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Whilst in level cruising flight an aeroplane with a pressurised cabin experiences a malfunction of the pressure controller If the cabin rate of climb ?

Support > Airworthiness

exemple 128
The differential pressure will rise to its maximum value, thus causing safety relief valves to open, a descent must be initiated to prevent oxygen masks dropping when cabin altitude reaches4ft, aircraft has to climb to a higher flight level in order to reduce cabin altitude to its initial value, crew has to intermittently cut off incoming air flow in order to maintain a zero cabin altitude. The differential pressure will rise to its maximum value, thus causing safety relief valves to open. read question carefully. it states a cabin rate of climb of minus 200ft/min. the cabin descending.

At Reference In a pressurized aircraft whose cabin altitude is 8000 ft a crack in a cabin window makes it necessary to reduce the differential pressure to 5 psi The flight level to be maintained in ?

exemple 129
At reference in a pressurized aircraft whose cabin altitude 8000 ft a crack in a cabin window makes it necessary to reduce differential pressure to 5 psi the flight level to be maintained in order to keep same cabin altidue 862 Fl 23 , fl8 , fl 28 , fl 34. From table it can be seen that pressure at 8000 ft 10.92 psi now we've been told because of crack in cabin window we can maintain a pressure differential of 5 psi. therefore air outside can only be 5 psi less than that inside cabin (ie 10.92 5 = 5.92). again from table altitude where we get closest to 5.92 approximately 23000 ft (fl230).

The pressurisation system of an aeroplane ?

exemple 130
The pressurisation system of an aeroplane Has capability to maintain a cabin pressure higher than ambient pressure, only pressurises flight deck area, will maintain a zero cabin differential pressure at all altitudes, will maintain a sea level cabin altitude at all altitudes.

  • exemple 131
    In a turbo compressor air conditioning system bootstrap system supply of air behind primary heat exchanger Compressed, passed through a heat exchanger, then across an expansion turbine, passed across an expansion turbine, compressed then passed through a heat exchanger, passed across an expansion turbine, then directly to heat exchanger, compressed, then passed across an expansion turbine finally across a heat exchanger. The term bootstrap refers to a self sustaining process that proceeds without external help.

  • exemple 132
    The purpose of cabin air flow control valves in a pressurization system to Maintain a constant sufficient mass air flow to ventilate cabin minimise cabin pressure surges, regulate cabin pressure to selected altitude, discharge cabin air to atmosphere if cabin pressure rises above selected altitude, regulate cabin pressure at maximum cabin pressure differential. Cabin pressurization controlled during all phases of airplane operation the cabin pressure control system. the system uses bleed air supplied to distributed the air conditioning system. pressurization ventilation are controlled modulating outflow valve the overboard exhaust valve. pressurization outflow cabin air outflow controlled the outflow valve the overboard exhaust valve. a small amount also exhausted through toilet galley vents, miscellaneous fixed vents, by seal leakage. outflow valve the outflow valve the overboard exhaust exit the majority of air circulated through passenger cabin. passenger cabin air drawn through foot level grills, down around aft cargo compartment, where it provides heating, is discharged overboard through outflow valve. note the answer discharge cabin air to atmosphere if cabin pressure rises above selected altitude , we are talking about pressure relief valves who provide safety pressure relief limiting differential pressure to a maximum of 9.1 psi. a negative relief valve prevents external atmospheric pressure from exceeding internal cabin pressure.

  • exemple 133
    If pressure in cabin tends to become lower than outside ambient air pressure Negative pressure relief valve will open, negative pressure relief valve will close, air cycle machine will stop, outflow valve open completely. All pressurised aircraft have negative pressure relief valves that will open enable cabin pressure to increase at same rate as ambient pressure should cabin/ambient differential try to go negative. aircraft are structurally designed a positive differential (cabin pressure higher than ambient). under normal operation pressure controller can cope but in emergencies negative pressure relief valves will function.

