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Exam > pilot : The horizontal wind shear ?

Question 204-1 : Is measured at the same height on different masts placed along runway is measured on a mast at different heights cannot be measured is measured by the wind cone

exemple 304 is measured at the same height on different masts placed along runway.is measured at the same height on different masts placed along runway.

Following an engine failure after take off while on a noise abatement departure ?

Question 204-2 : Disregard the noise abatement procedure if necessary continue as prescribed on the procedure contact atc in order to follow nadp 2 switch as soon as possible and without noticing the atc to the nadp 2

Ecqb04 january 2019 exemple 308 disregard the noise abatement procedure if necessary.disregard the noise abatement procedure if necessary.

Who is responsible for providing information to passengers and cargo shippers ?

Question 204-3 : The operator iata oaci easa

Icao gives informations to the operators operators give informations to passengers and cargo shippers exemple 312 the operator.the operator.

According to cs 25 an altitude warning system must alert the crew when the ?

Question 204-4 : 10000 ft 3000 m 8000 ft 2400 m 14000 ft 4200 m 12000 ft 3600 m

exemple 316 10000 ft (3000 m).10000 ft (3000 m).

You will begin the approach to your destination airport and windshear has been ?

Question 204-5 : Hold increase approach speed decrease approach speed be mentally prepared to carry out a missed approach

.windshear will not last for long you should hold 10 to 20 minutes and try to perform the approach .for all landings you are prepared to carry out a missed approach exemple 320 hold.hold.

During heavy turbulence in flight if the flight crew forget to turn on the ?

Question 204-6 : Shall suspend all non safety related duties and inform the flight crew can activate it and if necessary delegate this task to a cabin crew member shall suspend all non safety related duties and wait for the flight crew to switch it on may not take the initiative to trigger the signal without the consent of the flight crew

. oro cc 200 senior cabin crew member . . d the senior cabin crew member shall be responsible to the commander for the conduct and coordination of normal and emergency procedures specified in the operations manual including for discontinuing non safety related duties for safety or security purposes exemple 324 shall suspend all non-safety-related duties and inform the flight crew.shall suspend all non-safety-related duties and inform the flight crew.

For operations with more than one cabin crew member ?

Question 204-7 : The operator shall nominate one cabin crew member accountable to the pilot in command or the commander the competent authority shall nominate one cabin crew member accountable to the pilot in command or the commander the most experimented cabin crew member is accountable to the pilot in command or the commander the pilot in command or the commander shall nominate one cabin crew member accountable to him

.oro cc 100 number and composition of cabin crew. .for operations with more than one cabin crew member the operator shall nominate one cabin crew member accountable to the pilot in command or the commander exemple 328 the operator shall nominate one cabin crew member accountable to the pilot-in-command or the commander.the operator shall nominate one cabin crew member accountable to the pilot-in-command or the commander.

The reference document you shall use when a piece of equipment on your ?

Question 204-8 : The operations manual under the heading 'abnormal and emergency procedures' the operations manual under the heading mel the part ops the mmel

.if an equipment becomes inoperable while parked you consult the 'mel' and while translating for take off or after landing you must refer to the 'abnormal and emergency procedures' in the qrh quick reference handbook exemple 332 the operations manual under the heading 'abnormal and emergency procedures'.the operations manual under the heading 'abnormal and emergency procedures'.

The angle of attack of an aerofoil section is defined as the angle between the ?

Question 204-9 : Undisturbed airflow and the chord line local airflow and the mean camber line local airflow and the chord line undisturbed airflow and the mean camber line

669 exemple 336 undisturbed airflow and the chord line.undisturbed airflow and the chord line.

In a stationary subsonic streamline flow pattern if the streamlines converge in ?

Question 204-10 : I decrease ii increase i increase ii increase i increase ii decrease i decrease ii decrease

1466.static pressure decreases in a venturi and airflow speed increases exemple 340 (i) decrease, (ii) increase.(i) decrease, (ii) increase.

The si units of air density i and force ii are ?

