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Exam > pilot : Load factor is ?

Question 209-1 : Lift/weight weight/lift 1/bank angle wing loading

exemple 309 lift/weight.lift/weight.

In order to perform a steady level turn at constant speed in an aeroplane the ?

Question 209-2 : Increase thrust/power and angle of attack increase thrust/power and keep angle of attack unchanged increase thrust/power and decrease angle of attack increase angle of attack and keep thrust/power unchanged

.in order to perform a steady level turn at constant speed in an aeroplane the pilot must increase thrust/power and angle of attack there is a constant rate of change of direction and the force acting on the machine are equilibrium some of the lift force is applied to the turn so the lift vector is reduced. /com en/com080 590 jpg..as you make turn the original lift vector has to be split as a side element is added to pull you into turn.the side element is centripetal force acting towards the center of the turn total lift is the resultant of them both the diagonal line and you can see that the vertical lift vector has reduced and needs some compensation to maintain the lift or the aircraft will descend.you must increase the angle of attack to increase lift it will cost some speed if you not increase thrust/power exemple 313 increase thrust/power and angle of attack.increase thrust/power and angle of attack.

Minimum drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight occurs at the ?

Question 209-3 : Maximum cl/cd ratio minimum speed minimum cd value minimum angle of attack

.we are in level flight not in descent we must produce lift .with the higher cl/cd ratio we will produce the minimum drag in level flight exemple 317 maximum cl/cd ratio.maximum cl/cd ratio.

Lift is the ?

Question 209-4 : Component of the total aerodynamic force perpendicular to the local flow vertical component of the total aerodynamic force perpendicular to the undisturbed airflow component of the total aerodynamic force perpendicular to the undisturbed airflow component of the total aerodynamic force perpendicular to the mean aerodynamic chord

. /com en/com080 604 jpg..lift is the upward force created by the wings moving through the air that sustains the airplane in flight lift operates to overcome weight it must be equal to or greater than the weight of the object in flight and acting in the opposite direction .lift can be increased by increasing the forward speed of the aircraft or by increasing the angle of attack exemple 321 component of the total aerodynamic force, perpendicular to the local flow.component of the total aerodynamic force, perpendicular to the local flow.

The stick shaker stalling is taken from ?

Question 209-5 : Ias tas mach number ground speed

exemple 325 iasias

Low speed pitch up is caused by the ?

Question 209-6 : Outward drift of the boundary layer on a swept back wing boundary layer separation at the wing tip of a forward swept wing dihedral effect wing tip vortices on high aspect ratio wings

.flying at low speed means flying at high angle of attack there is a tendency for the swept wing to develop a strong spanwise flow towards the wingtip when the.wing is at high angles of attack . /com en/com080 27 jpg..stall occurs at the wingtips first resulting in a shift of the center of lift of the wing in a forward direction relative to the center of gravity of the airplane causing the nose to pitch up exemple 329 outward drift of the boundary layer on a swept-back wing.outward drift of the boundary layer on a swept-back wing.

Which statement is correct .i stall speeds are determined with the cg at the ?

Question 209-7 : I is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

.vso and vs1 are the stalling speeds or the minimum steady flight speed cas at which the aeroplane is controllable with . 1 for reciprocating engine powered aeroplanes engine s idling the throttle s closed or at not more than the power necessary for zero thrust at a speed not more than 110% of the stalling speed and. 2 for turbine engine powered aeroplanes the propulsive thrust may not be greater than zero at the stalling speed or if the resultant thrust has no appreciable effect on the stalling speed with engine s idling and throttle s closed. 3 propeller s in the take off position. 4 the aeroplane in the condition existing in the test in which vso and vs1 are being used. 5 centre of gravity in the position which results in the highest value of vso and vs1 and. 6 weight used when vso or vs1 are being used as a factor to determine compliance with a required performance standard..vmc must be established with. 1 the aeroplane in each take off configuration or at the option of the applicant in the most critical take off configuration. 2 maximum available take off power or thrust on the operating engines . 3 the most unfavourable centre of gravity . 4 the aeroplane trimmed for takeoff and. 5 the most unfavourable weight in the range of take off weights exemple 333 i is incorrect, ii is incorrect.i is incorrect, ii is incorrect.

In a steady co ordinated horizontal turn lift is ?

Question 209-8 : Greater than in straight and level flight because it must balance the weight and generate the centripetal force greater than in straight and level flight because it must balance the centripetal force equal to the aeroplane weight greater than in straight and level flight because it must generate the centrifugal force

. /com en/com080 623 gif.centripetal force is the force in the direction of the center of the turn exemple 337 greater than in straight and level flight, because it must balance the weight and generate the centripetal force.greater than in straight and level flight, because it must balance the weight and generate the centripetal force.

