. note see chapter 3 3 8 of the annex . . 2 action by intercepted aircraft.2 1 an aircraft which is intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately.a follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft interpreting and responding to visual signals in accordance with the specifications in appendix 1.b notify if possible the appropriate air traffic services unit.c attempt to establish radiocommunication with the intercepting aircraft or with the appropriate intercept control unit by making a general call on the emergency frequency 121 5 mhz giving the identity of the intercepted aircraft and the nature of the flight and if no contact has been established and if practicable repeating this call on the emergency frequency 243 mhz.d if equipped with ssr transponder select mode a code 7700 unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate air traffic services unit.e if equipped with ads b or ads c select the appropriate emergency functionality if available unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate air traffic services unit.for information .distress/general emergency 7700 .unlawful interference/hijacking 7500 .communication failure 7600 exemple 212 code 7700.code 7700.

Interception day or night.which manoeuvre will be executed by an intercepting ?

Question 4-29 : An abrupt break away manoeuvre from the intercepted aircraft consisting of a climbing turn of 90 degrees or more without crossing the line of flight of the intercepted aircraft rocking aircraft twice in front of the intercepting aircraft after acknowledgement by intercepted aircraft a slow level turn normally to the left circling the intercepted aircraft in a counter clockwise pattern for aeroplanes in a clockwise pattern for helicopter rocking aircraft and flashing navigational lights at regular intervals

exemple 216 an abrupt break-away manoeuvre from the intercepted aircraft consisting of a climbing turn of 90 degrees or more without crossing the line of flight of the intercepted aircraft.an abrupt break-away manoeuvre from the intercepted aircraft consisting of a climbing turn of 90 degrees or more without crossing the line of flight of the intercepted aircraft.

Interception.if any instructions received by radio from any sources conflict ?

Question 4-30 : Follow the instructions of the intercepting aircraft and request immediate clarification ignore the signals of the intercepting aircraft and request instructions from the appropriate ats unit ignore the signals of the intercepting aircraft and continue in accordance with the last clearance received select transponder mode a squawk 7600 fly holding patterns until having received instructions from the appropriate ats unit

exemple 220 follow the instructions of the intercepting aircraft and request immediate clarification.follow the instructions of the intercepting aircraft and request immediate clarification.

Raise hand just above shoulder height with open palm ensuring eye contact with ?

Question 4-31 : Set brakes start engines chocks removed release brakes

705.. 706 exemple 224 set brakes.set brakes.

Special vfr flights may the authorized to operate locally within a control zone ?

Question 4-32 : E airspace c d and e airspaces d and e airspaces d airspace

Special vfr flight a vfr flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within a control zone in meteorological conditions below vmc.annex 11 air traffic services official table . 740.as a standard vfr flight in class e airspace a radio receiver is not required exemple 228 e airspace.e airspace.

The planned cruising speed for the first leg or all of the cruising portion of ?

Question 4-33 : True air speed tas estimated ground speed g/s indicated air speed ias true air speed at 65% power

exemple 232 true air speed (tas).true air speed (tas).

The vmc minima for a vfr flight inside an ats airspace classified as b is ?

Question 4-34 : 8 km visibility when at or above 3050 m 10000 ft amsl and 1500 m horizontal and 300 m vertical from clouds 8 km visibility when at or above 3050 m 10000 ft amsl and clear of clouds 5 nm visibility below 3050 m 100000 ft amsl clear of clouds 5 nm visibility when below 3050 m 10000 ft amsl 1500 m horizontal and 300 m vertical from cloud

Sera 5001 vmc visibility and distance from cloud minima. 712.. * when the height of the transition altitude is lower than 3050 m 10000 ft amsl fl 100 shall be used in lieu of 10000 ft. ** when so prescribed by the appropriate ats authority.a flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1 500 m may be permitted for flights operating. 1 at speeds of 140 kts ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision or.. 2 in circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low e g in areas of low volume traffic and for aerial work at low levels. b helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1 500 m but not less than 800 m flight visibility if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision flight visibilities lower than 800 m may be permitted for special cases such as medical flights search and rescue operations and fire fighting. *** the vmc minima in class a airspace are included for guidance to pilots and do not imply acceptance of vfr flights in class a airspace exemple 236 8 km visibility when at or above 3050 m (10000 ft) amsl, and 1500 m horizontal and 300 m vertical from clouds.8 km visibility when at or above 3050 m (10000 ft) amsl, and 1500 m horizontal and 300 m vertical from clouds.

Visual signals.in flight in the aerodrome pattern the pilot of an aircraft ?

Question 4-35 : Aerodrome unsafe do not land return for landing and clearances to land and to taxi will be given in due course give way to other aircraft notwithstanding any previous instructions do not land for the time being

708 exemple 240 aerodrome unsafe, do not land.aerodrome unsafe, do not land.