  • exemple 134
    Cabin air cs 25 aeroplanes usually taken from The high pressure compressor from low pressure compressor if necessary, low pressure compressor, second fan stage, high pressure compressor. The air taken from engine at a suitable pressure temperature from compressors. on a modern high bypass engine that would mean high pressure compressor but it really dependant on type.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 8

    Under normal flight conditions cabin pressure controlled Regulating discharge of air through outflow valve(s), pressurisation duct relief valve(s), engine rpm, inward relief valve(s).

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 9

    Pneumatic mechanical ice protection systems are mainly used Wings, pitot tubes, propellers, windscreens. Pneumatic mechanical ice protection systems are mainly used wings, more precisely leading edge wing tail surfaces this a de icing system only. it has to be turn on after a bit of ice has build up when activated, rubber boots are pressurized with air they expand, breaking ice off leading edge surfaces.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 10

    With regard to pneumatic mechanical devices that afford ice protection only correct statement They can only be used as de icing devices, they can only be used as anti icing devices, they are used extensively on modern aircraft as they are inexpensive easy to maintain, they can be used as both de icing anti icing devices.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 11

    Concerning electrically powered ice protection devices only true statement On modern aircraft, electrically powered thermal devices are used to prevent icing on small surfaces (pitot static, windshield), on modern aircraft, electrically powered thermal devices are used as de icing devices pitot tubes, static ports windshield, on modern aircraft, electrically powered thermal devices are very efficient, therefore they only need little energy, on modern aircraft, electrical power supply being available in excess, this system very often used large surfaces de icing.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 12

    The elements specifically protected against icing on transport aircraft are 1 engine air intake and pod 2 front glass shield 3 radome 4 pitot tubes and waste water exhaust masts 5 leading edge of wing 6 cabin windows 7 trailing edge of wings 8 electronic equipment compartment the combination regrouping all correct statements , 2, 4 5,, 4, 5 7,, 2, 5 6,, 2, 3 8.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 13

    The wing anti ice system has to protect The leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, whole upper wing surface the flaps, whole leading edge except slats because they cannot be de iced when extended, whole leading edge the whole under wing surface. In jet aeroplanes thermal anti ice system primarily supplied bleed air from engines (bleed air from hp compressor). the wing anti ice system has to protect leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, engine intake, frontal area of elevator the vertical stabiliser.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 14

    In jet aeroplanes 'thermal anti ice system' primarily supplied Bleed air from engines, turbo compressors, ram air, heated via a heat exchanger, apu. In jet aeroplanes thermal anti ice system primarily supplied bleed air from engines (bleed air from hp compressor). the wing anti ice system has to protect leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, engine intake, frontal area of elevator the vertical stabiliser.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 15

    The icing system which mostly used the wings of modern turboprop aeroplanes Pneumatic boots, fluid de icing, thermal anti icing, electrical heating.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 16

    Concerning sequential pneumatic impulses used in certain leading edge icing devices one can affirm that 1 they prevent ice formation 2 they are triggered from flight deck after icing has become visible 3 a cycle lasts more than ten seconds 4 there are more than ten cycles per second the combination which regroups all correct statements

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 17

    Generally large aeroplanes electrical heating ice protection used on Pitot tubes, elevator leading edges, slat leading edges, fin leading edges.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 18

    The wing ice protection system currently used most large jet transport aeroplanes a Hot air system, electrical de icing system, pneumatic system with inflatable boots, liquid de icing system. On most modern jet aeroplanes thermal anti ice system primarily supplied bleed air from engines (bleed air from hp compressor). the wing anti ice system has to protect leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, engine intake, frontal area of elevator the vertical stabiliser.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 19

    Pneumatic mechanical devices that provide ice protection Are usually used as de icing devices, require large quantities of bleed air, can only be used as anti icing devices, are usually used on aeroplanes equipped with turbo fan engines.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 20

