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The torque of an aeroplane engine can be measured at the ?

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exemple 133
Gear box which located between engine the propeller, accessory gear box, propeller blades, camshaft.

The conditions most likely to produce the highest engine power are ?

exemple 134
The conditions most likely to produce highest engine power are Cold dry air at high pressure, warm air at low pressure with high relative humidity, cold air at high pressure with high relative humidity, warm dry air at high pressure. Hot, low pressure air contains fewer oxygen molecules (per cubic meter or foot) than cold, high pressure air. water molecules (humidity) displace a certain amount of oxygen in engine air intake, meaning that engine inhales less oxygen.

The kind of compressor normally used as a supercharger is ?

exemple 135
The kind of compressor normally used as a supercharger A radial compressor, an axial compressor, a hybrid compressor, a piston compressor. the compressor section fitted with a radial compressor. turbine section can be radial or axial.

  • exemple 136
    An egt exhaust gas temperature indicator a piston engine used to Assist pilot to set correct mixture, control cylinder head temperature, control carburettor inlet air flow, control fuel temperature.

  • exemple 137
    The conditions which can cause detonation are High manifold pressure low revolutions per minute, low manifold pressure high revolutions per minute, high manifold pressure high revolutions per minute, low manifold pressure high fuel flow. High pressure temperature in cylinder cause detonation (this when fuel/air mixture explodes rather than burns) high manifold pressure low revolutions would cause this condition. the grade of fuel used in an engine must ensure that detonation doesn't occur during engine's normal operating range (for temperature pressure) a lower octane fuel allows detonation to occur at lower temperatures pressures but it doesn't actually cause detonation.

  • exemple 138
    If manifold pressure increased blade angle of a constant speed propeller It will increase, will increase after a short time will reduce, will reduce so that engine rpm can increase, will remain same. Manifold pressure controls blade angle of a constant speed propeller (also know as a variable pitch propeller). a constant speed performs pretty much same function as a gearbox does in a car, in that it 'maintains engine rpm over a varying conditions of roa. the gearbox (or constant speed prop) there because engine work best within a certain range of rpm going too fast or too slow not good them. the manifold absolute pressure (map) indicates power output of a piston engine, if it increased, blade angle will increase (as if you climb in mountain a car, a lower gear will give more torque), fine pitch will give more thurst.

  • exemple 139
    The 'slipstream effect' of a propeller most prominent at Low airspeeds with high power setting, high airspeeds with low power setting, high airspeeds with high power setting, low airspeeds with low power setting. The high speed rotation of an airplane propeller gives a corkscrew or spiraling rotation to slipstream. at high propeller speeds low forward speed (as in takeoffs approaches to power on stalls), this spiraling rotation very compact exerts a strong sideward force on airplane's vertical tail surface. when this spiraling slipstream strikes vertical fin on left, it causes a left turning moment about airplane's vertical axis. the more compact spiral, more prominent this force is. as forward speed increases, however, spiral elongates becomes less effective. the corkscrew flow of slipstream also causes a rolling moment around longitudinal axis. note that this rolling moment caused the corkscrew flow of slipstream to right, while rolling moment caused torque reaction to left in effect one may be counteracting other. however, these forces vary greatly it up to pilot to apply proper correction action use of flight controls at all times. these forces must be counteracted regardless of which the most prominent at time.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 8

    The operating principle of float type carburettors based on Difference in air pressure at venturi throat the air inlet, automatic metering of air at venturi as aircraft gains altitude, increase in air velocity in throat of a venturi causing an increase in air pressure, measurement of fuel flow into induction system. The carburattor uses venturi principle. as speed of air increases through choke, pressure reduces, enough to pull fuel into it via main nozzle, which connected directly to fuel system through a series of pumps jets.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 9

    The crank assembly of a piston engine comprises Crankshaft, connecting rods pistons, propeller, crankshaft, pistons connecting rods, crankcase, crankshaft, connecting rods pistons, crankshaft, camshaft, valves, valve springs push rods.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 10

    The purpose of blow in doors at air inlets to Provide engine with additional air at high power settings low air speeds, serve to increase relative velocity at first compressor stage, provide engine with additional air at high power settings at cruising speed, feed cooling air to engine cowling. Spring loaded doors located in inlet duct of some gas turbine or turbofan engines. these doors are normally closed, but they open under conditions of low speed high engine power to permit additional air into compressor. blow in doors help prevent compressor stall. here are some examples

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 11

    On four stroke piston engines theoretical valve and ignition settings are readjusted in order to increase Overall efficiency, compression ratio, piston displacement, engine rpm.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 12

    For internal cooling reciprocating engines are especially dependent on The circulation of lubricating oil, a rich fuel/air mixture, a lean fuel/air mixture, a properly functioning thermostat.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 13

    The main purpose of mixture control to Adjust fuel flow to obtain correct fuel/air ratio, decrease air supplied to engine, increase oxygen supplied to engine, decrease oxygen supplied to engine.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 14

    In which sections of carburettor would icing most likely occur Venturi the throttle valve, accelerator pump main metering jet, main air bleed main discharge nozzle, float chamber fuel inlet filter.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 15

