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Admission > airport : From the following fuselage profile sort them from the worst to the best one ?

Question 20-1 : 1 3 4 2 2 1 3 4 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 4

N°1 is clearly the weakest and would only be used on an unpressurised aircraft twin otter for example.n°2 is geometrically the strongest from a pressurisation point of view as the hoop stresses can be uniform on the whole cross section.n°3 'double bubble' type where two circles intersect connected via a floor not the best choice but clearly better than n°4.n°4 the pressurization constraints will not be optimal on an oval format.this question also exists with the statement 'from the following fuselage profile sort them from the worst to the best one concerning the pressurization '.answer 1 4 3 2 exemple 120 1, 3, 4, 2.1, 3, 4, 2.

The illumination of the green landing gear light indicates that the landing ?

Question 20-2 : Locked down locked down and its door is locked in the required position not in the required position

exemple 124 locked-down.locked-down.

The damping element in a landing gear shock absorber used on large aircrafts is ?

Question 20-3 : Oil and viscous liquid nitrogen oxygen springs

exemple 128 oil and viscous liquid.oil and viscous liquid.

'nose wheel shimmy' may be described as ?

Question 20-4 : A possibly damaging vibration of the nose wheel when moving on the ground aircraft vibration caused by the nose wheel upon extension of the gear the oscillatory movement of the nose wheel when extended prior to landing the amount of free movement of the nose wheel before steering takes effect

exemple 132 a possibly damaging vibration of the nose wheel when moving on the ground.a possibly damaging vibration of the nose wheel when moving on the ground.

The abs auto brake system is being disconnected after landing ?

Question 20-5 : By pilot action automatically at a certain low speed the system is always armed

837.. 1 auto brake disarm light. illuminated amber . speed brake lever moved to down detent during rto or landing. manual brakes applied during rto or landing. thrust lever s advanced during rto or landing. except during first 3 seconds after touchdown for landing. landing made with rto selected. rto mode selected on ground. illuminates for one to two seconds then extinguishes. a malfunction exists in automatic braking system. extinguished . auto brake select switch set to off. autobrake armed.. 2 auto brake select switch .off autobrake system deactivated. 1 2 3 or max . selects desired deceleration rate for landing. switch must be pulled out to select max deceleration.rto automatically applies maximum brake pressure when thrust levers are retarded to idle at or above 90 knots.. 3 antiskid inoperative antiskid inop light.illuminated amber a system fault is detected by antiskid monitoring system.extinguished antiskid system operating normally exemple 136 by pilot action.by pilot action.

The purposes of the oil and the nitrogen in an oleo pneumatic strut are ?

Question 20-6 : The oil supplies the damping function and the nitrogen supplies the spring function the oil supplies the spring function and the nitrogen supplies the damping function the oil supplies the sealing and lubrication function the nitrogen supplies the damping function the oil supplies the damping and lubrication function the nitrogen supplies the heat dissipation function

exemple 140 the oil supplies the damping function and the nitrogen supplies the spring functionthe oil supplies the damping function and the nitrogen supplies the spring function

The highest load on the torsion link in a bogie gear is ?

Question 20-7 : Whilst turning on the ground with a small radius on touch down with a strong crosswind when gear is selected down when braking with an inoperative anti skid system

exemple 144 whilst turning on the ground with a small radius.whilst turning on the ground with a small radius.

The function of a fusible plug is to ?

Question 20-8 : Protect the tyre against explosion due to excessive temperature protect the brake against brake disk fusion due to excessive temperature function as a special circuit breaker in the electric system protect against excessive pressure in the pneumatic system

exemple 148 protect the tyre against explosion due to excessive temperature.protect the tyre against explosion due to excessive temperature.

Compared to a tyre fitted with an inner tube a tubeless tyre presents the ?

Question 20-9 : 3 and 4 2 and 4 1 2 3 and 4 2 and 3

exemple 152 3 and 4.3 and 4.

An under inflated tyre will ?

Question 20-10 : Experience increased wear at the shoulders be more subject to viscous aquaplaning have an increased hydroplaning speed experience reduced wear at the shoulders

840 exemple 156 experience increased wear at the shoulders.experience increased wear at the shoulders.

A scissor torsion link is a component found on landing gears its function is to ?