Question 204-11 : I kg/m3 ii n i kg/m² ii kg i n/m3 ii n i n/kg ii kg

The use of units follow the international rules and style conventions click on the following link to open a pdf file of units of measurement in a new tab.pdf678..pdf679 exemple 344 (i) kg/m3, (ii) n(i) kg/m3, (ii) n

The units of wing loading i w / s and ii dynamic pressure q are ?

Question 204-12 : I n / m² ii n / m² i n / m³ ii kg / m² i kg / m ii n / m² i n / m ii kg

The use of units follow the international rules and style conventions click on the following link to open a pdf file of units of measurement in a new tab.pdf679 exemple 348 (i) n / m², (ii) n / m².(i) n / m², (ii) n / m².

The aeroplane drag in straight and level flight is lowest when the ?

Question 204-13 : Parasite drag is equal to the induced drag parasite drag equals twice the induced drag induced drag is equal to zero induced drag is lowest

.total drag is lowest when parasite drag is equal to the induced drag. /com en/com032 209 jpg. exemple 352 parasite drag is equal to the induced drag.parasite drag is equal to the induced drag.

Considering a positive cambered aerofoil the pitch moment when cl=0 is ?

Question 204-14 : Negative pitch down infinite positive pitch up equal to zero

It is because the pressure distribution is producing negative lift at the front and positive lift at the back of the airfoil. gorny21 .remember when cl = 0 a cambered section will have a negative alpha...other questions you will see on this refer to a symmetrical section it has no pitch and a negative cambered section will pitch nose up exemple 356 negative (pitch-down).negative (pitch-down).

An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight while the ias is doubled the ?

Question 204-15 : X 0 25 x 2 0 x 0 5 x 4 0

Gorny21 .in straight and level flight lift does not change as it is only balancing against weight..aircraft is maintaining level flight and therefore lift cannot change..lift = cl 1/2rho v² s rho = density.. example with.s = 2 rho = 10 cl = 1 and ias = 100..lift = 1 x 0 5 x 10 x 100 x 100 x 2 = 100000... and now with.s = 2 rho = 10 cl = 1 and ias = 200..lift = 1 x 0 5 x 10 x 200 x 200 x2 = 400000...we can't modify s and rho we can only change lift coefficient cl and in order to maintain lift at 100000 we have to multiply cl by 0 25 exemple 360 x 0.25x 0.25

Which formula or equation describes the relationship between force f ?

Question 204-16 : F=m a a=f m f=m/a m=f a

Force energy brought to bear which tends to cause a motion or change.mass a measure of the amount of material contained in a body.acceleration rate of change of velocity velocity + time or distance + time² exemple 364 f=m.af=m.a

Static pressure is acts ?

Question 204-17 : In all directions only in the direction of the total pressure only perpendicular to the direction of the flow only in direction of the flow

Static pressure is atmospheric pressure measured at a point where there is no external disturbance and the flow of air over the surface is perfectly smooth exemple 368 in all directions.in all directions.

Lift is generated when ?

Question 204-18 : The flow direction of a certain mass of air is changed a certain mass of air is accelerated in its flow direction a symmetrical aerofoil is placed in a high velocity air stream at zero angle of attack a certain mass of air is retarded

.lift is an upward force whose line of action is at right angles to the relative airflow direction and acts on the centre of pressure .lift =.cl x 1/2 rho v² x s..cl = lift coefficient.rho = density.v = tas in m/s .s = surface..if an aircraft is providing a lift force upwards there must be something going downwards to react this would be the change of direction of the airflow exemple 372 the flow direction of a certain mass of air is changed.the flow direction of a certain mass of air is changed.

Consider the steady flow through a stream tube where the velocity of the stream ?

Question 204-19 : Decrease the mass flow increase the mass flow not affect the mass flow increase the mass flow when the tube is divergent in the direction of the flow

Gorny21 .the mass flow is .density x area x velocity....area and velocity remain constant the only thing that changes is rho.with a temperature increase the density decreases thus the mass flow decreases through the stream tube exemple 376 decrease the mass flow.decrease the mass flow.

