Deepen > EASA : The alternators when connected are usually connected ?
Question 27-1 : In parallel mode in series mode dependant on the type of generator dependant on the type of engine

The capacity of an accumulator is ?
Question 27-2 : The quantity of electricity that the battery can supply during discharge the number of cycles charging and discharging that a battery can withstand without deterioration of its cells the no load voltage of the battery multiplied by its rated output current the intensity withstood by the battery during charging

The moving part in an ac generator is usually referred to as the ?
Question 27-3 : Rotor slip ring stator oscillator

The purpose of bonding the metallic parts of an aircraft is to ?
Question 27-4 : Provide safe distribution of electrical charges and currents prevent electrolytic corrosion between mating surfaces of similar metals isolate all components electrically and thus make the static potential constant provide a single earth for electrical devices

A constant speed drive aims at ensuring ?
Question 27-5 : That the electric generator produces a constant frequency that the starter motor maintains a constant rpm not withstanding the acceleration of the engine that the csd remains at a constant rpm not withstanding the generator rpm equal ac voltage from all generators

When a persistent underexcitation fault is detected on an ac generator ?
Question 27-6 : The exciter control relay the generator breaker and the tie breaker the generator breaker and the tie breaker the generator control relay and the generator breaker the tie breaker

A test to assess the state of charge of a lead acid battery would involve ?
Question 27-7 : Comparing the 'on load' and 'off load' battery voltages checking the level of the electrolyte checking the discharge current of the battery 'on load' checking the battery voltage 'off load'

The advantages of grounding the negative pole of the aircraft structure are . 1 ?
Question 27-8 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 5 1 3 5

When an 'open circuit' occurs in an electrical supply system the ?
Question 27-9 : Loss of continuity will prevent its working components from functioning load as indicated by the ammeter will increase fuse or cb should isolate the circuit due to excess current drawn component will operate normally but will not switch off

An ac generator driven by a csd unit ?
Question 27-10 : Requires a voltage controller to maintain constant voltage under load does not need a voltage controller since the csd will ensure constant voltage does not need a voltage controller since an ac generator voltage cannot alter under load requires a voltage controller to maintain constant frequency

Consider the variable pitch propeller of a turbo prop during deceleration ?
Question 27-11 : When braking the propeller supplies negative thrust and absorbs engine power at zero power the propeller thrust is zero and the engine power absorbed is nil when feathered the propeller produces thrust and absorbs no engine power with propeller windmilling the thrust is zero and the propeller supplies engine power

The correct formula to calculate the total displacement of a multi cylinder ?
Question 27-12 : Piston area x piston stroke x number of cylinders piston area x piston stroke cylinder volume x number of cylinders cylinder length x cylinder diameter

When changing power on engines equipped with constant speed propeller engine ?
Question 27-13 : Increasing the rpm before increasing the manifold pressure reducing the rpm before reducing the manifold pressure adjusting fuel flow before the manifold pressure increasing the manifold pressure before increasing the rpm

The blade angle of a constant speed propeller ?
Question 27-14 : Increases with increasing true air speed only varies with engine rpm decreases with increasing true air speed is independent of the true air speed

A propeller blade is twisted so as to ?
Question 27-15 : Keep the local angle of attack constant along the blade avoid the appearance of sonic phenomena decrease the blade tangential velocity from the blade root to the tip allow a higher mechanical stress

A pilot can actuate the feathering system by ?
Question 27-16 : Pulling the propeller control lever rearwards pushing the propeller control lever forwards pulling the power levers rearwards pushing the power lever forwards

When increasing true airspeed with a constant engine rpm the angle of attack of ?
Question 27-17 : Reduces increases stays constant stays constant because it only varies with engine rpm

A pressure relief valve in an oil system that does not seat correctly could ?
Question 27-18 : Low oil pressure high oil pressure low oil temperature excessive oil consumption

In case of engine failure during flight the blades of a constant speed ?
Question 27-19 : Move in the lowest pitch position by the centrifugal force and/or the spring force move in low pitch position by oil pressure created by the windmilling propeller move in a certain pitch position depending on windmilling rpm move in the highest pitch position by the aerodynamic force