The span wise flow is caused by the difference between the air pressure on top ?

Question 209-9 : Beneath to the top of the wing via the wing tip the top to beneath the wing via the wing's trailing edge beneath to the top of the wing via the trailing edge the top to beneath the wing via the leading edge

. /com en/com080 459 jpg.the spanwise flow goes from beneath to the top of the wing via the wing tip exemple 341 beneath to the top of the wing via the wing tip.beneath to the top of the wing via the wing tip.

Amongst the following factors which will decrease the ground distance covered ?

Question 209-10 : Headwind tailwind an increase in aeroplane mass a decrease in aeroplane mass

. /com en/com080 642 jpg.the wind and lift/drag ratio determine the distance travelled over the ground of an aeroplane in a glide lift/drag ratio changes with angle of attack not with the mass exemple 345 headwind.headwind.

When speed is increased in straight and level flight on a positively cambered ?

Question 209-11 : 1 moves aft and 2 remains constant 1 moves forward and 2 decreases 1 moves forward and 2 remains constant 1 moves aft and 2 increases

.the pressure created by an aerofoil at any point may be represented by a vector at right angles to its surface whose length is proportional to the difference between absolute pressure at the point and the free stream static pressure .all of them can be represented by a single vector acting at a particular point called the centre of pressure. /com en/com080 686 jpg..the centre of pressure is a theoretical point on the chord line through which the resultant of all forces the total reaction is said to act .its position is usually around 25% of the way from the leading edge simply because more lift is generated there but it moves steadily forward as the angle of attack is increased until just before the stalling angle when it moves rapidly backwards the centre of pressure's most forward point is just before the stalling angle this is why an aeroplane's nose drops when the wings stall and the centre of pressure moves behind the cg.thus when speed is increased in straight and level flight on a positively cambered aerofoil you have to decrease the angle of attack to keep the the total lift force constant and the point where the resultant of all forces are acting the centre of pressure moves aft exemple 349 1 moves aft and 2 remains constant.1 moves aft and 2 remains constant.

The lift coefficient cl versus angle of attack curve of a symmetrical aerofoil ?

Question 209-12 : At the origin below the origin above the origin nowhere

. /com en/com080 687a jpg.. /com en/com080 687 jpg.a symmetrical aerofoil section produces lift at positive angle of attack the lift coefficient cl versus angle of attack curve intersects the vertical axis of the graph at the origin exemple 353 at the origin.at the origin.

The lift coefficient cl versus angle of attack curve of a negatively cambered ?

Question 209-13 : Below the origin at the origin above the origin nowhere

. /com en/com080 688 jpg.a negatively cambered aerofoil section produces lift at positive angle of attack only in our example at approximately 3° angle of attack .the lift coefficient cl versus angle of attack curve intersects the vertical axis of the graph below the origin exemple 357 below the origin.below the origin.

The lift coefficient cl versus angle of attack curve of a positively cambered ?

Question 209-14 : To the left of the origin at the origin to the right of the origin nowhere

. /com en/com080 689 jpg..for a positively cambered aerofoil section the curve intersects the horizontal axis of the graph to the left of the origin because for a positively cambered aerofoil section the angle of attack has a negative value when the lift coefficient equals zero exemple 361 to the left of the origin.to the left of the origin.

Which statement is correct .i a stick pusher activates at a higher angle of ?

Question 209-15 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is incorrect

A stick pusher activates at a higher angle of attack than a stick shaker .a stick pusher prevents the pilot from increasing the angle of attack further.a stick pusher is a device installed in some fixed wing aircraft to prevent the aircraft from entering an aerodynamic stall some large fixed wing aircraft display poor post stall handling characteristics or are vulnerable to deep stall to prevent such an aircraft approaching the stall the aircraft designer may install a hydraulic or electro mechanical device that pushes forward on the elevator control system whenever the aircraft's angle of attack reaches the pre determined value and then ceases to push when the angle of attack falls sufficiently .vdo927.you can see that first the stick shaker is activated and if the pilot do not reacts and the angle of attack continues to increase the stick pusher is activated.a stick shaker is a mechanical device to rapidly and noisily vibrate the control yoke the 'stick' of an aircraft to warn the pilot that the speed is close to the stall speed a stick shaker do not prevent the pilot from increasing the angle of attack further it just warns the pilot exemple 365 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.

Wing sweep angle is the angle between ?

