Exam > pilot : According with doc 4444 icao a wake turbulence radar separation minima of 9 3 ?
Question 201-1 : Light aircraft is crossing behind a medium aircraft at the same altitude or less than 300 m 1 000 ft light aircraft is crossing behind a heavy aircraft at the same altitude or less than 300 m 1 000 ft heavy aircraft is crossing behind a heavy aircraft at the same altitude or less than 300 m 1 000 ft medium aircraft is crossing behind a medium aircraft at the same altitude or less than 300 m 1 000 ft

According with doc 4444 icao a wake turbulence non radar separation minima of ?
Question 201-2 : To light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft from an intermediate part of a parallel runway separated by less than 760 m to a departing medium aircraft following a heavy aircraft arrival when operating on a runway with a displaced landing threshold to an arriving light aircraft following a medium aircraft departure when operating on a runway with a displaced landing threshold if the projected flight paths are expected to cross between a light aircraft and a medium aircraft making a missed approach and the light aircraft utilizing an opposite direction runway for take off

Icing conditions..during the winter an aircraft is parked overnight prior to an ?
Question 201-3 : The aircraft should be sprayed with de icing fluid of the correct type there is no risk of ice accretion the take off performance of the aircraft will not be affected a longer starting procedure will be necessary to warm up the aircraft

Assuming that the operator is approved by his national authority carriage of ?
Question 201-4 : The operator complies with the technical instructions icao doc 9284 the dangerous goods transport document is approved by the national authority prior to each flight the operator has certified the dangerous goods no passengers and dangerous goods are carried on the same flight

After anti icing has been completed a pre departure inspection reveals presence ?
Question 201-5 : Carry out a new de icing/anti icing procedure complete departure as soon as possible to reduce the possibility of further contamination switch on all the aircraft anti icing and de icing systems and leave on until clear of icing conditions when airborne complete departure provided that the recommended anti icing holdover protection time for the prevailing conditions and type of fluid used has not been exceeded

The general information instructions and recommendations on the transport of ?
Question 201-6 : Operations manual flight manual aip aeronautical information publication air operator certificate

In calm wind conditions an aircraft at take off creates tip vortices that ?
Question 201-7 : Separate outwards on each side of the runway stagnate on the runway separate outwards to the right side only separate outwards to the left side only

When taking off behind a heavy aircraft with the wind coming from the right ?
Question 201-8 : A different flight path from the preceding aircraft by remaining to the right of and above its path a different flight path from the preceding aircraft by remaining to the left of and under its path an identical flight path to the one of the preceding aircraft a different flight path from the preceding aircraft by remaining behind it and under its path

Wind shear is ?
Question 201-9 : A large variation in vertical or horizontal wind velocity and / or wind direction over a short distance a variation only in horizontal wind velocity over a short distance a variation only in vertical wind velocity over a short distance a variation in vertical or horizontal wind velocity and / or wind direction over a large distance

Contaminated runways..when there is a risk of hydroplaning the pilot of an ?
Question 201-10 : Should make a positive landing and apply maximum reverse thrust and brakes as quickly as possible should use maximum reverse thrust however should start braking below the hydroplaning speed should use normal landing braking and reverse technique must wait for landing until the risk for hydroplaning is no longer existing

When taking off behind a heavy aircraft with the wind coming from the left side ?
Question 201-11 : A different flight path from the preceding aircraft by remaining to the left of and above its path a different flight path from the preceding aircraft by remaining to the right of and under its path an identical flight path to the one of the preceding aircraft a different flight path form the preceding aircraft by remaining behind it and under its path

How is the uncleared part of a contaminated runway reported in a snowtam ?
Question 201-12 : In plain language at item t the final paragraph of a snowtam it is not reported by a four figure group added to item d which gives the length in metres as a percentage of the total length of the runway available as the final item of a snowtam

Contaminated runways..for an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 16 bars there is ?
Question 201-13 : Speed is greater than 138 kt speed is greater than 117 kt water depth is equal to the depth of the tyre grooves cross wind is greater than 15 kt

During a landing approach the aircraft is subjected to windshear with a ?
Question 201-14 : 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 4

Wind shear and microburst..during a landing approach the aircraft is subjected ?
Question 201-15 : 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 4

Transport of dangerous goods..which of the following items required to be on ?
Question 201-16 : 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 2 4

During the certification flight tests regarding fuel jettisoning it must be ?
Question 201-17 : 1 2 3 and 4 1 3 and 4 1 and 4 2 and 3

In accordance with doc 4444 icao when a medium and a light aircraft are using ?
Question 201-18 : 5 nm 4 nm 3 nm 2 nm

