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Exam > pilot : Wake turbulence category heavy refers to aircraft which have a maximum ?

Question 202-1 : 136 000 kg or more 186 000 kg or more between 136 000 kg and 186 000 kg 146 000 kg or more

exemple 302 136 000 kg or more.136 000 kg or more.

Wind shear and microburst..after take off an aeroplane is subjected to ?

Question 202-2 : 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 4

. /com en/com070h 9 jpg. exemple 306 2, 4.2, 4.

Transport of dangerous goods..the content of the dangerous goods transport ?

Question 202-3 : Technical instructions air transport permit flight manual easa air ops documentation

.the broad principles governing the international transport of dangerous goods by air are contained in annex 18 to the convention on international civil aviation the safe transport of dangerous goods by air the technical instructions doc 9284 amplify the basic provisions of annex 18 and contain all the detailed instructions necessary for the safe international transport of dangerous goods by air.dangerous goods can be carried safely by air transport providing certain principles are adopted these principles have been used in developing the technical instructions they are intended to facilitate transport while providing a level of safety such that dangerous goods can be carried without placing an aircraft or its occupants at risk providing all the requirements are fulfilled they try to ensure that should an incident occur it cannot lead to an accident exemple 310 technical instructions.technical instructions.

The permanent approval for the transport of dangerous goods is specified in the ?

Question 202-4 : Air operator certificate certificate of aircraft registration airworthiness certificate insurance certificate

exemple 314 air operator certificate.air operator certificate.

The type of hydroplaning that is most likely to occur at the touch down area ?

Question 202-5 : Viscous dynamic rubber reversion rubber steaming

.as a tire rolls along a wet runway it is constantly squeezing the water from the tread this squeezing action generates water pressures which can lift portions of the tire off the runway and reduce the amount of friction the tire can develop this action is called hydroplaning so technically whenever a tire is moving on a wet surface it is hydroplaning this results in tire to ground friction which can be low at high speeds and improve as speed reduces.there are three types of hydroplaning viscous dynamic and reverted rubber. viscous hydroplaning .viscous hydroplaning occurs on all wet runways and is a technical term used to describe the normal slipperiness or lubricating action of the the water .a thin film of water acts like a lubricant the microtexture of the runway surface sandpaper like roughness breaks up the water film and greatly improves traction. viscous hydroplaning is the most commonly encountered cause of low friction on wet runways and occurrences are often mistaken for dynamic hydroplaning . 2653.. dynamic hydroplaning .dynamic hydroplaning is the technical term for what is commonly called.hydroplaning during total dynamic hydroplaning the tire lifts off the pavement and rides on a wedge of water like a water ski . 2654.. reverted rubber hydroplaning .reverted rubber hydroplaning can occur whenever a locked tire is skidded along a very wet or icy runway for a time long enough to generate frictional heat in the footprint area reverted rubber hydroplaning can be initiated at any speed above about 20 knots and results in tire friction levels comparable to that of icy runways .reverted rubber hydroplaning when a tire locks up on a smooth wet or icy surface the friction heat generates steam the steam pressure then lifts the tire off the runway and the steam heat reverts the rubber to a black gummy deposit . 2655 exemple 318 viscous.viscous.

A hand water fire extinguisher should be used on a fire of ?

Question 202-6 : Paper fabric carpet flammable liquids flammable gases metals

.class a fire flammable solids any object that might catch ignition and be set on fire requiring the cooling effect of water e g material wood paper cushions etc it is safe to use any type of extinguishers against such fire whenever water is not available . class a extinguishers = water.class b fire liquid fire liquid fire involves flammable substances that are usually lighter than water e g oil fuel paint kerosene water and water glycol fire extinguishers should not be used to fight such fire as water will only help it spread and expand concentration should be on the exclusion of oxygen . class b extinguishers = foam.class c fire electrical fire fire involving electrical equipment is usually the result of a short circuit it is essential to cut the electrical source of ignition and exclude the oxygen .beware of using water against such fire to prevent electric shocks if there is no other alternative water glycol extinguishers could be used in short shots . class c extinguishers = dry chemicals hafex gas..class d fire metal fire metal fire involves certain combustible metals e g magnesium titanium potassium sodium these metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion they may react violently with water or other chemicals and must be handled with care . class d extinguishers = sand dry chemical powder.a water h4o fire extinguisher can be used for a class a fire exemple 322 paper, fabric, carpet.paper, fabric, carpet.

Following a landing with overweight and overspeed conditions the tyres and ?

