Exam > pilot : What increases the critical angle of attack use of ?
Question 208-1 : Slats flaps spoilers fuselage mounted speed brakes

When considering a swept back wing with no corrective design features at the ?
Question 208-2 : Tip stall will occur first which produces a nose up pitching moment wing root stall will occur first which produces a rolling moment tip stall will occur first which produces a nose down pitching moment leading edge stall will occur first which produces a nose down pitching moment

Which boundary layer when considering its velocity profile perpendicular to the ?
Question 208-3 : Turbulent boundary layer laminar boundary layer no difference the boundary layer in the transition between turbulent and laminar

The si unit of measurement for pressure is ?
Question 208-4 : N/m² kg/m³ lb/gal bar/dm²

The polar curve of an aerofoil section is a graphic relationship between ?
Question 208-5 : Lift coefficient cl and drag coefficient cd tas and stall speed angle of attack and lift coefficient cl drag coefficient cd and angle of attack

The speed for minimum glide angle occurs at an angle of attack that corresponds ?
Question 208-6 : Cl/cd max clmax cl/cd² max cl³/cd² max

The value of the induced drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight at ?
Question 208-7 : 1/v² v² v 1/v

Upon extension of fowler flaps whilst maintaining the same angle of attack ?
Question 208-8 : Cl and cd increase cl increases while cd remains unaffected cd decreases while the centre of lift shifts aft cl decreases while the centre of lift shifts forward

True airspeed tas is ?
Question 208-9 : Lower than the indicated airspeed ias at altitudes below sea level under isa conditions higher than the indicated airspeed ias at altitudes below sea level under isa conditions equal to the ias multiplied by the air density at sea level eas corrected for compressibility

The span wise flow on an unswept wing is from the ?
Question 208-10 : Lower to the upper surface via the wing tip upper surface via the trailing edge to the lower wing surface lower surface via the trailing edge to the upper wing surface upper surface via the leading edge to the lower wing surface

Total pressure is rho = density ?
Question 208-11 : Static pressure plus dynamic pressure static pressure minus dynamic pressure 1/2 rho v² measured at a small hole in a surface parallel to the local stream

The terms 'q' and 's' in the lift formula are ?
Question 208-12 : Dynamic pressure and the area of the wing square root of surface and wing loading static pressure and wing surface area static pressure and dynamic pressure

The stall speed ?
Question 208-13 : Increases with an increased weight decreases with an increased weight does not depend on weight increases with the length of the wingspan

Trailing edge flaps once extended ?
Question 208-14 : Degrade the best angle of glide increase the zero lift angle of attack significantly increase the angle of attack for maximum lift significantly lower the drag

Which statement concerning the local flow pattern around a wing is correct ?
Question 208-15 : By fitting winglets to the wing tip the strength of the wing tip vortices is reduced which in turn reduces induced drag slat extension at a constant angle of attack and nomal extension speeds will increase the lift coefficient which will also increase the induced drag coefficient sweepback reduces drag since compared with a straight wing of equal area the span increases vortex generators on the wing partially block the spanwise flow over the wing leading to a reduction in induced drag

Which statement is correct ?
Question 208-16 : Flap extension causes a reduction in stall speed and the maximum glide distance flap extension will increase cl/cd max thus causing a reduction in the minimum rate of descent flap extension has no influence on the minimum rate of descent as only tas has to be taken into account spoiler extension causes a reduction in stall speed and the minimum rate of descent but increases the minimum descent angle

While flying under icing conditions the largest ice build up will occur ?
Question 208-17 : The frontal areas of the aircraft the upper and lower surfaces on the rear of the wing the upper and lower rudder surfaces the pitot and static probes only

Which statement is correct ?
Question 208-18 : Spoiler extension increases the stallspeed the minimum rate of descent and the minimum angle of descent flap extension reduces the maximum lift/drag ratio thus reducing the minimum rate of descent flap extension reduces the stallspeed which increases the maximum glide distance flap extension has no effect on the minimum rate of descent as this is only affected by tas

Which statement is correct ?
Question 208-19 : As the angle of attack increases the stagnation point on the wing's profile moves downwards the centre of pressure is the point on the wing's leading edge where the airflow splits up the stagnation point is another name for centre of pressure the stagnation point is always situated on the chordline the centre of pressure is not