Question 20-11 : Prevent any rotation of the oleo strut in the landing gear shock absorber make the body gears pivot when the nosewheel is turned through more than 20° transform the translational movement of the rudder pedals into the rotational movement of the nosewheel create the wheel pitch on bogie gears

The torque links prevent rotation about the vertical axis to maintain wheel alignment in the fore and aft direction throughout the vertical range of oleo travel in maintaining proper wheel alignment the torque links stabilize any torsional oscillations shimmy .by their design torque links have their maximum mechanical advantage and control when the oleo is compressed and minimum advantage when the oleo is fully extended. 671..sometime it doesn't work .vdo672 exemple 160 prevent any rotation of the oleo strut in the landing gear shock absorber.prevent any rotation of the oleo strut in the landing gear shock absorber.

Associate the correct legend to each of the numbered diagrams . 841 ?

Question 20-12 : 1 cantilever 2 fork 3 half fork 4 dual wheels 1 half fork 2 single trace 3 cantilever 4 dual wheels 1 cantilever 2 dual wheels 3 half fork 4 fork 1 half fork 2 fork 3 cantilever 4 tandem

exemple 164 1- cantilever 2- fork 3- half fork 4- dual wheels1- cantilever 2- fork 3- half fork 4- dual wheels

The function of an accumulator in a hydraulic brake system is ?

Question 20-13 : To supply a limited amount of brake energy in the event of failure of the hydraulic system normally supplying the brakes a damping accumulator designed to damp fluctuations of the auto brake system to store the hydraulic energy recovered by the anti skid system preventing wheel locking to function as a buffer to assist the hydraulic system during heavy braking

exemple 168 to supply a limited amount of brake energy in the event of failure of the hydraulic system normally supplying the brakes.to supply a limited amount of brake energy in the event of failure of the hydraulic system normally supplying the brakes.

A red or an amber light on an undercarriage position indicator signifies ?

Question 20-14 : At least one wheel is in the travelling or unlocked condition all wheels are up and locked all wheels are down and locked the landing has been selected down using the emergency extension system

exemple 172 at least one wheel is in the travelling or unlocked condition.at least one wheel is in the travelling or unlocked condition.

In some aircraft there is a protection device to avoid the landing gear being ?

Question 20-15 : A latch located in the landing gear lever an aural warning horn a warning light which is activated by the wow weight on wheels sensor system a bolt

exemple 176 a latch located in the landing gear lever.a latch located in the landing gear lever.

Overcentre mechanisms in landing gear systems are used to ?

Question 20-16 : Lock the landing gear in the up and/or down positions lock the landing gear in the up position only ensure that the nose wheel does not exceed the maximum steering arc ensure the nose wheel is positioned fore and aft prior to retraction

That naturally depends on the type of aircraft main undercarriage units are locked down by mechanical and overcentre geometric locks hook locks are generally used for the up position

The systems used for emergency extension of landing systems may comprise.1 ?

Question 20-17 : 2 4 5 1 2 5 2 3 4 1 3 4

exemple 184 2, 4, 5.2, 4, 5.

The working principle of the anti skid system is ?

Question 20-18 : Reduction of the brake pressure at the slower turning wheels reduction of the brake pressure at the faster turning wheels increase of the brake pressure at the faster turning wheels increase of the brake pressure at the slower turning wheels

Anti skid protection is provided to allow maximum braking efficiency which in turn minimizes landing distances if the pilot applies enough brake pedal force to cause slippage between the tires and the runway the wheel speed transducer data received by a control box will indicate a sudden deceleration for the slipping wheel the control box will determine the severity of the impending skid and send the appropriate current signal to the anti skid servo valve to reduce brake pressure accordingly dual servo valves reduce pressure for either brake independently .therefore a single wheel skid will result in the reduction of brake pressure at the skidding wheel only

Vle is the maximum ?

Question 20-19 : Flight speed with landing gear down speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety speed with flaps extended in a given position stall speed

exemple 192 flight speed with landing gear down.flight speed with landing gear down.

Vlo is the maximum ?

Question 20-20 : Speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety flight speed with landing gear down speed with flaps extended in a given position cruising speed not to be exceeded except in still air with caution

exemple 196 speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety.speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety.

What is the correct statement about rudder deflection and steering nose ?