Question 202-7 : From front or rear side from left or right side from any side under no circumstances

exemple 326 from front or rear side.from front or rear side.

The icao procedure designed to collect and disseminate information on bird ?

Question 202-8 : Ibis icao bird strike information system ibha icao bird hazard annex ibsa icao bird safety alert ibsr icao bird strike report

.icao began to monitor bird strikes in 1965 through the collection of bird strike reports which led to the creation of the icao bird strike information system ibis in 1980 .since that time increases in bird strike reporting which have come about through a greater awareness of the problem and the efforts of those states actively involved in the field of airport wildlife control have provided a better perspective of the present bird strike situation .the number of bird strikes occurring world wide appears to be increasing this increase is the result of many factors including increased numbers of aircraft movements new quieter aircraft and in many parts of the world highly successful wildlife bird conservation efforts .while estimates vary it is now believed that more than 50 000 bird strikes occur to civil aviation aircraft each year bird strikes are truly a worldwide phenomenon as demonstrated by the fact that bird strikes have occurred in more than 190 states and territories from every icao region.ibis data reveals that ninety percent of bird strikes with known locations occur on or near airports birds are attracted to airports and to the airport vicinity for a variety of reasons all basic and tied directly to their survival however their basic needs put birds in direct conflict with the aircraft using airports and unless an effective airport bird control programme is in place it is inevitable that collisions between aircraft and birds will occur.while the vast majority of bird strikes have no effect on the flight approximately eleven per cent of all bird strikes do affect the flight in some tangible way while rare fatal accidents resulting from bird strikes have accounted for the loss of 400 lives and the destruction of 420 aircraft exemple 330 ibis (icao bird strike information system).ibis (icao bird strike information system).

A runway is considered damp when the runway surface is ?

Question 202-9 : Not dry but when the moisture on it does not give it a shiny appearance not dry and the surface appears reflective covered with water up to 1 mm deep covered with water up to 3 mm deep

exemple 334 not dry, but when the moisture on it does not give it a shiny appearance.not dry, but when the moisture on it does not give it a shiny appearance.

In case of a cargo compartment fire the system which should be switched off is ?

Question 202-10 : Ventilation of the cargo compartment pressurisation total air conditioning trim air

exemple 338 ventilation of the cargo compartment.ventilation of the cargo compartment.

Reference shall be made to the minimum equipment list mel for equipment found ?

Question 202-11 : Prior to the flight time stage prior to the aircraft take off during the flight from engine start up until the aircraft has come to a complete stop at the end of the flight

.if an equipment becomes inoperable while parked you consult the 'mel' and while taxying for take off or after landing you must refer to the 'abnormal and emergency procedures' in the qrh quick reference handbook .flight time stage = the time an airplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at the end of the flight exemple 342 prior to the flight time stage.prior to the flight time stage.

If a packet is marked with the label shown in the appendix it is . 2656 ?

Question 202-12 : Oxidizing substances and organic peroxide corrosive material explosives toxic or infectious material

.please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 346 oxidizing substances and organic peroxide.oxidizing substances and organic peroxide.

Noise abatement..when using icao noise abatement departure procedure 1 nadp 1 ?

Question 202-13 : 3000 ft 1500 ft 1000 ft 2000 ft

Ecqb03 september 2016..icao doc8168. noise abatement climb nadp 1.1 this procedure involves a power reduction at or above the prescribed minimum altitude and the delay of flap/slat retraction until the prescribed maximum altitude is attained at the prescribed maximum altitude accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule while maintaining a positive rate of climb and complete the transition to normal enroute climb speed..2 the noise abatement procedure is not to be initiated at less than 240 m 800 ft above aerodrome elevation..3 the initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point shall not be less than v2 + 20 km/h 10 kt..4 on reaching an altitude at or above 240 m 800 ft above aerodrome elevation adjust and maintain engine power/thrust in accordance with the noise abatement power/thrust schedule provided in the aircraft operating manual maintain a climb speed of v2 + 20 to 40 km/h 10 to 20 kt with flaps and slats in the take off configuration..5 at no more than an altitude equivalent to 900 m 3 000 ft above aerodrome elevation while maintaining a positive rate of climb accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule..6 at 900 m 3 000 ft above aerodrome elevation accelerate to en route climb speed exemple 350 3000 ft.3000 ft.

What is the meaning of digit '4' on label shown in the appendix . 2657 ?

