Exam > pilot : The location of the centre of pressure of a positively cambered aerofoil ?
Question 206-1 : Shift forward not shift shift aft shift in spanwise direction

The si unit of measurement for density is ?
Question 206-2 : Kg/m³ psi kg/cm² bar

The unit of measurement of pressure is ?
Question 206-3 : Psi kg/dm² kg/m³ lb/gal

A laminar boundary layer is a layer in which ?
Question 206-4 : No velocity components exist normal to the surface the vortices are weak the velocity is constant the temperature varies constantly

The subsonic static pressure ?
Question 206-5 : Decreases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases is the total pressure plus the dynamic pressure is the pressure in a point at which the velocity has become zero increases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases

The lift and drag forces acting on a wing cross section ?
Question 206-6 : Depend on the pressure distribution about the wing cross section are normal to each other at just one angle of attack are proportional to each other independent of angle of attack vary linearly with the angle of attack

The lift force acting on an aerofoil no flow separation ?
Question 206-7 : Is mainly caused by suction on the upperside of the aerofoil increases proportional to the angle of attack until 40 degrees is mainly caused by overpressure at the underside of the aerofoil is maximum at an angle of attack of 2 degrees

The relative thickness of an aerofoil is expressed in ?
Question 206-8 : % chord camber meters degrees cross section tail angle

The aerofoil polar is ?
Question 206-9 : A graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient a graph of the relation between the lift coefficient and the angle of attack the relation between the horizontal and the vertical speed a graph in which the thickness of the wing aerofoil is given as a function of the chord

Aspect ratio of a wing is the ratio between ?
Question 206-10 : Wing span squared and wing area wing span and dihedral angle wing root chord line and wing tip chord line wing span and wing root chord

Dihedral of the wing is ?
Question 206-11 : The angle between the 0 25 chord line of the wing and the lateral axis the angle between the leading edge of the wing and the lateral axis the angle between the 0 25 chord line of the wing and the vertical axis the angle between the 0 25 chord line of the wing and the horizon

The induced drag ?
Question 206-12 : Increases as the lift coefficient increases increases as the aspect ratio increases has no relation to the lift coefficient increases as the magnitude of the tip vortices decreases

Flap extension at constant ias whilst maintaining straight and level flight ?
Question 206-13 : Maximum lift coefficient clmax and the drag lift coefficient and the drag stall speed lift and the drag

When trailing edge flaps are extended whilst maintaining straight and level ?
Question 206-14 : The centre of pressure moves aft the lift coefficient and the drag coefficient increase the stall speed increases the total boundary layer becomes laminar

Which of the following situations leads to a decreasing stall speed ias ?
Question 206-15 : Decreasing weight increasing altitude increasing air density increasing load factor

The difference between ias and tas will ?
Question 206-16 : Decrease with decreasing altitude increase with decreasing temperature increase with increasing air density decrease with increasing speed

Compared with stalling airspeed vs in a given configuration the airspeed at ?
Question 206-17 : Greater than vs 1 30 vs 1 12 vs 1 20 vs

The term angle of attack in a two dimensional flow is defined as ?
Question 206-18 : The angle between the wing chord line and the direction of the relative wind/airflow the angle between the aeroplane climb path and the horizon the angle formed by the longitudinal axis of the aeroplane and the chord line of the wing the angle for maximum lift/drag ratio

The critical angle of attack ?
Question 206-19 : Remains unchanged regardless of gross weight increases if the cg is moved forward decreases if the cg is moved aft changes with an increase in gross weight

Comparing the lift coefficient and drag coefficient at normal angle of attack ?
Question 206-20 : Cl is much greater than cd cl is much lower than cd cl has approximately the same value as cd cl is lower than cd

Which statement is correct regarding cl angle of attack ?
Question 206-21 : For a symmetrical aerofoil section if the alpha is zero cl is zero for a symmetrical aerofoil section if the alpha is zero cl is not zero for an asymmetrical aerofoil section if the alpha is zero cl is zero for an asymmetrical aerofoil section with positive camber if alpha is greater than zero cl is zero

The mean aerodynamic chord mac for a given wing of any planform is ?
Question 206-22 : The chord of a rectangular wing with same moment and lift the chord of a large rectangular wing the average chord of the actual aeroplane the wing area divided by the wing span

Induced drag may be reduced by ?
Question 206-23 : An increase in aspect ratio the use of a wing tip with a much thinner aerofoil a decrease of the aspect ratio an increase in the taper ratio of the wing

The relationship between induced drag and the aspect ratio is ?
Question 206-24 : A decrease in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag there is no relationship induced drag = 1 3 aspect ratio value an increase in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag

A high aspect ratio wing produces ?
Question 206-25 : A decrease in induced drag an increase in induced drag less sensitivity to gust effects a decrease in stall speed

What will happen in ground effect ?
Question 206-26 : The induced angle of attack and induced drag decreases an increase in strength of the wing tip vortices a significant increase in thrust required the wing downwash on the tail surfaces increases

Which statement is correct about the laminar and turbulent boundary layer ?
Question 206-27 : Friction drag is lower in the laminar layer friction drag will be equal in both types of layers friction drag is lower in the turbulent layer separation point will occur earlier in the turbulent layer

Behind the transition point in a boundary layer ?
Question 206-28 : The mean speed and friction drag increases the boundary layer gets thinner and the speed increases the mean speed increases and the friction drag decreases the boundary layer gets thicker and the speed decreases

When trailing edge flaps are extended in level flight the change in pitching ?
Question 206-29 : Nose down nose up zero dependent on cg location

Extension of leading edge flaps will ?
Question 206-30 : Increase critical angle of attack decrease clmax decrease drag not affect critical angle of attack

Slat extension will ?
Question 206-31 : Increase the critical angle of attack reduce tip vortices create gaps between leading edge and engine nacelles decrease the energy in the boundary layer on the upperside of the wing

What factors determine the distance travelled over the ground of an aeroplane ?
Question 206-32 : The wind and the lift/drag ratio which changes with angle of attack the wind and the aeroplane's mass the wind and clmax the wind and weight together with power loading which is the ratio of power output to the weight

The following unit of measurement kgm/s² is expressed in the si system as ?
Question 206-33 : Newton pascal joule watt

Excluding constants the coefficient of induced drag cdi is the ratio of ?
Question 206-34 : Cl² and ar aspect ratio cl²and s wing surface cl and cd cl and b wing span

One important advantage the turbulent boundary layer has over the laminar type ?
Question 206-35 : It has less tendency to separate from the surface it is thinner skin friction drag is less energy is less

When comparing a rectangular wing and a swept back wing of the same wing area ?
Question 206-36 : Higher critical mach number greater strength increased longitudinal stability lower stall speed

High aspect ratio as compared with low aspect ratio has the effect of ?
Question 206-37 : Decreasing induced drag and critical angle of attack increasing lift and critical angle of attack increasing lift and drag increasing induced drag and decreasing critical angle of attack

What wing shape or wing characteristic is the least sensitive to turbulence ?
Question 206-38 : Swept wings straight wings wing dihedral elliptical wing

What is the si unit of measurement for power ?
Question 206-39 : Nm/s kgm/s² pa/m² n/m

The use of a slot in the leading edge of the wing enables the aeroplane to fly ?
Question 206-40 : It delays the stall to a higher angle of attack the laminar part of the boundary layer gets thicker it decelerates the upper surface boundary layer air it changes the camber of the wing

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