Question 20-21 : When performing a rudder check during taxiing an additional pilot action is required to avoid deflection of the nose wheel steering nose movement is completely achieved with rudder pedals as well as with the hand wheel controller for takeoff run the hand wheel controller is well suitable for controlling the aeroplane rudder deflection and steering movement are also interconnected during the flight

Revised ecqb03 september 2016..during taxiing if the pilots want to use rudder pedals to check rudder deflection without interfering with steering they have a pushbutton on either steering hand wheel on the a320 or the tiller must be physically held so as to prevent the aircraft from turning for b737 .the hand wheel controller tiller is only suitable at the beginning of the take off roll on the a320 the effectiveness of the hand wheel is diminished above 20 kt and is canceled above 80 kt on the b737 the hand wheel controller was to be used under 60 kt exemple 200 when performing a rudder check during taxiing, an additional pilot action is required to avoid deflection of the nose wheel.when performing a rudder check during taxiing, an additional pilot action is required to avoid deflection of the nose wheel.

To avoid the risk of tyre burst from overheating there is ?

Question 20-22 : A thermal plug that deflates the tyre at a specific temperature the 'emergency burst' function of the anti skid system that adapts braking to the tyre temperature a pressure relief valve situated in the filler valve water injection triggered at a fixed temperature in order to lower tyre temperature

exemple 204 a thermal plug that deflates the tyre at a specific temperature.a thermal plug that deflates the tyre at a specific temperature.

Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect .1 ?

Question 20-23 : 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is correct

Ecqb03 september 2016..the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of the anti skid system the auto brake system can not take over the 'regulation of the slip ratio'.careful brake application by the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve the same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system.the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares the speed of the aircraft with the rotational speed of each main wheel if the speed of any wheel is too slow for the existing aircraft speed the brake on that wheel or wheels is released momentarily to allow the wheel speed to increase and prevent the wheel from skidding the system is fully automatic and is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing during which time brake activation might or might not be inhibited down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt .anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning and the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel is locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to the speed of the aircraft anti skid removes the possibility of reverted rubber skids caused by locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass and is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush by ensuring maximum effective breaking exemple 208 1) is incorrect, 2) is correct.1) is incorrect, 2) is correct.

Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect .1 ?

Question 20-24 : 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is correct

Ecqb03 september 2016..the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of the anti skid system the auto brake system can not take over the 'regulation of the slip ratio'.careful brake application by the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve the same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system.the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares the speed of the aircraft with the rotational speed of each main wheel if the speed of any wheel is too slow for the existing aircraft speed the brake on that wheel or wheels is released momentarily to allow the wheel speed to increase and prevent the wheel from skidding the system is fully automatic and is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing during which time brake activation might or might not be inhibited down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt .anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning and the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel is locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to the speed of the aircraft anti skid removes the possibility of reverted rubber skids caused by locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass and is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush by ensuring maximum effective breaking exemple 212 1) is correct, 2) is incorrect.1) is correct, 2) is incorrect.

On the diagram the landing gear element indicated by the number 11 is . 842 ?

Question 20-25 : Bogie beam torque links bogie pitch trimmer retraction actuator

exemple 216 bogie beam.bogie beam.

Which statement is correct concerning auto brake system ?

Question 20-26 : When using manual braking during taxiing the auto brake system remains armed when auto brake is inoperative the take off should not be allowed because manual braking does not support the loads of emergency braking when previously selected the landing distance will have a fixed value when being used auto brake ventilates the brake fans

During rto or landing the auto brake system is automatically disconnected when using manual braking but not during taxiing.. 837. 1 auto brake disarm light. illuminated amber . speed brake lever moved to down detent during rto or landing. manual brakes applied during rto or landing. thrust lever s advanced during rto or landing. except during first 3 seconds after touchdown for landing. landing made with rto selected. rto mode selected on ground. illuminates for one to two seconds then extinguishes. a malfunction exists in automatic braking system. extinguished . auto brake select switch set to off. autobrake armed.. 2 auto brake select switch .off autobrake system deactivated. 1 2 3 or max . selects desired deceleration rate for landing. switch must be pulled out to select max deceleration.rto automatically applies maximum brake pressure when thrust levers are retarded to idle at or above 90 knots.. 3 antiskid inoperative antiskid inop light.illuminated amber a system fault is detected by antiskid monitoring system.extinguished antiskid system operating normally exemple 220 when using manual braking during taxiing, the auto-brake system remains armed.when using manual braking during taxiing, the auto-brake system remains armed.

Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect.1 ?

Question 20-27 : 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect

The 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of the anti skid system the auto brake system can not take over the 'regulation of the slip ratio'.careful brake application by the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve the same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system.the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares the speed of the aircraft with the rotational speed of each main wheel if the speed of any wheel is too slow for the existing aircraft speed the brake on that wheel or wheels is released momentarily to allow the wheel speed to increase and prevent the wheel from skidding the system is fully automatic and is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing during which time brake activation might or might not be inhibited down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt .anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning and the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel is locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to the speed of the aircraft anti skid removes the possibility of reverted rubber skids caused by locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass and is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush by ensuring maximum effective breaking exemple 224 1) is correct, 2) is correct.1) is correct, 2) is correct.

Which of these statements about an anti skid system are correct or incorrect .1 ?

Question 20-28 : 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect

The 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance in case of failure of the anti skid system the auto brake system can not take over the 'regulation of the slip ratio'.careful brake application by the pilot in case of anti skid failure can never achieve the same performance as a properly functioning anti skid system.the anti skid system through various mechanisms compares the speed of the aircraft with the rotational speed of each main wheel if the speed of any wheel is too slow for the existing aircraft speed the brake on that wheel or wheels is released momentarily to allow the wheel speed to increase and prevent the wheel from skidding the system is fully automatic and is active from immediately after initial wheel spin up on landing during which time brake activation might or might not be inhibited down to a design limited minimum speed usually about 15 kt .anti skid systems are designed to minimise aquaplaning and the potential tyre damage which can occur when a wheel is locked or rotating at a speed which does not correspond to the speed of the aircraft anti skid removes the possibility of reverted rubber skids caused by locked wheels an anti skid system also greatly improves stopping distance on substandard surfaces such as gravel or grass and is particularly effective on surfaces contaminated with frozen contaminants such as ice or slush by ensuring maximum effective breaking exemple 228 1) is incorrect, 2) is incorrect.1) is incorrect, 2) is incorrect.

Which of these statements about an auto brake system are correct or incorrect ?

Question 20-29 : 1 is incorrect 2 is correct 1 is correct 2 is incorrect 1 is correct 2 is correct 1 is incorrect 2 is incorrect

Proper functioning of an auto brake system requires proper functioning of the anti skid system .in the rto rejected take off mode maximum anti skid braking is applied the 'regulation of slip ratio' function of an anti skid system ensures optimum braking performance using the rto mode provides the best stopping performance during a rejected take off the deceleration will not be constant it will increase as the speed decreases exemple 232 1) is incorrect, 2) is correct.1) is incorrect, 2) is correct.

At take off the rto mode rejected take off of an auto brake system disengages ?

Question 20-30 : When both air/ground systems indicate the 'air' mode from v1 at 80 kt by briefly pressing rudder pedals after takeoff

The rto mode is automatically disarmed when both air/ground systems indicate the air mode exemple 236 when both air/ground systems indicate the 'air' mode.when both air/ground systems indicate the 'air' mode.

Rotor brake discs are manufactured from ?

Question 20-31 : Steel or carbon fibre aluminium or steel steel or titanium boron aluminide or titanium

exemple 240 steel or carbon fibre.steel or carbon fibre.

On the diagram the landing gear element indicated by the number 3 is. fr a 021 ?

Question 20-32 : Shock absorber retraction actuator torque links bogie beam

Please download the diagram of a nose landing gear used as a reference at the exam .pdf654 exemple 244 shock absorber.shock absorber.

If the anti skid system is inoperative may auto brake system can be used ?

Question 20-33 : No never without any limitation if selected to minimum only if full reverse thrust is used

Ecqb04 october 2017...anti skid system protection is provided during auto brake operation therefore if anti skid is inoperative you can not use the auto brake system exemple 248 no, never.no, never.

Shimmy occurs on the nose wheel landing gear during taxiing when .1 the wheels ?