    The anti icing method the wings of large jet transport aeroplanes most commonly used in flight Thermal (use of hot air), chemical (glycol based liquid), electrical (electrical resistance), mechanical (pneumatic boots) In large jet aeroplanes thermal anti ice system primarily supplied bleed air from engines (bleed air from hp compressor). the wing anti ice system has to protect leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, engine intake, frontal area of elevator the vertical stabiliser.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 21

    Windshield heating of a transport aeroplane Essential to improve strength of cockpit windows, not affecting strength of a cockpit windows, only used when hot air demisting insufficient, used only at low altitudes where there a risk of ice formation. Windshield heating system employs a windscreen of special laminated construction heated electrically to prevent, not only formation of ice mist, but also to improve impact resistance of windscreen at low temperatures.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 22

    The heat the anti icing system of a turbofan engine intake provided Bleed air from hp compressor, bleed air from lp compressor, electrical system of aircraft, a dedicated generator on gearbox of that engine. In jet aeroplanes thermal anti ice system primarily supplied bleed air from engines (bleed air from hp compressor). the wing anti ice system has to protect leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, engine intake, frontal area of elevator the vertical stabiliser.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 23

    The use of a hot air wing anti icing system Does not affect aerodynamic performance of wing causes a reduction in maximum thrust, does not affect aerodynamic performance of wing causes no reduction in maximum thrust, reduces aerodynamic performance of wing causes no reduction in maximum thrust, reduces aerodynamic performance of wing causes a reduction in maximum thrust. In jet aeroplanes thermal anti ice system primarily supplied bleed air from engines (bleed air from hp compressor). the wing anti ice system has to protect leading edge or slats, either partially or completely, engine intake, frontal area of elevator the vertical stabiliser. since hot air tapped directly from a compressor stage, temperature will rise in turbine which can limit thrust in order not to exceed maximum engine temperature.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 24

    Ice formation on turbofan engine intakes usually Prevented using compressor bleed air, removed using pneumatic boots, prevented using turbine bleed air, removed using electrical heating.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 25

    The ice protection propellers of modern turboprop aeroplanes works Electrically, pneumatically, with hot air, with anti icing fluid. ice formation on a propeller blade produces distortion to aerofoil section, causing a loss in efficiency, possible unbalance destructive vibration. the build up of ice must be prevented there are two systems in use. protection provided either an anti icing fluid system, or an electrically powered thermal de icing system. on modern turboprop (cessna caravan, pilatus pc 12, beechcraft 90 to 1900d, dash 8, atr 42/72, etc...) ice protection propellers works electrically. in electrical systems, basis effective de icing formed resistance wire heating elements bonded to leading edges of propeller blades in case of turbine engine propellers, wire woven or sprayed elements are also bonded to front shell of spinner. depending on type of aircraft, power heating elements either direct current or alternating current is applied in a controlled sequence a cyclic timer unit. in turbo propeller engine installations, propeller heating circuit forms part of a power unit de icing anti icing system, the cyclic control integrated with engine air intake heating circuit. cessna 208 caravan.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 26

    The heating facility the windshield of an aircraft Used on a continual basis as it reduces thermal gradients which adversely affect useful life of components, harmful to integrity of windows in event of a bird strike, only used when hot air demisting insufficient, used only at low altitudes where there a risk of ice formation. Howarthson the window heating system selected permanently on but heating elements are actually cycled on/off to maintain a constant temperature of window. by keeping window warm not only keeps it clear of ice but increases its resistance to impact damage.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 27

    The wing ice protection system currently used most large turboprop transport aeroplanes A pneumatic system with inflatable boots, an electrical de icing system, a hot air system, a liquid de icing system. On most turboprops this a de icing system (inflatable boots).