Which one of the following statements about bernoulli's theorem is correct ?

Question 204-20 : The dynamic pressure increases as static pressure decreases the dynamic pressure decreases as static pressure decreases the total pressure is zero when the velocity of the stream is zero the dynamic pressure is maximum in the stagnation point

Gorny21 .pt total pressure..ps static pressure..pd dynamic pressure 1/2 x density x tas²..bernoulli's theorem is.pt = ps + pd..then if pd inscreases ps decreases as pt always remains constant exemple 380 the dynamic pressure increases as static pressure decreases.the dynamic pressure increases as static pressure decreases.

If in a two dimensional incompressible and subsonic flow the streamlines ?

Question 204-21 : Decrease increase not change increase initially then decrease

Gorny21 .total pressure pt always remains constant and bernoulli's theorem is pt = ps + pd. ps = static pressure and pd = dynamic pressure.the streamlines converge the speed will increase which increases the dynamic pressure thus static pressure must decrease for the total pressure to remain constant exemple 384 decrease.decrease.

Bernoulli's equation can be written as . pt= total pressure ps = static ?

Question 204-22 : Pt = ps + q pt = ps q pt = q ps pt = ps / q

.pt total pressure..ps static pressure..pd dynamic pressure 1/2 x density x tas²..bernoulli's theorem is.pt = ps + pd exemple 388 pt = ps + qpt = ps + q

Which of the following statements about boundary layers is correct ?

Question 204-23 : The turbulent boundary layer has more kinetic energy than the laminar boundary layer the turbulent boundary layer is thinner than the laminar boundary layer the turbulent boundary layer gives a lower skin friction than the laminar boundary layer the turbulent boundary layer will separate more easily than the laminar boundary layer

The pressure pattern over the wing goes from high at the leading edge to low at the point of maximum camber and then back to high again at the trailing edge so from the point of max camber backwards the airflow is moving from a low pressure to a high pressure region called an adverse pressure gradient the air would not do this unless it was being pushed by some other factor and this factor is the kinetic energy of the moving air the boundary layer has less kinetic energy than the freestream air and gradually slows down when it stops or reverses it breaks away from the surface or separates.as the laminar type of boundary layer has less kinetic energy than the turbulent type it will slow down quicker and break away earlier so the laminar boundary layer has less kinetic energy and breaks away earlier the laminar layer however causes less drag.to try for the highest possible lift at high angles of attack you need to keep the airflow attached as long as possible and this means having a high kinetic energy boundary layer various high lift devices are there simply to re energise a boundary layer that is slowing down never mind the drag it is lift we want at the stall exemple 392 the turbulent boundary layer has more kinetic energy than the laminar boundary layer.the turbulent boundary layer has more kinetic energy than the laminar boundary layer.

On an asymmetrical single curve aerofoil in subsonic airflow at low angle of ?

Question 204-24 : Move forward move aft remain matching the airfoil aerodynamic centre remain unaffected

.the pressure created by an aerofoil at any point may be represented by a vector at right angles to its surface whose length is proportional to the difference between absolute pressure at the point and the free stream static pressure .all of them can be represented by a single vector acting at a particular point called the centre of pressure. 669..the centre of pressure is a theoretical point on the chord line through which the resultant of all forces the total reaction is said to act .its position is usually around 25% of the way from the leading edge simply because more lift is generated there but it moves steadily forward as the angle of attack is increased until just before the stalling angle when it moves rapidly backwards the centre of pressure's most forward point is just before the stalling angle this is why an aeroplane's nose drops when the wings stall and the centre of pressure moves behind the cg.thus when speed is increased in straight and level flight on a positively cambered aerofoil you have to decrease the angle of attack to keep the the total lift force constant and the point where the resultant of all forces are acting the centre of pressure moves aft exemple 396 move forward.move forward.

The cl alpha curve of a positive cambered aerofoil intersects with the ?

