Session > helipad : An artificial feel unit is necessary in the pitch channel when ?
Question 21-1 : The elevators are actuated by irreversible servo control units the elevators are actuated by reversible servo control units there is a trimmable stabilizer the elevators are fitted with servo tabs or trim tabs

An artificial feel system ?
Question 21-2 : Functions in parallel to an irreversible servo control unit is necessary in a reversible flight control actuator unit functions in series to an irreversible servo control unit is mounted in parallel on a spring tab

For most large aeroplanes spoilers are ?
Question 21-3 : Upper wing surface devices and their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical lower wing surface devices and their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical upper wing surface devices and their deflection is always asymmetrical lower wing surface devices and their deflection is always asymmetrical

A krueger flap is normally located at the ?
Question 21-4 : Leading edge trailing edge trailing edge close to the wing tip trailing edge close to the wing root

The expression 'primary flight control' applies to the.1 elevator.2 speed ?
Question 21-5 : 1 and 4 2 and 3 1 2 3 and 4 2 and 4

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-6 : I is correct ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-7 : I is correct ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect

Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect .i a ?
Question 21-8 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

Given a conventional transport aeroplane with irreversible flight controls on ?
Question 21-9 : The rudder moves the rudder pedals move in the corresponding direction the rudder trim tab moves and the rudder pedals do not move the 'zero force point' of the artificial feel system changes the rudder does not move the rudder moves the rudder pedals do not move

The function of the rudder limiter system is ?
Question 21-10 : To restrict rudder deflection during flight at high ias to limit pedal movement in heavy turbulence to restrict the rudder deflection during flight at mach numbers to reduce pilot's workload during engine failure

The expression 'secondary flight control' applies to the.1 elevator.2 speed ?
Question 21-11 : 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 4

Control surface flutter can be avoided by.1 a high torsional stiffness of the ?
Question 21-12 : 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3

Primary flight controls are ?
Question 21-13 : Ailerons elevators and rudder control wheel or stick rudder pedals flap lever and throttle ailerons elevators rudder and flaps control wheel or stick rudder pedals and speed brake

An aeroplane equipped with irreversible flight controls ?
Question 21-14 : Need not be equipped with a separate gust lock system does not require an artificial feel system may be equipped with simple spring type feel units on all flight controls must have a mechanical back up control system

An aeroplane equipped with irreversible flight controls ?
Question 21-15 : Requires an artificial feel system does not require an artificial feel system remains flyable even in the total lost of power in the flight control system must be equipped with control locks

The automatic ground spoiler extension system is normally activated during ?
Question 21-16 : Main wheel spin up ground spoiler handle idle thrust selection brake pressure application
Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-17 : I is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect .i a ?
Question 21-18 : I is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct
Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-19 : I is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-20 : I is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct

Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect .i a ?
Question 21-21 : I is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-22 : I is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-23 : I is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect

Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control ?
Question 21-24 : I is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct

Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect .i a ?
Question 21-25 : I is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct

Trimming of aileron and rudder in an irreversible flight control system ?
Question 21-26 : Is achieved by adjusting the 'zero force point' of the feel system is not necessary is not possible is achieved by adjusting the neutral point of the flight control actuator

An aeroplane equipped with reversible flight controls ?
Question 21-27 : Does not require an artificial feel system need not be equipped with a separate gust lock system is equipped with simple spring type feel units does not have mechanical back up

Most large conventional aeroplanes are not provided with aileron and rudder ?
Question 21-28 : Trimming is possible by adjusting the neutral point of the artificial feel mechanism by means of a trim switch no because without trim tabs trimming is not possible but trimming is only possible when the autopilot is engaged but trimming is only possible when before the flight the respective auxiliary surfaces are correctly adjusted for cruising conditions by the maintenance department

On a large transport aeroplane the auto slat system ?
Question 21-29 : Extends part of the slats automatically when a certain value of angle of attack is exceeded provides for automatic slat retraction after take off ensures that the part of slats are always extended when the ground/flight system is in the 'ground' position assist the ailerons

Most transport aeroplanes are provided with protection against control jamming ?
Question 21-30 : The flight control system has provisions to disconnect the part of the control system that becomes blocked the aeroplane is protected against the adverse effects of strong electromagnetic radiation seized brakes can be released from the cockpit in case of seizure engine control is taken over automatically by an alternate electric circuit

A flight control surface actuator is said to be 'irreversible' when ?
Question 21-31 : There is no feedback to the pilot's controls of the aerodynamic forces acting on the control surface the pilot does not feel any force when moving that control surface in flight there is a need to lock the flight controls on the ground the flight control system has an alternate means of control in case of a control jam
Given an aeroplane with irreversible primary flight controls how is control ?
Question 21-32 : The remaining systems will take over control sufficient reserve hydraulic fluid is available to compensate the effects of the leak by switching the flight control system to the reversible mode by switching to manual back up mode

Which of these statements about a gust lock system are correct or incorrect .i ?
Question 21-33 : I is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct
The reason for a double switch on the elevator trim is ?
Question 21-34 : To reduce the probability of a trim runaway to prevent both pilots from performing opposite trim inputs because there are two trim motors to be able to use two different trim speeds slow trim rate at high speed and high trim rate at low speed

A flight control surface actuator is said to be 'reversible' when ?
Question 21-35 : There is feedback to the pilot's controls of the aerodynamic forces acting on the control surface the pilot does not feel any force when moving that flight control surface in flight there is a need to have an artificial feel system the flight control system has an alternate means of control in case of a control jam

For a jar25 aeroplane spoilers are ?
Question 21-36 : Upper wing surface devices their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical lower wing surface devices their deflection can be symmetrical or asymmetrical upper wing surface devices their deflection is always asymmetrical lower wing surface devices their deflection is always asymmetrical

Which of these statements regarding most gust lock systems is correct ?
Question 21-37 : When the gust lock is on there is protection to prevent take off a gust lock is only fitted on the elevator and the rudder a gust lock can be used in flight to reduce the effect of turbulence on reversible flight controls there is no need for a gust lock

The expression 'secondary flight control' applies to the.1 stabiliser.2 ?
Question 21-38 : 1 3 1 2 3 4 2 4 2 3

Ruddertrim adjustment in an aeroplane with irreversible flight controls is ?
Question 21-39 : An adjustment of the zero force rudder position an adjustment of the rudder ratio changer an adjustment of the rudder trim tab unnecessary because this aeroplane does not need rudder trim

Which of these statements about trimming in a irreversible flight control ?
Question 21-40 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

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