Question 209-16 : The quarter chord line of the wing and the lateral axis the leading edge of the wing and the lateral axis the quarter chord line of the wing and the normal axis the wing plane and the horizontal with the aeroplane in an unbanked level condition

. /com en/com080 692 jpg. exemple 369 the quarter-chord line of the wing and the lateral axis.the quarter-chord line of the wing and the lateral axis.

Which statement is correct . i stall speeds are determined with the cg at the ?

Question 209-17 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect

.vso and vs1 are the stalling speeds or the minimum steady flight speed cas at which the aeroplane is controllable with . 1 for reciprocating engine powered aeroplanes engine s idling the throttle s closed or at not more than the power necessary for zero thrust at a speed not more than 110% of the stalling speed and. 2 for turbine engine powered aeroplanes the propulsive thrust may not be greater than zero at the stalling speed or if the resultant thrust has no appreciable effect on the stalling speed with engine s idling and throttle s closed. 3 propeller s in the take off position. 4 the aeroplane in the condition existing in the test in which vso and vs1 are being used. 5 centre of gravity in the position which results in the highest value of vso and vs1 and. 6 weight used when vso or vs1 are being used as a factor to determine compliance with a required performance standard..vmc must be established with. 1 the aeroplane in each take off configuration or at the option of the applicant in the most critical take off configuration. 2 maximum available take off power or thrust on the operating engines . 3 the most unfavourable centre of gravity . 4 the aeroplane trimmed for takeoff and. 5 the most unfavourable weight in the range of take off weights exemple 373 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.

An aeroplane's sideslip angle is defined as the angle between the ?

Question 209-18 : Speed vector and the plane of symmetry speed vector and normal axis speed vector and the horizontal plane lateral axis and the horizontal plane

. /com en/com080 717 jpg.a sideslip is defined as the angle between the speed vector and the plane of symmetry it not only produces a rolling moment but also a yawing moment the strength of which is dependent on the magnitude of the directional static stability exemple 377 speed vector and the plane of symmetry.speed vector and the plane of symmetry.

Which of these statements about boundary layers is correct ?

Question 209-19 : A laminar boundary layer is thinner than a turbulent one compared with a turbulent boundary layer a laminar boundary layer is better able to resist a positive pressure gradient before it separates a turbulent boundary layer produces less friction drag than a laminar one a turbulent boundary layer turns into a laminar one at the transition point

exemple 381 a laminar boundary layer is thinner than a turbulent one.a laminar boundary layer is thinner than a turbulent one.

Which of these statements about boundary layers is correct ?

Question 209-20 : A turbulent boundary layer produces more friction drag than a laminar one a laminar boundary layer is thicker than a turbulent one a turbulent boundary layer turns into a laminar one at the transition point compared with a turbulent boundary layer a laminar boundary layer is better able to resist a positive pressure gradient before it separates

exemple 385 a turbulent boundary layer produces more friction drag than a laminar one.a turbulent boundary layer produces more friction drag than a laminar one.

Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?

Question 209-21 : The weight of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity in the si system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram the mass of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity mass = weight * volume

exemple 389 the weight of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.the weight of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity.

Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?

Question 209-22 : The mass of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity in the si system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram the weight of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity mass = weight * volume

exemple 393 the mass of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.the mass of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity.

Which of these statements about weight or mass is correct ?

Question 209-23 : In the si system the unit of measurement for mass is the kilogram in the si system the unit of measurement for weight is the kilogram the weight of an object is independent of the acceleration due to gravity the mass of an object depends on the acceleration due to gravity

exemple 397 in the si system the unit of measurement for mass is the kilogram.in the si system the unit of measurement for mass is the kilogram.

The total drag of a three dimensional wing consists of ?

Question 209-24 : Induced drag and parasite drag parasite drag and pressure drag induced drag and interference drag pressure drag friction drag and parasite drag

Bcg160 .induced drag is the drag caused by lift generating specially due to the wing tip vortex created due to the tipwhise flow component of lower wing airflow this is why induced drag appers when talking about a 3d wing.parasite drag includes 1 skin frinction drag 2 form pressure drag 3 interference drag.by ansewering induced drag + parasite drag you are including inside skin friction drag form drag interference drag so it is the only answer that is completed exemple 401 induced drag and parasite drag.induced drag and parasite drag.

Which statement about the effects on drag of fitting external tip tanks to the ?

Question 209-25 : I is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect

.the external wing tip tanks act like winglets they reduce the wing tip vortices induced drag decreases but they increase the parasite drag form drag + skin friction drag . 2759. siai marchetti sf 260 with tip tanks exemple 405 i is correct, ii is incorrect.i is correct, ii is incorrect.

Which statement about the effects on drag of removing external tip tanks from ?