    For a reciprocating engine fuel/air ratio or mixture the ratio between Mass of fuel mass of air entering cylinder, volume of fuel volume of air entering carburettor, volume of fuel volume of air entering cylinder, mass of fuel mass of air entering carburettor. The most accurate measure that you can get the mass of air fuel, because it compensating the density. volume changes with temperature. the 15 1 therefore 15 parts of air weight, to 1 part of fuel weight.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 16

    Which statement correct concerning effect of application of carburettor heat The density of air entering carburettor reduced, thus enriching fuel/air mixture, the volume of air entering carburettor reduced, thus enriching fuel/air mixture, the volume of air entering carburettor reduced, thus leaning fuel/air mixture, the density of air entering carburettor reduced, thus leaning fuel/air mixture. When you apply carburettor heat to melt ice that has formed in throat (or venturi), air entering to mix with fuel passes around exhaust pipe to be heated. this heated air has its density reduces. the volume of air does not change when you apply carburettor heat.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 17

    Vapour lock Vaporizing of fuel prior to reaching carburettor, formation of water vapour in a fuel system, vaporizing of fuel in carburettor, inability of a fuel to vaporize in carburettor

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 18

    The reading on oil pressure gauge the Pressure of oil on outlet side of pressure pump, difference between pressure pump pressure the scavenge pump pressure, pressure in oil tank reservoir, pressure of oil on inlet side of pressure pump.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 19

    The main purpose of a turbocharger to Maintain power with increasing altitude, reduce fuel flow, provide a leaner mixture at sea level, provide a richer mixture at high altitudes

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 20

    An excessively rich mixture can be detected Black smoke from exhaust, white smoke from exhaust, high cylinder head temperatures, a long purple flame from exhaust.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 21

    The compression ratio of a piston engine the ratio of Volume of cylinder with piston at bottom dead centre to that with piston at top dead centre, diameter of bore to piston stroke, area of piston to cylinder volume, weight of air induced to its weight after compression. compression ratio = volume at bottom dead / volume at top dead .

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 22

    The purpose of venturi in a carburettor to Create suction necessary to cause fuel to flow through carburettor main jets, prevent enrichment of mixture due to high air velocity through carburettor, ensure complete atomisation of fuel before entering injection system, create a rise in pressure at throat before mixture enters induction system.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 23

    The mixture controller of a carburettor Varies fuel supply to main discharge nozzle, varies air supply at main discharge nozzle, alters pressure drop at main discharge nozzle, moves butterfly valve through a separate linkage to main throttle control.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 24

    A turbocharger system in a reciprocating engine normally driven The exhaust system, an electric motor, an hydraulic motor, an electrically activated hydraulically powered clutch. this short illustration explains clearly principle.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 25

    An aircraft magneto switched off 1 grounding primary circuit 2 opening primary circuit 3 opening secondary circuit 4 grounding secondary circuit the combination that regroups all of correct statements , 4, 2, 3,, 3, 2, 4. a magneto essentially a self contained generator which gear driven the engine. the ignition switch in cockpit, when selected off, ground magnetos to earth through primary circuit. it works also the secondary circuit, but usually this the primary circuit which grounded.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 26

    Spark timing related to engine speed in way that Faster engine functions, more spark advanced, slower engine functions, more spark advanced, faster engine functions, further past tdc spark occurs, faster engine functions, more retarded spark is. The ignition timing of a piston engine needs to be advanced at 'high rpm' because flame rate time complete combustion remain constant.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 27

    An impulse magneto coupling Gives a retarded spark at starting, reduces magneto speed during engine warm up, advances ignition timing gives a hotter spark at starting, gives an automatic spark increase during high speed operation. The impulse coupling a spring loaded mechanical coupling which delays rotation of magneto during an engine start. after a short period of rotation device allows magneto to catch up...in effect spinning mag shaft faster than engine turning it. the faster it turns, hotter spark the bigger voltage impulse...making easier starting. after engine running rotational forces move spring loaded arms, which make impulse coupling work at low speeds, out of way. the impulse coupling only works at very low engine speeds.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 28

    If an engine fails to stop with magneto switch in off position cause may be Excessive carbon formation in cylinder head, defective condenser, fouled spark plugs, switch wire grounded. The magneto switch controls primary magneto circuit grounding it. this done to isolate individual magnetos during rpm drop check. if this wire broken, therefore cannot be earthed, then magneto will continue to supply current to engine it will continue to run. the correct answer as stated excessive carbon formation, this forms hot spots which remain heated continue to ignite mixture even though plugs are not sparking!.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 29

    An impulse coupling installed on a magneto of a piston engine to Provide a stronger spark on top dead centre engine starting, advance ignition timing, facilitate quick removal installation, absorb starting loads. The impulse coupling a spring loaded mechanical coupling which delays rotation of magneto during an engine start. after a short period of rotation device allows magneto to catch up...in effect spinning mag shaft faster than engine turning it. the faster it turns, hotter spark the bigger voltage impulse... making easier starting. after engine running rotational forces move spring loaded arms, which make impulse coupling work at low speeds, out of way. the impulse coupling only works at very low engine speeds.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 30