Question 204-25 : Above the origin in the origin below the origin nowhere

.cl = coefficient of lift.alpha = angle of attack.. /com en/com080 144 jpg..for a positive cambered aerofoil the curve intersects the vertical axis of the graph above the origin because a positive cambered aerofoil produces lift with a zero pitching moment 0° angle of attack exemple 400 above the origin.above the origin.

The angle of attack of a two dimensional wing section is the angle between ?

Question 204-26 : The chord line of the aerofoil and the free stream direction the chord line of the aerofoil and the fuselage centreline the fuselage centreline and the free stream direction the chord line and the camber line of the aerofoil

680 exemple 404 the chord line of the aerofoil and the free stream direction.the chord line of the aerofoil and the free stream direction.

The angle between the airflow relative wind and the chord line of an aerofoil is ?

Question 204-27 : Angle of attack glide path angle climb path angle same as the angle between chord line and fuselage axis

680.'alpha' angle of attack is the angle between the airflow relative wind and the chord line of an aerofoil exemple 408 angle of attack.angle of attack.

The angle between the aeroplane longitudinal axis and the chord line is the ?

Question 204-28 : Angle of incidence climb path angle angle of attack glide path angle

Aeroplane's angle of incidence the angle between the longitudinal axis and the wing root chord line .the angle of incidence is a fixed value . 681.others important angles .aeroplane's angle of attack the angle between its speed vector and longitudinal axis .aeroplane's pitch angle the angle between its longitudinal axis and the horizontal plane .aeroplane's flight path the angle between its speed vector and the horizontal plane . 682 exemple 412 angle of incidence.angle of incidence.

With increasing angle of attack the stagnation point will move i and the ?

Question 204-29 : I down ii forward i up ii aft i down ii aft i up ii forward

. /com en/com080 23 jpg..in red the stagnation point will move down .in blue the point of lowest pressure will move forward exemple 416 (i) down, (ii) forward.(i) down, (ii) forward.

The aerodynamic centre of the wing is the point where ?

Question 204-30 : The pitching moment coefficient does not vary with angle of attack changes of lift due to variations in angle of attack are constant aerodynamic forces are constant the aeroplane's lateral axis intersects with the centre of gravity

.when upper and lower surface lift act through different points the result is a pitching moment .the aerodynamic centre of the wing is the fixed point on the chord line about which no change in pitching moment is felt when the angle of attack varies .this is not the center of pressure which is a theoretical point on the chord line through which the resultant of all forces the total reaction is said to act the center of pressure moves forward when the angle of attack is increased exemple 420 the pitching moment coefficient does not vary with angle of attack.the pitching moment coefficient does not vary with angle of attack.

On a swept wing aeroplane at low airspeed the 'pitch up' phenomenon ?

Question 204-31 : Is caused by wingtip stall never occurs since a swept wing is a 'remedy' to pitch up is caused by extension of trailing edge lift augmentation devices is caused by boundary layer fences mounted on the wings

.flying at low speed means flying at high angle of attack there is a tendency for the swept wing to develop a strong spanwise flow towards the wingtip when the.wing is at high angles of attack . /com en/com080 27 jpg..stall occurs at the wingtips first resulting in a shift of the center of lift of the wing in a forward direction relative to the center of gravity of the airplane causing the nose to pitch up exemple 424 is caused by wingtip stall.is caused by wingtip stall.

The lift of an aeroplane of weight w in a constant linear climb with a climb ?

Question 204-32 : W cos gamma w 1 sin gamma w 1 tan gamma w/cos gamma

Lift = weight x cos climb angle.. 1526 exemple 428 w.cos.gammaw.cos.gamma

Which one of the following statements about the lift to drag ratio in straight ?

Question 204-33 : At the highest value of the lift/drag ratio the total drag is lowest the highest value of the lift/drag ratio is reached when the lift is zero the lift/drag ratio always increases as the lift decreases the highest value of the lift/drag ratio is reached when the lift is equal to the aircraft weight

.lift/drag ratio is maximum at the speed for minimum total drag exemple 432 at the highest value of the lift/drag ratio the total drag is lowest.at the highest value of the lift/drag ratio the total drag is lowest.

