Exam > pilot : In which part of the operations manual would you find information about ?
Question 203-1 : Part a part b part c part d

In which part of the operations manual would you find information about de ?
Question 203-2 : Part a part b part c part d

In which part of the operations manual would you find information about ?
Question 203-3 : Part a part d part b part c

Operations manual..in which part of the operations manual would you find ?
Question 203-4 : Part a part b part c part d

Which are the best conditions for wake turbulence to move to a nearby runway ?
Question 203-5 : Calm wind calm crosswind and light tailwind strong wind strong crosswind and strong tailwind strong wind calm crosswind and strong tailwind calm wind strong crosswind and strong tailwind

An aircraft which experiences a headwind of 30 kt while making its way towards ?
Question 203-6 : 0 kt 15 kt headwind 30 kt tailwind 60 kt tailwind

You have to perform an emergency ditching ?
Question 203-7 : In strong wind you will try to land into wind even if it puts you in a position slightly perpendicular to the waves you should always land into wind you should always land parallel to the waves you should always land perpendicular to the waves

On a twin engine aeroplane you will consider a precautionary landing under the ?
Question 203-8 : Low fuel warning light came on one engine unserviceable main aerodynamic control failure unidentified smoke in the cockpit

In which part of the operations manual would you find information about ?
Question 203-9 : Part b part a part c part d

Operations manual..in which part of the operations manual would you find ?
Question 203-10 : Part a part b part c part d

If icing conditions are encountered you may expect ?
Question 203-11 : A decrease of lift by 30% a decrease of drag by 10% a decrease of lift by 60% an increase of lift by 40%

Operations manual..in which part of the operations manual would you find ?
Question 203-12 : Part b part a part c part d

Operations manual..in which part of the operations manual would you find ?
Question 203-13 : Part a and b part b and d part c part d

During take off you realize that there is a cumulonimbus situated directly in ?
Question 203-14 : 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4

Which of the following is part of the 'security restricted aera' ?
Question 203-15 : The airside catering and aircraft cleaning premises the airport car parks the baggage and passengers check in area all the airport buildings

Operations manual..in which part of the operations manual would you find ?
Question 203-16 : Part c part b part a part d

Which of the following runways is/are covered with slush..27l d 2600 e 50lr f ?
Question 203-17 : 27l 27r 27c all runways

The attached label on the packaging of a dangerous good is damaged and ?
Question 203-18 : Cargo aircraft only goods to be loaded without an elevator to be loaded in cargo hold only to be loaded before boarding passengers

Refer to a precautionary landing ?
Question 203-19 : The landing site will be at the earliest opportunity the landing site can only be the destination aerodrome the landing site is irrelevant since the highest priority is to land immediately the landing site can only be the alternate aerodrome

Can reverse thrust be used at 23 59 utc if noise abatement hours are from 22 00 ?
Question 203-20 : There is no restriction to reverse thrust only in case of a brake malfunction never it atc grants permission

Of the following combinations of dangerous goods it can be said that certain ?
Question 203-21 : 2 3 1 3 1 4 2 4

In which part of the operations manual would you find information regarding ?
Question 203-22 : Part b part a part c part d

Snowtam for runway 01 item h indicated 5/5/5 for braking action it means ?
Question 203-23 : Good medium poor minimum

The correct presentation of the braking action item h in a snowtam is ?
Question 203-24 : 40/40/39 0 37/0 39/0 32 good/good/good 0 39/0 39/0 39

According to icao doc 9640 de icing/anti icing fluids are classed as ?
Question 203-25 : Type i ii iii and iv type a b c and d type i for de icing and type ii for anti icing type ia ib ic and id

Snow which if compacted by hand will stick together and tend to form a snowball ?
Question 203-26 : Wet snow dry snow compacted snow slush

Snow which can be blown if loose or if compacted by hand will fall apart again ?
Question 203-27 : Dry snow slush compacted snow wet snow

Snow which with a heel and tor slap down motion against the ground will be ?
Question 203-28 : Slush dry snow wet snow compacted snow

Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass that resists further ?
Question 203-29 : Compacted snow slush dry snow wet snow

The operator shall nominate cabin crew members to the position of senior cabin ?
Question 203-30 : One year of experience as operating cabin crew member and have successfully completed a senior cabin crew training course and the associated check 3 months of experience as operating cabin crew member and have successfully completed a senior cabin crew training course and the associated check 6 months of experience as operating cabin crew member and have successfully completed a senior cabin crew training course 6 months of experience as operating cabin crew member

In which part of the operations manual would you find information regarding ?
Question 203-31 : Part c part a part b part d

Operations manual..in which part of the operations manual would you find ?
Question 203-32 : Part b part a part c part d

With reference to the 'clean aircraft concept' an aircraft may take off in the ?
Question 203-33 : Frost on the fuselage 80% of the wing is covered by frost snow on the low speed ailerons slush on the elevator

Before departure outside temperature is 3°c icing conditions is encountered on ?
Question 203-34 : Follow the 'clean aircraft concept' double check the pitot tubes plan to perform a no flaps take off increase the take off speed

What should a pilot do if his/her aircraft is subject to an act of unlawful ?
Question 203-35 : Proceed at a level which differs from the cruising levels normally used for ifr flight by 150 m 500 ft in an area where a vertical separation minimum of 300 m 1000 ft is applied proceed at a level which differs from the cruising levels normally used for ifr flight by 200 m 600 ft in an area where a vertical separation minimum of 600 m 2000 ft is applied continue flying on the assigned cruising level and change track by 90° left or right turn back to your departure airport

An 'unidentified baggage' is a baggage ?
Question 203-36 : At an airport with or without a baggage tag which is not picked up by or identified with a passenger that arrives at an airport and is not picked up or claimed by a passenger at an airport without a baggage tag which is not picked up by a passenger within 72h involuntarily or inadvertently separated from passengers or crew

Just after passing v1 during a take off roll you suddenly hear a fire warning ?
Question 203-37 : Establish a safe climb shut down the burning engine communicate with atc extinguish the engine fire

Define 'frost' ?
Question 203-38 : A deposit of ice respectively crystallized water vapour having a crystalline appearance generally assuming the form of scales needles or fans fairly uniform precipitation composed exclusively of fine drops diameter less than 0 5 mm 0 02 in very close together a fog formed of supercooled water droplets which freeze upon contact with exposed objects a deposit of ice produced by freezing of supercooled fog or cloud droplets on objects at temperatures below or slightly above freezing

If a cabin crew notices a slow decompression of the cabin the first action will ?
Question 203-39 : Inform the flight crew put on the oxygen mask move the passengers as far as possible from the slow decompression area find the reason for the slow decompression and try to cover the affected area with blankets and pillows

Senior cabin crew member notices traces of smoke in the passenger cabin but can ?
Question 203-40 : Divert to the nearest aerodrome activate the passenger oxygen system and proceed to the nearest alternate aerodrome use the cargo compartment fire extinguisher since no fire is present in the cabin the cargo compartment is the most likely source of the smoke use the hand fire extinguishers by applying their contents into the area where the smoke is coming from

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