Question 209-26 : I is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect

.the external wing tip tanks act like winglets they reduce the wing tip vortices the induced drag but they increase the parasite drag form drag + skin friction drag exemple 409 i is incorrect, ii is correct.i is incorrect, ii is correct.

Which statement about an aeroplane entering ground effect at constant angle of ?

Question 209-27 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct

.ground effect changes airflow. /com en/com080 821 jpg..when entering the ground effect it requires a decrease in angle of attack to maintain the same cl thus if the angle of attack is maintain constant the lift coefficient cl increases on entering ground effect induce flow reduces and the induced angle of attack decreases thus the induced drag coefficient cdi decreases exemple 413 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.

The mean geometric chord of a wing is the ?

Question 209-28 : Wing area divided by the wing span aspect ratio multiplied by the taper ratio wing span squared divided by wing area wing area divide by mean aerodynamic chord

.mean geometric chord this is the average chord length through a wind found by wing area/wing span. /com en/com080 737 png.the mean geometric chord location is the same for two extreme positions of the root chord exemple 417 wing area divided by the wing span.wing area divided by the wing span.

Taper ratio of a wing is the ratio between ?

Question 209-29 : Tip chord and root chord root chord and tip chord mean geometric chord and wing span wing span squared and wing area

. /com en/com080 738 jpg. exemple 421 tip chord and root chord.tip chord and root chord.

Given an aeroplane in steady straight and level flight at low speed and ?

Question 209-30 : Aft cg and take off thrust aft cg and idle thrust forward cg and take off thrust forward cg and idle thrust

684.with an aft cg the lift on the tail is at a maximum the horizontal stabiliser produces positive lift at low speed the nose is pointing upward and there will be a significant upward thrust to take some of the weight off the wings.this question also appears with the opposite statement at the exam .' the highest value of wing lift occurs at forward cg and idle thrust '. 683 exemple 425 aft cg and take-off thrust.aft cg and take-off thrust.

Assuming isa conditions and no compressibility effects if an aeroplane ?

Question 209-31 : Ias at both altitudes is the same tas at both altitudes is the same ias is higher at the higher altitude tas is lower at the higher altitude

..level flight at the same angle of attack means the same ias.lift formula = cl x 1/2 rho v² x s...cl = lift coefficient..rho = density..v = tas in m/s.s = surface....lift at altitude 1 = lift at altitude 2.they say same angle of attack thus cl is the same surface does not change and there is no compressibility effects .since 'rho' decreases with altitude tas must increase in order to keep 'rho x v²' unchanged

Which of these statements about stall speed is correct ?

Question 209-32 : Decreasing sweepback decreases stall speed decreasing sweepback increases stall speed increasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed decreasing wing anhedral decreases stall speed

.anhedral is incorporated into high wing sweptback designs to decrease the lateral stability nothing to do with stall high wing aircraft have powerful stabilising results in sideslip due to fuselage shielding .now swept wings are prone to tip stall which moves the centre of pressure sharply forward combine this with the changing downwash over the tail causes a sharp nose up change of trim so the stall speed is higher if you decrease the sweepback you decrease the stall speed exemple 433 decreasing sweepback decreases stall speed.decreasing sweepback decreases stall speed.

Which of these statements about induced drag are correct or incorrect . i an ?

Question 209-33 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect

.the correct statement is an elliptical spanwise lift distribution generates less induced drag than a rectangular lift distribution .both lift distribution and load distribution are of great importance in the wing design process .to give minimum induced drag the span wise efficiency factor e should be as close to 1 as possible this is the case of an elliptic span wise lift distribution a number of methods are available to modify the span wise distribution of lift they include 1 planform taper to obtain an elliptic planform used for the spitfire wing which was remarkably elliptic 2 a geometric twist and/or aerodynamic twist to obtain elliptic lift distribution or 3 a combination of all of these methods.in the past 1930s it was thought that for an elliptic lift distribution the chord must vary elliptically along the span the direct result of such logic was that the wing planform must be elliptical for this reason several aircraft wing planforms such as supermarine spitfire a famous british world war ii fighter were made elliptic but today we know that there are various parameters that make the lift distribution elliptic thus there is no need for the wing planform to be planform an elliptical planform is hard to manufacture and is costly from the point of view of construction the best type of wing is the un tapered untwisted wing.the correct statement is induced drag increases with decreasing aspect ratio .aspect ratio is defined as the square of the wingspan divided by the area of the wing planform . /com en/com080 38 jpg.induced drag varies with lift speed and aspect ratio is inversely proportional to aspect ratio and v² so multiply by 1/v² and directly proportional to lift²/cl²/weight² exemple 437 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.

