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An aircraft which is not engaged in scheduled international air services and which is making a flight to or through any designated airport of a Contracting State and is admitted temporarily free of ? Observation > CPL

exemple question 134
For a period to be established that state. icao annex 9 facilitation chapter 2 iv clearance sojourn of aircraft 2 44 an aircraft which not engaged in scheduled international air services which making a flight to or through any designated international airport of a contracting state is admitted temporarily free of duty in accordance with article 24 of convention shall be allowed to remain within that state for a period to be established that state without security customs duty on aircraft being required.

An aircraft which is not engaged in scheduled international air services and which is making a flight to or through any designated international airport of a Contracting State and is ?

exemple question 135
An aircraft which not engaged in scheduled international air services and which making a flight to or through any designated international airport of a contracting state and Admitted to that state temporarily free of customs duty. icao annex 9 facilitation chapter 2 iv clearance sojourn of aircraft 2 46 an aircraft which not engaged in scheduled international air services which making a flight to or through any designated international airport of a contracting state is admitted temporarily free of duty in accordance with article 24 of convention shall be allowed to remain within that state a period to be established that state without security customs duty on aircraft being required.

Which organisation is responsible for facilitate and expedite the process under which aircraft operators can apply for Crew Member Certificates CMC ?

exemple question 136
Which organisation responsible facilitate and expedite process under which aircraft operators can apply crew member certificates cmc Admitted to that state temporarily free of customs duty. icao annex 9 facilitation n identification entry of crew other aircraft operator personnel 3 62 contracting states shall facilitate expedite process under which aircraft operators based in their territories can apply crew member certificates (cmcs) their crew members.

exemple question 137
What the purpose of a cmc crew member's certificate To provide identification of aircrew. The cmc was developed as a card use identification purposes crew members leaving crew licences to serve their primary purpose of attesting to professional qualifications of flight crew members.

exemple question 138
When a passport mandatory to travel at what age a child needs one To provide identification of aircrew. icao annex 9 facilitation 3 16 contracting states shall issue a separate passport to each person regardless of age.

exemple question 139
Whenever a 'general declaration' required what kind of information concerning crew members entry and departure of an aircraft may be asked a contracting state To provide identification of aircrew. Ecqb04 october 2017 icao annex 9 facilitation chapter 2 entry and departure of aircraft appendix 1.

exemple question 140
When does a contracting state may require an exit visa their own nationals To provide identification of aircrew. Ecqb04 october 2017 icao annex 9 contracting states shall not require exit visas from their own nationals wishing to tour abroad nor from visitors at end of their stay.

A contracting states shall accept cmcs crew member certificates visa free entrance of crew members when arriving On duty requesting temporary entry. Ecqb04 november 2017 icao annex 9 3 71 contracting states shall accept cmcs issued according to requirements of standard 3 68 visa free entrance of crew members when arriving in a duty status on an international flight seeking temporary entry the period allowed the receiving state.

Crew member certificates shall be issued contracting states Only in form of machine readable cards. A crew member certificate (cmc) issued to airline flight crew cabin crew members to facilitate their movement at icao member state airports the cmc card replaces a passport or visa this purpose however card not mandatory provisions on cmcs are contained in icao annex 9 the crew member certificate airline specific the card must be renewed when employer changes or if card lost example annex 9 facilitations chapiter 3 n identification entry of crew other aircraft operator personnel 3 63 if contracting states issue crew member certificates then these shall be issued only in form of machine readable cards in accordance with specifications of doc 9303 part 3.

In case of an unruly passenger on board May disembark passenger in territory of a contracting state. Ecqb04 november 2017.

A radio communications 'distres differs from 'urgency' because in first case There a serious imminent danger requiring immediate assistance. Distress defined as a condition of being threatened serious and/or imminent danger of requiring immediate assistance urgency defined a condition concerning safety of an aircraft or other vehicle or of some person on board or within sight but which does not require immediate assistance.

Alert phase alert phase defined as follows A situation where an apprehension exists as to safety of an aircraft its occupants. uncertainty phase a situation wherein uncertainty exists as to safety of an aircraft its occupants alert phase a situation wherein apprehension exists as to safety of an aircraft its occupants distress phase a situation wherein there a reasonable certainty that an aircraft its occupants are threatened grave imminent danger require immediate assistance emergency phase a generic term meaning as case may be uncertainty phase alert phase or distress phase.

Annex 12 search and rescue signals at nightthe pilot of an aircraft observing a luminous signal requesting help will indicate to persons in difficulty that he has received ground signals Switching his landing lights on off twice or if aeroplane not so equipped his navigation lights twice. annex 12 search rescue 3 air to ground signals 3 1 the following signals aircraft mean that ground signals have been understood a) during hours of daylight rocking aircraft's wings b) during hours of darkness flashing on off twice aircraft's landing lights or if not so equipped switching on off twice its navigation lights 3 2 lack of above signal indicates that groundsignal not understood.

Icao annex 12 search and rescue signalsthe ground air visual signal code use survivors on ground to indicate 'affirmative' Switching his landing lights on off twice or if aeroplane not so equipped his navigation lights twice. annex 12 search rescue .

Icao annex 12 search and rescue signalsthe ground air visual signal code use survivors on ground to indicate 'negative' Switching his landing lights on off twice or if aeroplane not so equipped his navigation lights twice. annex 12 search rescue .

Icao annex 12 search and rescue the procedure the pilot in command of an aircraft to be followed in case of intercepting a distress transmission Record position of craft in distress if given if possible take a bearing of transmission inform appropriate rcc or ats and while awaiting instructions proceed at your discretion towards position given in transmission. Icao annex 12 chapter 5 5 7 procédures a pilot in command intercepting a distress transmission whenever a distress transmission intercepted a pilot in command of an aircraft pilot shall if feasible a) acknowledge distress transmission b) record position of craft in distress if given c) take a bearing on transmission d) inform appropriate rescue coordination centre or air traffic services unit of distress transmission giving all available information and e) at pilot's discretion while awaiting instructions proceed to position given in transmission.

Search and rescue organisationthe unit responsible promoting efficient organisation of search and rescue service in each sar region the Rescue co ordination centre. Icao annex 12 chapter 5 5 7 procédures a pilot in command intercepting a distress transmission whenever a distress transmission intercepted a pilot in command of an aircraft pilot shall if feasible a) acknowledge distress transmission b) record position of craft in distress if given c) take a bearing on transmission d) inform appropriate rescue coordination centre or air traffic services unit of distress transmission giving all available information and e) at pilot's discretion while awaiting instructions proceed to position given in transmission.

Icao annex 12 search and rescue if first aircraft to reach scene of an accident not a search and rescue aircraft it shall Take charge of on scene activities of all aircraft subsequently arriving until first search rescue aircraft reaches scene of accident. icao annex 12 5 6 2 1 if first aircraft to reach scene of an accident not a search rescue aircraft it shall take charge of on scene activities of all aircraft subsequently arriving until first search rescue aircraft reaches scene of accident if in meantime such aircraft unable to establish communication with appropriate rescue coordination centre or air traffic services unit it shall mutual agreement hand over to an aircraft capable of establishing maintaining such communications until arrival of first search rescue aircraft.

Search and rescue signals the ground air visual signal code use survivors on ground in order to indicate 'require assistance' Take charge of on scene activities of all aircraft subsequently arriving until first search rescue aircraft reaches scene of accident. annex 12 search rescue .

Search and rescue signals the ground air visual signal code use survivors on ground in order to indicate 'require medical assistance' Take charge of on scene activities of all aircraft subsequently arriving until first search rescue aircraft reaches scene of accident. annex 12 search rescue .

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