In accordance with icao doc 8168 noise preferential routes are established to ?
Question 201-19 : No turns should be required coincident with a reduction of power associated with a noise abatement procedure turns during take off and climb should not be required unless the aeroplane has reached and can maintain throughout the turn a height of no less than 100 m above terrain and the highest obstacle turns during take off and climb should not be required unless the bank angle for turns is limited to 20° climbing at v2 + 10 to 20 kt turns during take off and climb should not be required unless the bank angle for turns is limited to 28° climbing at v2 + 10 to 20 kt

In icing conditions and after the application of an anti icing fluid on an ?
Question 201-20 : 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 4

A runway is referred to as contaminated when more than 25% of the required ?
Question 201-21 : 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 5

The wake turbulence caused by an aircraft is mainly the result of.1 an ?
Question 201-22 : 1 3 2 and 3 1 2 and 3

In a light crosswind approximately 5 kt from the right behind an aeroplane ?
Question 201-23 : The right wake vortex remains approximately on the runway the runway will be clear of any wake turbulence the right and left wake vortices remain approximately on the runway the left wake vortex remains approximately on the runway

Wake turbulence..to avoid wake turbulence when flying behind and close to a ?
Question 201-24 : Above and upwind from the large aeroplane below and downwind from the large aeroplane above and downwind from the large aeroplane below and upwind from the large aeroplane

An operator shall not operate an aircraft in expected or actual icing ?
Question 201-25 : The aircraft is certificated and equipped to operate in icing conditions the flight is planned so that a change of cruising level can be initiated rapidly the aircraft is sprayed with anti icing fluid before flight the aircraft is sprayed with de icing fluid before flight

The complete information regarding the types of goods which the passengers are ?
Question 201-26 : Icao document 'technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air' icao annex 18 easa air ops documentation aircraft's flight manual

In regards to icao annex 18 when offering dangerous goods for transportation by ?
Question 201-27 : The shipper the pilot in command the station manager the aerodrome manager

Wake turbulence..regarding wake turbulence what are the icao minimum radar ?
Question 201-28 : 9 3 km 5 nm and 2 minutes 9 3 km 5 nm and 3 minutes 11 1 km 6 nm and 3 minutes 7 4 km 4 nm and 2 minutes

Regarding wake turbulence minimum non radar separation time for a light ?
Question 201-29 : 3 minutes 4 minutes 5 minutes 2 minutes

According to icao doc 4444 a wake turbulence non radar separation minima of 2 ?
Question 201-30 : Medium aircraft landing behind a heavy aircraft light aircraft landing behind a medium aircraft light aircraft taking off behind a medium aircraft from an intermediate part of the same runway medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft from an intermediate part of a parallel runway separated by less than 760 m

As a commander if you are notified that a package of dangerous goods appears to ?
Question 201-31 : Ensure that arrangements are made for its removal mention it on the shipper's declaration mention it on the notification to captain accept it after a visual inspection

Noise abatement..according to the recommended 'noise abatement take off and ?
Question 201-32 : Not below 800 ft not below 1000 ft at 3000 ft at 1500 ft

Fire and smoke..to fight a fire in an air conditioned cargo hold ?
Question 201-33 : You turn off the cargo hold ventilation and extinguish fire extinguish fire and reduce air conditioning extinguish fire only fire fighting is not necessary since the transport of combustible goods in an air conditioned cargo hold is forbidden
The noise abatement procedures specified by the operator should be ?
Question 201-34 : For an aeroplane type the same for all aerodromes for all aeroplane types the same for a specific aerodrome for all aeroplane types the same for all aerodromes different according to aerodromes and aeroplane types

In a ditching situation the passengers shall be instructed to inflate their ?
Question 201-35 : When exiting the aircraft immediately on the opening of the exits immediately on ditching as soon as ditching is prepared

Viscous hydroplaning occurs primarily if the runway is covered with a thin film ?
Question 201-36 : The runway is very smooth and dirty the runway is very smooth and clean the runway has a rough surface the tyre treads show minor cuts
Wake turbulence..aeroplane wake turbulence during take off starts when ?
Question 201-37 : The nose wheel lifts off the runway the take off roll commences slats and flaps are extended only out of ground effect
A hafex fire extinguisher should be used on a fire of.1 paper fabric plastic.2 ?
Question 201-38 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 4

The safety precautions to be taken when using 100% medical oxygen are.1 ?
Question 201-39 : 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 3 4

The wake turbulence is the most severe when the generating aeroplane is .1 ?
Question 201-40 : 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4
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