Assuming no flow separation which of these statements about the flow around an ?

Question 209-34 : I is correct ii is incorrect i is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect

. /com en/com080 23 jpg..in red the stagnation point will move down .in blue the point of lowest pressure will move forward

For a subsonic flow the continuity equation states that if the cross sectional ?

Question 209-35 : Increases does not change decreases first decreases then increases

Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect .i ?

Question 209-36 : I is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is correct

. what is mcrit critical mach number . /com en/com080 1049a jpg..the critical mach number of an aeroplane is the highest speed possible without supersonic flow over the wing. what is sweepback .most of the difficulties of transonic flight are associated with shock wave induced flow separation therefore any means of delaying or alleviating the shock induced separation improves aerodynamic performance one method is wing sweepback sweepback theory is based upon the concept that it is only the component of the airflow perpendicular to the leading edge of the wing that affects pressure distribution and formation of shock waves.on a straight wing aircraft the airflow strikes the wing leading edge at 90° and its full impact produces pressure and lift a wing with sweepback is struck by the same airflow at an angle smaller than 90° this airflow on the swept wing has the effect of persuading the wing into believing that it is flying slower than it really is thus the formation of shock waves is delayed advantages of wing sweep include an increase in critical mach number force divergence mach number and the mach number at which drag rises peaks in other words sweep delays the onset of compressibility effects. what is drag divergence mach number.the drag divergence mach number not to be confused with critical mach number is the mach number at which the aerodynamic drag on an airfoil or airframe begins to increase rapidly as the mach number continues to increase this increase can cause the drag coefficient to rise to more than ten times its low speed value .increasing wing sweepback increases the drag divergence mach number. /com en/com080 1049b jpg..the effect of increasing angle of sweep is an increase in the critical mach number and an increase in the drag divergence mach number exemple 449 i is incorrect, ii is incorrect.i is incorrect, ii is incorrect.

Which of these statements about wing sweepback are correct or incorrect .i ?

Question 209-37 : I is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is correct

. what is mcrit critical mach number . /com en/com080 1049a jpg..the critical mach number of an aeroplane is the highest speed possible without supersonic flow over the wing. what is sweepback .most of the difficulties of transonic flight are associated with shock wave induced flow separation therefore any means of delaying or alleviating the shock induced separation improves aerodynamic performance one method is wing sweepback sweepback theory is based upon the concept that it is only the component of the airflow perpendicular to the leading edge of the wing that affects pressure distribution and formation of shock waves.on a straight wing aircraft the airflow strikes the wing leading edge at 90° and its full impact produces pressure and lift a wing with sweepback is struck by the same airflow at an angle smaller than 90° this airflow on the swept wing has the effect of persuading the wing into believing that it is flying slower than it really is thus the formation of shock waves is delayed advantages of wing sweep include an increase in critical mach number force divergence mach number and the mach number at which drag rises peaks in other words sweep delays the onset of compressibility effects. what is drag divergence mach number.the drag divergence mach number not to be confused with critical mach number is the mach number at which the aerodynamic drag on an airfoil or airframe begins to increase rapidly as the mach number continues to increase this increase can cause the drag coefficient to rise to more than ten times its low speed value .decreasing wing sweepback decreases the drag divergence mach number. /com en/com080 1049b jpg..the effect of decreasing angle of sweep is a decrease in the critical mach number and a decrease in the drag divergence mach number exemple 453 i is incorrect, ii is incorrect.i is incorrect, ii is incorrect.

Which statement about the effects on drag of fitting external tip tanks to the ?

Question 209-38 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is incorrect

.the external wing tip tanks act like winglets they reduce the wing tip vortices induced drag decreases but they increase the parasite drag form drag + skin friction drag . /com en/com080 1125 jpg. siai marchetti sf 260 with tip tanks

Which statement about the effects on drag of removing external tip tanks from ?

Question 209-39 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct i is incorrect ii is incorrect i is correct ii is incorrect

.the external wing tip tanks act like winglets they reduce the wing tip vortices induced drag decreases but they increase the parasite drag form drag + skin friction drag . /com en/com080 1125 jpg. siai marchetti sf 260 with tip tanks exemple 461 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.

Which statement about an aeroplane leaving ground effect is correct .i the ?

Question 209-40 : I is correct ii is correct i is incorrect ii is correct i is correct ii is incorrect i is incorrect ii is incorrect

.ground effect changes airflow . /com en/com080 821 jpg..when leaving the ground effect it requires an increase in angle of attack to maintain the same cl the induced angle increases exemple 465 i is correct, ii is correct.i is correct, ii is correct.


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