During a climbing turn to the right the ?
Question 208-20 : Angle of attack of the left wing is larger than the angle of attack of the right wing angle of attack of the left wing is smaller than the angle of attack of the right wing angle of attack of both wings is the same stall angle of attack of the left wing will be larger than the corresponding angle for the right wing

Dividing lift by weight gives ?
Question 208-21 : Load factor lift drag ratio wing loading aspect ratio

Dangerous stall characteristics in large transport aeroplanes that require ?
Question 208-22 : Excessive wing drop and deep stall pitch down and yaw distinct aerodynamic buffet pitch down and increase in speed

Bernoulli's law states . note rho is the mean sea level density under isa ?
Question 208-23 : Pstat + 1/2rhov² = constant pstat + 1/2rhoias² = constant pdyn+ 1/2rhov² = constant ptot+ 1/2rhov² = pstat

Assuming zero wing twist the wing planform that gives the highest local lift ?
Question 208-24 : Rectangular elliptical tapered swept back

Given the following aeroplane configurations .1 clean wing .2 slats only ?
Question 208-25 : 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 1

Floating due to ground effect during an approach to land will occur ?
Question 208-26 : When the height is less than halve of the length of the wing span above the surface when the height is less than twice the length of the wing span above the surface when a higher than normal angle of attack is used at a speed approaching the stall

An aeroplane climbs to cruising level with a constant pitch attitude and ?
Question 208-27 : Gamma decreases angle of attack increases ias decreases gamma decreases angle of attack increases ias remains constant gamma decreases angle of attack remains constant ias decreases gamma remains constant angle of attack remains constant ias decreases

An aerofoil is cambered when ?
Question 208-28 : The line which connects the centres of all inscribed circles is curved the chord line is curved the upper surface of the aerofoil is curved the maximum thickness is large compared with the length of the chord

An aeroplane being manually flown in the speed unstable region experiences a ?
Question 208-29 : Further decrease increase initially increase and thereafter decrease initially further decrease and thereafter increase

A slat will ?
Question 208-30 : Prolongs the stall to a higher angle of attack increase the camber of the aerofoil and divert the flow around the sharp leading edge increase the lift by increasing the wing area and the camber of the aft portion of the wing provide a boundary layer suction on the upper surface of the wing

A flat plate when positioned in the airflow at a small angle of attack will ?
Question 208-31 : Both lift and drag lift but no drag drag but no lift neither lift nor drag

An aeroplane has the following flap positions 0° 15° 30° 45° slats can also ?
Question 208-32 : The slats from the retracted to the take off position the flaps from 30° to 45° the flaps from 0° to 15° the flaps from 15° to 30°

An increase in wing loading will ?
Question 208-33 : Increase the stall speed decrease the minimum glide angle increase clmax increase sensitivity to turbulence

The difference between the effects of slat and flap asymmetry is that . 'large' ?
Question 208-34 : Flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at any speed whereas slat asymmetry causes a large difference in clmax flap asymmetry causes a large yawing moment whereas slat asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at any speed flap asymmetry causes a large difference in clmax whereas slat asymmetry causes a large rolling moment at any speed flap asymmetry causes a large rolling moment whereas slat asymmetry causes a large yawing moment

The airload on the horizontal tailplane tailload of an aeroplane in straight ?
Question 208-35 : Is in general directed downwards and will become less negative when the c g moves aft is in general directed upwards and will increase when c g is moved forward will in principle be zero on transport aeroplanes without an electronic flight control system fly by wire due to the trim system is in general directed downwards and will always become less negative in a linear fashion with increasing airspeed

The boundary layer of a wing is ?
Question 208-36 : A layer on the wing in which the stream velocity is lower than the free stream velocity created by the normal shock wave at transonic speeds a turbulent flow around the wing caused by suction on the upper wing surface

If the aspect ratio of a wing increases whilst all other relevant factors ?
Question 208-37 : Decrease increase remain constant remain constant only for a wing consisting of symmetrical aerofoils

On a large transport aeroplane the auto slat system ?
Question 208-38 : Extends the slats automatically when a certain value of angle of attack is exceeded provides for automatic slat retractionafter take off ensures that the slats are always extended when the ground/flight system is in the 'ground' position assist the ailerons

How does the total drag change in straight and level flight at constant mass as ?
Question 208-39 : Initially decreases then increases decreases increases initially increases then decreases

How is stall warning presented to the pilots of a large transport aeroplane ?
Question 208-40 : Stick shaker and/or aerodynamic buffet stick pusher stall warning light only aural warning only

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