For take off the correct combination of propeller pitch 1 and propeller lever ?
Question 27-20 : 1 low 2 forward 1 high 2 forward 1 low 2 aft 1 high 2 aft

For piston engines mixture ratio is the ratio between the ?
Question 27-21 : Mass of fuel and mass of air entering the cylinder volume of fuel and volume of air entering the cylinder volume of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor mass of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor

Variations in mixture ratios for carburettors are achieved by the adjustment of ?
Question 27-22 : Fuel flow air flow fuel flow air flow and temperature fuel flow and air flow

As altitude increases the mixture ratio of a piston engine should be adjusted to ?
Question 27-23 : Reduce the fuel flow in order to compensate for the decreasing air density reduce the fuel flow in order to compensate for the increasing air density increase the mixture ratio increase the fuel flow in order to compensate for the decreasing air pressure and density

When applying carburettor heating ?
Question 27-24 : The mixture becomes richer the mixture becomes leaner a decrease in rpm results from the lean mixture no change occurs in the mixture ratio

When the pilot moves the mixture lever of a piston engine towards a lean ?
Question 27-25 : Amount of fuel entering the combustion chamber is reduced volume of air entering the carburettor is reduced amount of fuel entering the combustion chamber is increased volume of air entering the carburettor is increased

When altitude increases without adjustment of the mixture ratio the piston ?
Question 27-26 : A decrease of air density with a fuel flow which becomes too high an increase of air density with a fuel flow which becomes too high an increase of air density with a fuel flow which becomes too low a decrease of air density with a fuel flow which becomes too low

A rich mixture setting has to be used during climb segments this results in a ?
Question 27-27 : Lower cylinder head temperature higher efficiency increase of power higher torque

Maximum exhaust gas temperature egt of a piston engine is theoretically ?
Question 27-28 : Fuel to air ratio of 1 15 cruising mixture setting full rich setting mixture ratio very close to idle cut out

For a given type of oil the oil viscosity depends on the ?
Question 27-29 : Oil temperature outside pressure oil pressure quantity of oil

The fuel temperature at which under standard conditions the vapour ignites in ?
Question 27-30 : Flash point fire point combustion point self ignition point
Pre ignition refers to the condition that may arise when ?
Question 27-31 : The mixture is ignited by abnormal conditions within the cylinder before the spark occurs at the plug the mixture is ignited before the piston has reached top dead centre a rich mixture is ignited by the sparking plugs the sparking plug ignites the mixture too early

A fuel strainer fuel filter when fitted to a carburettor will be positioned ?
Question 27-32 : Upstream of the needle valve between the needle valve and the metering jet between the metering jet and the discharge nozzle downstream of the discharge nozzle

The working cycle of a four stroke engine is ?
Question 27-33 : Induction compression power exhaust induction power compression exhaust induction compression expansion power compression induction power exhaust

Specific fuel consumption is defined as the ?
Question 27-34 : Mass of fuel required to produce unit power for unit time maximum fuel consumption of the aircraft designed fuel consumption for a given rpm quantity of fuel required to run the engine for one minute at maximum operating conditions

The purpose of the contact breaker is to ?
Question 27-35 : Control the primary circuit of the magneto connect the secondary coil to the distributor connect the battery to the magneto connect the contact breaker and condenser in series with the primary coil

Under normal running conditions a magneto draws primary current ?
Question 27-36 : From a self contained electro magnetic induction system from the booster coil from the aircraft batteries via an inverter directly from the aircraft batteries

The air in a piston engine turbo supercharger centrifugal compressor ?
Question 27-37 : Enters the eye of the impeller and leaves at a tangent to the periphery enters via the diffuser and is fed to the impeller at the optimum angle of attack enters at the periphery and leaves via the eye of the impeller enters at a tangent to the rotor and leaves via the stator

The power of a piston engine which will be measured by a friction brake is ?
Question 27-38 : Brake horse power frictional horse power heat loss power indicated horse power

The power output of a piston engine can be calculated by ?
Question 27-39 : Torque times rpm work times velocity force times distance pressure times arm

The power of a piston engine decreases during a climb with a constant power ?
Question 27-40 : Air density engine temperature humidity temperature

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