At a load factor of 1 and the aeroplane's minimum drag speed what is the ratio ?

Question 204-34 : Di/dp = 1 it varies between aeroplane types di/dp = 2 di/dp = 1/2

.the minimum drag speed occurs at the speed where the induced drag is equal to the parasitic drag this is the speed at which the best gradient of climb is achieved exemple 436 di/dp = 1.di/dp = 1.

The correct drag d formula is ?

Question 204-35 : D= cd 1/2 rho v² s d= cd 2 rho v² s d= cd 1/2 rho v s d= cd 1/2 1/rho v² s

.where cd = drag coefficient.rho = density.v = tas in m/s .s = surface..drag is the force that opposes the forward motion of a body through the air it's an aerodynamic force on a body acting parallel and opposite to the relative wind exemple 440 d= cd 1/2 rho v² sd= cd 1/2 rho v² s

The value of the parasite drag in straight and level flight at constant weight ?

Question 204-36 : Square of the speed speed angle of attack square of the angle of attack

.parasite drag only varies with speed and is directly proportional to v². /com en/com032 209 jpg. exemple 444 square of the speed.square of the speed.

An aeroplane accelerates from 80 kt to 160 kt at a load factor equal to 1 the ?

Question 204-37 : I 1/16 ii 1/4 i 1/4 ii 2 i 1/2 ii 1/16 i 4 ii 1/2

.induced drag varies with lift speed and aspect ratio is inversely proportional to aspect ratio and v² so multiply by 1/v² and directly proportional to lift²/cl²/weight².we know that speed is double 80 kt to 160 kt so 1/2 x rho x v² is multiplicate by 4 to maintain lift l constant you have to divide the lift coefficient cl by 4 lift formula = 1/2 x rho x v² x s x cl.if cl is divide by 4 thus the coefficient of induced drag cdi from cdi = cl² / pi x aspect ratio will be divide by 16.using now the induced drag formula = 1/2 x rho x v² x s x cdi knowing that cdi is divide by 16 and 1/2x rho x v² is multiplicate par 4 it result that induced drag will be divide by 4 exemple 448 (i) 1/16 (ii) 1/4(i) 1/16 (ii) 1/4

What is the effect of high aspect ratio of an aeroplane's wing on induced drag ?

Question 204-38 : It is reduced because the effect of wing tip vortices is reduced it is increased because high aspect ratio has greater frontal area it is unaffected because there is no relation between aspect ratio and induced drag it is increased because high aspect ratio produces greater downwash

.aspect ratio is defined as the square of the wingspan divided by the area of the wing planform . /com en/com080 38 jpg.induced drag varies with lift speed and aspect ratio is inversely proportional to aspect ratio and v² so multiply by 1/v² and directly proportional to lift²/cl²/weight² exemple 452 it is reduced because the effect of wing-tip vortices is reduced.it is reduced because the effect of wing-tip vortices is reduced.

The most important problem of ice accretion on a transport aeroplane during ?

Question 204-39 : Reduction in clmax increase in weight increase in drag blocking of control surfaces

For a transport aeroplane increasing in weight is not the most important problem only frontal areas are covered by ice not all of the airplane surfaces .increase in drag can be one of the most important problem but you can counteract drag by increasing the angle of attack until you reach clmax which will be reduces because the airflow separation will occur earlier .clmax reduction is the most important problem . /com en/com080 51 jpg. exemple 456 reduction in clmax.reduction in clmax.

The effects of very heavy rain tropical rain on the aerodynamic characteristics ?

Question 204-40 : Decrease of clmax and increase of drag decrease of clmax and decrease of drag increase of clmax and increase of drag increase of clmax and decrease of drag

exemple 460 decrease of clmax and increase of drag.decrease of clmax and increase of drag.


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