Question 20-34 : 1 4 1 3 2 4 2 3

.shimmy of aircraft nose wheel landing gear is a coupled lateral and torsional dynamic instability that may occur during take off taxi and landing .the potential for shimmy is often discovered when the aircraft undergoes taxi runway tests at this stage the options available to the designer are limited often to introducing a damper in the steering degree of freedom. >gxqnntxkyzm exemple 252 1, 4.1, 4.

Tyre 'creep' may be described as the ?

Question 20-35 : Circumferential movement of the tyre in relation to the wheel flange the increase in inflation pressure due to decrease in ambient temperature the decrease in inflation pressure due to increase in ambient temperature gradual circumferential increase of tyre wear

exemple 256 circumferential movement of the tyre in relation to the wheel flange.circumferential movement of the tyre in relation to the wheel flange.

A single action actuator ?

Question 20-36 : Is powered in one direction only by hydraulic power the return movement being under spring force travels one direction under one application of hydraulic power and in the opposite direction under a second application of hydraulic power cannot be used for variable position operations as it is designed to lock in the extremities of travel is a one shot actuator used for emergency systems only

exemple 260 is powered in one direction only by hydraulic power, the return movement being under spring force.is powered in one direction only by hydraulic power, the return movement being under spring force.

Axial piston pumps are often used in hydraulic systems due to ?

Question 20-37 : Their ability to produce high pressure when required but can be off loaded to reduce power consumption their low cost simplicity and durability their ability to produce high pressure combined with constant high flow rate the safety feature of the quill drive shearing due to pump seizure and the ease of repair by replacement of pump and shaft only

.high pressure and large flow are symptomatic of a hydraulic system axial piston pumps can produce high pressure but can be off loaded to reduce power consumption exemple 264 their ability to produce high pressure when required but can be off loaded to reduce power consumption.their ability to produce high pressure when required but can be off loaded to reduce power consumption.

The trim tab ?

Question 20-38 : Reduces hinge moment and control surface efficiency reduces hinge moment and increases control surface efficiency increases hinge moment and control surface efficiency increases hinge moment and reduces control surface efficiency

The trim tab reduces hinge load because it uses the tab to move the control surface so there is no external load imposed by the pilot it reduces control surface effectiveness because it is using part of the control area for trimming leaving less for manoeuvre exemple 268 reduces hinge moment and control surface efficiency.reduces hinge moment and control surface efficiency.

The purpose of a trim tab device is to ?

Question 20-39 : Reduce or to cancel control forces trim the aeroplane during normal flight trim the aeroplane at low airspeed lower manoeuvring control forces

A trim tab is a small adjustable hinged surface on the trailing edge of the aileron rudder or elevator control surfaces trim tabs are labour saving devices that enable the pilot to release manual pressure on the primary controls. 845.some airplanes have trim tabs on all three control surfaces that are adjustable from the cockpit others have them only on the elevator and rudder and some have them only on the elevator some trim tabs are the ground adjustable type only.the tab is moved in the direction opposite that of the primary control surface to relieve pressure on the control wheel or rudder control for example consider the situation in which we wish to adjust the elevator trim for level flight 'level flight' is the attitude of the airplane that will maintain a constant altitude assume that back pressure is required on the control wheel to maintain level flight and that we wish to adjust the elevator trim tab to relieve this pressure since we are holding back pressure the elevator will be in the 'up' position the trim tab must then be adjusted downward so that the airflow striking the tab will hold the elevators in the desired position conversely if forward pressure is being held the elevators will be in the down position so the tab must be moved upward to relieve this pressure in this example we are talking about the tab itself and not the cockpit control. 846.rudder and aileron trim tabs operate on the same principle as the elevator trim tab to relieve pressure on the rudder pedals and sideward pressure on the control wheel respectively exemple 272 reduce or to cancel control forces.reduce or to cancel control forces.

The advantages of fly by wire control are.1 reduction of the electric and ?

Question 20-40 : 3 and 5 1 and 2 1 and 5 2 and 3

The power required to operate the control surfaces remains the same .fly by wire fbw is a system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface the movements of flight controls are converted to electronic signals transmitted by wires hence the fly by wire term and flight control computers determine how to move the actuators at each control surface to provide the ordered response the fly by wire system also allows automatic signals sent by the aircraft's computers to perform functions with or without the pilot's input as in systems that automatically help stabilize the aircraft exemple 276 3 and 5.3 and 5.

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