    The part of a piston engine that transforms reciprocating movement into rotary motion termed Crankshaft, piston, camshaft, reduction gear.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 31

    In a piston engine if ratio of air to fuel approximately 9 1 mixture Rich, weak, too weak to support combustion, chemically correct. Rich 9 1 correct 15 1 weak 20 1

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 32

    Spark plug fouling more likely to happen if The aircraft descends continuously at idle power, aircraft cruises at low speed with correct mixture, power increased too abruptly, engine runs at maximum continuous power too long. plug fouling can occur due to rich mixtures, with low cylinder temperatures, this the condition engine will be in during descent at idle power. this the reason during your flight training you are told not to let engine run at idle rpm too long, normally you would increase rpm to around 1000 1200 rpm.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 33

    To maintain a constant mixture at low and high power settings in a piston engine a carburettor fitted with A diffuser (compensating jet), a power jet, an accelerator pump, a mixture control. As engine speed airflow through venturi increase, proportion of fuel to air rises as a result of different flow characteristics of two fluids. this causes mixture to become richer. to overcome this effect, some carburettors are fitted with a diffuser (compensating jet). as engine speed progressively increased above idling, fuel level in diffuser well drops, progressively uncovers more air holes. these holes allow more air into discharge tube, by reducing pressure differential prevent enrichment of air/fuel mixture. the process of drawing both air fuel through discharge tube also has effect of vaporising fuel more readily, particularly at low engine speeds.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 34

    A piston engine may use a fuel of a different grade than recommended Provided that grade higher, provided that grade lower, never, provided that it an aeronautical petrol

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 35

    In very cold weather pilot notices during startup a slightly higher than normal engine oil pressure this higher pressure Is normal, if it decreases after startup, abnormal requires engine to be shut down, abnormal but does not require engine to be shut down, requires an oil change.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 36

    Excessive pressure in cylinders of an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller can be caused the combination of High manifold pressure low rpm, low manifold pressure low rpm, high manifold pressure high rpm, low manifold pressure high rpm. With constant speed control, pitch of variable pitch propeller changed automatically a governor. after pilot sets desired engine/propeller speed with propeller speed control, governor acts to keep propeller speed at same value. if governor detects propeller speed increasing, it increases pitch a little to bring speed back within limits. if governor detects propeller speed decreasing, it decreases pitch a little to bring speed again back within limits. this operation may be compared to an automatic gearbox in an automobile, where gears are changed automatically to keep engine operating at a reasonable speed. during a power change on an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller, a wrong combination of manifold pressure rpm values results in excessive pressures in cylinders. this the case when one simultaneously selects a high manifold pressure low rpm.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 37

    When in flight a piston engine stopped and propeller blade angle near 90° propeller said to be Feathered, windmilling, transparent, at zero drag.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 38

    The richness of a fuel/air mixture ratio the Real mixture ratio relative to theoretical ratio, volume of fuel relative to volume of air, volume of fuel relative to mass of volume of air, mass of fuel relative to volume of air. As name implies mixture refers to ratio of fuel/air that goes into cylinders of an engine combustion. for an internal combustion engine to operate it requires three things fuel, air, ignition. fuel air are mixed in a ratio of approximately 15 1 (15 parts of air to every 1 part of fuel) to create combustion. in a carbureted engine (non fuel injected) fuel air are mixed in carburetor before being introduced into cylinders. carburetors are calibrated to operate with mixture control set to 'full rich' when operating at sea level. as aircraft gains altitude it becomes necessary to reduce amount of fuel entering carburetor, because amount of air automatically decreasing with altitude, due to lower atmospheric pressure. if pilot fails to decrease amount of fuel as altitude gained, result will be an overly 'rich' mixture, creating problems such as fouled spark plugs excessive fuel consumption. overheating problems tend to occur when operating with an excessively lean mixture (too little fuel). a lean mixture creates better performance (to a point) as well as higher operating temperatures, reduces fuel consumption. the problem arises when pilots fail to enrichen mixture (add fuel) as altitude lost during a descent. this results in an excessively lean mixture, which can cause engine roughness, fuel starvation, even permanent engine damage. the point to remember that fuel mixture must be decreased (leaned) as aircraft climbs, increased (enrichened) as aircraft descends. it also suggested to lean mixture during ground operations at higher altitude airports (generally above 3000 ft amsl). the term 'richnes refers to 'real mixture ratio' relative to 'theoretical mixture ratio'.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 39

    Dual ignition provides a factor of reliability and Improves combustion efficiency, provides more voltage, aids in starting, saves wear caused using one magneto constantly.

  • Question Piston Engines 28 Answer 40

    With a piston engine when detonation recognised you Reduce manifold pressure enrich mixture, increase manifold pressure lean mixture, reduce manifold pressure lean mixture, increase manifold pressure enrich mixture. The sudden release of heat energy from fuel in an aircraft engine caused the fuel air mixture reaching its critical pressure temperature. detonation occurs as a violent explosion rather than a smooth burning process. when detonation recognized, you should reduce manifold pressure enrich mixture. detonation can be caused by too lean mixture too high manifold pressure using low grade fuel an overheated engine.

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