Visual flight rules.an aircraft operating in accordance with vfr above the sea ?

Question 4-36 : A distance from cloud of 1500 m horizontally and 1000 ft vertically and a flight visibility of 5 km a distance from cloud of 1000 m horizontally and 1000 ft vertically and a flight visibility of 8 km a distance from cloud of 1500 m horizontally and 1000 ft vertically and a flight visibility of 5 km clear of cloud and with the surface in sight visibility 8 km

Sera 5001 vmc visibility and distance from cloud minima. 712.. * when the height of the transition altitude is lower than 3050 m 10000 ft amsl fl 100 shall be used in lieu of 10000 ft. ** si l'autorité compétente le prescrit.a flight visibilities reduced to not less than 1 500 m may be permitted for flights operating. 1 at speeds of 140 kts ias or less to give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision or.. 2 in circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low e g in areas of low volume traffic and for aerial work at low levels. b helicopters may be permitted to operate in less than 1 500 m but not less than 800 m flight visibility if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision flight visibilities lower than 800 m may be permitted for special cases such as medical flights search and rescue operations and fire fighting. *** the vmc minima in class a airspace are included for guidance to pilots and do not imply acceptance of vfr flights in class a airspace exemple 244 a distance from cloud of 1500 m horizontally and 1000 ft vertically and a flight visibility of 5 km.a distance from cloud of 1500 m horizontally and 1000 ft vertically and a flight visibility of 5 km.

Visual flight rules.except when a clearance is obtained from an atc unit vfr ?

Question 4-37 : Ceiling is less than 1500 ft or the ground visibility is less than 5 km ceiling is less than 1000 ft or the ground visibility is less than 5 km ceiling is less than 2000 ft or the ground visibility is less than 5 km ceiling is less than 1000 ft or the ground visibility is less than 8 km

Icao annex 2 rules of the air chaper 4 visual flight rules . .4 2 except when a clearance is obtained from an air traffic control unit vfr flights shall not take off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or traffic pattern.a when the ceiling is less than 450 m 1500 ft or..b when the ground visibility is less than 5 km exemple 248 ceiling is less than 1500 ft or the ground visibility is less than 5 km.ceiling is less than 1500 ft or the ground visibility is less than 5 km.

Visual signals.in flight the pilot of an aircraft observes a series of ?

Question 4-38 : The unauthorised aircraft is flying in or about to enter a restricted prohibited or danger area and the aircraft is to take such remedial action as may be necessary the aerodrome nearby you have chosen for landing is unsafe do not attempt to land proceed to your alternate notwithstanding any previous instructions stay in the circuit do not land for the time being give way to other aircraft and continue circling

708..icao annex 2 rules of the air .3 visual signals used to warn an unauthorized aircraft flying in or about to enter a restricted prohibited or danger area.by day and by night a series of projectiles discharged from the ground at intervals of 10 seconds each showing on bursting red and green lights or stars will indicate to an unauthorized aircraft that it is flying in or about to enter a restricted prohibited or danger area and that the aircraft is to take such remedial action as may be necessary exemple 252 the unauthorised aircraft is flying in or about to enter a restricted, prohibited or danger area and the aircraft is to take such remedial action as may be necessary.the unauthorised aircraft is flying in or about to enter a restricted, prohibited or danger area and the aircraft is to take such remedial action as may be necessary.

When two aircraft are approaching head on or approximately so and there is a ?

Question 4-39 : Alter its heading to the right alter its heading to the left descent climb

exemple 256 alter its heading to the right.alter its heading to the right.

Whenever unlawful interference with an aircraft is suspected and where ?

Question 4-40 : Setting the ssr decoder to mode a code 7500 and thereafter to code 7700 setting the ssr decoder to mode a 7500 then to standby and thereafter to code 7700 setting the ssr decoder to mode a 7700 then to standby and thereafter to code 7500 setting the ssr decoder to mode a code 7000 and thereafter to code 7500

. doc 4444 .15 1 3 unlawful interference and aircraft bomb threat.15 1 3 2 whenever unlawful interference with an aircraft is suspected and where automatic distinct display of ssr mode a code 7500 and code 7700 is not provided the controller shall attempt to verify any suspicion by setting the ssr decoder to mode a code 7500 and thereafter to code 7700.note an aircraft equipped with an ssr transponder is expected to operate the transponder on mode a code 7500 to indicate specifically that it is the subject of unlawful interference the aircraft may operate the transponder on mode a code 7700 to indicate that it is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance an aircraft equipped with other surveillance system transmitters including ads b and ads c might send the emergency and/or urgency signal by all of the available means exemple 260 setting the ssr decoder to mode a code 7500 and thereafter to code 7700.setting the ssr decoder to mode a code 7500 and thereafter to code 7700.

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