Question 202-14 : Hazard class un number id number packing instruction

.the hazard class number must be shown in the bottom corner .1 explosive.2 gas.3 liquid.4 solid.5 substance which in contact with water emits flammable gas.5 1 oxidizing substance.5 2 organic peroxide.6 toxic / infectious substance.7 radioactive material.8 corrosive.9 miscellaneous dangerous goods..please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 354 hazard class.hazard class.

If a packet is marked with the label shown in the appendix it is . 2658 ?

Question 202-15 : A toxic material a corpse an infectious substance an explosive substance

.a skull and crossbones = toxic.three crescents superimposed on a circle = infectious.the hazard class number must be shown in the bottom corner .1 explosive.2 gas.3 liquid.4 solid.5 substance which in contact with water emits flammable gas.5 1 oxidizing substance.5 2 organic peroxide.6 toxic / infectious substance.7 radioactive material.8 corrosive.9 miscellaneous dangerous goods..please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 358 a toxic material.a toxic material.

Noise abatement..when can the required noise abatement procedure be disregarded ?

Question 202-16 : At pilot's discretion where safety is an issue if there is work in progress on the aerodrome if the rvr is less than 1500 m never it must always be complied with

Ecqb03 september 2016..icao doc8168 .3 2 operational limitations..3 2 1 general.. .3 2 1 3 the pilot in command has the authority to decide not to execute a noise abatement departure procedure if conditions preclude the safe execution of the procedure exemple 362 at pilot's discretion where safety is an issue.at pilot's discretion where safety is an issue.

Noise abatement..noise abatement procedure type 1 nadp 1 is used for noise ?

Question 202-17 : Near the airfield depends on the prevailing wind during approach and landing away from the airfield

Ecqb03 september 2016..the first procedure nadp 1 is intended to provide noise reduction for noise sensitive areas in close proximity to the departure end of the runway .the second procedure nadp 2 provides noise reduction to areas more distant from the runway end exemple 366 near the airfield.near the airfield.

A package containing lithium ion batteries is to be transported by aircraft in ?

Question 202-18 : The item's un number the item's dangerous goods classification the item's packing instruction reference number the item's transport index

exemple 370 the item's un number.the item's un number.

The most efficient bird scaring technique generally available is ?

Question 202-19 : Broadcasting of recorded distress calls the use of model predators scarecrows etc firing shell crackers various visual methods

Pdf921 exemple 374 broadcasting of recorded distress calls.broadcasting of recorded distress calls.

After an accident or serious incident in flight the state where the aircraft ?

Question 202-20 : State of registry/state of the operator/icao state of registry/state of the operator state of registry/easa state of registry/icao

exemple 378 state of registry/state of the operator/icao.state of registry/state of the operator/icao.

Noise abatement..according to the recommended 'noise abatement take off and ?

Question 202-21 : 3000 ft 2000 ft 10000 ft 5000 ft

Ecqb03 september 2016..icao doc8168. noise abatement climb nadp 1.1 this procedure involves a power reduction at or above the prescribed minimum altitude and the delay of flap/slat retraction until the prescribed maximum altitude is attained at the prescribed maximum altitude accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule while maintaining a positive rate of climb and complete the transition to normal enroute climb speed..2 the noise abatement procedure is not to be initiated at less than 240 m 800 ft above aerodrome elevation..3 the initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point shall not be less than v2 + 20 km/h 10 kt..4 on reaching an altitude at or above 240 m 800 ft above aerodrome elevation adjust and maintain engine power/thrust in accordance with the noise abatement power/thrust schedule provided in the aircraft operating manual maintain a climb speed of v2 + 20 to 40 km/h 10 to 20 kt with flaps and slats in the take off configuration..5 at no more than an altitude equivalent to 900 m 3 000 ft above aerodrome elevation while maintaining a positive rate of climb accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule..6 at 900 m 3 000 ft above aerodrome elevation accelerate to en route climb speed exemple 382 3000 ft.3000 ft.

According with the 'noise abatement take off and climb procedure nadp 2' as ?