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 28

    Electrically powered ice protection devices on aircraft are Used as anti icing devices pitot tubes, static ports windshield, used large surfaces only, used primarily because they are very efficient, used as de icing devices pitot tubes, static ports windshield.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 29

    On most transport aircraft low pressure pumps of fuel system are Centrifugal pumps, driven an electric motor, removable only after associated tank has been emptied, mechanically driven the engine's accessory gearbox, electro mechanical wobble pumps, with self regulated pressure. The pumps in question are pumps in fuel tanks. they are known as 'lp pump also 'booster pump (less than 3 bars 40 psi). engine driven pumps would come under engine fuel system, dividing line being made at low pressure cock or valve.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 30

    The fuel supply system on a jet engine includes a fuel heating device upstream of main fuel filter so as to Prevent, at low fuel temperature, risk of ice formation from water contained in fuel, maintain improve fuel heating power, ease low pressure pumps work increasing fuel fluidity, prevent fuel from freezing in fuel pipes due to low temperatures at high altitude.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 31

    On most transport jet aircraft low pressure pumps of fuel system are supplied with electric power of following type 5 v ac, 28 v ac, 28 v dc, 5 v dc. Fuel delivered under pressure from fuel pumps located in fuel tanks. this 115 v ac powered fuel pumps are cooled lubricated fuel passing through pump. notice fuel pump pressure should be supplied to engines at all times. at high altitude, without fuel pump pressure, thrust deterioration or engine flameout may occur.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 32

    The pressure usually produced the booster pumps of fuel supply system of a large jet transport aeroplane within following range 2to 5psi, 5 topsi, 3to 5psi, 3 to 5 psi.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 33

    In a gas turbine engine lubrication system oil to fuel heat exchanger provides Oil cooling through thermal exchange with fuel, fuel cooling to prevent vapour locking interrupting fuel supply to nozzles, automatic controlled fuel heating engine oil to prevent icing in fuel filter, fuel heating as required whenever fuel filter clogging detected.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 34

    The fuel cross feed system Allows feeding of any engine from any fuel tank, only used to feed an engine from tank of opposite wing, only used on ground fuel transfer from one tank to another, only used in flight fuel transfer from one tank to another. The engine fuel manifolds are interconnected use of crossfeed valve. fuel pressure can be provided from a any fuel tank with operating fuel pumps to both engines opening fuel crossfeed valve. continued crossfeed can result in a progressive fuel imbalance.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 35

    The purpose of baffles in an aeroplane's integral fuel tank to Restrict fuel movements in tank, prevent overpressure in tank, prevent fuel from flowing in vent lines, prevent mixture of fuel hydraulic fluid. Baffles in a fuel tank are a series of partitions (wall) to control rapid flow of fuel prevent its sloshing. these partitions have holes that allow fuel to feed to tank outlet, but they keep fuel from surging enough to uncover fuel outlet.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 36

    On a transport type aircraft fuel tank system vented through Ram air scoops on underside of wing, a pressure regulator in wing tip, bleed air from engines, the return lines of fuel pumps. This question refers to vent/pressurisation system used on b737. it a little misleading in that tank ventilation pressurisation systems are combined. the ram air scoop on lower surface of leading edge delivers air at pressure to fuel tanks. that pressure controlled at a few psi above atmospheric the vent system.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 37

    The types of fuel tanks used on most modern transport aircraft are Integral tanks, cell tanks, combined fuel tanks, fixed built in tanks.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 38

    The pressurization of fuel tanks maintained The fuel vent system, fuel tank drains, fuel top off unit, fuel dump system. Each tank vented to outside air in order to maintain atmospheric pressure within tank. air vents are designed to minimize possibility of their stoppage dirt ice formation. in order to permit rapid changes in internal air pressure, size of vent proportional to size of tank, thus preventing collapse of tank in a steep dive or glide.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 39

    On a jet aircraft fuel heaters are Located on engines, installed in each tank, installed only in centre tank, not necessary at all.

  • Question Fuel System 23 Answer 40

    The automatic fuelling shut off valve Stops fuelling as soon as a certain fuel level reached inside tank, cuts off fuel in case of engine fire, stops fuelling as soon as fuel spills into vent line, stops fuelling as soon as a certain pressure reached.

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