Question 202-22 : 800 ft 3000 ft 1200 ft 2000 ft

Ecqb03 september 2016..icao doc8168. noise abatement climb nadp 2.1 this procedure involves initiation of flap/slat retraction on reaching the minimum prescribed altitude the flaps/slats are to be retracted on schedule while maintaining a positive rate of climb the power reduction is to be performed with the initiation of the first flap/slat retraction or when the zero flap/slat configuration is attained at the prescribed altitude complete the transition to normal en route climb procedures..2 the noise abatement procedure is not to be initiated at less than 240 m 800 ft above aerodrome elevation..3 the initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point is v2 + 20 to 40 km/h 10 to 20 kt..4 on reaching an altitude equivalent to at least 240 m 800 ft above aerodrome elevation decrease aircraft body angle/angle of pitch while maintaining a positive rate of climb accelerate towards vzf and either. a reduce power with the initiation of the first flap/slat retraction or.. b reduce power after flap/slat retraction..5 maintain a positive rate of climb and accelerate to and maintain a climb speed of vzf + 20 to 40 km/h 10 to 20 kt to 900 m 3 000 ft above aerodrome elevation..6 on reaching 900 m 3 000 ft above aerodrome elevation transition to normal en route climb speed..7 an aeroplane should not be diverted from its assigned route unless. a in the case of a departing aeroplane it has attained the altitude or height which represents the upper limit for noise abatement procedures or.. b it is necessary for the safety of the aeroplane e g for avoidance of severe weather or to resolve a traffic conflict..note vzf is 'minimum zero flaps speed' exemple 386 800 ft.800 ft.

Noise abatement..according to the recommended noise abatement procedures ?

Question 202-23 : Nadp 1 nadp 2 depends on the wind component either nadp 1 or 2 because there is no difference in noise distribution

Ecqb03 september 2016..the first procedure nadp 1 is intended to provide noise reduction for noise sensitive areas in close proximity to the departure end of the runway .the second procedure nadp 2 provides noise reduction to areas more distant from the runway end exemple 390 nadp 1.nadp 1.

For aeroplane having a seating capacity of more than 44 passengers it must be ?

Question 202-24 : 90 seconds 132 seconds 120 seconds 60 seconds

The aircraft must be stopped and the engine shut down before launching an emergency evacuation .abnormal and emergency procedures configuration deviation list minimum equipment list and emergency evacuation procedures are included into part b of the operations manual.cs 25 803 emergency evacuation . a each crew and passenger area must have emergency means to allow rapid evacuation in crash landings with the landing gear extended as well as with the landing gear retracted considering the possibility of the airplane being on fire. b reserved. c for airplanes having a seating capacity of more than 44 passengers it must be shown that the maximum seating capacity including the number of crewmembers required by the operating rules for which certification is requested can be evacuated from the airplane to the ground under simulated emergency conditions within 90 seconds compliance with this requirement must be shown by actual demonstration using the test criteria outlined in appendix j of this part unless the istrator finds that a combination of analysis and testing will provide data equivalent to that which would be obtained by actual demonstration exemple 394 90 seconds.90 seconds.

In which part of the operations manual would you find information on general ?

Question 202-25 : Part a part b part b and c part d

Ecqb03 september 2016..all non type related operational policies instructions and procedures needed for a safe operation are included in part a of the operations manual.the following items are included into part a de icing and anti icing on the ground adverse and potentially hazardous atmospheric conditions wake turbulence incapacitation of crew members use of the minimum equipment and configuration deviation list s security handling of accidents and occurrences altitude alerting system procedures ground proximity warning system procedures policy and procedures for the use of tcas/acas. .all type related instructions and procedures needed for a safe operation are included in part b of the operations manual they will take account of any differences between types variants or individual aircraft used by the operator.the following items are included into part b abnormal and emergency procedures configuration deviation list minimum equipment list emergency evacuation procedures exemple 398 part a.part a.

Fuel jettisoning..an aircraft operating within controlled airspace needs to ?

Question 202-26 : 1800 m 6000 ft 3000 m 10000 ft 1500 m 5000 ft 6000m 20000 ft

Ecqb03 september 2016..when an aircraft operating within controlled airspace needs to jettison fuel the flight crew shall coordinate with atc the following route to be flown which if possible should be clear of cities and towns preferably over water and away from areas where thunderstorms have been reported or are expected the level to be used which should be not less than 1800 m 6000 ft and the duration of the fuel dumping if obliged to jettison part of the fuel in flight it would be better to do so in a straight line and at a relatively high flight level but if unavoidable fuel may be jettisoned anywhere exemple 402 1800 m (6000 ft).1800 m (6000 ft).

Fuel jettisoning..if any which parameters may adversely affect fuel jettisoning ?

Question 202-27 : Flaps slots and slats flaps only wind and altitude undercarriage extended

Ecqb03 september 2016..cs 25 1001 .unless it is shown that using any means including flaps slots and slats for changing the airflow across or around the wings does not adversely affect fuel jettisoning there must be a placard adjacent to the jettisoning control to warn flight crew members against jettisoning fuel while the means that change the airflow are being used exemple 406 flaps, slots and slats.flaps, slots and slats.

If a packet is marked with the label shown in the appendix it contains . 2660 ?

Question 202-28 : Explosives toxic or infectious material radioactive material oxides and peroxides

.the hazard class number must be shown in the bottom corner .1 explosive.2 gas.3 liquid.4 solid.5 substance which in contact with water emits flammable gas.5 1 oxidizing substance.5 2 organic peroxide.6 toxic / infectious substance.7 radioactive material.8 corrosive.9 miscellaneous dangerous goods..please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 410 explosives.explosives.

If a packet is marked with the label shown in the appendix it contains . 2661 ?

Question 202-29 : Infectious material explosives radioactive material miscellaneous dangerous goods

.a skull and crossbones = toxic.three crescents superimposed on a circle = infectious.the hazard class number must be shown in the bottom corner .1 explosive.2 gas.3 liquid.4 solid.5 substance which in contact with water emits flammable gas.5 1 oxidizing substance.5 2 organic peroxide.6 toxic / infectious substance.7 radioactive material.8 corrosive.9 miscellaneous dangerous goods..please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 414 infectious material.infectious material.

If a packet is marked with the label shown in the appendix it contains . 2662 ?

Question 202-30 : Flammable liquids flammable solids gazes oxides and peroxides

.symbol flame.background white with seven vertical red stripes = solid.background red = liquid..the hazard class number must be shown in the bottom corner .1 explosive.2 gas.3 liquid.4 solid.5 substance which in contact with water emits flammable gas.5 1 oxidizing substance.5 2 organic peroxide.6 toxic / infectious substance.7 radioactive material.8 corrosive.9 miscellaneous dangerous goods..please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 418 flammable liquids.flammable liquids.

If a packet is marked with the label shown in the appendix it contains . 2663 ?

Question 202-31 : Flammable solids flammable liquids gazes oxides and peroxides

.symbol flame.background white with seven vertical red stripes = solid.background red = liquid..the hazard class number must be shown in the bottom corner .1 explosive.2 gas.3 liquid.4 solid.5 substance which in contact with water emits flammable gas.5 1 oxidizing substance.5 2 organic peroxide.6 toxic / infectious substance.7 radioactive material.8 corrosive.9 miscellaneous dangerous goods..please download icao doc 9284 chapter 3 .pdf2646 exemple 422 flammable solids.flammable solids.

According to ops the characteristics of de icing and anti icing fluids to be ?

Question 202-32 : The operations manual the flight manual checklists the aircraft maintenance manual

Pdf676 exemple 426 the operations manual.the operations manual.

The highest risk of bird strikes occurs ?

Question 202-33 : Under 2500 ft above 5000 ft between 3500 ft and 5000 ft between 2500 ft and 3500 ft

.pdf921 exemple 430 under 2500 ft.under 2500 ft.

In which part of the operations manual would you find type specific information ?

Question 202-34 : Part b part a part d part c

.part oro amc3 oro mlr 101 operations manual structure for commercial air transport exemple 434 part b.part b.

Dangerous goods that may react in case of contact with other dangerous goods ?

Question 202-35 : Not be stowed next to each other stored in separate containers stored in separate packages carried on different aircraft

Ecqb04 january 2019 exemple 438 not be stowed next to each other.not be stowed next to each other.

Transport of dangerous goods..refer to the transportation of radioactive goods ?

Question 202-36 : Regulated separation distances from packages of radioactive material to passengers on board transportation is not allowed in passenger aircraft only in cargo aircraft transportation by air only allowed in specialized aircraft limited exposure to passengers on board if stowed in the cabin

exemple 442 regulated separation distances from packages of radioactive material to passengers on board.regulated separation distances from packages of radioactive material to passengers on board.

Which dangerous goods except authorization of the receiving state is forbidden ?

Question 202-37 : Infected live animals flammable liquids flammable solids radioactive material

.icao annex 18 chapter 4 exemple 446 infected live animals.infected live animals.

When does an engine fire warning light go out ?

Question 202-38 : When the fire has been extinguished when the fire extinguisher bottle for that engine has been discharged when all fire extinguisher bottles to that engine are discharged when fire handle is pulled

exemple 450 when the fire has been extinguished.when the fire has been extinguished.

In which part of the operations manual would you find information regarding the ?

Question 202-39 : Part a part b part c part d

exemple 454 part a.part a.

What do you use for a security search procedure during flight ?

Question 202-40 : A checklist a metal detector fire detecting systems a dog

Iaco annex 17 13 3 aeroplane search procedure checklist exemple 458 a checklist.a checklist.


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